Sunday, May 9, 2010

~ Technology meets Hobby ~

Hello Dear Friends! First I want to wish you all a wonderful Happy Mother's Day! I hope you are all treating yourself or being treated to a very special day today! My kids are still sleeping as I type, that's what happens when you have teens and adults as kids :) But it's a quiet morning, so that's my first gift :) Ok, onto the post for today before I get delivered breakfast ( which could be lunch by the time they're all awake lol ) :)

If you noticed a bit of technology on my page, you guessed it... I'm addicted to my Iphone. I don't know how I functioned before it, of course I did, but I didn't know what I was missing. I love sending instant pics to my family and friends and being able to check my emails while I'm out, or sitting in waiting rooms or laying in bed or filling up commercials during Tv time. Ok... I'm addicted , I admit it :) It also serves me well when I'm out shopping for clients too, when I see that perfect something I can send an instant text photo of the item or email it to a client for instant review. And now I've added another App this weekend which I wanted to share with you that makes it even more fun... A few posts ago I told you about Garage Sales Tracker, a great company that lets you list your garage sales on their site and also lets you search for garage sales and Estate sales in your zip code. Well, now they have added a fabulous App for the Iphone that allows you to see it all in transit while you're out searching the world for that perfect something! If you head over to the site they are also having an incredible give-away right now for 2 free Iphones! ( or click on the link ).

I installed the App ( super easy and free too ) this weekend and I am so excited to get out there in my town and hit the flea markets , garage sales, and consignment shops too. All you have to do is go to your apps button, and search: Garage sales tracker and there it is...The neat thing I adore about this is: when I'm at one sale, instead of pulling out my list and map and trying to do it all at once, all you have to do is use the map feature right on the site and see how far or close you are to the next one. Then Google maps will show you the best way to get there :) How's that for technology?! But mind you, I'm also the most un-techy ( lol, is that a word? ) person out there, so if I can do it? You can too...

The online site is also a great way to find everything you need to know about garage sales and other sales too, I've given you the link below, just click on the picture and off you go. You can and should also list your own sales too! That way everyone can find you at the click of a button or mouse :)!

I hope you all have a wonderful Mothers day and since I can't send you all a gift myself, hopefully sharing about their Give-away will give you all a chance to win something today! :) Or at least bring you to that next great Flea Market or garages sale where you can find your own perfect something :)
( above pic: country living mag )

Ok maybe by now my breakfast is ready?? Hmmmm, it's still a little too quiet here, LOL, I guess it will be lunch! Have a great day Moms!!

Hugs and love,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. love your new iphone! that new app must rock! enjoy your mother's day! xoxo

  2. Good party(holiday) to the moms!
    Best regards of France

  3. Love the new toy! The more I hear/read about Iphones, the more I think I really, really need one.

    Have a wonderful Mothers Day!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  4. Cynthia,
    I am right there with you, with my Blackberry :)

  5. Hi Cyn,
    Happy Mothers Day! Thanks for the tip on the yard sales App. Here is another App that we found that works great...
    search: yard sales and look for Shawn Kolodgie Yard Sale Mapper. It's free also. It even list chicken Bar B Q's in the

  6. HI, I popped over from a blog, just can't remember whose it was.

    You have so many do you do it?

  7. Happy Mother's Day to you too!...I don't have an iphone, but one of my son's does, and he feels the exact same way you do...he loves it! ;)

  8. Happy Mother's Day!
    You are making me wish I had asked for an iphone! :)

  9. My whole family has the iphone and I have to looks like fun. I've used theirs a few times and it's easy to navigate. I have to wait a whole year for mine though. I'm glad you're enjoying yours!! Happy Mother's day to you too!!!

  10. Happy Mother's day to you! I hope it's been special! I'm off to check on that link! Thanks! ♥

  11. I'm addicted to my iphone too!!

  12. Just popped over to say Happy Mother's Day!

    This is such a cute post! What did we do before the iphone?! I can't live without mine! it is a constant source of entertainment!


  13. i can see why its hard for you to put your phone down. it is too cool! i had mothers day breakfast for lunch too :) next year i think ill ask the kids to serve me cereal so i dont have to clean up after they make me breakfast lol. happy mothers day to you too.

  14. OK Cynthia - TRY GETTING AN iPAD!!!!
    OMG! talk about addicting! Yes, I was on my phone for everything, but now? this piece of technology is OUTSTANDING!!! OMG! I love it! It's 10 times what your iPhone is. Except the only thing it doesn't have - is a phone! But . . . it's OK - you can do everything else. OH MY!
    Go ahead - go check one out. But when you find out how bad you want one - DO NOT tell hubby that I told you about it. :) (hehehe)
    HAGD! Karen

  15. Hi Cynthia,

    Hope you had a great Mother's Day!
    thanks for the info, I may have to get one of these!

    Debbie from NJ

  16. hi cynthia and happy belated mother's day!

    i am so technologically behind. i don't even know how to use my iPod. at least i know how to blog! LOL

    enjoy your apps, cutie!


  17. Hi Cynthia, it has been a while since I've visited...your blog is even lovlier than i remember. Hope you had a great mother's day. I got a giggle at the little set in your Etsy shop that says what is better than a good friend...a good friend with chocolate. It makes me giggle because that is me. Since I opened a candy shop. He!He!

    Stop by my blog if you want, I'm having a giveaway!!


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia