Friday, May 29, 2009

~ Give - Away ~

(Just a little update ( 6/4/09 ) You have until 3pm eastern time on June 5th to enter )
Happy One year anniversary
of Blogging to me :) ...I can't believe it's been one year since I found this wonderful world of blogging! What better way to celebrate it , than with all of you incredible bloggers who stop by for visits and offer your friendship and inspiration to me on a weekly basis! I feel so blessed to have found this unique venture into a place that gives me such an outlet for creativity , and to be able to share journeys with all of you too! So ...I'm hosting a give away to show my appreciation and gratitude! Thank you sooooo much , to all of you! I wish I could pop a gift into every one's mail box at once , because each and every person I've met , has somehow touched me in one way or another...

The Give Away consists of: A beautiful basket with an image of art work by Diane Knotts. A pink toile china plate ( yes, lol, I bought two of these knowing I'd be having a give away and kept one for myself ) a Cynthia's Cottage handmade Country Living image sign, Blue and white smaller china plate with red gingham bow for hanging, a sweet Vintage Apron from the 50's, and a handmade table cloth made of linen ( or table scarf ) embroidered in a fabulous red with a hint of black. Size: 33" x 33"....perfectly Vintage too :) All ready to get packaged up and delivered to the lucky winners doorstep!

The only rules for the Give -away are... that you leave a comment and tell me your favorite part about blogging. If you mention the give-away on your blog I'll enter you 2 x. If you do a post on it with a picture from this post, I'll enter you 3 x. Anyone can enter and have a chance to win all the goodies... If you don't have a blog, just be sure to leave your email address in the comment so I can contact you if you win! I'll be drawing the names from the random generator on June 5th! Good luck to everyone!

~ You can click on any picture to get an up close view of each item ~

I hope you all are having a wonderful week! and thanks again for all your sweet comments on my previous post! I am so blessed to be connected to such wonderful woman and such creativity! I've had a busy few weeks, ( computer crashes, work, family , and getting ready for my middle Son's graduation ) but I look so forward to stopping by your blogs and catching up!

Thank you so much for helping to make this first year one fabulously fun , creative and inspirational journey !!

Wishing you luck , and many blessings!

Much Love,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. What pretties you are giving away! Please enter me in the drawing.
    Hugs, Susan

  2. Hi Cynthia,
    Just wanted to let you know what an inspiration you've been to me. I appreciate all sweet ideas you've given to the blogger world. LOL
    We're remodeling and one of my rooms is going to be decorated in the cottage style.
    Please enter me in the drawing!

    Tanya -

  3. What a beautiful giveaway!!! You put a lot of thought into each item and anyone would be thrilled to win. Please count me in!!!

    What I love about blogging? I have new friends!!! It's always fun to make new friends and especially people that like the same things! I have different types of friends in blogland . . . I have decorating friends, artsy friends, work friends, inspiring friends, photographer friends and more. I love sharing happy and sad events in my life and love reading the same from others. I get incredible ideas from crafts to recipes and it is a thoroughly rewarding part of my day!!

  4. Congratulations.
    I just love your blog and the way you talk about everything.

  5. What a great giveaway! I'd love to be entered...thanks!

    aunthoney at frontiernet dot net

  6. I'm drooling over that blue and white plate...

  7. Hi Cynthia,
    There are so many things that I love about blogging. I love reading about other people's lives and also sharing about mine. I love seeing all of the decorating ideas from everyone. The pictures of some people's homes should be put into a magazine. Like yours! You should have your own decorating book. "Decorating With Cynthia" We would all buy it.
    But most of all I love the fact that I have made so many friends out here in Blogland. People that I never would have met if it had not been for this new way of communicating! I just love it!

    Lee Laurie

  8. Hi Cynthia,I also consider all the blogs I read as friends.My family gets tired of hearing,well I read on such and such a blog lol.You are all my companions and i wouldn't trade any of you for nothing.The pleasure we all receive is beyond measure,so many heartfelt thanks and blessings in the next year of blogging.Donna

  9. Oh, everything is so pretty, I love it all....
    I follow your blog in my google reader and admire all of the pretty things you share....
    Thant is why I blog, To Share!

  10. OH WOW! What fun! The best part of blogging for me has been making friends that like the same things I do and of course the ideas and inspiration I receive from each and everyone! I love your blog! Congrats on your accomplishments! I am having a little giveaway so I will blog about yours, too! I am EXCITED!

  11. Hi Cynthia, what a great giveaway and ADORE that Toile plate, PINK is my all time fave color.
    My favorite part about blogging is all the great ideas you get from others around the world. It seems the world really IS a click away AND the friends you make by leaving and reading comments is so wonderful, it often warms my lonely heart to read them early in the morning with a cup of coffee. I check out many blogs that way .

    Hus from Marian

  12. Best part of blogging are the new friends and the inspiration...and encouragement. Sometimes just to pour out your heart and find you are NOT alone...we're quite a distance from family and just don't have that many friends here so...I am a real people person, nowadays they call it networking, blogging lets me indulge to my heart's content!

  13. Happy one year anniversary, Cynthia!

    My favorite thing about blogging is all of the wonderful people you meet.

    Have a wonderful weekend...

  14. WHEW! I did it! I posted about your giveaway and included a photo! Please come by my blog to enter my giveaway, too! THANK YOU!

  15. How sweet. I love them all. Congratulations. I really enjoy your blog.


  16. Oh, please enter me in your give away. I adore the sign! And of course all the other goodies too! The pink plate would look wonderful in my guest room. You have a really nice blog. I'll be back again soon. One of my favorite things about blogging is that it has helped me to make new friends (even though I don't really know them) and it has given me a chance to find new, creative ways to enjoy our home. Blessings, Patty

  17. Oh my GOODNESS! Awesome! You know I'll post your giveaway, you are the ONLY BLOG BUTTON I HAVE on mine! (hehehe - can you tell I really like your blog?)
    Enter me, enter me!
    Pick me! Pick me!
    I sound like a 2nd grader! :)
    Have a great day!!!! Karen

  18. you have the BEST blog! I love reading and rereading all of it. what a great giveaway you are having...everything is so wonderful... please please enter me!!!

  19. Please....Please Enter Me!!

    With my "Empty Nest" Blogging has become my second family. When I get up in the morning I can't wait to see who has "visited" me!!

    Beautiful Gifts!!

  20. Cynthia,
    What a beautiful giveaway!
    My favorite thing about blogging is the wonderful and generous people that I have met. I enjoy sharing with people who 'get me' and share a love for the same things I do.
    I have included your beautiful giveaway as a post on my blog.
    Thanks for the lovely inspiration you share with us through your blog,

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Beautiful giveaway. Please enter me (if it's okay that I live in Canada! Well, I mean, it's okay that I live here, because after all, there's nothing you can do about that! But if it's okay that a Canadian can enter the draw -- what with the price of stamps etc.)

    Anyway, beautiful giveaway. And I'll mention you on my blog. So enter me 2x (if it's okay...........

    So, my favorite thing about blogging is that hearing about your everyday life or seeing what you made for dinner or what a great deal you got at the thrift store or what color you painted the bathroom - well, it's almost like sitting and chatting with a close friend, relaxing and comfortable.

  23. What a great givewaway, Cynthia! I'd love to be entered. Your blog is adorable and I enjoy visiting from time to time. I will mention you on my My email is

  24. I just found your blog recently and was an instant fan! I love your style and ideas. What a beautiful giveaway! (I'm a toile-a-holic) The best part of blogging is "meeting" people with similar interests. Congrats on your 1st year!

  25. I truly enjoy your blog. Congrats on 1 year. I just started blogging approximately a month ago and I am having so much fun. I love the creativity that I have been exposed to. It's funny my husband does not get it at all - I just tell him it like looking at a magazine but you get to talk to the editor. Would truly appreciate being entered into the drawling. You are giving away such lovely things!

  26. What lovely items!

    What do I love about blogging...wonderful new friends.

  27. Congrats on one year! I just love all the new and wonderful people I meet every day on my blog. It's fun to see how much we all really do have in common!
    I love your offering! I have some of the pink toile dishes already! I love them, still in search of the matching tea pot!!
    Thanks for offering. I stole your picture and I'm off to add you on a post on my site!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  28. I've got your post with pic up and running all links work even! ;)
    Hugs, Lisa

  29. Everything is so cute! Let's favorite part about blogging is all the fun ideas for decorating. My daughter and I have gotten so many good ideas to try. We send pictures back and forth and have even copied some of them!

  30. Happy Anniversary Cynthia! I hope to be reading your blog for a long time:>) My favorite thing about blogging has to be the inspiration and friendships I have found. It has spurred me on to be more creative and to share that creativity more freely. Bloggers are so supportive and fun, and of course the give-aways are fun too:>) I'm off to post about this one right now!

  31. Such sweet fave is the blue plate with the red gingham ribbon bow! My two favorite colors and they match my house!

  32. Thanks for a wonderful year....and looking forward to the year to come. I have posted your giveaway on my blog site.....I really want to win and three chances might do the trick (G)!!!! Hugs, Annelies

  33. Congratulations on your first anniversary of blogging!
    I think that the thing that I like about blogging is the feedback that I recieve from people.
    I like attention and if you're lucky, you can get that on here.
    I also like the inspiration I recieve from other blogs (such as yours). Believe it or not, seeing what other people do in their homes keeps me motivated.
    Again, Congratulations!!

  34. Hi Cynthia,
    It is easy to tell you what I love about is meeting nice people like you. You offered me much needed advice. Truly out of the goodness of your heart.

  35. C! Meeting some of the sweetest most generous people that I've ever met. And not just with material things, but with a sympathetic ear or advice or time to help with a blog problem or most importantly, just support and caring.

    yapping cat

  36. Hello Cynthia dear! You are really really making it hard for me to simplify!!lol Every time I visit I feel like I just came in the back door with the squeaky screen door!!! and then the urge to change decor yet again hits!! I've decided I NEED two different houses; that's all there is to it! Since I'm sooo confused no need to enter me but I just wanted to stop by and say HI! I'm pretty sure I'll be kicking myself later for not entering though!!!lol Have a fun weekend!!! Sincerely, Jeannette BTW I think everything I just said is a reason why I don't like blogging!!lol lol

  37. What a great giveaway! I would love to be entered. Jackie

  38. Cynthia, I love blogging because I have met wonderful gals, like you who are inspiring and like minded, fun and very sweet. Good friends are made this is a wonderful process. Blogging has been wonderful to me, I can't imagine not visiting with so many wonderful neighbors. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway!

  39. Oh my! Give-aways ARE a fun part to blogging but even more fun are all the wonderful Kindred Spirits who support one another on this creative journey.

  40. hello sweetie and happy blogiversary to you!

    one of my favorite things about blogging is YOU! you really changed blogging for me when i won your giveaway. through it i got to know you and maryjane and penny and many other sweet, warm, creative, encouraging and supporting women. it's wonderful and i really credit you.

    your giveaway items are so you! i will include something in my next post and let you know.

    happy weekend!


  41. I absolutely love this giveaway!! Please enter me!! I am going to post about it, with a photo right now!

    And as for my fav part of blogging...I will have to say meeting so many sweet and caring new friends!!

    Hope I win he he


  42. Oh, what gorgeous items you are giving away!

    My favorite part of blogging? How can I choose just one? I love it all! But, if I had to choose just one, I think it would be the inspiration I gain. I am inspired to creativity in many areas of life. I thank all blogland for that!

    Happy Blogiversary!

  43. Thanks Cynthia! ♥ I love your style and your blog!

    My favorite thing about blogging is that it's like having a bunch of neighbor girls who like all the same things I do!

    I'll post about this give away!

  44. Hi I love your blog! My favorite part of blogging is how much I learn from others. Lots of ideas, crafts, sewing, art, and recipes. I have also enjoyed all the new friens I get to meet! Please inter me in your give away. It is a beautiful gift. And congradulation on your 1 yr anniversary.Blessing, Sharon

  45. I love your blog and visit each day, although I don't comment all the time.

    My favorite part of blogging is making friends. It is amazing. I also love the fact that we can share with each other, be honest and learn from each other. Who knew that a computer could be so much fun?!

    I love all of your giveaway goodies. Hope you have a great weekend.

  46. I started blogging in Jan. after my daughter had gotten me interested. I love seeing all the neat ideas bloggers have.

  47. I need a bib, I'm drooling!! Congratulations on your first year anniversary of your wonderful blog! Twyla

  48. I am a new reader and I love your sweet blog! I love blogging because I am creating a real time journal that shows our life day to day. A wonderful gift to my little girls...

  49. Congratulations on your first anniversary of blogging...
    I think that the thing I like about blogging is the part of how much I learn from others... Lots of ideas, crafts, sewing, art, and recipes... I have also enjoyed all the new friends I get to meet.. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway...Thanks..

  50. What a great giveaway. I am a follwer and adore your blog.

    The best thing about blogging, is one that two years ago when I began my blog on a lark I would've never thought or considered.....the friends I have "met". It's like chatting with a neighbor at the fenceline, the daily repour, the connections, the way we invst in one anothers happiness and ideas. The support. I would've never thought I would've gotten that from perfect strangers. Some bloggers I have met, others we communicate daily through blogs-even more- emails, phonecalls, letters. It is an amazing place-Bloggeritaville. I am blessed to be apart and amongst such great bloggers. That has been THE BEST part to me.

  51. I love connecting with my readers and being inspired. :)

  52. Oh Cynthia what yummies you have to giveaway hoping they come my way....congrats on your 1 yr. of blogging it is such fun!!

    ps I will post it on my blog

  53. Cynthia,
    What a lovely giveaway! I'm going to blog and add a picture. Check it out! I love to gush about all the nifty blogs I follow and the talented ladies (like you!) who give me the best ideas! Please enter me in your drawing. Thank you and have a great weekend!!!


  54. Happy one year anniversary! I am so glad I found you - or you found me -lol...

    What I truly love about blogging is that there are so many amazing women that I get to meet. Women whom I would have never had a chance to meet with blogging. You are one of those amazing women Cynthia.

  55. I love blogging because of all the wonderful friends I have discovered. I have been so inspired by the many blogs that I have read. It is a wonderfully creative outlet. Please enter meinto your giveaway. Love your posts.

  56. Hi Cynthia
    Congratulations on one year! I have enjoyed reading your blog so much,seeing your wonderful creative ideas,and your beautiful home and just generally getting to know you! I'd love to win your generous giveaway. I am having one too!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  57. Hi Cynthia, Your blog is such a visual treasure. I enjoy every visit to see what you have posted. To think that it has been a year! Wow, your photos and composition are beautifully professional.

  58. Ok. Just so you know. I posted your giveaway - but - I kinda told everyone that I was going to win - so . . . hope you don't mind!
    LOL Hugs. Karen

  59. Love the yummy give-away! Love your blog! Please enter me in the give-away.

  60. congrats! i just love your blog. as soon as i get all of my computer problems fixed i will be a blogger! have a great weekend:)

  61. Blogging is new to me too and it's fun because I can connect with my friends to discuss our crafts. I hope you are having as much fun.

    Congrats on your blog's 1st Anniversary, Cynthia.

    I've blogged about your fabulous giveaway on my blog:

  62. Would love to be entered in your contest! Came over from a friend of mine who reads your blog and I hae to agree, it's very nice!!

  63. The items in your give away are gorgeous! I hope that I am a winner!!!!

    Anyway, I enjoy blogging because it allows you to meet wonderful people and make new friendships.

    I love your blog; it is full of inspiration and creativity.

    God Bless!

  64. I did a post about your giveaway and included a picture. Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway. Jackie

  65. Wow, what an amazing giveaway package! I've mentioned your giveaway, and posted both a picture and link on my blog!! And it's things like this - supporting each other and making friends along the way - that is my favorite part of blogging! Of course, I love good eye candy - and you seem to have that in abundance. Keep up the good work, and congratulations on a great first year. Hugs, Cathy

  66. Howdy
    What a sweet way to celebrate your blogging anniversary .
    I love it all :)
    Thank you for sharing by offering a fabulous giveaway .
    I love it all.
    Blogging is something I had never even heard of until January and my Son thought it was time for me to learn how to jump on the computer and join in the real world .
    So here I am in the midst of the most amazing people.Thank you .
    God Bless you .

  67. Hi Cynthia!

    Yipppeee! Happy Anniversary to you! Congrats on a whole year of friendships and fun.

    I started blogging to deal with my sweet Mum's death. It's helped me more than I can say! The blogworld chicks are FABULOUS!!!

    Many blessings,

  68. 1 year! Congrats, I like blogging because there is no end to the friends! Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway.

  69. I love to blog for a lot of the same reasons these ladies do. I love to get new ideas from decorating to cooking and I have made some new friends through blogging. I also posted about your giveaway on my blog. So add me three times, it took me forever, but I did it! I would love to especially win that adorable toile plate.
    I love your blog and you have an adorable home.

  70. Happy One Year Blog Anniversary!!! I, too, have been blogging for around a year---I can't believe how much computery stuff I've learned since I started, but more importantly, I can't believe how many interesting, intelligent, funny, creative, and downright NICE folks I've "met" thanks to blogging! Now, thanks to Cathy at Crazy by Design, I've met YOU!! Just last week, I met (in real life) a fellow blogger. It was the neatest experience--to finally meet someone you already feel like you know!

    Your giveaway items are wonderful. Thanks for letting me enter!! Dana

  71. Hi,dose not have a blog but,have yours and a host of others bookmark and read faitfuly,love the vintage beauties

  72. Oh my goodness! We are very new to the blogging community and just found your amazing site! What we love about blogging is definitely "meeting" so many amazing and talented people who are stupendously helpful and friendly.

    Have a lovely weekend,

    Juli (and Debi)

  73. Hi Cynthia:
    I came over from my friend, Karen's blog (somedays are diamonds). She told me she was going to win your giveaway but we should all stop by anyway and say hi. lol.
    What a generous giveaway you are having. I would love to be entered.
    Congratulations on your year anniversary in blogging.

  74. I luv,luv,luv your blog and all of the pics!! I eagerly wait for another posting. You seem like such a lovely person. I don't have a blog but am thinking seriously about one. Please enter me in your drawing for all the pretties!!

  75. Great blog, it's always fun to stop by. Love your bright colors.
    Blogging to me, opens up a world to fellow sisters, who I find, many are living extraordinary lives.
    The comments help the feeling of friendship blossom, then move on to emails, and in my case recently...I met a fellow blogger friend. She's from Georgia, and I'm in INdiana.
    We were enroute to Florida.
    What a marvelous experience!

  76. What a beautiful blog Cynthia, I was told of your lovely site from Diane, Lavender Dreamer.

    Congratulations on your One year Anniversary!

    I Love blogging so much for all the friends I have made here and the wonderful things they have to show, share and tell about.

    enjoy your weekend

  77. What I love best about blogging is getting to "meet" others that I would probably never get the opportunity to meet otherwise.


  78. Hi Cynthia...

    I'm coming over from Karen's (Some Days are Diamonds)where she did a post telling about your fabulous giveaway! Ooooh...what lovely gifts!!! They would certainly have a very good home at my place...wink!

    You asked us to tell why or what we like about blogging...

    Well my friend, this is my very first visit to your blog! I read down through some of your posts and found it to be so delightful...full of pretties and great ideas! I'm adding you to my list of blogs to follow...and I look forward to your upcoming posts and getting to know you!!! This is the very reason that I enjoy fills my world with beauty...I get such great inspiration and ideas from my fellow bloggers...and I really enjoy making new friends! My health doesn't always allow me to get involved with many things outside of my home...blogging has been a Godsend...such a blessing to me!!!

    So very nice to meet you...
    Warmest wishes,

  79. Your blog is absolutely fabulous! Thanks to a post on a friend's blog I found you! Congratulations on your one year! I adore everything about blogging, sharing events and recipies with friends and family are the reasons I blog, its such a wonderful way to journal our own family history and the added benefit of making friends around the country and the world is just icing on the cake! The fresh ideas and inspiring photos on your blog are a delight to see! Thanks for sharing! ~Katy (I'm posting your giveaway on my blog too!)

  80. I am over from Kathy's Cottage and so glad to be here. This is a precious blog. I'll be back to read more of it.
    Happy 1 year Anniversary. I'll post about your giveaway and blog this week ..and thanks so much for giving us a chance to win such a generous and wonderful giveaway.

  81. Wow.. great giveaway! Please enter me! Thanks,

  82. ps

    i just posted a link and photo about your giveaway!


  83. Hi, congradulations on your one year blogging anniversery. I don't comment too much but I check your blog just about everyday because every post is so inspiring to me and so pretty to look at. Your home is beautiful! Please enter me in the give away, I love all the goodies. Thanks. Erica

  84. Hi there...just wanted to let you know that I posted about this giveaway on my blog, and added a picture! You can check it out here...


  85. I just found your blog the other day. It feels so cozy here! I haven't attempted a go at blogging (not sure I could live up to all the wonderful ones I've stumbled across recently) but I may give it a try sometime down the road. I love your country living awesome it would be to win one! Please enter me in your email address is


  86. Oh Sweet! You know I would just love to win your give away! I never win these. I've been blogging for almost a year and have never won one. I have saved the image so I'll do a post on it Monday. How fun! Congrats one year... I'm coming up right behind you. My one year is in June. Thank you for hosting such a sweet giveaway!


  87. Cynthia,
    Congratulations on your one year anniversary here in blogland. It is such a blessing to have a blog!

    Please count me in for this giveaway. I've posted about the giveaway as well.


  88. Hi Cyn,
    One of the main reasons I love to blog is getting to meet sweet people like YOU and also for great inpiration from so many talented ladies!

  89. Oh my! These beauties are too good to pass up! I do love your blog -- and what do I love about blogging? It's like a visit all over the country and a reminder of how many wonderful folks live...north south prarie big city and small town east west -- there are truly remarkable people everywhere! And it makes me feel like a neighbor to them all!

  90. Wonderful giveaway and congratulation! Your blog is an inspiration and this is one thing I love in blogging but also friendship and learning...

  91. I only started blogging a couple of months ago and it has made such a difference to me I now have lots of like minded friends and each blog is like a magazine to pore over and enjoy. Your site is right up my street I love all the items you show especially your signs.
    Thank you for the givaway.

  92. hi, i just started blogging, it is really fun, fun to find people with the same interest as you, and all the talented people you meet. thank you for letting me enter and i will do a post on my site so others can visit you.

  93. Happy Anniversary Cynthia! You have a virtual cake and anniversary wishes awaiting you at

    I'm new to blogging and it has truly been an inspiration and all the wonderful people that stop by for visits is such a treat.

    Celebrate and enjoy another year of friends and happy inspirations!


  94. Howdy-Hey Cynthia!
    I have felt so blessed by blogging because I don't feel isolated and lonely anymore. I feel like I have found a whole family of Sisters all ready to visit at any moment! I think God had blogging in mind a LONG time ago, heehe! Fellowship is all good, even on the computer! I will post about your giveaway early this week on my blog. Your post is lovely as always!

  95. I blog so that the friends I moved away from can "visit" my life & home.

  96. Love your site.


  97. My favorite thing about blogging is all of the beautiful
    inspiration and wonderful people you meet.
    Happy one year anniversary!!!

  98. I don't have a blog but hope to in the future. I found your blog a few weeks ago and love how you put your heart and soul in your decorating! It definitely comes across in your blog.

    Thanks for entering me in the drawing. Beautiful items!! I am keeping my fingers crossed!!

    Robbie Washburn(:

  99. Oh such a sweet giveaway!

    My favorite part of blogging is the extended network of friends you create.

  100. Congrats on your blogoversary! I just reached my 300th post and have a giveaway going on too! Isn't blogging fun! I wouldn't trade it for anything!

    Have a great weekend!

  101. My favorite thing is seeing everyone's homes and the way they decorate....I have redone a lot of my rooms after seeing something I like...and I am a stager!!

    I am also adding your giveaway on my sidebar!

    Warm Hugs,

  102. My favorite part of blogging is the friends Ive made all over the world. And I also love to see how creative everyone is, its inspiring. Its also nice to take a sneak peek into others homes to see how they decorate. Sometimes when your stuck for ideas.....seeing what someone else did gets you moving!

  103. Happy Bloggiversary Cynthia! I am new to blogging but what I enjoy most are the friends I am meeting and that it is a place where I can be creative. Thank you for entering me in your generous giveaway!

    Have a glorious weekend!


  104. Hi Cynthia,
    I don't have a blog, but I'll tell you what I love about the ones I visit, they're all full of inspiration. You've given me so many ideas for my own home. Thanks so much. Please include me in your drawing. My email address is Yes, I have 6 kids, which is probably why I can't keep up with a blog of my own :-)

  105. such wonderful things to win. I'm so loving that tablecloth :0)
    I'd love to be entered and will post the info and button on my blog as well. You should see it by tomorrow.

  106. I'm a long-time lurker but since I recently started my own blog, I figured it was time to come out and said hello, especially on this momentous occasion of your 1 year blogging anniversary. Congratulations!

    This giveaway is absolutely extraordinary! Such wonderful gifts! I actually have 2 favorite things about blogging: 1. playing with photos and words is a whole different way to express my creativity and 2. it offers an endless supply of priceless inspiration from some really talented women that doesn't cost anything except my monthly internet bill! And I can do better than just a post about your giveaway. I can actually show something I was inspired to put together after seeing it on your blog!

  107. My favorite part of blogging is keeping a journal I don't misplace (o: Posting the Granddaughters pictures and getting comments.

  108. Beautiful! You better come over and join my give-away as ends tonight at midnight. cherry

  109. Put me in the draw! Wonderful prizes. love the apron.

  110. Hi Cynthia,

    How generous of you! Happy Anniversary!! Love all the goodies and please count me in.

    Isn't blog land wonderful, I love the connections I've made with wonderful and talented women from all over the world, it's truly amazing!!


  111. Lovely! What a fabulous giveaway! I am posting it on my blog and using your photos. Thank you for hosting it!

  112. Hi Cynthia, I am so glad that I found your blog, and on your anniversary no less! I am a basically a newbie to this new world of friends who have served to show me that I'm not alone in my quest for comfy living in traditional, contemporary,country, cottagey, and yes, even, quirky ways!! These new found friends are the equivalent of what I used to have in the dark ages- pen pals! They inspire, enlighten, and comfort me in ways only friends can do. For this I am so grateful. I've even had the opportunity to meet some in person- and that is even better. I signed up to follow you and I'm sure you will inspire. Thanks for the giveaway entry. Congrats on your 1st yr. of blogging! Sue

  113. Hi Cynthia,

    My favorite part about blogging is all the wonderful treasures that ladies make that I can purchase for my Pink Fairy Cottage! Especially beautiful pink goodies. Thank you for having this awesome give-away.

    xo Cathy

  114. Happy Blogoversary! I love the friendships I've made through blogging! It's just amazing the strength my bloggy friends have given me! As a matter of fact I just posted about that in my latest post! I'd love for you to stop by and see why I LOVE blogging! :)

  115. Oh my Cynthia.....
    Your give-away is fabulous.
    I would love to be included.
    Congratulations on your first year.....looking forward to many more.
    Hope your weekend is beautiful.

  116. I think that I love freedom in writing in the blog format. Coming from a technical writing background the most liberating thing has been blogging for the past 8 months or so. No boundaries and make it up as you like. I do this on my Our Simple Life site.

    I also have an apron giveaway you may like too! Its at the Apron Goddesses.

    Lastly Congratulations on making it a year in blog land!!

  117. Good Evening Cynthia,
    Thank you for doing such a wonderful giveaway. I love blogging because I have met so many people thru it who have giving me so much inspiration. I have done a special post this evening mentioning your giveaway as well. Have a wonderful evening.

  118. What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to be entered. Thanks

  119. Oh, Cynthia, what a wonderful givaway and congratulations on 1 year of blogging. I don't have a blog yet, but it is inspiring ones like yours that make me want to get mine up and going.
    I look forward to your new posts.
    Please enter me!!

  120. Very cool stuff! Love the vintage apron and table cloth.

  121. I look forward to blogging, I might not get to it everyday but I always have a thought. I should blog about this or I could post this picture on my blog are often heard coming out of my mouth! I love meeting new people and visiting with old friends!!

    Posted about your giveaway & of course I added pictures! how could I not ad pictures it is all so beautiful!!!

  122. Hi Cynthia,

    Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway. My favorite part of blogging is making new friends and being inspired by others creativity.


  123. First, Congratulations on your one year anniversary! And secondly, where has this adorable blog been hiding since last December!" My favorite colors, lots of roses, so many cute things to look at...and of course sweet as pie to boot! Not only all those things but a wonderful giveaway loaded with cute cottage goodies!

    This blog is one that says so many of the reasons I love blogging. Always a new discovery, another bright and talented woman to get to know with interesting things to say and lovely things to look at and with experiences to share. That is the very reason I love blogging!

    Please enter me in your giveaway though I have already won a prize by discovering yet another little cottage to visit.

  124. P.S. I have given you a bit of a showcase for my extra entries..and besides, it makes my post look CUTE! :)

  125. I have always loved this beautiful blog, to me, blogging is a wonderful way to connect with some really wonderful people! I hope I win~ Cindy

  126. Good morning, Cynthia, Thank you for having a sweet giveaway! I will, of course, blog with a picture to share with others! Your style is so lovely, I'd love, love, love to win! Suzie

  127. Hello Cynthia. I'm new to your blog and i came by from Elyse's blog while catching up on Pink Saturday!

    Ummm I don't think I may be eligible for this giveaway cause I do live far - across seas and oceans LoL but oh my, whoever the winner is is a very lucky one.

    but have to say, what lovely goodies you have in your basket. Everything is just wonderful. The plates, the signs, fabrics . . . And look at the apron, it's so sheer :-)

    And to participate in your Q & A; the part that I love about blogging is getting to express your something that's inside you and getting to meet such lovely, sweet ladies. And I'm so happy I get to meet such. That's the wonder of blogging - connecting bridges :-)

    nice to meet you.

    (LoL I was about to say Happy Pink saturday)

  128. Congratulations on your bloggiversary! I love blogging's like journaling and scrapbooking all in one. I've met some wonderful new friends in blogland too. Take care ~Natalie

  129. Hi, Cynthia, Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Isn't it just so much fun!!
    Your manificent giveaway is posted on my Sunday post.

    I love blogging because of the chance to "meet" all these wonderful people. I love getting to know them...and their likes and dislikes. I love laughing with them, crying with them and just being somewhat involved with their blogging lives. Blogging has brought me laughter so many times...and I love the fact that we can all pray for each other when needed. I think I love that better than anything else...all the prayers.

    Hope your Sunday is a great one..
    xo bj

  130. Cynthia... I have to admit that I adore that vintage apron the most!
    Happy 1-year anniversary on your beautiful blog.

  131. I've never been to your blog before - but I'll definitely be back. I've wandered around a bit and enjoyed everything - so charming!!! And what a give away - thanks for the great blog. What I like most about blogging is the wonderful people and their caring spirits and new ideas.

  132. My favorite part about blogging is meeting great, creative people like you. Your giveaway is awesome. And congrats on your blogiversary.

  133. What a generous giveaway and Happy Blogiversary to you!! I am a new follower and am really enjoying all of your wonderful posts. Can't wait to see more!!
    What I like the most about blogging is meeting all the sweet, wonderful people, seems like we're all kindred spirits in some way or another.
    ♥ Teresa

  134. Hi Cynthia, happy first year anniversary!!!!!

    My favorite part of blogging is the sharing....sharing of ideas....sharing of hearts....sharing of our daily lives.

    Your blog ALWAYS inspires me!!

    Hugs, Barb

  135. Cynthia,

    What a great giveaway!! You know how to celebrate girl.
    Please put my name in the drawing.

    Barbara Jean

  136. What a pretty give away. What I like abt blogging, is that women are willing to share their feelings, their crafting, their passions - it really is abt women helping each other. I have learned so much......Jo

  137. Hi,

    I just started to blog last week. I love the part about sharing. It seems to be a big happy family blogging. I am enjoying hearing for all the wonderful people. Your give aways sounds great.


  138. what a beautiful give away and your site is great. I am adding you as a friend.

  139. Cynthia ~ The thing I find most rewarding in blogging since this April is the wonderful people I have joined to share life & God with on a daily basis ... it has been very rewarding.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  140. Hi Cynthia, I love your blog and what a great giveaway you have. I love blogging to see everyones decorating ideas and even swap some recipes sometimes.

  141. Cynthia,

    Though I'm not a blogger, I recently found your blog and now it is one of my absolute favorites, which I read daily. Please keep up the good work and enter me in your lovely giveaway.


    Debbie V.

  142. Congrats Cynthia,
    I have loved your blog since my first visit!

    The BEST part about blogging...well there are many many BESTS!!!!
    The people we meet, the connections we form, the inspiration, sharing our lives and homes. The giveaways and the swaps.... Its the second best part of my life!

    Have a wonderful day,

  143. I love to visit your blog along with many others that have inspired me on projects around my own home. Although some blogs have sent me on shopping trips! LOL.

    I don't have a blog, but creating one is on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing.

    North Richland Hills, TX

  144. How lovely! I would be so excited to win :) My favorite part about blogging was meeting all the wonderful people!

    All the best,

  145. oh my, your cottage items are so yummy! Please enter me too!!

  146. I love blogging. To me it is an avenue to write about what is going on in my life, to share ideas, prayer, and encouragement with others. Also, I am always so inspired by the talent of all the gals who offer suggestions on decorating on a budget, thrifting, and ways to make your home more pleasing and comfortable, and entertaining more relaxing.
    I especially like this blog and have gotten a lot of ideas from it. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  147. Please count me in.Kim-

  148. My favorite part about blogging is the community - I have made dear friends via blogging, been challenged, inspired and encouraged by fellow bloggers!

    It's also an easy way to keep in touch with distant relatives without overloading them with family pictures and news... if they want to know whats going on with us, they can check the blog! :)

  149. What beautiful gifts - I feel happy just looking at them! Thanks so much. My favorite thing about blogging would have to be the great people I've "met" - it's a wonderful world out here in blogland!
    sjbraun at hotmail dot com

  150. Dear Cynthias,
    Congratulations on your Anniversary!What an achevement :O)

    For myself am so happy that I have found your lovely blog site....But the Thanks should go to Cathy K for introducing me.
    I love your style very much Cynthias,and try to create the style in my seaside home in Remote UK. Mostly from charity sales etc.
    My cottage wall's are made from original Mahogany wood from 1904..and they are decorated with plates that have collected over the years.
    There is something in the style that is both elegant and at the same time homely and calming/soothing in this hectic rushing world.
    Thanks for letting me join in this compitition....I have bookmarked your site,will pop in again and again,its so lovely.
    Best wishes from Pam

  151. Love your blog..Please sign me up for the give away.

    Congratulations on the 12 year aniversary..

  152. My favorite thing about blogging is finding people like me who enjoy decorating and homemaking as much as I do. Seeing the wonderful ideas that other people have inspires me! I enjoy seeing how other people decorate their homes. I also like getting ideas about products, books, recipes, gardening, etc. It's a wealth of information and entertaining! Your blog is so fun to read!


  153. Wow, you have a amazing site. What do I like most about blogging? I like that each person can share so easily something they love, that otherwise may not of been every shared. People stumble upon sites because someone in their blog mentions someone else and you see a blog you did not know was there. Thank you for sharing your first year anniversary with everyone Congratulations!!

  154. What a generous giveaway. I enjoy reading your blog. You give such great tips on decorating. Please enter me in your giveaway. Linda from Canada

  155. My favorite thing about blogging is seeing pictures of REAL peoples houses. I love it. Mishelle

  156. congrats on your blogging anniversary! What a lovely give away, hope I will be the lucky winne.

  157. Such beautiful treats for your giveaway, please enter me!
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  158. hi Cynthia. I have been following your blog for quiet some time now and love it.
    What I love about blogging.. hmm.. I love the friendships..the support shown to me by women from all over the world. I love to see how other people live, the homes and the decor.. I love to hear about the towns they live in..the families..the pets. I love to sit here with my peppermint tea and enjoy what has been laugh with others, to enjoy their craft work. I could go on and on but I think you get the Marilyn xoxo

  159. Cynthia, Your blog is so enjoyable.
    Someday i would like to have one. It looks like so much fun. Your giveaway is awesome!.......Robin

  160. Good morning Cynthia :)

    Happy one year blogging anniversary!! I could have sworn you had been blogging longer than me!! I love you and your blog and I'm so glad we "met".

    Please enter me for your wonderful giveaway :)


  161. Hello Cynthia!
    Just found your blog and am so delighted to see all your lovely posts - can't wait to take some time to get to know you. Blogging is my way to connecting to like-minds..and it has been a pure joy! Stop by when you have a change and thanks for the opportunity to enter your darling give-away!

  162. Congratulations on your one year blogaversary! What do I love about blogging, so many things! I love connecting with other people, I love taking the photographs and I love sharing what interests me. Thanks for putting together such a lovely giveaway!


  163. Hello and Happy Anniversary! Although I don't have my own blog, I really enjoy getting ideas from ladies who enjoy homemaking as much as I do!

    Anne Michelle (

  164. Hello,I am Shelley! What a wonderful "Give Away" you are offering...I have met so many precious souls through this wonderful world of blogging. It has truly been a huge blessing to me. Just to peek into the lifes and homes of so many woman. To be inspired and uplifted by so many from all over the world. It so amazes me....yours is truly a beautiful blog....I am sure to return for many visits..........


  165. The drawing date is our 38th wedding anniversary! I feel lucky :)

    My favorite part of blogging is the "connecting" I do....following the "web" woven from one blog to another and finding new surprises around every corner Congratulations on your milestone and thanks for hosting the give-away!

  166. What do I like about blogging?? Friends and inspirations like you, of course. Congrats on your anniversary.


  167. much fun! One of my favorite things about blogging is the record it makes for my family. It's like a scrapbook with lots of journaling. Why is that so hard in a scrapbook and so easy on a blog?? Anyhoo, thanks for hosting such a beautiful giveaway! ~~Rhonda

  168. Hi Cynthia,
    I don't have a blog yet, but I am working on it! I adore your little treasures, I would so love to be entered. Thank you, Hugs, ~cindy s~

  169. What a wonderful giveaway! And your blog is lovely. Happy birthday to it! I love blogging because I have met many wonderful people from having a blog and visiting others and also have joined in many fun art swaps and blogging parties!

  170. Hi Cynthia, I just got my blog up and running today and I mentioned your gibeaway with a pic! It is so fun to see all of your wonderful goodies that you are giving to some very lucky soul. I especially love that apron! I love your blog, btw, I also put you on my sidebar as a favorite blog, because I check yours out regularly and enjoy it so! Hugs,
    ~cindy s~

  171. My favorite thing about blogging has been the wonderful people I've "met" here and there. It's so wonderful to find people you have things in common with so that you don't feel alone in the world even if they are in Seattle and a country way it's possible to feel their warms through a computer screen. Funny as it might seem, it's true.

  172. Cynthia, when you get a chance, please go take a peek here:

    Love your blog!

  173. Congrats on your first year. I love your creative give away! Will be visiting you again!

  174. Such a fun blog you have and so full of ideas. I love to visit many blogs and constantly have my creative juices pumped with all the wonderful ideas and decorating styles everyone has created. Blogging has been such great fun for me. Your giveaway is lovely and I would love to be entered. Hugs, Marty

  175. I love getting ideas and knowing friends!!! Please enter me in your give away!

  176. Hello my friend,
    From the looks of your comment box you have quite a group of friends and people who love give aways. Congratulation on your blogging journey. Having watched your blog I have seen some pretty amazing ideas. So thank you for all that you have shared with us.
    My favorite thing about blogging aside from all the wonderful people I meet is how it gets my creative juices flowing. So finding great decorators like yourself has been my favorite thing.

  177. Cynthia, I just LOVE your blog. It's so inspiring. I am not a blogger but please enter me into your 1 yr anniversary give away.


  178. What a wonderful blog. And a sweet giveaway!
    Have a great day.

  179. oh I would love to win this giveaway.please enter me and thanks so much ;)

  180. Hello,
    This is my first time here.
    It's lovely!
    Please enter me in your giveaway.
    Thank you, darling.

  181. Hi, Cynthia! I don't have a blog yet but definitely have plans for one soon. Yours is an inspiration! Congratulations on your 100th!

    Sherry in Little Rock

  182. Hi Cynthia!!

    HAPPY 100th POST!!!
    I'm at 180...and counting!!
    I love blogging because of all the wonderful gals I have "met" and for all the great ideas that gals share and it's much better than TV, cleaning the house...etc.
    You have a great blog and MANY friends!!
    Maybe you will visit me sometime.
    Thank you for having a giveaway and the gifts are super!!!
    Deb :)

  183. 100 posts! Wow, good for you! Please enter me in the drawing. It looks like fun and some great prizes.

  184. Hello Cynthia ,

    Wow you sure have quite allot of comments , Could you please enter my name in the draw.
    Thanks :)

  185. Terri here - forgot to say that what I love about blogging is meeting fabulous people and sharing ideas so quickly and easily! :)

  186. Thank you for the giveaway!

    I blog to keep a kind of journal for my crafting adventures. Then, one get to "meet" people with the same interest. It's enriching to read about what's everyone is doing and their experience and all the knowledge shared!

  187. There are so many reasons I love blogging. I love the inspiration that I receive from so many. You're a great example of that. Mimi

  188. Hi Cynthia, been a follower of your blog for a few months. I love your design ideas and lovely homemade things. Count me in for the giveaway.

  189. Wow Cynthia everyone is so excited to win!! Me too of course!! Happy one year! you know what I like best about blogging, my online girls who give me joy, hope and endless inspiration!! Love,Lori

  190. Cynthia,
    I love your blg!
    I just recently started my blog. I am a beginner but I am learning and I hope my blog will continue to improve over time.
    The thing I love the most about blogging is the inspiration I recieve from wonderful talented ladies like you.
    Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us!
    I would love to be entered in your
    awesome giveaway!
    Thanks again!
    Have a Fabulous Day!

  191. Such a great giveaway - such a pretty plate!
    Please enter me into the draw. I am adding a picture and a link to my blog today

  192. Happy blogoversary :) You made a great work creating so nice blog.

    For me blog is the best thing to finish my projects. If I show something and forget it, my friends remind about it :D
    I wrote about your blogoversary give-away in my blog.

  193. Hello Cynthia,

    Congratulations and happy blogoversary!
    Your blog is so fantastic!

    Thanks for this lovely giveaway, please count me in!
    I've put it on my blog (in a new post and in my left side coloumn too!).

    Thank you :)

    Have a great day/week!

    Hugs from Hungary,


  194. * sorry I forgot to tell you my fav about blogging...

    So, first I have so many new stitching friends and this is a very good thing!
    To know more people with this super hobby... great!
    And I love to read beautiful blogs, getting super ideas, seeing their wonderful photos... Nice to do think in the evenings. Or in the morning with a big cup of coffee ;)
    This is what I love in blogging and this bloggy world!


  195. Cynthia,
    Happy blog anniversary!!
    Thanks for including me in your giveaway...

  196. Happy anniversary! Such a beautiful, inspiring blog - thanks for sharing your visions of beauty with all of us. I am going over to update my blog this morning and I will include a few pix and a link back here. I'm just getting back into my blogging journey, so things have been a bit slow in my little corner of the blogosphere, but I'll be back in business and chatting away very soon!
    I love blogging because it provides a wonderful opportunity to share thoughts and ideas, and through that process to make new friends all around the world. I'll be back to let you know when your links and pix are up on my blog! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  197. I love the inspiration I get to do and make beautiful things from blogging!

    Thanks for the sweet giveaway - I *love* the toile plate!!


  198. Such pretty things. I would love to be entered. I think my favorite thing about blogging is meeting people all over the world. I've learned a lot of great things.

  199. 'morning again! I posted a link and a few pix . . . . .just FYI! Nina

  200. Congratulations ! Happy blogoversary :)


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia