Saturday, March 6, 2010

~ A Big Give-Away ...and a new look ~

Hello everyone! As a do my post today, it's a balmy 52 degrees and sunny! Well it's about time! :) And it's time for a new look too! Notice anything new? ( he he ) I decided to update my page and add a new background, it's pretty much how I do most things, when you get tired of something, paint it new :)! Anyway, I so enjoyed visiting blogs last week, I didn't get around to everyone but I certainly will soon! I could not be more thankful for such wonderful friends and followers, you all have blessed me more than you'll ever know. Having a blog expands your world in so many wonderful ways, I consider each and every one of you a good friend! And because you have all been so wonderful in visiting and being so kind, I wanted to do another ~ give away ~ to show my appreciation! And to also thank you for sharing so much of your lives too, either in a comment or in your own blog, you inspire me on a daily basis! If you've visited my other blog ( The Design Studio ) you know I do Online Design Consultations... and for those of you who have purchased them , I am so grateful and enjoy being able to help you get your rooms to a place you can love! So on with the give-away...hint hint :)

This give-away includes:

1. A one room Online Design Consultation valued at $150... all you do is send me pictures of your space you'd like to virtually see changed, tell me how you'd like to see the room , what styles you love, what things you'd like to change etc. Then there's a few emails exchanged to help direct you and to give me a few ideas of what to develop the space into. Then I send back your pictures with the changes made directly on your photos and an inspiration board too so you can have it with you when you're ready to do the room and shop for the elements yourself and on your time schedule. I can also provide references as to where to get things too if needed!

2. The give-away also includes a few more goodies :) This pretty little Flower sign...

3. This Country Living Apron ...( From the Country Living Collection )

( Up close )

4. And last but not least , this sweet Mary Engelbreit book with scrumptious cottage style decorating ideas!

Inside, the book is packed with inspirational ideas on how to use plates almost anywhere! But it also has some fabulous decorating ideas too... Like this one below: lining the backs of your hutch or cabinet shelves with something other than paint or wood! How great is that?!

And you can't beat the pictures in it when you're looking to do that extra special something... Like this gorgeous floral arrangement with scattered pretties!! I am in love with this picture!... :)

Ok , so now the rules :) Well I decided life is complicated enough sometimes, so I'm gonna try to keep this simple :) I also re-designed my Studio page this weekend, so I'd love you all to visit it and tell me what you think. So that's the place to leave your entry and comment....

All you have to do is click on this link and
leave me a comment at Cynthia's Cottage Design Studio. Its a short blog that just has information of my Design Consultations, so you can leave a comment anywhere you'd like, there are only 2 posts on the blog so either one is fine. Then on March 14th I'll pick the winner! You can also get to the blog from by button on the side bar. If you include the give-away in a post of yours, let me know in your comment and I will count you 2 x !! ( You can use the first picture in this post if you're going to include the give-away in one of your posts ) That's all there is to it :)

I hope you all are enjoying a wonderful week!! And Thank you so much for being YOU! I appreciate you all so much!!

Hugs and love,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Love the look!! Thanks for offering a giveaway! I'll run right over!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. GREAT new looks and a wonderful giveaway!


  3. Thanks Cynthia for the great giveaway. I will check out your other blog and comment.
    The ME book you showed looks great. Funny,I did a post on plates today.
    Love your new blog look.

  4. I love the new look, but then I loved the old header too! Sometimes I would just pull up your blog and look at those pics when I needed to lift my spirits, calm my nerves or to get inspired.
    Excited about the giveaway! Will try to get a link on my blog too. BTW adored the Blueberry Betty Sue basket last week - that's the only time I've really like my name, maybe Mom should've added Blueberry to it. LOL Thanks for inspiring us all.

  5. Hi Cynthia, I totally agree with 'Sue' about liking your new look, but also having both enjoyed and been inspired by your old look!

    ? For you - how do you make your own header? Currently I just have a picture of a barn I like on ours ..... I know there are places you can pay to make one for you, but I'm a hands on, do-it-myself kind of girl.

    Also, how do you put pictures, etc. down your side bar?

    You have come to mind often lately! I have had Vertigo since Jan. 12th :-[ Continually varying stages of it. But no matter the stage, being up and moving around definetly intensifys it :-< So the other day, when over all I was doing pretty good, I started going through my stack of magazines. I clip and file things I like, then pass the magazines on to a friend whom doesn't mind getting them in that condition.

    Anyways, I was seeing so-o many featured homes with vibrant colors, etc., yet I still prefer more nutural colors so that I can change a whole room over via accents come season change, or whim change for that matter o;-p Then I remembered how you had posted about changing back to calmer, more nutural colors - and you ARE a decorater .... bet by a year and a half from now everybody will be ;-p

    They have sent me for "balance therapy". The first session already helped enough that today (two days later) I started digging into my kitchen!! Opened the window a bit. Re-organized the insides of cupboards and a drawer. Got it so you can actually step into our pantry (a converted coat closet). Found more of the counters [I share the house with a husband and three sons whom are in their 20's ... ].

    So hoping to keep getting better and being able to ATTACK this house royally!!! Thanks for more inspiration in that direction ;-D

  6. Oh...I so need this consult. I am at a standstill in my home and starting to hate it! I really want to incorporate a bit of red...and I already use so many of the same colors as you do..pinks sages,blues but red is having a hard time.

    I start on one room and then leave it after much frustration! My daughter said it all started when she left..the beginnings of empty nest syndrome.

    I don't think I will ever be an "all white gal" the florals.

    Now I need to leave a comment on your shop blog...promise it will be short~lol

  7. How exciting! I'll head right over. :)


  8. Such a generous giveaway! I love the flower sign and the apron. :)

  9. I love the new look of your blog! Especially your header. I need to make a few more changes to mine soon. You have a wonderful give-away. Everything would be a treat to win.

  10. Uniquely you, and so very attractive! That is the way I choose to describe this new blog look. Actually, this is one of the prettiest blog banners that I've ever seen! My visit has been a blessing. Thank you for the special opportunity to win your generous giveaway.

  11. Love your new look! Loved your old look! Thanks for offering this great giveaway. If I win, I'll faint!

  12. I read alllll the rules, LOL and went back to posted the "right" button. Thanks again for giving us all a chance to win a wonderful giveaway.


  13. Love your new blog layout! you did a great job as always! So pretty! xo Renée

  14. BEEEE-U-TEEEE-FUL! Love! The new look!


  15. Hi Cynthia, I realy love your new look! so so romantic!

  16. What a wonderful giveaway! I think I'd have you help me with the guest room. My son will be moving out and I want something girly once the room is mine to play with and also to keep away the blues of him being gone. Nothing like decorating to cheer me up ;)

    Off to leave a comment....


  17. Just found your blog and its beautiful! What a great giveaway!

  18. Good day Cynthia! Another wonderful giveaway! My heart be still! Love your new look to! Now off to your website!


  19. Love the new look of your blog and love your blog and visit often for new posts!!

    What a great giveaway and I would love the chance to win!!

    Have a great day,
    Karen in Texas

  20. Your new blog layout is so pretty to look at. I added a comment for you giveaway. I want to thank you again for being so nice.

  21. Beautiful redo Cynthia. I always love your colors and style:>) What a lovely and generous give-away too!

  22. Love your new's so you! :-)

  23. hello my cynthia!

    your blog looks wonderful! what a super generous giveaway you are having. i will be sure to visit your other site.

    i am enjoying the warm weather, too (but i'm not falling for it for a second! i can feel one more snow fall - LOL)


  24. I love this blog! My daughter will absolutely love it too! She has an etsy site too. It is called Stinky Toes Design. I will check in again. My site is if you would like to stop by sometime.

  25. I love the new look! Did you do it yourself...Great job!

  26. looks goood, great stuff giving away here


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia