Tuesday, March 10, 2009

~ A farm girl at heart ~

Hello to all my sweet readers! Grab a cup of sweet tea, or a glass of wine, depending on the time of day, lol, and a homemade biscuit from me. Sit back and relax and come for a stroll . We'll find pretty things, some inspiration, and a small tour of Long Island, NY ( my home town ), and even Bake a little with that extra pinch of farm sweet mixed in...

I found some really great art work this week, I am planning a little nook in my kitchen filled with Vintage art to cover one wall of the kitchen. I saw this one and ordered it right away, it just so simple and so me :)

~ A Cozy vintage farmstyle kitchen ~

Now this next picture is not something I own right now, but rest assured , it is on my wish list and would make my kitchen complete. Smeg refrigerators are just so Vintage and pretty to me, I hope you find them as adorable as I do. They come in so many Vintage colors! But I think this one would work for me :)

This next Art print I have , was by a favorite artist of mine, GP Mepas, one of my favorite artists for kitchen wall art. The images have that sweet country feel I always gravitate towards, and you can find them at Art.com. If you type in : "kitchen art", you might be like me, inspired for hours of fun art surfing!

The next addition to my kitchen wall is sure to be this one below. I have something for strawberries :) and cherries, and Hmmmm, actually anything that can be picked from a Farm, just warms my heart! This is by David Carter Brown and again, the images he creates just speak something special to me. It reminds me of having my little vegetable stand out front of our home as a child. Although, lol, I didn't have strawberries, just my Mom's tomato's :)

As I was planning my new wall of art ( pictures to come soon ) and few additions to my kitchen, I thought , where should I go for inspiration? Years ago, when the kids were little, I'd keep a scrapbook of all my favorite things. Back then they didn't have blogs, so I would take pictures from magazines and keep them all in a book, to one day be brought out and pondered and hopefully be brought to life when I was ready to purchase something on my wish list. I combined my favorite photos with pictures of my kids and anything I loved all in a few binders, almost 10 binders worth! I took them out today and I spent a few more hours looking through the pictures. The ones of my kids really tugged at me, how sweet and innocent they were :) The picture below shows a few of the scrapbooks I made. I used magazine images to make the covers for the books, anything that spoke to me ...I do believe, although they are years old, that the images probably came from my favorite magazine, Country Living :)

I bought simple 3" white binders and filled them with my images and images of things I loved...I love the sweet image of the girl with the clothes line, something that always pulls at my heartstrings :) She reminded me of my Daughter, so it became the cover of Melanie's Scrapbook :)

Here are a few from inside the book of my Daughter Melanie, at age 5. She's now 13 :) excuse the embellishments , I photographed them while still in the scrapbook. :)

My little angels out picking....

Here's my middle Son Kyle with Melly :) what a good big brother! :) and they are helping with one of my favorite things to do: Strawberry picking on Long Island!

Amongst the suburban sprawl, we really do have some of the most beautiful farmland , I adore driving out on the eastern part of our Island and spending the day picking fresh vegetables and fruits. They make for delicious pies and wonderful harvest dinners too! If you've never been , you must come and see for yourself, the farm stands are scrumptious and filled with great finds!!
I adore Schmitt Farm, it's so close by and offers the most delicious produce too!

And Long Island grows beautiful Country flowers too!

And Yummy peaches! The Peach Pie at Briermere farm is dreamy!

And then there's Harbes Family Farm. For delicious fresh picked sweet Vegetables and the sweetest Corn you could ever eat!

I look so forward to the season coming up , that just to get in the mood, lol , I pick up the Farmers Almanac and see what they have to say :) It makes me excited for a harvest of any kind!

Mrs. Dunwoody's Housekeeping book might not be filled with vegetables, but it's the perfect read for getting into a new Season all clean and ready. It's filled with incredible ideas to get your kitchen Spring ready too!

~ After all that touring, it's time to Bake and use our produce! ~
First, a little giggle ......lol, love this :)

Lets try something with wonderful fresh Strawberries , if yours aren't in Season yet, frozen works too!

~ Strawberry Butter ~

Cut Strawberries into quarters, add a bit of confectioners Sugar to taste ( sweet , lol ) and let sit for an hour...

Take out some butter and let soften. The recipe for strawberry butter should be equal amounts of butter and strawberries. ......ie: .....1/2 cup butter and 1/2 cup strawberries.

You can soften hard butter by using a microwave too, even though this says 24 seconds, it usually only takes about 15 -20 seconds for a stick of butter.

Add the Butter to Strawberries and beat well, till thoroughly mixed!

After mixing , refrigerate for an hour and it's all ready for spreading on your favorite biscuits or fresh bread or anything you can dream up :) It's wonderful on French Toast too!

If you click on this recipe below , it will enlarge and you can copy this fabulous Biscuit recipe! That's how I enjoy my Strawberry Butter Biscuits here at home!

Would you like one ? I'd love to share!

~ Enjoy sweeties! ~

I hope you all enjoyed a little peek of Long Island and a few things I hold dear. Your friendship is also amongst those! I am so grateful for having such wonderful blogging friends! I also want to say Hello to any new readers I met through my give-away, you all are so wonderful and it's heartwarming to know such kind and Inspiring women!

Wishing you a blessed and beautiful week ahead!

Much love and Thanks!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Cynthia, how long does it take to drive from Texas to NY? Save some of that strawberry butter and hot biscuits....I'm on my way! LOL
    Looks yummy!

  2. hi cynthia,

    i was just getting so sleepy, thinking okay 5 more minutes of blogging, finally got ready to "sign out" and noticed that you had a new post. stop everything! time to sit and enjoy.

    i love your tour of LI and all of the fabulous produce. i love that about RI, too. adorable pics of the kids picking. we like to do that, too. you can never have too much fruit!

    the biscuits look so yummy. okay, i'd better just shut down the iMac, walk quickly past the kitchen, and get up to bed!

    thanks for another lovely post, sweetie!!!


  3. Cynthia- We are kindred spirits for sure! I so want a vintage frig myself. I do have a nice open cupboard above my stove. I have a vintage toaster and other pretties up there along with my cookbooks. I just know those biscuits tasted as good as they looked! Stop by my blog.... I think you would like the cottage photo in my post today!
    Blessings- LillySue

  4. Cynthia what a delightful blog entry today. The bisquits were delish and I am writing the Strawberry butter recipe down!

    So many lovely images-


  5. THat was sooo delish...thank-you...HEY and no calories...right? rofl. I am a farm girl at heart too...grew up in the country. cherry

  6. Cynthia, yum that strawberry butter looks amazing and I can't wait to try it on a scone or biscuit. What a wonderful post today, I love it! Love the kitchen photos. It is because of you that I just ordered some Susan Branch books (little ones) and I love them. For a farm girl you do quite well. I love all the beautiful things you posted about. Wonderful!

  7. Oh, girl, this posting was just delicious! Easy on the eyes, too...what a bunch of goodness you packed into one post. Makes me long for summer and our garden goods and the county fair, and the rows of corn....ahhhh!

    LOVED THIS, you are gifted at putting together a beautiful story! XOXOX Joni

  8. I love Mrs. Dunwoody!and I love your blog. I feel like I just went on a junkin' junket! Thanx for the field trip!

  9. Oh my, I remember being called Melly when I was little. Oh the memories. My mother still calles me melodious, I do hate that one. lol

  10. What a wonderful post!
    (Calories!) Strawberry butter! Who knew?
    Thank you. That was refreshing. I just love visiting you.
    HAGE! Karen

  11. Cynthia,
    Thanks for the wonderful tour! That was fun. The biscuits and strawberry butter look amazing...YUM!! A visit to your blog is always so fun and inspiring!
    Have a wonderful week,

  12. Hi Cynthia!
    What a cute post...as always! Made my mouth water and wishing so hard for spring to get here along with all that goes with it! My daughter just made some yummy bisquits like those for Sunday dinner with our roast~mmm-mm! The pics of your kids are pricless! Where does the time go? I miss my kids being little like that too. Hope you are having a happy week kiddo~Tam!:D

  13. Oh so yummy lovly pictures and your baking is lovly i helped myself to one of your biscuits i hope you don't mind it was deliciouse thank you for a mouth watering post best wishes Pat.

  14. Thanks for that-that butter reminds me of the delsih strawberry butter and popovers at Neiman Marcus' lunch spot- I just might have to "pop over" there after seeing that..

  15. Loved the prints of kitchen artwork! I'm discovering that I really like vintage and country myself. Which.. for some reason suprises me. LOL
    I can't wait for the farm fresh local fruits and veggies either! Mmmm...
    Thanks so much for the tour. It was lovey. :) (and your kids were so adorable!)

  16. I am always so excited to see a new post from you, Cynthia! Thanks for making my day...

    You have been inspiring me to change my kitchen around a bit...I tended to lean a little toward the prim side and am now incorporating a lot of color...I've even added a little blue!

    Thanks for continuing to inspire me each time I visit.

    Love, Kim

  17. Your post is heartwarming and heartfelt....absolutely delightful. Wow, did it make me smile!

    Thanks so much for the wonderful tour.

    Barb/Bella Vista

  18. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! Forgive me for being so excited, but you are just so creative, and then that you take the time and energy to share it all with each of us...thank you so much!! It is even better than reading my favorite magazine!! Can't wait to try the strawberry butter. Thanks again.

  19. Cynthia ~

    I love this post because it shows the beauty of Long Island. I grew up in East Northport and moved to VA almost 10years ago. People who have never visited/lived on Long Island only know it by what New York is portrayed on t.v. or movies (which isn't always good). So thank you for sharing! Makes me a little home sick :)

  20. What a pretty post Cynthia, I would love to come and visit! I am so inspired now to order those 50 strawberry plants!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful, delightful Long Island home!

  21. What a nice, little escape into bloggie world, away from worries, and money woes! It was like a walk in the country, a visit with a good friend, and I could almost taste that biscuit and berry butter!

  22. I want you to know I just HAVE to make that strawberry butter.

  23. Hi Sweetie, What a wonderful post!! I absolutely love the scrapbook idea, I've
    always wanted to do something like that for my kiddos, just never had the time to do it.
    But I feel so inspired by your pictures. So cute picture too ;)
    Can't wait to see the new artwork in your kitchen, gosh its going to look great!!
    Have a great week sweetie, xoxo, Jannet

    P.S. Yes Please, I'll have a biscuit, with strawberry butter - Yumm-O!

  24. Wow, where to start...your posts are always filled with so much!! The strawberry butter looks so YUMMY!

    Many times when I read your posts I find such similarities. I too always cut out fave pics from magazines and kept them in a binder. I would look back at them over and over, some I would use and copy into my decor, some were wish lists, some were just plain pretty pics! I still have those binders and some of the pictures can probably date back 20 years ago from BHG!

    Love your photos of the outdoor markets...so much fun. When we used to stop at the roadside markets in CA, I asked once if the corn was sweet? The farmer handed me a cob and said bite it and see! I said "raw"??....he said "yep"...that was when I learned how to cook corn on the cob. He said to boil the water, and put the corn in for only 4 minutes! No longer because it would take the sweetness out! Did you all know that? :)

    Great post!!! Beautiful pics! Great info!!! :) hugs from one "farm girl at heart to another" , cheryl

  25. Such a good post. I love your binders and can I come have a biscuit. Your strawberry butter looks wonderful. It is always a job to come to your blog.


  26. What a wonderful post. I really enjoyed your artwork choices! As far as the refrigerator.... I want one that is retro looking & RED. It would go so good with my Mary Englebreit Yellow & Red kitchen!!
    Have a great week!!

  27. Hi Cynthia,
    A delightful post from start to finish! I love the red rolling pin in your first photo. I can almost picture a long line of women lovingly rolling out pie crusts with it.

    I am anxious to see your new wall of art in the kitchen as your preview was divine.

    I absolutely adore biscuits and they really know how to make some good ones down here in the south. I must try that scrumptious looking strawberry butter. So cute how you tied a red and white checked ribbon around the bowl :-)

    Last, but not least, your children are adorable and your area of the country looks wonderful too!!


  28. Oh Cynthia,
    Can I just tell you I have that same yellow kitchen pic in my "someday" file. I love how happy it is. Yellow, white and blue are my favorite kitchen colors.
    :0) Laurie Anne

  29. I have definitely got to try the strawberry butter. YUM YUM!

  30. Another adorable post Cynthia dear! I can't wait to make some Strawberry Butter which I can see by the photo it is going to be a favorite at my household! You sure know how to brighten a girls day with your sweet blog! I have added your tag to my blog along with our special friend Elyse's!

    Maryjane xox

  31. Cynthia,
    These pictures are going to be perfect for your kitchen! I love the colors! I can't wait to try the strawberry butter! It looks delicious! Oh and when was a little girl my grandparents loved the farmer's almanac! They studied that book! I never understood it but I do now. I love coming to your blog...you always have the best posts!

    Lee Laurie

  32. I have packed my car and I am on my way for those biscuits and strawberries!

    Your kitchen will be adorable with the addition of those prints! Can't wait to see how it all turns out.

  33. Great pictures. There is nothing better than picking your own produce. Warm biscuits and strawberry butter....oh my goodness...that sounds heavenly. I have never heard of strawberry butter!

  34. Cynthia, I am on my way to NY..Make some more bisquits, and strawberry butter..;)
    Great post! Nancy

  35. Lovely posting...as usual! I adore the plate with the cowprint on the first photo!! Keep up the good work!!

  36. Hi Cynthia!

    I've loved this sweet, colorful tour - thanks for sharing...LOVE the prints you've picked...can't wait to see them in your adorable kitchen! Oh, and thanks for the strawberry butter recire...so simple yet so special...I can't wait to try it!

    I hope you don't mind...I've added your blog link to my "Cottage Inspiration" blogroll!

    So glad to have found you!

    Hugs and Blessings,
    Becky S.
    Just Bee 'n Me

  37. What a yummy post in every way. The home, the text, the food. Yummy!

  38. Your pictures and images are just lovely. I love them all! The strawberry butter and biscuits look super yummy. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely be trying the butter this next week. Yum! Amy

  39. I am absolutely thrilled that I found your so cute blog!

    You sound like a Na-Da Farm Chick!
    Come join "the flock!"

    I am totally going to try that jam by the way!!

  40. Mmmm, that strawberry butter looks wonderful and the biscuits! I'm a farm girl too and fondly remember picking berries with my girls when they were little:>) Your children are precious in the pictures, don't you sometimes miss those little kids? I know I look at pictures of my girls when they were small and wish I could hold them on my lap just one more time.

  41. Hi Cynthia!
    Oh this post made me feel so warm and happy inside! It makes me long for summer! What beautiful pictures! I love the print you ordered and I WANT one of those refrigerators too! SO cool!

    Thank you so much for the wonderful recipes!! I will be trying them for sure :) I LOVE your blog so much, it always makes me feel happy!

  42. cynthia-
    I just had to make the biscuits and strawberry butter. They looked so warm and delicious:) So at 9:00 at night I made them. They are so yummy and my kids loved them. Husband is at work, but I know he will love them too! Can't wait to have them for breakfast with my coffee:) thanks.

  43. Gday Cynthia, I have just sat down with my hot cuppa. Ohhh yummy I wish I had some of that yammy strawberry butter to put on my scones...Im taking note of the recipe for the strawberry butter,,,,

  44. Great post Cynthia! Those bisquits with the strawberry butter look amazing! And I can't wait to get out east, my favorite place too. My brother was just at Briermere this weekend and said his new fav is their Cherry Cream pie - he wants to serve it at his wedding! Have I ever told you about the Farmhouse Kitchen Cooking School in Southold. I think you would love it! I've mentioned it on my blog.

  45. Morning Cynthia! This working thing stinks! it's cutting into visitng my favorite bloggie!(you)lol I can't remember if I told you but Papertole USA has prints just like the first kitchen one you showed and really really cheap but good quality!! Picked on up a few weeks ago that looks similar! I too have been cutting pictures from mags and keeping them for years in binders/w protective sheets. Yours are sooo much cuter though mixing in pictures of your adorable daughter! We like sooo many of the same things! Now I'm hungry and want some strawberry butter and toast! I may need to try and paint that strawberry sign too!!! Loved your post as usual!!! Enjoy the weekend dear! Til later - Jeannette

  46. Me again! Forgot to say your son is adorable too!!! Jeannette

  47. That was a great post! I have to say that I wish my kitchen looked like that sweet blue and white one! :)


  48. I just love it all!! The kitchen art, the recipes, everything. Thanks for such an inspiring blog!

  49. Oh you're so lucky to be able to pick strawberries so close! I love your farmers market and all of your scrumptious pictures Cynthia! Time to bake a strawberry pie perhaps? Yummy! xoxo

  50. I am so looking forward to strawberry season. Your strawberry butter is such a great idea. I'll bet it'd be wonderful on waffles. Mimi

  51. Cynthia your posts are always so entertaining and comforting to read and you find the most inspiring art! I love them all. So homey and it just makes you want to stay home and bake and can all day! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Michelle :)

  52. I love your blog, is beautiful ! Thanks for all ! to France !

  53. What a wonderful post Cynthia! The art work and your photos are awesome. Your biscuits look yummy and I adore strawberry butter. Orange butter is also a favorite, especially on hot right-out-of-the-oven biscuits. ♥

  54. Oh goodness, the strawberry butter and biscuits look so good!

  55. I just got back from a trip and couldn't wait to visit with you and see what you've done while I was away! I love your ideas for art and really need to figure some prints out for my new red kitchen. I get so many ideas from you...hope you don't mind sharing with a big copy cat! heehee! We were in FL and the strawberries were in season and I ate them with everything...especially vanilla yogurt and brought back plenty. I love adding them to my all fruit strawberry jam to get even more real berries on my biscuit! thanks for the recipes and all the wonderful ideas! Would you consider moving next door to me?

  56. Nice, Im from LI too and have frequently went to Harbes farms... it was a tradition for every season.lol. We have since moved down to SC and love it here but miss the markets in ny...

  57. I happen to live in the land of fields of the best fresh strawberries in the whole USA, at least in my opinion! As soon as they come in season I must try your wonderful butter. I spent many summers in the strawberry fields picking and eating my fill of sun warm ripe berries. Delicious post.

  58. Cynthia~ ~
    I love your new fridge and see it in your kitchen soon.
    We also have lots of farm stands here in Lancaster County, PA. I love to buy locally.
    We are planning a garden this year so we hope to have lots of vegetables for our own use. Next is to get some fruit trees planted this spring. Have a lovely Sunday.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  59. Cnythia, thank you for the farm market tour. It's just what my poor winter weary heart needed!

    I'd love a biscuit with your strawberry butter and maybe a dollop of clotted cream on top? ;-)

    I always enjoy my visits with you.

    Blessings, Diane

  60. Always, always enjoy visiting with you. Your farm kitchen picture you have sorta looks like my kitchen. Blue and white and wood trimmed blue counters.
    I have the Mrs Dunwoody's book also. I loved it. I should get it out and keep it in my kitchen somewhere I guess. It is a good book with some interesting outdated advice.

    I like how they air the bedrooms each day before making the bed. It probably did keep them healthier by doing that.

    Hope you have a beautiful week filled with love and friends,


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia