Sunday, January 10, 2010

~ Cottage style inspirations ~

Hello sweet friends! Oh it feels like so long since I've done a post, 10 days, but it feels like much longer. The holidays kept me so busy and I'm relieved to be in a New Year! The decorations and tree's are up in the attic and it's time to long for a new season... It's been bitter cold here in NY , as much of the country has experienced also! Can I say I wish I lived in the Spring and Summer zones all year round? well I just did :) I look around my house and outside there's still snow on the ground, piles of dirty snow might I say :) So my heart longs for Spring! It's beautiful out when the snow just touches the ground , but after the holidays, I'm over it :) ....So on to new things...I cannot wait to have the scent of the earth coming through the back door of my kitchen, that first taste and feel and scent of budding warmth! If I can't have it exactly now as my reality, it's got to come from being inside... Thanks goodness for the little things that make me happy :)

Pretty white lace, pastels colors on the walls, mixed with warmth, and a great tiny find :) Can a "bowl" make you happy? lol, maybe not in the grand scheme of things, but seeing that powder blue bowl made my winter a tad bit brighter :) Or maybe it was the sticker price at Home Goods for $3.25, now that's a "good thing" as Martha would say :)

The Rose dotted wash basin above was an old find of mine years ago, but when I'm looking to find anything that gives me a sense of Spring around the corner, I put it front and center on the table, that way I can admire it's little buds :)

I have a few things in my kitchen that always remind me of Spring, First it's my wallpaper covered in Roses, that helps :) then it's the accessories... If I am stuck in 2 feet of snow and doing what I love , cooking and being with my children, surrounding myself with Spring colors, I feel so much better about the bitter 10's on the thermometer!

Good thing too, no matter how cold it is outside, being a Designer I am always thinking "forward". When someone hires me to do a space it is never for the time of year we just left, it's always: "I would love to be done by and for this season", which thankfully is a season I'm always longing for ;) So designing for clients in the winter always means a touch of Spring and Summer ahead! It makes it easy to fall into a "season to come" trance :)

With the example kitchen below, I took a warm Autumnal space ( which I loved ) and brought it into a Seaside Vintage Cottage feel. That made working over the weekend Joyous! It gave me hope too for my own touch of Spring to come :).... (You can click on the pics below to see them full size and see the description of the finishes ).

I love doing Design Consultations, it gives me so much pleasure to be able to help clients take a room from a wish list to finished space that they can enjoy for years to come. I never forget how blessed I feel to do this! Follow your passions in 2010! I can promise you, you might have some ups and downs, but when you do something you love and care about, somehow things work out!

I get inspiration from everywhere! Blogland is wonderful for that too, all of you talented ladies out there inspire me! So do magazines, colors in nature, daydreaming about cottages from another time, even right down to a simple plate or an antique rug. It's just overwhelming sometimes, the world is full of beautiful things when we take the time to see it!

I'm trying to see it all now, get that "fresh" outlook again, that new earth feeling! I have to admit, after the festive holidays were over, I was getting a bit of that " oh no more dirty snow!" feeling... But my creative endeavors were what saved me :) Designing, crafting, and creating... Or just trying to see the positive! I so enjoyed doing this little project for my friend Debbie ( below ). She had seen my post about wanting to try my hand at collages using my Moms recipes, so she asked if I'd do one for her, it was so much fun! I hope she loves it because it certainly brought me joy knowing it would hang in her kitchen for years to come! Thanks Debbie!

I've also been working on my very first Etsy store too! Now if winter is bringing you the blues, that is the most inspiring place to browse and buy! I could spend hours looking at everyones creative talents and seeing the gorgeous Vintage collectibles too. Everything is either handmade or a Vintage find! ....How fun!

I'm trying to get mine up and running by the end of the month. I'm really excited and hope to join the other fabulously talented crafters and vintage collectors out there. I'm not the best techie out there, lol, as a matter of fact , it took me forever just to get started as other things in life kept pushing themselves in front of my plan :) But I can't wait to search for all those special things I'm asked to find for people and have them all in one place... You'll all be the first to know when it's ready!

Ok, ...I think I talked your ear off by now :) I've missed everyone so much and cannot wait to come and visit you all and see what you've been up to! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and are looking forward to a new , bright, and beautiful new year!

Much love and gratitude!

~ Cynthia ~ xo


  1. Oh Cynthia -
    You do inspire me! Just yesterday I found some candlesticks at a flea market and thought "those are so Cynthia's style - so fresh and full of cottage charm". (Think gingham and blueberries!) The price was right so I picked them up to give them a try in my own space. They seem "springy" to me - so once I've put away all my silver and white winter decor I'll do a post with them. Can't wait now!
    Happy 2010!

  2. I love your photos and decorating style! Best of luck with the Etsy store! :)

  3. Hi Cynthia!
    That redesign you did is beautiful! I love the colors and the softness. Best wishes for much sucess with your Etsy store. I'm not good with the technical either so I can relate to that! I'll be sure to check it out once you are up and running. Think spring!

  4. I love coming to your blog! I always leave with a warm feeling and so much inspiration! I love the way that you decorate and I can't wait to see your shop! I know that it will be beautiful!

    Lee Laurie

  5. Love, love, LOVE, your blog and so glad to see you back!

  6. Oh! I'm so excited to hear that you're opening an Etsy shop :) can't wait to see what's in "store". (Sorry.... I couldn't resist!)


  7. It is always such a treat to visit here!!! I love all of your photos...I can almost feel the spring sunshine;)!!!

    You kitchen makeover is pretty and fresh!!!


  8. It's a beautiful post, full of inspiration!!!

  9. I enjoy your lovely blog! Best wishes on the Etsy shop!

  10. This are wonderful design for a cottage.

    Deirdre G


  12. Love the cozy, thoughtful cottage decor! Always soothing!

  13. (sigh) but the good kind of sigh. It was so lovely, and just gives a quiet, relaxing feel, and what wonderful words of wisdom you had for us too! Thank you!!!

  14. I am always so glad I stopped by. Your kitchen redo is beautiful. All the pictures look beautiful.

  15. I really enjoyed looking through your spring filled kitchen this morning. We are in one of those summer zones, but deal with fog this time of year, so your "spring fix" inspired me to put my Christmas away and brighten things up around here. Will look forward to seeing your Etsy store. One of my goals is to start one this year. It took me forever to get my blog started, so I'm with you on the technical stuff. Wishing you the best the new year has to offer.

  16. I LOVE the collage. Awesome job.

  17. Cynthia,

    I have several rooms I would like some help with, but the biggest mess is my pantry. What would it cost for you to give me advice on how to organize it. I can send you pictures.

    Your pantry, actually, your whole house inspires me.


  18. HI Gretchen,

    Thank you so much for your sweet words! I didn't see a place to email you back, so I'm hoping you'll see this here. If you send me an email at, we can look at your pictures and see how much it would be. I would love to help you, so just send me an email and I can give you any information you need!

    Thanks so much for thinking of me. A Pantry sounds like a wonderful thing to re-design and I'm sure it wouldn't be much in the fee department. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day and stay warm!

    Hugs, Cynthia

  19. Hey Cynthia. We've missed you too! So glad you are doing well. Just as creative as ever if not more so! Everything looks beautiful. I love the colors and prints you use. Such good matches...I too enjoy blogging. It cheers my soul! Have a blessed day!

  20. Very, very pretty! I look forward to your etsy shop - I'm sure it will be full of darling things. Your kitchen is so homey and cute. Love it!

  21. Hi Cynthia

    I do so love visiting you here. You home is so inviting and warm with all of your pastels. And yes spring is on the way, it's just taking it's good ole time:)

    Have a great night!

  22. Happy New Year Cynthia!

    May your dreams come true and it looks like you are off to a beautiful start! Missed you!


  23. Cynthia,

    Your blog is already sooo inspiring!!!

    I am currently doing bits and bobs to my kitchen (inspired by the red gingham you love soo much!!!) :D

    Hopefully I'll do it justice and post something later this week...

    Can't wait to see the shop!!

  24. I am loving that basin. so charming in pink blossoms.

  25. Happy New Year, Cynthia!
    Your blog is always so cheerful and pretty. Have fun with ETSY! It is a wonderful place to sell your treasures!

    all the best,

  26. Cynthia,
    Such beautiful sweet things. Love the Brambly Hedge pitcher and plate, and the bowl was just a STEAL. Yes, I am ready for spring, too! Hopefully it is just around the corner!
    Jill @ Hickory Hollow

  27. Just love your cozy cottage decorating!!!Kathy

  28. Thank you so much cynthia for stopping over to my new blog,and leaving such a nice comment.I visit your blog everyday and love it.I'm just starting out and it sure is hard,trying hard to put pictures on my post.I hope i will learn soon!!I get so much wonderful inspiration from all these fantastic blogs and wonderful people.....Kathy

  29. Hi Cynthia,

    Glad to see you're back! Hope your holidays were nice. The kitchen redo is lovely. So soft and pretty.
    thanks for doing a post about the recipe collage you did for me. I was going to do a post about it too. we have been working on home projects, and I haven't posted much lately. I love my collage, and enjoy looking at it in my kitchen everyday! I am excited to hear you are doing an Etsy shop. that should be fun! I can't wait to see what goodies you will have for sale!


  30. Love the before and after kitchen shot! I'm looking forward to your Etsy shop. Happy New Year!

  31. Hello Darling Cynthia!

    You are always such an inspiration and I always get good vibes when I visit! I have a rolling pin just like yours that was my mothers!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

    Love ya,

  32. Your blog and photos are just charming! Thank you!

    This year as I put away the silk poinsettias (I have a plant-eating cat so use silk plants), I filled my large old basket with silk winter greenery and a couple of snowflakes. I also put snowflake votives,an old Avon snowflake paperweight, and white, blue or cream candles out and about. This is what eases me through winter in Virginia!

    Hope you have time for a new post soon!

  33. Wow! That's cold. I wish I could send you some of my weather, a lovely 71 today and lots of sunshine. Hope it warms up soon. {{HUGS}} Amanda

  34. hi cynthia!

    i LOVE seeing the before/after and the inspiration board. soooo cool!!!

    how fun that you'll be opening up an etsy shop! you inspired me to open mine and i have so much fun with it. i know that you will, too.

    stay cozy! we're really having a cold winter this year! (could i possibly drink any more hot chocolate?)


  35. I have missed coming by too. I came by to grabb your button and add to my side bar. and to see what all I had missed during the las hectic month.


    Sorry for any misspells Google has me typing blind again.

  36. Hey Cyn! I got to say I'm with ya! I wish I lived where the climate was warm all year round. Brrr, I just don't like it nippy! lol...

    Loving all your cute vintage pretty! It must be great fun to be able to design fabulous rooms for your clients...keep up the fabulous work!!

  37. Hello!
    I have just found your blog and I love it!You have so many things in your home that appeal to me.
    Our snow is going now and it's so lovely to see some colour after all the whiteness of the last few weeks.Do pop in and say hello.


  38. Cynthia,
    Your blog is so peaceful and fun to read. I have gotten many ideas from your posts. Keep up the good work. . . . from a fellow Western New Yorker also yearning for spring (or at least the February thaw).

  39. Hey there...not sure how I first found your blog, and I am sure this is my first time commenting. I love your fresh, vintage style. It is so happy and fun!!
    Sending warm weather wishes from the South!!

  40. Hi Cynthia~ ~That sweet baby blue bowl made me happy when I saw it. I don't think I have ever seen a bowl that shade and it's so pretty. Your collage is a great idea too I just love it. I have all the baby cards my parents got when I was born 50+ years ago and I've been wondering what to do with them. They really are beautiful.

  41. Cynthia, I literally chuckled when I read that you had found the blue bowl, which I thought was so-o-o darn cute in your picutres, at 'The Home Goods' store! Why? I have read ever so many peoples postings about this or that they have picked up at 'Home Goods', and yet we don't seem to have one around here.

    But then I spotted one near where my son and daughter-in-love live :-D One of these times that I'm visitng them, I AM (!!!) going to go there. Probably be best if I don't take my wallet though o;-p

    But your saying that's where you got it, just made me all the more determined to visit there. And then you listed the price. See, I am a mission store junkie, also known as extremely frugal, etc.. But at that price, well, who knows what I might not only find, but also get!

    A tip for you and your Etsy shop - have one of your teenaged children help you! Seriously!!! That's how we got first our xanga blog and now our blogspot one up and started. Well actually, the particular son who helped is no longer a teen ... but he was when he started the xanga blog ... .

    Anyways, they understand all of the technical mumble jumble. And they are usually very bribeable via their favorite cookies ... o;-p

  42. It's funny Cynthia, we live in one of those Spring and Summer places and we're wanting snow :-) We actually get a little, because we're at a high elevation, but usually not much. This post is beautiful as all of your posts are. Thanks for the inspiration.

  43. Looking forward to seeing your etsy shop Cynthia ~ been thinking of the same for a while now....but haven't yet taken the initiative ... wishing you much success!

  44. I found jou're blog and love it.
    It's like a beautiful magazine with
    great pictures and inspirations!
    Can't wait to see the shop.
    Kindly regards,Suzanne

  45. i love powder blue bowls too! In fact, I like to collect different colored bowls for my kitchen ... really does make me feel very giddy and happy :o)

  46. Hi cynthia,I'm still working hard on my blog!!Thanks again for all your good advice....Kathy

  47. For the past 20 years my family has been living in our humble cottage home. My 2 kids have already left home for college. I promised my wife that we are going to reconstruct our house this year. I planned to surprise her with a newly decorated kitchen. I came across your blog, and I think my wife would definitely love your vintage kitchen cabinet! And how you transformed the kitchen counter is genius! You have a great taste and style! Before my daughter left, she asked me to paint her room beige. I also need to repair the cabinets and the sticking doors. I asked my friend, Bob for advice because I have a plumbing problem, too. I've been trying to fix it myself, but to my dismay, my plumbing skills just wouldn't work! He told me that I should have the foundation of the house checked because signs of a weakening foundation are sticking doors and plumbing problems. I phoned our local foundation expert right away and he came over yesterday. He said that he needs to conduct foundation repair techniques. I was worried about moving our furniture, but he assured me that I don't have to move a thing. Thank goodness. The foundation repair cost is definitely worth every penny!

  48. Hi Cynthia! I agree with most of the comments here- your site is really inspiring! My wife would love to have that set of china's. It will be perfect with our newly bought house. I'm just glad that we are able to sell our house in the Twin cities. Home inspection services there are the best! We are able to repair our house just in time and that’s the reason why I'm grateful for those inspections. St Paul, MN indeed, are lucky to have such housing experts, because of them we are able to increase our house value.

    Cynthia, thanks for the nice post. Hope to see more inspiring design ideas!

  49. hi
    You know you have always been an inspiration for me...
    I love the collage you have done for debbie and want to do one for my sister as well...
    can you give me the link where you mentioned wanting to make one of your moms recipes I just want to get some ideas
    what is the background used...
    can you help me?


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia