Tuesday, October 5, 2010

~ A change of thought and some cottage pretties ~

Hello Everyone! I want to start this post by saying I'm officially nuts, well almost. I'll also say that this post has a repeat picture or two, I totally messed up. I've had one tech issue after another and it all started with me thinking I can handle two different blogs. What was I thinking? I only know what I was thinking in the beginning lol, and as always I'm naive to how much I can take on. I guess I thought that my Miniature work and creative crafts could be separate from my blog here about Home and Design. But I've come to find out that that's like saying I have to separate my children. Ok maybe not, but you know what I mean ;) So long story short, if you are following me over at The Petite Villa, I'm only keeping that open for another week or so to give people time to know I'm not there anymore. I'll be combining miniature posts with my regular posts about life and design all here instead. Why did I think it had to be separate? I think it was because I didn't want people who weren't interested in Mini's to think I'd change the feel of this blog. But then it occurred to me, whether something is tini tiny, or large scale, it's all the same. It's still Design. And it's all me ;) And please bare with me as I finish designing my new look here too, what do you think so far? For the life of me I cannot find out how to get my music back, my new border, and a few other links aren't working, but by the end of today I'm hoping it will be finished! Ok I've rambled on enough so to find some "calm" again, I'll keep my words to a minimum through the rest of the post, or at least try ;)

The picture above is of my new Aga stove for my Mini Cottage. I sure wish I was telling you it was for my big girl kitchen, but nope, it's just for play ;) But it took me a long time to find the perfect one...isn't it so sweet??

It fits perfect into the new Vintage kitchen I'm designing for my "Petite Villa". The official name of my little 1" scale home away from home ;)

Note: It was during this little kitchen re-design that I realized how similar it was to another vintage kitchen I had done for a client a year ago, and hence that's when I decided that the two different scales of design didn't matter, they can be on the same blog ;) Cottage is Cottage, big or small...and btw, not every post will include Miniatures, but as I make transformations or add to my Etsy, you'll be the first to know.

I've loved this picture below for a long time and the simpleness of the bedroom and the pretty floral wallpaper are just my kind of "calm". I'd wake up feeling like I was in a garden. I love the combination of busy wallpaper with plain white chenille or lace bedspreads!

( source unknown )

So I started on the guest room in the Petite Villa and this is what I've got so far. Lots of details left, but almost there ;) Excuse the grainy photo, I'm working on photographing minis better.

This room below is such a calm, pretty , feminine space, I just adore it...The photo is from Country Homes and Interiors and it inspired my sitting room ...

Again, it's not finished yet, but on the way...I need to hand paint a dresser and I'm almost there...

( The Petite Villa sitting room )

And of course, I couldn't finish a post about minis with out sharing some sugar topped pound cake with you!

Or a cupcake? ( Both and more are available in my little Etsy shop )
Ok now..... *note here*..... this is where my computer messed up, or me :) These pictures below were intended to be the post for today. But when I decided to combine blogs and make it one again, I tried to import a post and I am very un-techy, so attempting this somehow made me lose my background and I just made a big mess of things. I tried to delete pictures after and rearrange things, but yikes, it just didn't work. So below is just some more of my Cottage ( Big Girl version ) Inspiration pics...

I love this Tuscan blue Kitchen!

( Source: Country Home and Interiors )

( Country Living UK)

Vintage sweet!

How simple and pretty, I adore all the soft colors and the toaster is on my wish list too :)

( Country Homes and Interiors )

I've blogged about Janet Hill's art work before and I own one of her prints, but I just found this one below and I like the simplicity of it and the feelings the paintings evoke. It has to be the *skirted sink* ( Love those! ) They seem so simple to do , and one of these days I'm gonna get my fabric out and make one for my kitchen too! Soon ;)

For now, I just went with the Petite version :) ... It just warms up the kitchen and makes a bold vintage statement too...
This one below is more along the lines of what I'm after. And I have to say, if you haven't visited the Canadian Cottage blog, I think you will be blown away by her beautiful , simple, vintage style. Her photography is amazing too! It's a stunning blog for sure and filled with inspiration!

Here's the Aga picture that got me started on the Aga craze and I've never gotten over it since lol ...
( house beautiful )

Whew! I managed to finish this post and so far , no weird tech issues occurred like last night. Except this picture below which I cannot delete, or if I pushed it, I'm afraid it will delete all the others. So opps, until I read up on deleting the correct way, I'm best to leave it be :)

I hope you all are enjoying a beautiful fall season and cozying up your own homes, big or small!! or in my case sometimes: Super tiny ;) Have a wonderful day everyone and thank you for putting up with my chatter to set things straight! :)

With appreciation and love!

Hugs, Cynthia


  1. I love this post, Cynthia. It seemed organized to me. I swear, your mini home pictures look like they could be a regular sized home.
    I'm glad you are combining back to one blog. I enjoy reading about all aspects of your life and fun job.
    I have a new appreciation of doll houses and minatures by following your blog. I've shown it to my granddaughters (7 of them). Can't wait to show them this post.
    Love your new banner.

  2. beautiful post!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. The blue in all those kitchens is just great. That is a great toaster.

  4. Love the minis! My friend had a Victorian style doll house when I was a kid and I was in LOVE with it. Everything so tiny and pretty. I wanted to shrink and move in!

  5. omg, cynthia! loving every image of this post -- miniature and life-size!

    no matter which scale, i can see that you are having lots of fun! enjoy, sweetie.


  6. Hi Cynthia, Don't be silly...I enjoyed every word of this post....so chatty...love that. I love your style...I look forward to every post and check every day to see something new. Your miniatures are so sweet and it's almost hard to tell which is tiny and which is normal size. Lovely. Thanks, I know you've been through a lot lately and just wanted you to know that you're appreciated.

  7. Love this post!! I have that toaster in pink:) Tell me where did you find the aga stove?? Elma

  8. Wow!!
    So cute and sweet, bravo:))
    Hugs, Biljana

  9. Hi Cynthia! It is a lot of work to keep two blogs going. I agree with you that you can very easily incorporate your passion for decorating big as well as little houses into one blog. Your latest mini kitchen is so adorable I want to marry it! How can you not love an Aga, be it big or small?? Whatever you do, I'll always be ready to visit!!

    Susan and Bentley

  10. Cynthia! How absolutely adopable is your litte cottage. Just love it. It's just like your own home, charming, warm and inviting. xoxo lidy

  11. Hi Cynthia, I'm not sure how I missed this post but I did, I just saw it today?? Anyways it looked great to me and I love the stove for your mini cottage!

  12. That of beautiful things on your blog
    Good continuation to you, all my marylin friendship France

  13. I could happily move in there today!

  14. You are so right Dear Friend, it's all decorating and everything you love so why not combine it. I always enjoy visiting you no matter what you post. You have such great style.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  15. I can't tell the difference between the big rooms and the tiny rooms! :)
    How fun! :)

    I love all the kitchens you show. The colors are so pretty!


  16. Well, I was positive I posted here before. I was traveling and had some problems posting so I may have missed giving you a comment. You know...KNOW...that I adore your blog. You can combine both your minis and you muchies here and I will love them all. I LOVE visiting you! Hugs- Diana

  17. I just kept saying "Awww..." as I looked through this post!! I am dazzled!! :)

  18. You are great and I love your personality. I look forward to seeing more of you & your blog!!


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia