Tuesday, June 23, 2009

~ Homemade ~

Hello Ladies! I have to first say, thank you so much for your sweet and funny letters to my Mom from the previous post! My parents are coming up for a visit tomorrow and will be here for about a month, so I can't wait to show her your little pleas for my china :) She told me she couldn't bring any on the plane, lol, so hopefully that means the rest can be shipped when she gets back home :) Now on to the new post... We have had rain here for what seems like 60 days, and so instead of gardening and playing outside this past weekend, I spent the time baking and cleaning and getting ready for company. My middle Son Kyle is graduating High School and so this coming weekend I'm throwing him a party to celebrate. One of the items on the menu is homemade bread :) I find this recipe so easy and most of the work is "waiting" for it to rise, lol, so I got a lot of cleaning done in between and also spent an hour reading through my new magazines too. Just click on the pictures to make them bigger and you can copy the recipe if you'd like, it's delicious, so Enjoy!

~ The recipe comes from my Vintage Pillsbury cookbook, circa 1963 ~

The smell of homemade bread is amazing! I found the trick is using scalding milk, and soaking the yeast in warm water first too. Just as the recipe implies :)

And of course, kneading is everything, I use my palms and really get in there for about 10 minutes!

Then you end up with this silky smooth ball of dough and even that has a wonderful scent too! The little picture above on the right is the first rise, a slightly damp towel covering the finished dough is another great tip for rising!
~ Then you wait, and wait and wait :) then you wait again :) ~

I passed the time cleaning and then sat down to the new summer reads! Country Living Magazine and of course Victoria too! I think this is one of the prettiest issues yet from Victoria! Go grab your July issues if you haven't already! Victoria features Maryjanes Farm in this issue and the eye candy is fabulous and fresh! And the recipes from Country living are sure to be a big part of Kyles Graduation party too!

Then I did a little more waiting , lol, until the pretty dough had been turned and risen a few more times, it was ready to bake!
Can you smell it? I sure hope so , because you all deserve a nice big piece!

Baking bread wouldn't be complete for me if I couldn't store it in something pretty :) A few years back I went on a quest for some Vintage European bread bags, this one below was a great find on eBay and I just adore the colors. I believe it's Swedish or German for " Fresh Bread" ??, but if anyone knows for sure, let me know if I'm right or wrong :) I am on the hunt for an Italian or French one now :)

They even look pretty and fit right in with the aprons when not being used for Bread!

I let the loaves peek through for the picture, but if you pull the ties closed the linen will keep the bread fresher a bit longer! Of course, homemade bread doesn't usually last too long in my house , but it looks sweet on a table when you have guests or for a party too!

~ Fresh bread is best warm right out of the oven with fresh butter and jam preserves too! Enjoy! ~

I hope you all have a deliciously sweet week ahead! I am praying for a sunny day for Kyles graduation BBQ here! keep your fingers crossed for me! Thank you so much for always being such sweet friends, I hope the summer is finding you all blessed and content!

With appreciation and Hugs,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. The bread looks amazing. I'm intimidated but maybe I'll try your recipe. My husband is a bread lover and I can earn extra brownie points!!! lol. Hope you have a sunny graduation. It just has to be... right? We have had so much rain and gloom it has to turn the corner. My daughter graduated on the 5TH and we froze outside in 50 degrees and drizzle but they graduated!! That's what counts. I have to get that Victoria magazine. I used to get them when they first came out in the late 80's and absolutely loved them. I even saved some of those from back then. Have a wonderful time with your mom and dad your BBQ this weekend!!

  2. Cynthia, that Bread sure looks fantastic I am going to bookmark this Post and make some myself, great tutorial I love your steps using photos. Thanks!
    have fun with your parents. Hugs, Diane

  3. Oh Girl this just make me hungry....YUMMY! oh there is nothing better than home made bread warm with butter..Loved the whole post...Now pass me a slice ha ha!! Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  4. Yummy! I used to make homemade bread all the time... maybe I should try my hand with your recipe.... Thanks for the sweet inspiration!


    PS love the bread bags!

  5. Frisches Brot is indeed German for Fresh Bread. And your fresh bread looks yummy. I think I will buy some yeast tomorrow and make some too. As always you have a lovely blog. I am always waiting for a new post.

  6. Cynthia,

    What a lovely post! Can you beleive I have never heard of bread bags!! Indeed, I had to google them and do some research. I just love your blog and have become a faithful follower!

    Mary Ann in Ohio

  7. Congrats to your son on his graduation! That bread looks sooooo yummy and I think I really could smell it, well I tryed to anyways, to bad we dont have scratch and sniff on here , I love that bag that you have it stored in, I have never seen one before, it almost looks to pretty to eat it(;

  8. Hi Cyn,
    I can almost smell your bread! There is nothing that say's homemade like a warm loaf of bread and the bag is darling! You have me thinking I need one too. lol I hope you have a wonderful time with your parents this weekend and congrats to Kyle on his graduation.
    I have missed chatting with you.
    Big Hug,

  9. OH MY! That looks wonderful! I love to bake bread...and eat it right out of the oven! I would rather have home made bread than dessert! Thanks for the recipe! ENJOY!

  10. Oh MY Goodness that bread looks wonderful! I bet the house smelled great when it was cooking too! Love your linen bread bag. How many days would something like that keep it fresh? I buy French and Italian bread from the bakery and put them in plastic bags, but then the crust gets soft..

  11. Hi Cynthia,
    Looks like you are busy as usual, congratulations to your son on his graduation and I hope you have a wonderful visit with your parents.

    Oh and the bread, I can smell it from here.


  12. I love homemade well, as well. My family loves it when I make homemade bread. I noticed that you did these 2 things but I didn't know if your readers knew this little tidbit. When making bread Do not use metal bowls or metal spoons, it can mess up the bread. Use glass bowls and wooden spoons. If I am cooking I will let my bread rise by the warm stove and it helps it to rise a little quicker.
    I always love your blog. I linked to your site today.

  13. Yummeee! I love fresh warm bread....yours looks delicious! Have fun at the graduation party!

  14. Yummy! Your pics are beautiful! love the bread bag!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  15. Yum! Is there anything that tastes better than home hmade bread hot from the oven with melty butter and jam? I think not! It's a recipe worth learning!

  16. Hello Dear! I just wish I could have a virtual piece of your homemade bread! It looks wonderful! I love, love, love your cute bread bag and table linens..too cute. Your signs are on their way and should reach you Wed/Thurs. I hope you like them! Happy graduation for your son and I wish you some sunshine! Take care!

  17. Hi, I have run across your blog and I had to visit, first because your name is Cynthia. Some of my best friends are named Cynthia. I think I am collecting them.

    Second because your blog looks so fun I can't wait to look.


  18. Oh yum! I love fresh bread but have never made it myself. I'm afraid of the whole yeast thing that I'll mess that part up somehow LOL.

    All the best,

  19. Bread out of the oven reminds me of my summer stays at my grandma's farm. I felt like I could almost smell it as I looked at your beautiful pictures. How is that you can even make something as simple as bread making--so attractive. Congratulations on your middle son's graduation from high school. What a memorable milestone.

  20. Oooooooh! I LOVE homemade bread! Yours looks wonderful...and I love your pretty bread bags. What a beautiful way to store the bread.

  21. Hi Cynthia!!
    Just to tell you I am back! I have to catch up with your posts, as for now, I really enjoyed this yummy bread... I do love making bread too, it is such a terrific pleasure eating it off of the oven, isn't it!!?
    A big hug,

  22. Cynthia
    I can smell the bread! My mom was the family bread baker and how wonderful those memories re! One of these days I'll get over my fear of working with yeast and make some! Thanks for helping bring back wonderful thoughts today! Lori

  23. I can smell and taste that bread it looks lovely. I too use recipe's from My mom's old Be-Ro cookbooks thay are getting really tatty looking now and have lots of spills on them but the recipe's are great. I love the bags to put the bread in they have similare one's in France but they are very long to put the French Sticks in.

  24. Awe, I love old yellowed cookbooks. My mom has one that has seen a ton of family gatherings ~ of course hers has a few stains from various sauces etc!

    The bread bags are adorable. I wonder if I can find someone to make me some...(((Kathy...?)))

  25. Hi Cynthia~ ~ ~
    I just love stopping by for a visit. Your blog just makes me smile! Your sense of arranging and your beautiful pictures, lovely.
    Bread baking has been on my mind too. Gotta get at it. I love the bread bag you found. I would have never thought to make it so fancy but since I sew and embroider I believe I'll give it a try.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  26. Hello there, I love your blog and love the pics! I will be back to visit again more often !
    The bread looks wonderful, I can almost smell it !!

  27. Hi Cynthia :)

    Fresh homemade bread sounds wonderful right now! Yum :)

    Congratulations on your son's graduation!!

    I hope you found the snack tin ;)


  28. Hey Cynthia, I can smell the bread here...yummy...I love that smell...hard to explain but delicious to taste! Woohoo.
    Come by if you can...I'm having a patriotic giveaway!

  29. Your bread looks wonderful! I can almost smell and taste it with some yummy creamy butter slathered all over it! My mouth is watering!
    Hope you get the china! I'm crossing my tiny fingers for you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  30. Mmmmm...there's nothing like fresh bread from the oven! Many years ago (30+), I used to bake bread with Spruance bread mix. It was easy to make and delicious. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find it for a very long, long time. I've even tried doing a Google search and the only thing I can find is entries of other people who are looking for it too. I've always been much too intimidated to try making bread with yeast and all that kneeding. Maybe I'll put my big girl panties on and try your recipe. :)

  31. hi cynthia!

    the bread looks amazing and thank you for making it look very do-able and not so intimidating.

    it has rained almost non-stop since may, hasn't it? i think the sun is making an appearance starting tomorrow so i hope all is sunny for kyle's graduation and your parents' visit.



  32. Cynthia, I can just smell it! I think I might make some tomorrow!
    Enjoy the visit with your parents.

  33. Hi Cynthia,
    You just brought me back to my childhood. When I was a little girl my Mom was alwaying making bread and canning. I would come home from school and Mom would have bread rising in our bedrooms on the window ledge. The hole house would smell so divine. Your bread looks wonderful and such a pretty presentation.
    Take care and enjoy your day,

  34. I've never seen one of those bags for the bread loaves. How interesting. I love your aprons. Your kitchen is so sweet. And hey, comes with a bread baker to boot!

  35. Oh Cynthia that bread looks amazing! I can almost smell it now. I'm really going to have to try my hand at homemade bread. I want to get that book Artisan Breads..is that what it's called? I also got my Country Living magazine and Victoria. I'm so excited...my girlfriend and a few of our friends are thinking of driving up to Maryjane's farm for a long weekend and staying in her "tent" bed and breakfast! It's about a 7 hour drive from Portland. I hope it comes to fruition this summer!

    Hope you're having a wonderful one yourself too. :)



  36. Cynthia, what a yummy post! The bread makes me hungry! I love the "bread bag and have never seen one before. I will be on the hunt now! Your loaves of bread turned out so nice. I use to grind my own wheat and make wheat bread for my family once a week for years! Nothing like slicing a piece of hot bread right out of the oven and smothering it with butter! I hope you did that as soon as you took the pictures!!! Such a heartwarming post and will make me come back for more! Thanks for the inspiration dear.


  37. Nothing like homemade bread. I think I can smell it baking :) i hope the party for Kyle went well.
    ((hugs)) Rhondi

  38. OMGosh that bread looks wonderful. I have never made it before but it looks yummy! Congrats on your sons graduation. I remember the feeling of my kids graduation it was like. Whew! no more homework, or more like no more mom nagging about homework. lol

  39. Hi Cynthia, oh, your pictures look so wonderful. There is nothing (!!) like the smell of bread baking in the oven. It smells like LOVE.

    So enjoyed your wonderful post.

    Blessings this day,

  40. Hi Cynthia,
    At the end, summer has arrived and I am gonna close the workshop for a while...Do you know what I am going to do on my holiday? I will read again and again all your postings, I will look at all the beautiful pictures you have loaded and I will definitely try your gorgeous bread recipe!!
    I hope I can see your lovely comments on my blog soon... You used to give me so much energy and inspiration and I will need them very much on my holiday to create a lot of new things for the new season...
    You do everthing in prefect, and you are a very beautiful perfect mother who is proud of her son... Congrats to your son on his graduation!
    Have a very enjoyable week...

  41. The homemade bread sounds wonderful! Love it:) Congrats to you son on his graduation!

  42. This bread looks sooo yummy! I love the little bag you put them in too. I might get brave and try this out. thanks for posting. Terri

  43. I used to make bread twice a week...whatever happened to that Mona??
    Your bread is a beautiful sight...you can almost smell it's heavenly aroma!!

  44. I have no idea how to make bread - but you make it look so easy. It must be the red gingham! Hugs, Patti

  45. Hello :)

    I just found your blog. Love it! Your bread looks delish and I am going to have to try it very soon! Please stop by mine also...Such inspiring people in blogland..ya gotta love it!


  46. I love homemade bread and I even like making it. Oh yum and now I think I am going to have to bake a batch.

  47. I love homemade bread but I have not had good luck (it terrifies me LOL) working with yeast! I can make excellent banana bread though! LOL
    I applaude your work, it looks so yummy!! Your blog is great too!!
    Have a great day!

  48. Yum!!! I'm so starving just by looking at it. Homemade breads are pretty good to eat. Thank you for sharing!!!

  49. I know this is an old post but I just have to try. How did I wind up here? For the same reason Shari did. As a child my mother used to bake bread using Spruance Bread Mix. The smell when it was baking was unbelievable. I don't know what made it so special but I am not going to give up (however I just may try this recipe because back then the quality of food was far above what is being mass produced today).

  50. I know this is an old post but I just have to try. How did I wind up here? For the same reason Shari did. As a child my mother used to bake bread using Spruance Bread Mix. The smell when it was baking was unbelievable. I don't know what made it so special but I am not going to give up (however I just may try this recipe because back then the quality of food was far above what is being mass produced today).

  51. I know this is an old post but I just have to try. How did I wind up here? For the same reason Shari did. As a child my mother used to bake bread using Spruance Bread Mix. The smell when it was baking was unbelievable. I don't know what made it so special but I am not going to give up (however I just may try this recipe because back then the quality of food was far above what is being mass produced today).

  52. I know Spruance Bread Mix company went out of business years ago, but does anyone know what can be used instead? I have an old family recipe that calls for 1 bag of Spruance Bread Mix (which came with 2 cakes of yeast) & then the recipe calls for even more yeast & flour...so I'm thinking there was something special in the Spruance which is why they used it as basic starting point? Any advice would be greatly appreciated....Cherry Pinsky


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia