Sunday, March 1, 2009

~ Give - Away ! Signs of Spring ~


I have to laugh at myself sometimes for my own internal optimism , as I type this, March 1st, we are expecting a snow fall tomorrow of about 6". lol. But, I refuse to give in!!....I picked my title for this post last week, when it was almost 60 degrees. "Signs of Spring", Oh well, lol, that's NY for ya. At least I can be true to the Give-Away part ( Smiles ) So, Grab a cup of Tea and come see what I've been up to :) I am so Thankful for such wonderful girls who come in for a visit and leave such sweet comments!! and I've been so busy getting my website together that I haven't had enough time to Thank you all individually, so I thought this would be a great way to Thank you. A Give-away!

Its' very simple. Just leave a comment, anyone can enter, if you don't have a blog, just leave me your email address in your comment and I'll be sure to contact you if your name is chosen. The gift you ask?? :) it's a choice of any wooden Sign below, just tell me your "favorite one" in your comment and when I pick a name, you'll win the one sign of your choice. At the end of this post there are two more signs to pick from also. That makes 5 to choose from girls! The "Pie" sign is also available right now on my Website for those who'd like to purchase one now...I am also giving away to the special winner, 2 Moda Home dairy fresh dish towels! scroll down to see...

If you do a post about my give-away, I will count your name 3 times as an extra Thank you... If you feature it on your side bar, that will be 2 chances ... The only twist is you have to use one of my pics here to tell about the give-away and link it back to here. Feel free to copy and paste any of the pics that have the signs on them. Included in the giveaway are the 2 dish towels below also! The signs you can chose from are: Bake, Pies, Pantry, and Cottage and Cupcakes ( Cottage and Cupcake are shown a few pics down the post ).

Well on to some other news... Gooseberry came out with a new cookbook!! yippee! Oh it's just so sweet! The recipes and ideas are fabulous in this one!

Gooseberry did a great job inspiring us with ideas for spring and summer outdoor picnic's , something I am so looking forward to and I'm sure you are too! It's just around the corner girls! despite the forecast this week, lol...
I wanted to say a special Thank you too to Jill at At Home in the Country ( aka: Hickory Hollow ), I won her give-away of the Susan Branch book and Victoria Magazine. I was so happy to get her goodies! Look how pretty it came to me, all wrapped in my favorite colors too... Thank you Jill, you are so sweet. Her Blog is simply gorgeous and her new home is filled with such beauty!

She enclosed this adorable card below too... I adore the detail on this card, it was so Cottage sweet , I am going to find a frame for it and add it to my kitchen wall collection!

I can never get enough of Susan Branch, as most of you know, she fills her books with such fabulous ideas and illustrations ! what talent !

I've been busy as a Bee working on my website and finding the perfect things to feature on it too. I have items coming from wonderful sources and I also plan on including some of my own hand made items too. This soap dish below was made using one of the beautiful embellishments from the French Garden House collection, and as soon as I listed it, it was gone. I wish I had a bunch of them, but some of the items will be "one of a kind" like the one below.

This Cottage Tea Box below is listed now on my website and features a Merlot Velvet interior, perfect for Tea, or even for jewelry or buttons, or anything you can dream up :)

This chippy shabby pink shelf was one of the other hand made items I posted and sold out the day it was posted, but I do plan on making a few more! Thank you so much to all who have visited Cynthia's Cottage , I am so happy you are finding items that you love! And Thank you too for all your imput and support on my line of cottage furniture coming up too! I am hoping to have that up and showing within the week!

Back to the give-away... Here are a few more pictures of the Signs to chose from...

If I could, I would send you all a gift!! Your support and encouragement through your friendship and comments has made blogging a wonderful adventure for me! I cannot Thank you all enough! I wish you all a wonderful week ahead. Filled with sunshine and blessings.... and lets hope for Spring to come right around the corner too!! The winner will be chosen a week from today, March 8 !

Till then , Friendship and Hugs !!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Hi Cynthia-
    I just discovered your blog and I am in love. Such a sweet happy place filled with warmth and sunshine! It absolutely adorable!
    I love the picture of the Vermont Country Store, one of my many dream destinations to go to! Your pictures are just lovely...thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Hi Cynthia,
    Please enter me in three times. I will do a post on my blog about your giveaway. I love the pie sign. Have a great week.

  3. Hi Cyn! I will do a post about your giveaway, and your blog is already in my side-bar! *Ü* Here's my email address: Georgefam05 at gmail dot com.

    Everything is so darn cute and how you put it all together is just adorable! I want you to come and play in my house and fix it all cottage-y for me, okay? I'll post about your giveaway exciting! (I'm going to have to do a give-away, too!)

  4. Signs of Spring? Here in NH we are getting 12-16 inches from that snow storm so you are lucky! I will definitely do a post about this give away.

  5. I love your blog! Count me in! Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  6. All of the signs are's hard to pick just one! So I will choose Cottage or Bake and let you make the final decision. :)

    I'll post your giveaway on my blog so please enter me three times. Thanks!

  7. Hi Cynthia!
    I would have to say the "cottage" sign is my favorite! :) Very fun give away~YaY!
    I am looking forward to spring as well and also to seeing your furniture line coming in! Either way happy days and sunshine! ~Tam :D

  8. I think the cottage sign is my would be the pantry do beautiful work...
    I am :
    yesipray at gmail dot com
    Will be beack to browse your beautiful blog

  9. My DD and SIL are closing on their first home 3/2/09 and I know she would love the cupcake one.

    thanks for hosting this giveaway, they are all cute as can be.

  10. What a lovely site - I am so glad I found it! I love the cottage sign since that is what I live in every day! Susan in SC

  11. What darling signs! I love them all. I would love the cottage one as it would go perfect in my office.

    Your prizes are great too! Lucky you.

    I'll be posting your giveaway on my side bar for you.


  12. Oh please count me in. I adore them all and I almost chose cupcake as my favorite, but the red in the Bake sign just keeps calling to my heart and I know exactly where I could put it. So, please choose me. : )

  13. Hi Cynthia, I've only been blogging a short time, but your's has been one of my favorites to visit - I'm really into cottage right now. I just can't seem to get enough of it. Btw, you may be interested in a website I found in one of my catalogs -
    I think all of your sigs are beautiful, but I fancy the pies the most. I also visited your website a couple of weeks ago (I'm going there again now) and can't wait to see the furniture. Good luck!

  14. Hi Cynthia,
    What a fabulous post! I especially liked the last picture of the girl on the fence - that's the kind of spring I like - colorful and fancy free with really good weather, right? Well thanks for the wonderful giveaway - I'll be posting your info soon:) I love the Cottage sign! Thanks so much! Janet:)

  15. The Cottage sign is definitely my favorite. Love the pink and the roses!

  16. Cynthia...your inspirational darling!! Love your blog!!!

    Melinda (Home is where the Heart Lives)

  17. HI Cynthia! Love them all; so when you pick my name (lol) I'll let you decide which one you think would be best in my kitchen!!! Having your weekly post to look forward to is giveaway enough for me!!!(no I'm not sucking up!!lol) I was really unhappy when I woke up today to a dusting of snow!! It's all gone by the way!lol I think we are all ready for Spring. I must get that new cookbook too! I think I'll pack our lunches this week so my husband and I can have a "picnic" in the parking lot on our break!!lol Have a great week dear - Sincerely, Jeannette

  18. Hi Cynthia,
    Oh I love that cottage sign! They are all adorable but that is my favorite. I'll be sure to post about it on my blog. I had to laugh at signs of spring! We are expecting snow here as well. I am so tired of winter now, bring on the sunshine! I have a feeling school will be cancelled here tomorrow. Have a great week and thanks so much for doing this giveaway!

  19. Hi Cynthia,

    I love the pantry sign. It would look great hanging over my pantry door. :) Please enter me for that one.

    I am sending out your white tea pot tomorrow in the mail (from my giveaway) so you can be looking for it soon. :)

    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!!

    Hugs & Blessings,


  20. Cynthia, Love the signs...can't wait to win. I added your giveaway to my 3/2 post and sidebar.


  21. Oh, that Pantry sign is adorable! And I just re-did my perfect is that?!?! I just found your blog linked through another and am so glad that I did. It's super cute. Hope you don't mind if I stop back again.

  22. Oh dear, I love them all, but especially the PIE sign. I love to make homemade pies and it would look oh so sweet in my kitchen. I love your blog!


  23. Hi Cynthia, wow! what a great giveaway! I've posted a link on my blog, so count me in times three, please! Blessings, Becky g.

  24. Cynthia,
    They are all so cute, but my favorite has to be "Pantry". Adorable!

  25. I don't have a blog but would love to enter your giveaway. I love the "Pies" sign. My kitchen is decorated in cherries. I also love GBP and I have been eyeing those dish towels ever since you posted about them a few weeks ago. Thank you!

    Erin Parker

  26. Love you blog.
    The baking sign is my favorite.
    Glad to learn Gooseberry Patch has a new them and Susan Branch books too.
    Please enter me in your giveaway

  27. Oh, I love that blue Pantry sign! You have the best give away's.
    I stopped by your website the other day and have my eye on some of your blue fabrics.

  28. Pie is definitely my favorite and would be right at home with all of the other goodies in my home. Thanks for such a beautiful blog.


  29. My favorite is the one that says "cottage". I just painted my laundry a soft green and plan on painting the cabinet doors a light pink, so the colors of that sign will go perfect in there. What a beautiful blog you have. I will be adding you to my blogroll. :)

  30. Hi Cynthia! I recently found your blog and am enjoying it :) Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. Your signs are great, I especially like the "Bake" one. Thanks again :)


  31. Spring doesn't come to our neck of the woods till mid May, but I sure liked your graphics about it! We can dream and be warm in our thoughts to warm our bodies! Of the signs I think I choose cottage. You have some lovely vignettes on your blog.

  32. I'm always excited to see a new post from you! So much fun info and great pics! Love the new cookbook and all the nice things you've put in your shop! If I was to win, I would LOVE the Bake sign! It would be perfect in my new red kitchen! Thank you!

  33. I love the signs you make. Whether I win or not, I know I will need to be picking some up soon. They would work perfect in my kitchen that I am working on. ;) You are so creative!! I wish I could do crafty things, but I don't have the natural knack.. yet. I will keep working on it!! :)

  34. The signs are charming . . . I'd be honored to hang one in my home!


  35. I like the baking sign best..

    You have a nice blog..I love crafts so much but just couldn't find enough time for it..

    do visit my craft blog at

  36. Cynthia, it's so sweet of you to have a give away. Your post and the items you are sharing are gorgeous. I have posted your pic on my sidebar. Please include me. :)


  37. Hi Cynthia - I love the pantry sign. The colors match my pantry! I enjoy reading your blog. Please enter me in your generous give-a-way. Thanks


  38. This is so sweet. I will go now and put this on my sidebar. I'll also post about it too! Thanks so much. I just love visiting your blog.....always such a lovely visit!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  39. Hi Cynthia! I just love your blog as I have told you before and so appreciate your help in transforming my kitchen over to a more Cottage look....I am still working on it but having sooooo much fun doing so. Please enter me in your drawing, my first pick of signs would be the Bake sign. Thank you!!!


  40. Hi Cynthia,
    You always have the cutest things on your blog and your signs are really great. I'll do a post about them on my sidebar and link it back to you.
    I visited your web site and it looks really nice. You will do well.
    Keep Stitchen'

  41. Oh I can't believe I found your blog and a give away too! I have enjoyed my visit with you. My favorite sign is Pantry. I love them all though.

  42. Hello Cynthia, thank you for the chance in your Giveaway.I love the cottage sign and will post on my blog with a link.Just discovered your blog, love it. Regards Lyn

  43. OK, sign me up, and I'm posting it on my blog.

    I love any of the signs, and your work and your site are adorable.

    blessings, and sonshine on your week.

    Barbara Jean

  44. i love the cottage sign..coz i like roses very much...i try to post your giveaway in my blog...have a nice day

  45. I came over from Cute as Pie. You have a wonderful website. I love Susan Branch too. There is just something wonderful about her style! Thanks for entering my name in your giveaway...I hope to stop again soon. Your signs are adorable!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  46. Hi Cynthia..

    This is wonderful giveaway.. and do count me in your giveaway.. I'll already put up a post about your giveaway and picture at the sidebar too! hehehehehe I would love to win the cottage sign too!

    have a nice day!


  47. I found your blog throught House to Home. I'm going to have fun reading this morning!

  48. I found your blog throught House to Home. I'm going to have fun reading this morning!

  49. Cynthia, what a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win the "cupcake" sign. I have done a post in your honor:
    Thanks for entering me

  50. What a charming giveaway! I especially love the little cottage sign! All of your pictures and illustrations are wonderful. Thank you for entering me!

  51. I know what you mean about spring. It snowed inches yesterday here in Georgia. Georgia!

  52. Hi Cynthia,

    Your blog is so great. Please enter me in your lovely give away!

  53. Hi Cynthia, What a lovely blog you have. You are also very talented. I will add you to my followers. The girl swinging from the gate looks like my daughter. I just love those 30',40's pics. Linda ps enter my name for your giveaway. All are too cute to choose from. You pick.

  54. Cynthia~ Thanks for a great giveaway!!!And love your blog!

    **I put your giveaway on my sidebar with a link back to your blog!


  55. I just found your blog.I love it and I will be back.I am going to become a follower and put your button on my sidebar.I would LOVE to win the cottage sign and those tea towels are precious...Ann

  56. Hi Cyn~I've missed ya!! You can count me in and I think my fav is the cottage sign but I also like the pantry sign oh such a toss up, okay the cottage one is my fav, LOL. I'll post about the giveaway too! I'll try to send some Spring weather your way!

  57. What a fun and pretty Giveaway!

    I love the sweet "Cottage" sign!

    Thanks so much!

  58. What a fun and pretty Giveaway!

    I love the sweet "Cottage" sign!

    Thanks so much!

  59. Okay Cyn you can count me three times, I did my post!! I hope I win, I don't know what happened to the luck of the Irish cause I never win (:

  60. It has to be the "CUPCAKES" sign -- that's just so sweet. Please enter my name in your terrific giveaway. I'm in NY also and I'm just so tired of another snow day. Please, it has to stop!! Thanks, Joanne ~~

  61. what cute signs. Please add me to the drawing and I have to go with BAKE as my choice if you pick me. I love to bake.

    Robin in Virginia

  62. How fantastic! I'm a new reader of your blog and so far I've enjoyed it sooo much! I'd love to be entered into your give away!
    That "pies" sign is just screaming my name!

  63. Hi Cynthia, had the darndest time trying to cut and paste your pics on the post. I was able to add your button to my sidebar.

  64. Cynthia, I always enjoy reading your lovely posts and seeing the pretty pictures you take. I'd love to be entered in your give-away for the "cottage" or "pantry" sign. Either one!
    Guess what! Remember the basket with the apples that you have of my art? Well I finally received my own samples of it! I'm so glad I saw it on your blog! Thank YOU for liking it enough to purchase it.
    Hugs, Diane

  65. Pretty, pretty stuff and I love your music!

  66. what a fun giveaway! i love all your signs and decorations! please add me to your giveaway. my favorite sign is the Bake sign. you have a really cute blog. i've added you to my favorites!

  67. Hi Cynthia, what a lovely giveaway. I love the signs...they are too cute!

    Love your refreshing!


  68. Just in time for spring! Please enter me thrice also. I blogged about your giveaway too!

  69. HI, Love your blog and I am gonna sign up to follow your blog in my google reader...Love the pic of the girl swinging on the gate...

    my pick of the signs would be Cottage..

  70. Hi Cynthia...I am new to your blog, but I will be back as I am adding you to my favs. Your home is just beyond beautiful. I love your touches of painting on your furniture, the framed apron, and I LOVE those Christmas ornaments of the stove and refrigerator. I have a few touches of the 40's and 50's in my home, nothing like yours. Thank you for sharing your beautful home and designs.

  71. I like the pantry sign best! And the dish towels are darling. Thanks for the sweet giveaway, and happy March.

  72. Hi Cynthia,

    These little signs are so charming; I'd love to win one of them for myself. I'm posting your give away on my blog for added points :)

    Love your blog and things for sale!!

  73. Hi,
    I really love all of your signs but I'd have to say that your Cupcake sign would be my choice because it would go nicely in my nkitchen with my pink and white rose chintz dishes.
    smiles, Sue

  74. great giveaway!! love all of them but i think if i had to i would pick the bake one, reds my color!! thanks for the chance!!

  75. great giveaway!! love all of them but i think if i had to i would pick the bake one, reds my color!! thanks for the chance!!

  76. Hi again Cynthia ,
    I just put a link to your give-away on my blog ! :o) Sue

  77. Your blog is one of my favorites...I consider it sunshine.

    The Bake sign is my favorite.

  78. I have just discovered your post through Jill at"at home in the country" I love your post and it will go on my list on my homepage. I don't have a blog yet, haven't got up the nerve I guess. But I love looking at all of yours.

    and I love the Cottage sign.

  79. Hi Cynthia :)

    All the signs are beautiful, but I would love to have the one that says pantry for my... pantry ;)

    What a beautiful giveaway you won from Jill! I just love her and her chicken house :)

    I'm posting your giveaway on my sidebar right now!


  80. What a wonderful cottagey blog you have. It's adorable!

    Oh, how I love those dishtowels!...and I would love one of those signs...the Cottage one, I think.

    Yes, Spring is an 'almost' here even though we had snow during this night and this morning.

    Now let me go post about this sweet giveaway and put you on my sidebar! What fun!


  81. Dear Cynthia,
    What a lovely give-away. I love all of you sweet things. I have posted a blog to introduce my friends to you. Thanks for your sweetness. I love Cottage Designs.

  82. You have so many pretty things on your blog. I would love the cottage sign.
    Hugs, Susan

  83. Hi there...I just popped over from Rue's PeanutButter and Jelly blog and LOVE your BLog. I love the cottagy-old fashioned feel. I'll be back! Susan

  84. Your blog is beautiful! I enjoyed every picture! Thank you

  85. Hi!!!
    I just love your blog. It is sooo cute. I will be posting a blog all about your giveaway. Its a tough choice but I think I really love the cottage sign. Please enter me 3 times. I will copy a picture and link it to yours!!!!

  86. Cynthia - I just found your blog and I ADORE IT!!!! I hope it isn't too presumptuous for me to enter in your giveaway since I'm a 'newbie'. I can assure you I'll be returning!!! Thank you so much!

  87. I love your blog and love all the signs, but I guess the cottage would be my fav. I am going to hurry off now to add you to my side bar and leave my post about your pretty give aways on my blog.
    Have a great afternoon*! _Carol

  88. Cynthia,
    I just found your blog. It is wonderful.I love all your things.I am adding you to my favorites
    I will do a post about your give-away so add me 3 times, the cottage sign is my favorite,it matches my kitchen.
    visit me at simplepleasures

  89. Thank you for the sweet give away. I LOVE your blog. It gives me such inspiration!!!! Enter me for the chance to win the PIE sign. My email address is

    Thanks again!

  90. Oh my goodness, I was here visiting yesterday, showing my mom your beautiful blog...but didn't have time then to leave a comment. I come back and Whoo Hoo look at you! I may be #91.

    Love all your precious signs. I really like the Pie one and think it would be absolutely charming in my kitchen, so would those darling towels...hint...hint!

    I did a little post today and listed your giveaway. I already had someone say they were going to head on over!

    I am so glad you enjoyed your gift! I sure had fun getting it ready to send to you.

    We had 5" of snow this weekend, too!


  91. You design of your blog and items you sell are so beautiful! Please enter me in your contest-all teh signs are cute but the Bake one would fit my kitchen best! Thank you and have a wonderful day-just got done shoveling 6 inches here in Maryland!

  92. Cynthia,
    Your work and your blog are just lovely. I love the "cupcakes" sing. It's just so cute. :) Thanks for the chance of winning.

  93. What a breath of fresh air. Just happened upon your blog today via Rue. Love your style! Especially the Bake and Pie signs.


  94. What a breath of fresh air. Just happened upon your blog today via Rue. Love your style! Especially the Bake and Pie signs.


  95. What a breath of fresh air. Just happened upon your blog today via Rue. Love your style! Especially the Bake and Pie signs.


  96. What a breath of fresh air. Just happened upon your blog today via Rue. Love your style! Especially the Bake and Pie signs.


  97. Hi Cynthia,
    What a great giveaway!. All your signs are so fun, I love Pie and Cottage, but I suppose I would chose Cottage. I enjoy you blog very much. Stop by and visit me anytime.

    Have a wonderful day,

  98. Love your cottage look - everything reminds me of Susan Branch!


  99. Hi Cynthia, Just found your blog by way of Diane Knott. I've enjoyed browsing...very nice blog. I don't see a place to check, will add it to mine with the URL. Please enter me in your giveaway.
    Blessings, Susie

  100. Such a sweet little giveaway :) I love them all, very hard to favorite is the Pantry sign. If I don't win, I'll just have to order one!

  101. Love your site, reminds me of Grandmother's house. Keep up the great work....

  102. You have an fantastic blog. And your spring giveaway is a wonderful idea in this grey time. Please count me in. Have a nice week. G. Alexandra

  103. Hi Sweetie!! Yes, I'm back in Blog world. And well, half my post today is about your beautiful giveaway + I put it up on my sidebar, guess that would be 2½ extra points for me...LOL! OK, I'd love to enter and should I be the lucky one, I would love the Bake sign, so perfect for my kitchen. TTYS. Luv'ya, Jannet

  104. hi cynthia,

    we're having a snow day here in rhode island so any images of spring sound good to me!

    what a fun giveaway! and that's how we met!!! my favorite sign is the one that says cottage.

    i'm so happy to hear that your shop is having great success!!! hooray, cynthia!


  105. love you blog and pies too!!

  106. I adore Susan Branch books too! What an awesome giveaway. i published your giveaway on my blog, so please count me in. My favorite sign is the Cottage sign. That would look darling in my new apartment! ♥

  107. Sweet giveaway, Cynthia. I love all the signs! It would be hard to choose which. I guess it would be cupcake!:-)

  108. I came over from RoseVinecottagetwo and I have been on here for so long I feel like a stalker, lol. Your blog is wonderful. I laughed at your comment about spring...we are supposed to get more snow this weekend, too. We won't have spring until summer starts.
    I love all your signs, but probably Cottage is my favorite.
    Thanks for the precious giveaway.

  109. Love your blog; I check on it everyday. I like the pie sign or the cottage. Linda -

  110. Cynthia, What a lovely treasure. please include me in your giveaway.

  111. What a generous giveaway! You have a great blog. I have it on my reader so I don't miss anything. I love all the signs, but I like the "Pies" the best.

  112. Oh my goodness...I just stumbled upon your blog...I love it! What a great give a way...I also am posting about it today!!!

  113. Hello, Cynthia,
    I would to enter in your give away. I love all of your signs but if I win I would love the pie sign or cottage sign. Love your website and decorating tips!


  114. i just recently came across your blog and i heart it! i agree that you can't have enough quilts! i am in LOVE with the PANTRY sign!

  115. Hi Cynthia,
    So pretty! Please enter me in! I love the cottage sign! It would be perfect for me!
    Hugs,Lee Laurie

  116. Hi, I don't have a website, but I sure love yours! It truly is one of the prettiest ones...
    Please enter me in your drawing too. Thanks!
    Kathy Lorenzini

  117. Cynthia, it is like a breathe of fresh spring air every time I stop by here! We had an unusual for NC snow storm of 8 inches yesterday!

    I love all of your sweet signs, but the Pantry one is my favorite. Thank you for this wonderful chance to win!

  118. Hi Cynthia..I just love your blog. I will happily display it on my sidebar..AND... do a post :) My fav is the cottage design :) Marilyn at Lavender Cottage.

  119. You have a great blog. I love all the signs but my favorite is the "bake" one. Please enter me in your give away and thanks for sharing.


  120. I'm so glad I found your blog! I love all your signs, but since I have to choose....I'll say cupcakes is my favorite.


  121. They are all beautiful,it would be hard to choose I like "pantry" or "cupcake",love your blog.Please enter me in your giveaway have a blessed day....Barb

  122. Your blog is too cute!
    I like the Pie sign : )
    I click on your site from my mom's --- Old Centinnel Farmhouse ---

  123. Oh, Cynthia! I love your blog and the signs are just too cute! The "Cottage" one is my favorite! Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks!

    Sharon Avinger

  124. I love the pie sign very cute. It matches my kitchen.
    very cute blog too. Glad I found it.

  125. Oh Cynthia! I think that I need either the Cottage or the Pantry sign!

    Of course I have to mention there is our cute little blue and white pitcher.

    Doesn't Jill just have the touch? She won a giveaway from me and I did a post just about the card she sent. It was cute too. here it is if you want to see it.

    She's a sweetie! Just like you!

  126. I put your giveaway on my blog, thanks!

  127. HI Cynthia! I have been reading your blog for just few short weeks but I LOVE it! It's so much fun to take a quick peek on my lunch break, makes the rest of my day that much better! I LOVE the pantry and pie signs so either one would be perfect!~ Thanks for the giveaway! Brenda

  128. Hi Cynthia. You have the most darling blog. I love it. The signs are soo cute! What fabric is that with the milk slogans on it? So so cute. Everything in this post is darling. Sweet blog.

  129. Your blog is so fabulous!! I see tons of ladies love the "Cottage" sign, and so do I, but I also think the "Pies" sign is great for my new kitchen. Thanks for offering a great giveaway!

  130. Cynthis, I love your blog that I discovered through Acorn Cottage. Your signs are wonderful...cupcakes is my favorite. My grandson and I make "puptates" every time he comes for an overnight visit. We've been doing this since he was old enough to stand on the stool and he's almost 5 now. Such memories!!
    That fun mood seems to match your blog and website!
    Keep up the great work!

  131. Hi Cynthia, love your blog, please enter me in your drawing. I love the cottage sign. I'm having a giveaway too, my pretty pink ribbon rose heartstrings. Stop by when you have a minute and enter.
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  132. Hi Cynthia, please enter me. I like the Cottage sign!

  133. what a fun site I'm going to post a pic and your blog so my readers can have a chance to win a sign! my favorite? cottage of course...

  134. Cynthia,
    I love your blog! Sorry I don't have a blog, "yet" but hope to have one soon. I love the cottage and the cupcake sign's. They are all so cute it is just too hard to decide wich one so I will leave that up to you. My email is:
    Hope to hear from you soon!

  135. Hi Cynthia~LOVE your blog & your beautiful home~I enjoy checking it out often~ your so talented! I do not have a blog yet~but you can email me at please enter me in your giveaway~I love the bake sign! Thanks and blessings to you~ Paula

  136. Hello, this is a lovely giveaway. I added your giveaway to my blog post! Thank you for the generous giveaway!

  137. Cynthia Please enter me in the give away. I love the Pantry sign.
    This is my first time to visit your blog and it is awesome. It made me feel right at home. I think the furniture you have added is great. I will be back, please come and see me.

  138. Hi Cynthia,
    I'm so glad that I reached here through Marilyn's blog, your blog is awesome.
    Please add my name into your give away list. I'm going to post it on to my blog right now.
    Thanks so much,
    Rengin, in Istanbul

  139. Cynthia, love to visit your happy blog. Cottage sign is my favorite-love them all.

  140. Wow, its my first visit to your blog and I'm hooked. I love all the signs and all your goodies. I will definetly be back. I am also hosting a giveaway, if you would like to come by and sign up =)

  141. Hi Cynthia
    WHat a lot of beautiful things you showed us today! I'd be thrilled to win your giveaway, so please count me in. THe signs are so cute and I love anything Moda. Hope your snow melts quickly. We had snow here in NC too and it is only 18 degrees today Brrr...
    Hugs, Rhondi

  142. What a great giveaway!!!! I'm glad I found your blog because I really like it here. I'm new here & just spent the morning hyperlinking.
    I love gooseberry cookbooks. I'll have to check the new one out.

  143. Hello Cynthia:
    I just found your blog and I must say I love what I have seen so far! The pie sign is my favorite ~ please enter me in your drawing.

  144. I am new to you, thanks to Betty Jo. Your blog is so well thought out. You have done an incredible job bringing so many great pieces together for such a heartwarming feeling when visiting. I am going to add you to my blogroll as I will be back often.

    Please do enter me in your giveaway, though the winners should be your regulars, in my opinion. I do love to bake, so your little bake sign would look great in my kitchen. I will visit your shop, though. Thanks for an enjoyable little tour of your bloghome!!

  145. Hey sista Cyn! I have been under the weather for a while, so I haven't been by until this morning...and what did I find? A wonderful dream come true give-away!! Wooo hoooo girl, you have outdone yourself...what adorable goodies! You know I love that PIE sign!! What a treat for the gal who wins! Hope it's me! I will be doing a new post soon and will definately send my gals your way!
    Hugs to ya!
    Ruth Ann

  146. I found my way to your place by way of Betty Jo of DigiScribbles.
    LOVE your blog! And I love those signs. My favorite is the pie sign. Love it!!!
    I am going to add you to my blog roll and to my follower. I dont know if that will get me any extras, but I am for me.
    Come by my place anytime. I love new friends!

    Leigh, Tales from Bloggeritaville

  147. I hope I'm not to late to enter.
    I would love to have either the
    Cupcake one or cottage one.
    They are all so sweet.

  148. Hi Julie "sent me". What an enticing selection of goodies. I'll drop by often from now on.

  149. I like the PANTRY sign....I am redoing my back entryway closet to make a pantry and the sign will go perfect there....
    Thanks & Hugs

  150. I would be happy to win any one of those adorable signs! If I have to pick then it would be "Cupcakes" since I am always baking them for my family. Love reading your blog and a few others, but sadly don't have one of my own yet.

  151. Hi Cynthia,
    I just found your blog and I love it! We like a lot of the same things. Please add my name to your give-away. I am having one too so if you feel like stopping by, you're very welcome! Have a wonderful day.


  152. I just found your blog and LOVE it!! I would love to be entered in the giveaway. All the signs are wonderful but if I had to pick just one it would be "cottage".


  153. I would have to say that the "Cottage" sign is my favorite. You have such a cute blog!

  154. Hello Cynthia!

    Wow, what a wonderful giveaway and from the heart! Please add my name to your bowl! I love all your signs but the BAKE really pulls at my hearts strings!

    Love ya,

  155. What a wonderful giveaway! I think my favorite sign is the one that says "pies". I think...they are all cute!

  156. Hi Cynthia!!

    My name is Melly and I found your blog from Julie at Shabby Wears she is such a sweetie.
    Your blog is just lovely and filled with gorgeous treasures, I'm looking forward to stopping by for a visit more often.

  157. Oh this is a lovely giveaway and your blog is beautiful. I don't have a blog, but I'd like to enter. I love all of your signs, you do a wonderful job. Where did you get the Moda towels? I haven't seen them anywhere.
    Marcia (yes, I do have 6 children :-))

  158. Just happened to land on your blog and found it very inspirational! I love your look, and the signs are very cute. It really makes it so hard to choose just one but I really like the "Bake" sign. I love to bake and the red really pops. My blog is
    Thanks for entering me in the give away. I hope I win!

  159. Hi, Cynthia,

    I love the cottage sign! Thank you for entering me in your give away. Your website is always so beautiful!


    My e-mail address is

  160. Hi Cynthia, I left a comment about your site way up in the middle of all these comments, but forgot to leave my email address... it's
    I LOVE your blog, I check on it all the time. Kathy L xo

  161. I love the bake sign and your blog. Please enter me in your drawing.

  162. I like all of the signs...I just can't choose!

  163. Your blog is delightful and beautiful. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway. I especially love the cottage sign but would thrilled with any of the them. Have a wonderful evening.
    Jean in virginia

  164. please include me in the give away, i always get a smile when i come to your page, thanks for the work it takes.

  165. I would be happy to win anything! How lovely your blog is!!! :)

  166. What a lovely giveaway!
    My favorite sign is the Cottage one! So sweet!

  167. what a darn cute blog you have here!
    Thanks to Lorri, I found your site.
    I like all the quaint little signs you have to offer. Cottage would fit my house the best, but all are darling.

  168. I love your blog, Cynthia! I would love to win your giveaway...the "Bake" sign is my favorite! THanks!

  169. Hi Cynthia...I found your blog from scrabbookinginturkey.blogspot...thanks lovely Karen met me to your lovely...what a wonderful blog like ur chosed pretty blog..i loved all things...i am designer too cookie and cake have special designs..especialy ottoman collections and mevlana..if u visit to my blog and also your coments ll make me happy....bye bt every morning ll be here....cs i loved ur blog..

  170. Love your blog! My favorite sign is the pantry. It would look so cute in my kitchen. Thanks for the give a way. Mandy

  171. I appreciate the old-fashion-ness (is that a word?!)of your blog. I grew up in the 50's and feel at home here! Also Jill sent me your way!

  172. Hi Cyn
    I just wanted to let you know the name on the teacups is Red Vintage Rose Peppertree Tabletops Imported by Coastline Imports. Hope that helps and if you find them let me know.

  173. Hi Cynthia~
    Great signs!
    I love them all....but if I must pick only one,I would like the Pie sign. I like the yellow and the cherries on it!

    I will put a blurb on my blog and tell others of your giveaway!

    I have several blogs but my decorating blog is:

    My email is:

    Momma of 6

  174. I would like to be entered in your give-away - my fav sign is the CUPCAKES one! Lovely and well done. I will post a link to your blog, as well!

  175. Cynthia, you blog is such a fun and lovely place to visit. I came over here from Betty Jo's post. I am so glad I did.

    I would be happy to win one of your beautiful signs. Please enter me in your drawing.

    See you again soon and have a very happy day.


  176. You have such a sweet blog and I love your cottage, it is so beautiful. I have been following you for a while, what caught my eye, though, is that my name is also Cynthia and we have very similar tastes. If I should win, my favorite is "Cupcakes". I am slowly introducing pink into my kitchen and will look perfect!! Hugs, ~cindy s~

  177. What lovely signs! I'm re-doing my laundry in red & white, so will eventually want to buy one that says that. Any other one would be fine if I'd win.... but Cynthia, um... pls forgive me for this... but there shouldn't be an apostrophe in PIES or CUPCAKES. They are just simple plurals (not possessive). Can you just paint over those apostrophes?? Yikes - I apologize if I've offended you, b-cuz I'm a big fan and have been reading your lovely blog for months! Hugs, Cathy

  178. Hello:) I was just blog hopping on this rainy day here in Riverside,CA and found your site! I love it:) I have added it to my favorites! I would love to be added to the great give- away! So sweet of you.
    aimee (

  179. Oh lovely giveaway! I am fond of the "Pies" sign. It would look charming up on top of my kitchen cabinets. :~) Please count me in.
    Thank you.


  180. What fun!! Love the signs.... Our snow has melted, thank goodness. I'm happy it snowed, and soooo happy it's warming up....

  181. Cynthia,
    I have read your blog for a little while now and LOVE it. Apparent yly I missed the part that you are in NY, lol. I'm in upstate near Albany! I'm thrilled we only got a couple of inches instead of the SIX they predicted!
    Anyway, I'd love to be in the drawing!!! :)

  182. Your signs are so cute and had such a great time reading your blog. We have the same crush on the pantry door! I love that door as well ... so cute.

  183. I just discovered your blog and just love it! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! Suzie

  184. I will give it a go...I never win but heck it is fun to try! What a wonderful give-away chickie! Cherry


  186. Hello there! I just discovered your blog and have saved it in my favorites so I can come back and spend more time exploring. I love Gooseberry Patch books as well, so I can see we have a lot in common. Please consider me for one of your beautiful signs. They are all adorable, but if I had to choose one, I would choose the "Bake" one because my last name is Baker. :-) I don't have a blog, but you can contact me via email at if I win. Have a great day!

  187. This comment has been removed by the author.

  188. What a gorgeous blog and oh sssooo inspiring!!!...i love your signs especially ~pantry~ & ~pies~ and i also love the dish cloths too :)

  189. Hello! Your blog is great! I have a blog award for you!

  190. Good morning Cynthia!! I just wanted to let you know I have passed on an award to you. Come check out my blog. I love your work and would also love to win. I didn't realize when I passed this award on that you were having a give-away. I posted that on my blog as well!!

    Have a great day!


  191. I love your blog! I would love to be in the drawing for the Pantry sign. I also made the announcement on my blog

  192. Wonderful blog...just love all the wonderful pics...especially the springtime ones....made me really look forward to it... what a happy place your blog is the music....

  193. OOOOOO...they are ALL so wonderful!!! Ok, I know that the COTTAGE one will be HOT as it is pink...but I think I will pick the PIE one. It would be lovely in our kitchen. I will do a post on my sidebar, too.

    LOVE your posts and stay warm!!! Tis going to be a sunny day here in Cali.


  194. Cynthia,

    Love your blog, and I will have to subscribe to a fellow Gooseberry Patch Cookbook lover. I have all but the very newest one. . . and this summer one sounds like it is really good. I will have to hunt it down and get it !

    Did you ever get your pantry done? Please post pictures and tell us all about it when you do .. . I just love that idea.

    You are doing a great job with your blog !


  195. Great giveaway. My favorite is the Bake sign.

  196. Hi Miss Cynthia!!!

    I am soooo lovin' the cottage sign! and wow oh wow I love the dishcloths!!

    Hope you have a great day!

  197. Hi Cynthia!!!! What a beautiful happy post!! I am so ready for spring and summer, I can hardly stand it, lol! I love the cookbook too!

    What a beautiful giveaway, thank you so much for the opportunity to enter! I LOVE the cottage sign the most but they are all darling!!


  198. Hello Cynthia! My name is also Cynthia but everyone calls me Cindy for short...I adore your lovely goodies on your blog! What a lovely opportunity you are giving us with these lovely items! I like to sign in for the Pantry's adorable!! Thank you so much...


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia