Sunday, July 19, 2009

~ Cottage Kitchen find ~

It's been a busy summer here! I've had my Parents here for about a month and we've made such wonderful memories and spent great days together, the weather has been dreamy for sure! Thank goodness!. They will be leaving on Wednesday this week and so it's two more days of packing in some more time together and then off they go , back to Georgia. I will miss them dearly... I've missed all of you too and I'll be back in my routine in a week and finally be able to catch up in the blogging world and I look forward to it! I hope you are all enjoying a great summer!

My Mom and I have been doing some antiquing and the other day we came upon this hutch and you know how it is :) .... you see something and just have to have it! I already had a kitchen hutch that I loved, but I fell in love again :) As soon as I saw the doors on it and the details I squealed with delight , and my Mom agreed, It just had to come live in my kitchen. So now I have 2 great hutches and wanted to share the new "find" with you. Antiquing is a favorite past time of mine, but when you come upon that special something, it makes all the days of rummaging worth it. Sometimes you don't even think you need anything and then it's like it see's you and says "take me home", well that's what happened here... Now every day when I look at it, I will think of my Mom ...
The hutch also gave me a chance to display all my favorite things, and another new find too, I just adore my new pie sign! Farmhouse Country Style has such wonderful country signs and her blog is adorable too! Thanks Dee!

The other hutch I have is an open shelf one, and while I adore it, it seems setting things behind leaded glass doors just adds such vintage charm!

Aren't the doors just stunning?

After I brought home my new find, I had to get on over to Home Goods :) I found this great tray there on clearance for $7.99, again, lol, I squealed with delight :)

Of course, the cherries did it for me right away and the blue too! :)

I gave it a home under my favorite rooster on the kitchen table, I plan on using it to serve things outside so I put it right where I can always grab it....

At first, The new hutch seemed silly, I already had one. But then a bit of rearranging and I knew it would work. I have to admit, lol, I wanted it so badly that even if it didn't work it here, I was determined to find somewhere it did. But I think somethings are just meant to be :)

My old one still has a nice place of honor in the kitchen and the added storage is so needed here! , and thanks to Elyse over at Cottage , the shutters made this hutch a favorite of mine too!

Like I said, I think the doors are what sold me first, but it also has the sweetest crystal knobs also!

Sometimes, it's just one new thing that a kitchen needs, big or small, and you can fall in love all over again...or a Mom who says: " You just have to have it Cynthia"... I think that's what really did it for me :)

I want to thank everyone for all your sweet comments! I know I said this in my last post, and yet haven't found time to get to visit yet, but I am getting around to it this week. Coffee in hand or wine if the evening fits it, I look soooo forward to reading and seeing what you've all been up to!!

I hope you all enjoy a beautiful week ahead!

Much Love and Thanks,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Lovely finds and fabulous hutch. Loved seeing it all in situ. Great pie sign too. So precious to spend time with your mum.

    Cal x

  2. Sounds like you and your Mom are having a great time! Yes, I had to have that hutch! It is beautiful. See you soon.

  3. Been there, done that!! Can't tell you how many times I have bought something that I thought I would need a shoehorn to get into a room!! LOL!! It always worked though.....
    Your hutch looks like it has always been there!! Beautiful...

  4. Oh yes! You had to have that...too pretty! You'll treasure that for years!
    Enjoy the rest of your visit with your folks. Wish them a safe trip for me.

  5. I LOVE your kitchen ... & it sure does add a special punch to your decor ... TTFN ~Marydon

  6. I love your kitchen!

    The hutch is fabulous. You found a great thing! The pie sign, though, would have made anything look great!

  7. Cynthia, I just love the new cupboard. It is beautiful and looks so perfect in your room. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Hi Cynthia....Wow! Love the hutch and what makes it is the doors! You are lucky you have a kitchen that can hold both hutches since your other one is also too wonderful. Please stop by and see my hutch redo...I am very happy with how it turned out!

  9. Oh Cynthia it is fabulous, I love the doors, there is no way I could have resisted it either and it must have been a good deal too:) Your kitchen is absolute cottage charm.


  10. You did the right thing Cynthia, it would have been a shame to leave it behind when it looks so beautiful in your home:>)

  11. Just Gorgeous Cynthia! You know Moms know best so if she said you had to you had to!!! The chicken looks like it is crowing with approval in the post!!! Love everything!!! Perfect piece for your kitchen and blends great with your other hutch! You can NEVER have too many display shelves!!!!lol I don't have enough! What can I say about the cherry tray!!! Glad you are enjoying your summer and look forward seeing what else you come up with!!!lol Sincerely, Jeannette

  12. It's beautiful Cynthia. I've just been hoping to find one hutch I'd love, and you've found two! Good hunting, for sure. I'm glad you're back. I'm looking forward to more of your wonderful posts!

  13. What a beautiful hutch...looks lovely in your H♥me!

  14. Absolutely gorgeous! Your kitchen is so pretty. :)

  15. i love your kitchen! the hutch is amazing and it would have had to come home with me too. it is so great you had your parents over to visit and building memories. sweet times:)

  16. Wow what a wonderful find. I love antiquing as well, and sometimes find that eeeeek and have to have it. Thanks for sharing

  17. I'm with your Mom, you just had to have that...your decor makes me drool...looks like a sweet space...are those aprons hanging on the shelf...I just love aprons, have you ever displayed them on your blog? Tammy Twenty Questions...sorry!

    Enjoy every minute with your parents!☺

  18. Hi Cynthia, it is gorgeous...I adore it!!

    Hope you are having a lovely summer.

    Hugs, Barb

  19. Cynthia, your new hutch is fabulous! Those doors are beautiful! It looks perfectly placed and is a new crowning touch to your lovely kitchen! Mother knows best! It was definitely a great find!


  20. Love the hutch, and I love your cottage style!

  21. Hi Cynthia,
    Just lovely and I so enjoy visiting your home thru blogland!!
    It's great!!!
    Enjoy your visit with your Mom!
    Deb :)

  22. Oh Cynthia...I see why your mom said you have to have the hutch. It is lovely. I too found a few treasures this summer that I just had to have. I will post in the future. I'm glad you are having nice weather. It is......still..... questionable here. Ugh.

  23. I just love it! And you gotta love Elyse. She sent me personalized clothespins today, and I'm so honored she did! Love her blog! And I love your kitchen!

  24. What a great find! How wonderful to have your Mom as a partner "in crime"!:)

  25. That is so perfect for your kitchen, Cynthia! It is a beauty, the doors and the knobs are so beautiful! Good for you! Hugs ~cindy s~

  26. HI Cynthia!

    Oh my what beautiful eye candy! I have been missing your posts, and keep checking if you made one! I love your kitchen and dining room, and have gotten so much inspiration for my decor. I love how all of your things fit together so pretty. Love that new hutch, just perfect! Enjoy your visit with your family. :)


  27. Hi Cynthia,
    I love your new cabinet, it reminds me of the one I have, the doors anyways and that is what sold me on mine, I love the detail on them, enjoy your Summer and the time spent with your parents(;

  28. Very nice find! It fits perfectly in your kitchen...lucky girl :0)! Have a great day!

  29. hi cynthia!

    it sounds like you have been enjoying the most wonderful visit. i'm glad your mom gave you the OK on the hutch because it looks perfect and perfectly cynthia.

    i love your decorating fearlessness, like hanging a sign inside the hutch -- awesome. i would never have thought of that but love it, just like how you hung the shutters on both sides of the other. awesome ideas!!!


  30. Hey Sugar! It seems like forever since we chatted last! Like you, I have been caught up in the flurry of the summer season with going out of town and having lots of company come visit. I found it almost impossible to get on the computer with a house full of guests! But I just had to come over for a little cottage inspiration...and that is just what I got from you!! Oh my goodness! I can see why you fell in love with that must-have hutch! Soooo adorable! How fun is it going to be for you to decorate it in Fall and Christmas!! ooooweeee! I just gotta tell ya too that I have the same Pie Fixes Everything sign from Dee! Same colors too! LOVE IT!
    Have a wonderful week Sugar!
    Lots of hugs!

  31. Cynthia, it is perfect!! Absolutely perfect in your home! I would have had to get it too. Those doors are just fabulous! I love the pie sign too and your dutch door, just so cattagey!!


  32. What a wonderful memory to have been able to make with your mother! It's a lovely hutch and even lovelier because you'll be able to always look back on finding this treasure with someone you dearly love! Beautiful!

  33. I'm so glad you grabbed the hutch when you saw it. It's so pretty! Perfect for your cottage kitchen.

  34. Cynthia, there's always room for "one more"! ;-) Well, sorta! Not in my tiny house but I think I'd try really hard to squeeze THAT hutch in!
    Beautiful find!

  35. LOVE that gorgeous hutch!! I'd have bought it, too. And I have a Mother just like yours ~ honey, you need that ~ 4 of the sweetest words ever!!

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  36. Oh, it's just perfect! Your whole kitchen is just amazing- so cheerful and sweet!

  37. I think this is so funny. It reminded me of a couple that use to shop my store and they bought 3 sideboards and 2 china hutches from me. There was another gal in a shop next to mine and they had already bought 3 hutches from them.
    I call them....Gooooood So I would love to see you with your mom of course, in my new shop location. I have a darling hutch...I think it will work in your

  38. Hi Cynthia,
    The perfect hutch to add to your beautiful kitchen. I would have bought it too!. I love your wallpaper and curtains, are the curtains from (Country Curtains)?.
    Take care and enjoy your day,

  39. It's perfect Cynthia! Your mom was right :)

    You have one of my all time favorite kitchens and I love seeing it every time you do something new.

    Enjoy your time with your parents :)


  40. I'm so glad that you have had a great visit with your mom. That is so important. Also I'm glad that she told you that you had to have that hutch! It is so beautiful in your kitchen. I still like your other one too. It doesn't matter if you already had one in there. I love hutches. I have 4 in my cottage and even have one in storage. One day, I'm gonna find a way to queeze it in here! LOL

    Your kitchen is so beautiful!

    Lee Laurie

  41. Your Hutch is lovely! Isn't it nice how a little change can make such a difference in a room. I love to have a new spot to display my treasures. I am in the process of a big living room/kitchen redo right now. I get to order my granite counter tops tomorrow and I have been painting. I am glad you have had such a nice visit with your folks!

  42. Lovely Hutch, don't the leaded doors do it beautifully! Love your style, love looking at your blog even though I dont leave many comments. A real inspiration to me :) Thanks and good wishes, Irene

  43. Well! I have to say that a girl can never have to many hutches! Yours is DARLING!! Love it! It looks wonderful in your kitchen. :)


  44. Those doors are fan-tab-u-lous!!! My dining room has this opening in one wall, it was 'suppose' to be a built in hutch - with leaded glass doors on the top, and drawers on the bottom down to the register. When we moved in, we were renting from friends . . . and his sister was "restoring" the doors ... they never showed up - the only piece we have is the solid divider between the top and the bottom that they hadn't removed :-{ Three years later when we were buying this house, we requested the missing parts - but it was reported they couldn't be found 8-/. Yeah.
    I dream that 'someday' we'll be able to get parts to re-do it ourselves ....
    Thanks for sharing yours ;-}

  45. I love the doors on the new hutch and the pie sign and the rooster...too many treasures.

    Come by for my GIVE-A-WAY this week by 10 pm Fri.
    and then check out our newest addition.


  46. Cynthia, this could not be more perfect in your kitchen. PERFECTION and the old saying goes, "Mothers know best!" Your kitchen is just so cute and bright. Enjoy the rest of the time with your parents.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely home!

    PS: I have a pair of Elyse's shutters, too, and LOVE them!

  47. That hutch is just too the leaded glass and the glass knobs.

  48. I agree you totally had to have that hutch! Your home is truly beautiful and also cozy - the best combination!

  49. Cynthia, I am so glad you and your mom had a great visit together!! I love the new hutch and everything in it!! I just get all giddy everytime I come by here! Your home is beautiful...please keep showing us more of it!! I can't never get enough! Nancy

  50. Hi Cynthia!
    Wow, just wow. I'm so glad your mom gave you the nudge because it looks amazing in your kitchen. Oh those doors! Beautiful piece. You can never have too much storage either.
    Great find!

  51. Your new hutch is beautiful - and I love the color of the walls in your dinning area.

  52. I love it, especially the door with the glass in them and the hardware.

  53. Lucky you in scoring such a wonderful hutch! Love it, love it, love it!!

  54. My mama is visiting me as well...from Georgia. I love the cabinet. I've decided that everything you touch and create in your home is just perfect.

  55. gorgeous hutch, I have always had a weakness for that style of windows!

  56. Your Blog is beautiful and when I heard my heart singing, I knew I had to follow. LOVE your style!

  57. I enjoyed my visit here. What a beautiful cozy kitchen. It's full of personality and charm. I could melt right into the picture and feel right at home!

  58. What a gorgeous hutch!!! You decorated it so beautifully too.

  59. Cynthia
    Such a beautiful room made even more grand! Love it! Lori

  60. I LOVE the sign "Pie Fixes Everything" I can completely relate to that! You have a lovely space and the new hutch looks beautiful.

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  61. I love your new find--it looks like it was meant for your home. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of the rest of your kitchen--it is so neat and clean. Thanks for sharing and have a great rest of the visit with your parents.

  62. OH~~~ Your hutch is beautiful! It if just perfect for your kitchen.

  63. Your new hutch is perfectly suited for your room. I love it! I have two hutches in my kitchen, too! A very large cabinet that I have shown on my blog, and a small hoosier, too. I try to think of these cupboards as sweet girlfriends - and I like to dress them up too, as you do so well. I'm glad you were able to share the moment with your mom, too!

  64. Your mother knew--mother knows best!--that this was YOU! What a beautiful cabinet and those doors are to DIE for!

  65. What a great piece, Cynthia. Made all the better because you will always have the memory of shopping for it with you Mom. It is perfect in your darling home. love it.
    xo Lidy

  66. Hi Cynthia
    I am so happy for you that you got to spend a month with your parents. What a blessing. Your new hutch is wonderful and I can see wht you had to buy it. Looks perfect in the kitchen too.

  67. Wow. Your new hutch is spectacular.

    Renee @ Cottage Lifestyle

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Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia