Sunday, December 20, 2009

~ Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all ! ~

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! The season has been so busy here at the cottage but I had to stop in and send you all my wishes for a blessed and beautiful Christmas ladies!! I've had the pleasure of stopping in and visiting you, but I haven't had time to comment to all of you, so I want this post to be one big giant Christmas card to each of you! You have blessed my life with creativity and friendship and I love you all! Grab a cup of hot chocolate and take a little tour of my pictures for the season! We were lucky enough to be snowed in today under 2 feet of fluffy white, so we are going to be blessed with our first white Christmas in a long time!! The pictures above and below are from last night, the blizzard started around 7pm, and went through the whole night, what beauty there is in snow! But, lol, don't expect me to say the same thing in late January, lol, I will be dying for spring by then :) But for now, I am like a little kid in a Candy store happy!! Enjoy.....

The sauce was simmering on the stove, the Christmas music playing, all the children were snug in their pj's and I had my camera in hand :) The snow outside was definitely frightful , but we were all safe and happy inside..
My little collection of Santa's were snug on their shelves and table stops, watching the 2 feet of snow pour down..
I feel like I'm 12 again when it snows like this, and my kids can attest to that too :)...

Another cozy Santa, I made him from a pattern and kit about 10 years ago...

My little kitchen tree all aglow ...

And of course a few snow men too! I just adore this one... and the little one next to him was mine when I was a little girl, I remember playing with him for hours on end :) Oh Christmas Joy!

This was the scene out my bedroom window this morning, oh soooo pretty!

Last night I took a snap shot of the tree by my front door, just as the storm started...

Then by this morning, we were covered! Tiny hints of sunlight made their way onto the heavy snowed on branches and what a sight!

Even my dog Sierra was surprised :)! She loves the snow but at first sight here, she was a bit shocked lol...

Well ladies, It's time to go finish wrapping! I hope you all have a beautiful and loving and pretty Christmas! I made the little card for you below from a picture out my back door this morning, but I could never do enough to thank you for being such wonderful friends here in blog land, you are all such great and caring ladies , I am proud to call you my friends!

And may your heart be filled with the spirit of love and kindness you give out year long! I wish you many blessings and good health this coming new year too!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

With love and appreciation!

~ Cynthia ~ xo


  1. Cynthia, Merry Christmas to you!!! The snow looks absolutely delicious!!!! Go out and PLAY!!!

  2. Thanks for all of the wonderful snow pictures and also the beautiful ones of your home. I want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  3. Your Christmas decor is beautiful! And the snow is as well! We didn't get hit here in upstate. Hopefully we will get a LITTLE more before Christmas! :)

  4. The City got hit last Friday night into Saturday night. We haven't had this much snow downtown in quite a while and I'm loving every inch of it. Love your trees and decorations. Thanks for the snow pictures. *sigh* Wish that's what I was seeing. :) Merry Christmas to you and yours! xxoo

  5. I've been feeling the same coziness here also. Snow before and for Christmas is just perfect! It all goes hand in hand doesn't it? It's so reminiscent for me since I grew up in Niagara Falls and we pretty much had a white Christmas every year. Enjoy the holiday Cynthia and a healthy,safe and blessed New Year to you too!

  6. Cynthis...Glad your all snuggled in...Your snow is beautiful, I know the feeling well...You also have the Merriest Christmas with your sweet family...God Bless, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Your home looks delightful, warm and cozy with all that blanket of snow....Enjoy!

  8. Merry Christmas to you! Enjoy your beautiful home all decorated for the season and warm and snug! Your blog always makes me happy! I'm sending you holiday greetings and wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

  9. The exterior images of snow and the interior images of holiday charm are all so wonderful. Wishing you a bright and beautiful season! Peace & blessings :) Tammy

  10. Hi Cynthia,

    Oh my goodness - everything looks so pretty and festive at your cottage. How fun to have snow .
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Joyful and Happy New Year.


  12. Merry Christmas, dear Cynthia. Thank you for being such a sweet part of my blogging year!

    Barb ♥

  13. Merry Christmas to you as well! Wow you really did get a lot of snow! We missed the worst of it and got only about 6 inches. I was hoping for more since it was enough to stop us from going to a Christmas party. I really hope it sticks around for Christmas and doesn't all melt by Friday!

    I hope you have a wonderful and happy holiday with your family!

  14. I love your colors scheme. Pinks, greens, whites. I don't envy your snow, though...we are getting some right now. I don't think it will amount to that much. Come and visit my blog and see what a surprise my son is in for when he arrives tomorrow from Oklahoma. You'll appreciate the decor of my new room.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours



  15. Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous!!

    Inside AND Out!!

    Merry Christmas to you !!

    Lou Cinda :)

  16. I too love a good snow fall. It is wonderful to get snowed in , with family , good food, music and fires in the hearth. Blessings!

  17. Merry Christmas!! What a fabulous view out your back door. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Have a beautiful Christmas Cynthia!


  19. The snow looks so beautiful! Sure don't get that down in the South where I live. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!

  20. Stunning inside and outside both...

  21. This is truly one of the most beautiful snow covered Christmas blog posts that I have ever seen. It depicts the Christmas of my childhood perfectly, allowing me to step back in time and just enjoy all the lovely touches you add to every thing you create.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. May you enjoy some special contented moments together. And, may I add my thank you to you for the privilege of visiting this inspiring blog. It adds joy to my weeks.

  22. What a beautiful post! Your house is darling! It is so homey and the perfect vision of Christmastime. I love reading your blog. You are so talented!!

  23. Dreamy!

    Merry Christmas Cynthia!


  24. What a beautiful Christmas greeting! We don't get much snow here...(Florida) but it's so beautiful to see from others!

  25. Hi sweet Cyn! Your home looks so warm, cozy and so very festive! I love how you said the sauce was simmering on the stove..Christmas music playing...and the children all snug in their pj's! Sounds like home sweet home! Thanks for taking the time to stop by, I know how we are all so very busy, but it was so great to hear from you!! Bless you sugar! Merry Christmas!

  26. Ahhh, the beautiful lights, the sweet Santas and decorations, everything is as charming and warm and pretty as i knew it would be:>) Merry Christmas Cynthia!

  27. Cynthia, a couple of years ago now, your blog was the very first 'blogland' blog I stumbled across. I had been surfing google looking for a particular styled picture and ended up doing a hit on your blog that really changed things!!!

    I had never subscribed to your blog due to not being that technalogically 'up on things', and could never figure out the 'how to'. I stuck to subscribing to blogs which I could via an email address. I now 'think' I've got it figured out, so yours shall be the second blogland blog I subscribe to via the other method. Sure hopes it works!!!

    Seeings how I'm not subscribed, and you don't participate in the "theme day's" I'm always tracking down (I usually do a monthly listing of them - the last one was in the end of Oct.. Will try to again in Jan.), I don't visit your site that often. But sometimes, like today, I just get the urge to, probably due to how I always click out after getting a good case of the "warm fuzzies". ;-}

    I've always noticed the screen door on your side bar and your comment about someday having a pantry. Quite sometime ago, I had done my own posting about numerous pantry's I'd like along with other features in my "dream kitchen". Last night I stumbled across that particular posting while attempting to find a different subject matter. If your interested in reading it, go to:

    There is nothing like snuggling down during a hearty snow storm. We like to make cooked homemade chocolate pudding. Wait five minutes. Spoon it into bowls topping it off with some vanilla ice cream, then see if we can eat it before the ice cream finishes melting ;-p

    I like the little snowman you had as a child!!! It looks like it still wants to be played with!

    Merry CHRISTmas Cynthia!!! I'm to try and sign up now, before heading to the grocery ...

  28. What an amazing collection of Santas, Cynthia! Love them all!
    Have a Merry Christmas filled with peace, joy and the smiles of your dear ones!

  29. Hi! I saw your comment while leaving my own, over at Lavender dreamer (sweet Diane's lovely blog). You have a lovely one too!...I also feel like a kid in a candy shop when it snows!
    ;) Paulette

  30. Hi my sweet friend, I was so excited to see a post from you, I know we all get so busy with everyday life it is hard to keep up, I haven't been posting as much as I would like to either, I'm sure you do the same thing! The snow is so beautiful and I soooo wish I was there looking out the window with you having a cup of hot chocolate, it looks just perfect! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!

  31. The snow looks so pretty! I wish we would get some instead of rain!

    Merry Christmas!


  32. Hello sweet Cynthia! Wwe had about
    8" of snow here in central NJ. I love a blanket of fluffy white too for Christmas. I love the feeling also, of being cozy inside, with the music on, and drinking hot cocoa. Your pics are beautiful.
    Everything looks so peaceful and cozy. Thank you for taking the time to post for us during this busy season. A cup of tea, and visiting your blog is such a treat.
    Blessings to you and your family.

    Debbie xo

  33. HAPPY HOLIDAYS CYNTHIA!!! Ya know I can't stay away from your blog even though I'm on a break! Always feels like I've gone home!!! Your sweet words brightened my day more than you will know!(thank you!!!) I can't wait to see what the new year brings for and from you. I agree about the snow thing; pretty now but January its a bummer!lol I thought I left this much snow up there in New England - doesn't happen much down here in WV/VA!lol Anyway I'm home today and hope to get my "stuff" finished up! Stay warm dear - sending a hug your way - Sincerely, Jeannette (oh and I love all your santas and adore that checked birdhouse)

  34. A very Merry Christmas to you & your family!

  35. HI Cynthia, what lovely pictures! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! I know you will. We have our kids home so that alone makes me very happy!


  36. Cynthia, thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures of your house. Happy Holidays and thanks for your inspiration. Terri

  37. I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and make some magical memories.

  38. What beautiful pictures and decorations! I just wanted to wish you and yours HAPPY HOLIDAYS;)

  39. Cynthia have a wonderful, WONDERFUL holiday!! Your place always looks so cozy and warm...and to add white snow on top of that makes it that much more festive. Sit down, have a cup of tea and enjoy your family and furry critters!


    Lots of love and hugs..

    Michelle and her kitties :)

  40. ___________________*Paz*
    ______*Fé_Bondad_Paciência_Ventura _Fuerza*
    __*Son mis deseos Felíz Navidad y Año Nuevo 2010*

    buon natale laura

  41. Merry Christmas (day after) to you too. Loved all the snowy pictures, your beautiful home and your snowy card. Enjoy your snow, we don't see much here in California with out a drive.

  42. Your pictures are beautiful. We had a white christmas too but not near as much as you had. Have a Happy New Year too!

  43. Being in Southern California without any hope of snow..or any sort of storm..these pictures were delightful to me. You are so fortunate to be in an area to enjoy such beauty! Thank you for sharing your storm with us! :)

  44. oooh, gorgeous snow and I love the happy little snowman and your Santa collection!

  45. Merry Christmas . Grab a cup of hot chocolate and take a little tour of my pictures for the season.
    package villa holidays to florida

  46. Aw cute decorations! Hope you had a great Christmas :)

    All the best,

  47. Hi Cynthia,

    I am having a fun and easy "Amour" Valentine Swap. Won't you join in the fun.

    Jump over to my blog for the details.

    Happy New Year,


  48. Happy Holidays to you and your family, your blog is just charming. xo Mary

  49. ___________________*Paz*
    ______*Fé_Bondad_Paciência_Ventura _Fuerza*
    __*Son mis deseos Felíz Navidad y Año Nuevo 2010*

    Very veryy good.. :):) perfect... ;) Thanks

  50. Looking at the photo, a great idea. Really superb posting. Thanks a lot for giving this information.

    Deirdre G

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  53. I love to decoration ..and you did lovely..


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia