Monday, April 6, 2009

~ Weekend whirlwind ~

Howdy to all my sweet friends! First ladies, Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments on my "Cottage Before and After" post! You are all so kind and keep me motivated and inspired through each endeavor! After I spent that week on the inside of the house, it was time to head outside and get the Porch and backyard better ready for Spring. I had this old child's chair sitting out back for a couple of years, I'd use it to put a potted plant on, but I decided I wanted more color outside this year , so I gave it a rough coat of Sea Blue and added some embellishments to "fun it up" a bit. Now it sits proudly and happy on my back Porch :)

If you click on the picture it will show more of the detail up close. I love the little saying above the water view stamp, it says: "Lobsters on the Beach at Sunset", now that sounds delicious to me :)! Gotta love Susan Branch!

After a day of rearranging the back yard, I headed out to Target for some silly things, and of course, didn't intend on buying myself anything, but opps, I can't pass up a good Rooster Rug , perfect for under the sink :)

I am so Thankful to anyone who has found things they've loved and bought on my website! Thank you Ladies! I have to spend this next week restocking some things and therefor the other half of the weekend was spent designing some new signs and wall art. I get so inspired by Cookbooks and Vintage images, that I designed some new ones featuring domestic themes , recipes , and other embellishments to give them the feel I wanted. I envision them in someones kitchen giving them a daily dose of kitchen whimsy and art.

It helps to keep a collection of Vintage kitchen manuals , cookbooks, and also vintage magazines around so they can be added to create a certain authentic look to the pieces.

The first one below is a little tribute to baking Homemade Bread. The recipes were copied from an old Pillsbury Cookbook. I also added the recipe on the back for Homemade White Bread, it's on the front too, but in full detail on the back :)

~ A Little up close ( right side ) shot. The image of the apron clad woman is from a Vintage Kellogg's Ad. ~

You can click any picture to show the up close detail. This sign is still in need of some edge distressing, so it isn't finished yet. But it will be on the website within the week.

I keep gravitating towards a Vintage blue background color for the Signs, but I also did some with creamy white and a soft Vintage pink too. To see more theme based signs, just head over to my website. I have a few left!

This one below is a combination of Vintage , a little Mary Emmerling and a tad bit Gooseberry Patch , with a wonderful recipe also! I named it "Farmgirl Market"...Any image that makes me happy or cozy, usually makes it's way to my collection :)

~ Below is a close up of the center ~

Left side of the Sign ( below )... I had so much fun designing the layout too!

Right side of the Sign ( below )... I had also layered the sign at one point full of images, more like a busy collage altered art piece, but I missed seeing each image be fully visible, so I took this approach so that each one can be seen and yet add to the "Kitchen" theme.

There was one more element to my Weekend Whirlwind, and that was to get the seeds planted! I usually do this with my Daughter, but she was busy "tanning" out on the deck for this one :) lol, oh teenagers :) She was wonderfully helpful in so many areas this weekend that I decided to give her a break and let it slide :)

These are such a pleasure to do for me! I love the scent of potting soil :) and making sure each one has the best chance to become a future element to my recipes, makes it worth my while to give them the best start!

~ Before the seed there comes the thought of bloom ~
E. B. White

I've found that starting seeds on the window sill and then planting them after they get strong , works best for me. I've tried them from a "ground start" and I don't have very much luck that way :) Putting them in egg shells and setting them in a carton with a plate or plastic under it, really gives them a great start! They really bring me so much joy when I see the little sprouts come through!! I can't wait!

Well, after a long and busy weekend, I couldn't end it without Thanking sweet Elyse for sending me a Surprise! You are a such a sweetie! I love this Cottage Barn style Bird House and you will soon see him outside on my deck too! After the "April Showers " month :) Thanks kiddo! I adore him!!

Speaking of April showers , The weekend was lovely and the weather ? a Dream! Today , Mother nature reminded me it was April :) but also reminded me, she is deeper and sometimes more beautiful when she's being fed and rained upon. I love my daffodils :)

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you all have a wonderful , beautiful ,and sunny week ahead!

With love and hugs,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Cynthia, what a sweet little chair!! I love it's style....petite! Great job on it!

    The kitchen rug is so cute too!! Its always a treat to visit and see your adorable little cottage things!!! Can't wait to see your backyard once you are all ready to show it. You put so much hard work into your posts and your lovely home! Thank you for letting us peek at everything! ~Cheryl

  2. Wow Cynthia, you have had a wonderful creative spurt goin' on! I love it. Love the vintage and the farm look. I happen to live with the farm look...hahaha...real chickens outside. Love the fresh eggs though. Cynthia are you taking pictures of all your creations and saving them in a 'creative album' you really should. They are so adorable and should be saved somehow, maybe make a little booklet of ideas to sell!
    Have a blessed Easter!

  3. Cynthia, I am tired just reading this have been so busy! I love it all!
    Have a great week and don't work too hard!

  4. Love your blog.....I have been reading it for quite sometime now. Keep up the good work, or should I say "labor of love!"

  5. Your always an inspiration. Love the eggshell and carton idea for starting things.

    Cute idea on the chair.


  6. Love all your ideas, but I can't wait to try the eggshell idea with my pre-school class. The children would enjoy seeing their plants grow on the windowsill! The chair is adorable! Cute signs too. You are a busy gal! Love & blessings from NC!

  7. Hi Cynthia,
    I can tell you had a successful weekend. My project this summer will be making my front porch cozy as it can possible be. Not much traveling this summer because of the economy so...I will concentrate on my porch and yard...making it an oasis. My own little resort. ~amy

  8. Hi Cynthia,
    Well my goodness, I haven't checked in with you for awhile, you sure have been busy. I have missed you. Your home and your blog both look spectacular!!


  9. I think you found the perfect spot for that little blue chair!

  10. Hello!
    Just found your blog and it is adorable!

  11. Just think Cynthia, of the joy and pleasure that you give to me as I scroll down through your very lovely blog. Each item is so thoughtfully and skillfully done, even the old wooden chair is adorable! Thank you for the privilege of each visit. I feel like I should be paying admission fees, but thank goodness, I can freely take in all of this artitry.

  12. Oh Cynthia, I want that Farmgirl sign!! I went to your store and noticed that most, if not all of your signs are sold but I love this one. Can't wait until you re-stock! I will definitely buy one!! You have been so busy lately but a good kinda busy, right? :) Happy Spring! I'm excited I'm going home this weekend and will get to spend time with my sis (and of course, my brother and mom). :) My sister and I are close and it gives us a chance to do girly things together and shop, of course!

  13. hi cynthia,

    your creations have such an imprint on them of you. very sweet and thoughtful. i love the quotes that you have in your posts, too. such a delightful read!

    i'm so happy that you like your little birdhouse!

    have a great week, sweetie!


  14. Love that Rooster Rug!!! Target eh? I feel a trip coming on!

    I love your blog, than you for sharing!

    Lou Cinda :)

  15. Darling blue chair and I'm lovin that rooster rug!!

    Enjoyed your post!


  16. I love your daffodils, too! Great picture!

    --Lady Dorothy of
    Daffodil Dreams

  17. Yep, I am off to Target tomorrow! Don't you just LOVE Susan Branch and Mary Engelbreit. Your chair is adorable!! I have been gathering things to do more decopaging....I think it is my current favorite art medium. Keep up the creativity, its contagious!

  18. Hi Cynthia....another fabulous post!!! You are such a creative little thing.

    I love the chair and all the Susan Branch embellishments just 'doll it up' perfectly!

    Thanks for making me smile again.


  19. Hi Cynthia,

    Your little blue chair is adorable and perfect for spring. If I may ask, who makes the paint you used on the chair?. I love the shade of blue.
    Have a wonderful day,

  20. Love your color combos! Your site is the cutest...hope you'll check out my new blog and give-away.

  21. Cynthia, a BIG HUGE SMILE is being sent your way! To say thank you for the sweet posts on my blog and to say that it's exactly what your blog always does: makes ME smile. Everything is always so homey and inviting and comfy looking!
    Hugs! Diane

  22. That chair is gorgeous, and your rug is perfect. You've been a busy little bee! I received a copy of "easy Cottage style" today from Amazon. I haven't had much time with it yet, but what little I've seen it is already inspiring me. Thanks for mentioning it. ♥

  23. Great photos Cynthia. You sure have been busy. Thanks for sharing, you're such an inspiration.

  24. I LOVE creative weekends! I have some seeds to plant too. Only here if I don't get them in the soil now they'll be cooked before long and never sprout! Gotta love AZ!

  25. Hi Cyn,
    I love the sweet little chair! We had beautiful weather yesterday and I spent the day doing the same thing, playing on my porch! I had fun looking at all your artwork(;

  26. You always have such neat posts and projects going. Sorry I haven't been around so much I was a bit under the weather but all is well now so I am back to making my rounds and visiting all these lovely blog friends.

  27. Cynthia, I know I see this every time but I LOVE your house!!! You make me want to redo mine!! All of the things you made are so cute, I love the signs! And that chair is beyond cute! I cant wait until it gets warmer! I want to hang some mason jars from my cottage porch to hold wildflowers :)


  28. Hi Cynthia! I love your blog and your creative inspiration :)

    What a busy and productive time you had. Everything is charming I especially love the chair. Great idea! Now I could kick myself for not purchasing an older chair at the Thrift Store.

    I try to make it a point to do something creative and fun at least once a week. it feels so good!

  29. What pretty images you displayed! I love Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. Reminds me I should get them down from the cabinet and thumb through them some. You are wonderful inspiration here.

  30. Another beautiful post Cynthia! The little chair is adorable and I love your rooster rug! Wishing you a very Happy Easter sweetie!

    Love ya!

  31. Great post Cynthia. Your signs are adorable and I just love the Rooster rug. I would love to meet up with you next week. Have a great Easter!

  32. Hi Cynthia,
    What adorable things you have been creating!! The little chair for your porch is precious. I also love the vintage signs.

    Like you, I love the smell of potting soil. I have a few seedlings growing on my kitchen counter now. I really like your idea of starting them in an eggshell. I'll have to remember that.

    Have a Happy Easter.

  33. Hi Cynthia,

    Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter.


  34. Cynthia, I am always inspired by visiting your pages. I love the little chair! - OH... I LOVE every lil' thing you do! The egg carton and egg shell planting is adorable. I think I'll have to do that in my classroom after Easter break!

  35. Good morning Cynthia :)

    All your projects are darling and I love that new rooster rug!

    Happy Easter :)


  36. Hi Cynthia! I'm havin a senior moment: thought I commented before on these adorable and very clever signs!! Very different! Love them!! Unique with just a touch of quirky vintage - my favorite style!lol Happy Easter to you too Dear!(or should I say I hope you had a great day since it's almost over!)lol Just can't stay away from your blog!!!lol Have a great week!

  37. the chair is LOVEliness! I adore your vintage ads... ~Happy Spring beautiful!

  38. Oooooh, I love that cute little chair and that rooster rug!

  39. I saw that rooster rug at Target too recently and thought it was so cute!

  40. I hope all is well. I look forward to your next post.

  41. I always love getting back on the computer after a little break and spending time at Cynthia's cottage. So much to see and enjoy! Your post are each one unique and inspiring! Happy Spring to you!

  42. hi
    you are perfect , and i feel so much like me you love old and vintage and so do I , you have this creativity in you by which you can make something out of nothing .
    I want to make something like the one you made with the baking recipe and the farm girl theme , how do i go about how did you get prints and magazines.
    can you help me do something like this for my home can you tell me what i would need to get to do it , here in India i am sure everything is not available
    SO GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!

  43. LOVELY!!!


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia