Friday, March 20, 2009

~ Happy first day of Spring ! ~

I just wanted to stop in today and do a quick post , for 2 reasons.... First, I hope you all have a wonderful first Day of Spring!! Oh we have waited so long for this day!! I'm sure we'll get bouts of cool weather still, but at least we can say: It's Spring! Yippee!

And second, I just wanted to say a big Thank you here to everyone !! When I first started blogging, I enjoyed visiting every ones blog so much, even more than posting something on my own. Now that I enjoy posting too, it's such a wonderful creative outlet for me and I love coming up with new ideas and things to post about. But sometimes between Designing for clients, the kiddos, and all the rest of life, I get too busy to visit like I want to! I love that part of blogging just as much as posting !!, to me, it's like opening a wonderful magazine but yet so personal too! Lately, I stop in and see a blog updated and get so excited, lol, only to get a phone call or something with the kids, and I didn't get to say how wonderful your post was, so I'm so looking forward to getting more time to visit everyone and comment about all your pretties !! But in the meantime, Thank you!! I hope this Spring brings you many days of Sunshine and love!!

Big Hugs and Thanks !

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Cynthia, I think we all understand "busy" these days! I know I miss you when you haven't posted but when you DO post, you really give us a treat!
    I always appreciate seeing when you've dropped in to my blog too.
    Have a happy 1st day of spring!

  2. Happy Spring to you, sweet friend! I love blogging and visiting all my favorite blogs, too and right now while I am in the busiest time of the year, it is a nice way to relax and escape my every day life. But I still get behind and never feel like I can do justice to everything I'm working on! I treasure your friendship and your blog! Have a wonderful day!

  3. THank you for blogging I enjoy your posts.

  4. And happy first day of spring to you, too, Cynthia! I didn't even think about it yet! Your blog is wonderful, and your home is just gorgeous. I can't wait to read it all! Cheers, Andrea

  5. Happy First Day Of Spring to you too! I know it is so hard to visit everyone too. I try to visit as many friends as I can, but I am feeling the need to spend more time in my studio sad to say, my visits have fallen off too...

  6. yes happy spring to you too! it's cold and gloomy here and for the rest of the weekend. boo hoo!

  7. YEA~SPRING! We are actually celebrating today more than we did St. Patty's. Arwen went to school in a pretty pastel floral cowgirl blouse to celebrate. It was sooo nice since as a 16yr old I see her in too much black. I think she is ready to lighten up! Frodo cleaned out his garden yesterday and planted spinich. WoooHooo, bring on the warmth!
    Blessings- LillySue

  8. HAPPY SPRING, Cynthia! I know what you mean about posting comments. I think I've been following more than 200 blogs, eek! I can't seem to remember them all and I didn't know there was a limit on how many you can follow. Lol! Take care and relax too!

  9. Happy Spring, dear Cynthia!!
    It is soo wonderful, isn't it! With flowers, birds singing, fresh air, new scents, wash in the sunshine, warmer temperatures, happy faces...!
    Oh, I so love the reawakening!
    Take care and relax,

  10. Happy First Day of Spring to you too! As much as we enjoy our blogging and does come first... Do what you do and when you do get time to visit us or come up with a new post ~ we enjoy both very much!

  11. Happy Spring to you too Miss Cynthia!
    Zip by if you can... I'm having a give away! :)


  12. Happy Spring to you to Cynthia! I totally understand what you are saying! I too am finding it more and more difficult to visit my favorites!! Have a great weekend just breathing in the great fresh air!!! Sincerely, Jeannette (BTW even though I'm going in a different style direction (again) I still adore YOUR cottage style home and posts!lol - don't forget me!lol)

  13. Hi Cynthia,

    You have the most loving and generous spirit! You and your blog are an absolute delight.


  14. Happy 1st day of Spring to you too!

    I know...I get so busy sometimes too and I go MIA. I love reading about everyone's lives and dreams and ideas too. Just think, last year, I didn't even know what a blog was!

    Lee Laurie

  15. Happy Spring! It sounds like you've got your priorities in the correct order. Enjoy those kids. They grow up so darn fast. Mimi

  16. HAPPY SPRING--good things are coming up all over the place!! I do enjoy your post and your pictures and as a fairly new blogger, I know you have inspired me for my blog site --well, actually I have two sites now--leave it to me??? Kids and family always come first--as they do grow up really fast!!! Just, Di

  17. Happy Spring to you also Cynthia! What a treat it is to come visit you and your wondeful blog! I know what you happens sometimes!

    Love ya sweet friend!
    Maryjane xox

  18. Cynthia, I'm with you....yipee it's spring. I hope you are getting beautiful weather there too.
    I'm glad you are busy...that must mean your business is doing well! That's a good thing. :)
    I do enjoy your blog so much and love it when you stop by and post on mine. So just blog when you can and we'll keep stopping in and checking on you.
    Thanks for always sharing your great ideas and decor with us.

  19. hi cynthia,

    happy spring! i think we're all getting to be busier bees now that hibernation is just about over. thanks for making the time to say hi! your comments and posts always make my day brighter.

    tomorrow we are actually raking! raking! our lawn looks like it's november. what is up with that? it will feel nice to be outside!!!


  20. Happy Spring to you, too! I agree with you in that I am truly enjoying the world of blogging...the giving, the receiving and the viewing of the many wonderful, meaningful and creative blogs out there. Time is needed, and at times not available, but I know we all understand that. Your blog continues to bless me in many ways. Thank you!

  21. YOur such a sweetheart...thats all I need to say! xoxo, cherry

  22. hey cynthia :)
    a very happy spring to you too :)))

  23. I am so happy spring is here! Let's hope good ole upstate NY decides it's spring! LOL!

  24. You aren't too busy to enjoy a cup of coffee with me at the farm are you?

  25. Happy Spring to you, too! We've been counting down the days on our chalkboard, and finally yesterday, my husband was able to write Happy Spring in giant letters! We are so excited for spring. Yesterday was also our oldest daughter's eleventh birthday, and the weather was perfect. We had a great day! I hope that your first day of spring was just as lovely! :)

  26. I know the feeling!!LOL. THANK YOU for being such a good and sweet blogging friend, I always enjoy your posts!!

  27. Good day and good Spring !

  28. Cynthia, this was my first visit to your page. It is lovely. Can't wait to see what's next.

  29. Thanks for the sunshine you bring to *us*, Cynthia.


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia