Friday, December 10, 2010

~ My new cottage updates ~

Happy Holidays everyone! It's such a busy time of year and my plate is spilling over with projects, shopping, decorating and all that goes with the holidays. But I've squeezed in a little cottage make-over time too :) I've made this post mostly pictures today as I'm heading out in a bit to watch my daughter sing at Barnes and Noble today. So I'll try not to talk too much and let the pictures do the talking. Kinda hard for me, lol, but a Moms gotta do what a Moms gotta do :) And I'm a proud Momma today ;)

The week was spent re-doing the living room after my new sofa finally arrived. The sofa is much deeper and higher than my other one and the old coffee table became dwarfed. So I searched for a new one and couldn't find the perfect one, so I decided to "add on" to my old one. It was a family antique, so I didn't want to see it go anyway. :)

Here's the before....

I took off the glass and the top frame, and then added planking of clear pine. I wanted soft wood so I could easily distress it myself. "Measure twice, cut once" is the golden rule here and it worked perfectly :)

Then we nailed it into the base of the old coffee table...

And added some rope trim to the sides with wood glue and a few finishing nails...followed by my hammer hitting it in few places, making tiny little marks and scratches to give it a nice distressed look....( if you click on the picture and make it bigger you can see them )

Then a few coats of creamy sugar cookie white and some antiquing stain, and it was done.

Here's the After pic....

( Oh wait, lol, and before I stained it, I sanded off some paint in various places too )

Now it's the perfect size, shape and height I needed ....

I had seen a coffee table with planking and knew that I had to have one, but I didn't want to pay $699 and up. So I did it all for $40.00. Now that's my kinda solid wood forever table! :)

I took some photos of my new sofa and I have to say, I've never loved a sofa more! I waited 2 years for a new one, and now I'm glad I held out! The name of the fabric is "Burlap Chenille", how perfect is that :)? But don't worry, lol, it isn't burlap in feel, it's a super soft Chenille that is velvet to the touch. It's "deep as pudding" as I said to Melanie and I just love it. I wish I had time this week to sit on it longer than a few minutes though :) Maybe next year lol....

I am waiting for some of the pillows to be delivered so I used my Design program to add them to the photo :)

Which one do you like best? With the french blue pillows OR without?? I saw them on a website but they were sold out, so I'm having my seamstress make them for me. If they are too much, they could end up in another room. I really adore mixing florals with the burlap , and as most of you know I have to have lots of color in my rooms, but I'm still deciding on the blue or not :)

sooo , here's a pic "with" the french blue pillows....

and here's one without...

I think I went pillow crazy because the sofa is light , so I picked these up below also. I can always put them on another chair or something, but the one with the watering can just spoke to me... I've had the other one for awhile now and just adore it, now it has a few sisters to hang with ;)

Thanks girls, your opinions will be so appreciated!

On to a few more things before I have to run.....In my travels as I was shopping for Christmas gifts, I ran into the "Dollar store" near my house for some ribbon and I saw this cake plate ( below ) on the shelf and had that *GASP* gotta have it moment. But there's a "lesson" in what happened next..... It's not a "deep" one, lol, just a simple " I will remember that next time" kinda thing. Anyway, to keep it short, I paid $14.99 for it and thought that was a steal! It's made of glass and the light makes it look like crystal , so I really loved it. I bought it assuming I would never find it again anywhere cheaper. Well, off to Bed Bath and Beyond I went for some other holiday shopping and you know what? It was there too, and not only that, but it was the exact same one and it was $9.99.!! argh... Little lesson: Next time , look around , never assume anything ;)

And of course I spent some time this week making my Miniatures... So often when I'm making things I say to myself: I want this is big girl form :)...... and If I do that with everything I make, I will be a very happy person. That means that I love what I do , and for that, I am so grateful ....and for all of you who have purchased from my Etsy store, I am so thankful to you! You've allowed me to do what I love and turn a hobby into a true passion of mine.

Thank you for loving them as much as I do making them!

Ok, on to Christmas decor.... My Mom gave me these beautiful Crystal icicles this year and she and I and Melanie decorated the tree together, 3 generations of women spending the day, what a wonderful way to spend the holidays!

And my little collection of Santa's are on the mantel , waiting for the real Santa to come :)

A few Christmas ornaments on a plate and I was done..

And one final little touch... A quilted glass candle...

Whew! I made it, I am off and running, but I cannot go without telling you all how much you mean to me and how much I wish you blessings beyond belief during this Christmas and Holiday season!

Oh my, I am totally serious, just as I am typing this, we are getting our first flurries! How beautiful!

I have to say, I think of my Father every day and miss him so much, this will be my first Christmas with out him. But each time I see a blessing, he is the first one I think of. Thank you for the snow Daddy, I love you!

Happy Holidays every one!!


Cynthia xo


  1. Very beautiful decorations and changements... Have a nice week end!

  2. HI, I adore your minis are so sweets,miniregards from Spain.

  3. so many pretty treasures!!! loving your sofa, to pretty to sit on!!!

  4. Cynthia, your new sofa is gorgeous. I have to say though...that coffee table redo is brilliant!

  5. Well, I popped in earlier and read but didn't have time to leave a comment. I LOVE your new sofa...and I like ALL the pillows...I think you could leave them off OR on..whatever makes you happy. Actually, scrolling back just now and looking at it again...I think I like it better without them....but that's just me.

    You have done a fanstastic job with everything and that table makeover is A-MAZ-ING! Truly...I love it!

    I don't know which I like best though- your REAL house or your "little house" do such a good job on both of them. Wish I could shrink enough to live in your "little house".

    Pop by my blog tomorrow...I am posting about the girls' playhouse..You like little and this is a BIG little'll see!;>) Hugs- Diana

  6. I love, love, love your sofa! I hope you get to sit back and enjoy it soon. Pretty neat little program you have there for adding the pillows too :-)
    I think we've all learned that little lesson a time or two...I just wish I could always remember it.

  7. Oh Cynthia, 'I'll just let the pictures do the talking' lol. You did a great job with the tables and the sofa is lovely. Without the pillow, I think ;o)
    Have a magical Christmas too.

  8. Thanks for the tour Cynthia I just feel like a kid in a candy store. Everything is so beautiful, Happy Holidays to you too hon, Hugs, Pearl

  9. Hi Cynthia...

    Remember me?? I haven't been by in ages. Oh my goodness, everything is looking it's cottagey best my friend. Your new sofa is perfect and the coffee table even better. I have missed stopping by, I'm black blogging again and I'm going to add you to my sidebar.


  10. I love the table, its fabulous. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Your new sofa is beautiful. I've just ordered a new living rm collection to arrive Thurs and can't wait.
    Wow, you did a great job on the table, preserved an heirloom yet changed it to your taste. I love it with the planks. And the pillows, so cute. I love that new burlap look, but decided to make a few ruff looking gunny sack pillows for my bed. Sort of more my taste which is prim.
    Your Christmas decor is beautiful as well as those adorable little miniatures you're creating. Have a wonderful wknd and Merry Christmas Cyn.
    I too am spendin the first Christmas without my dad, sad but like you counting my blessings.

  12. I'm loving your Christmas Cottage! And the coffee table turned out wonderfully! :)


  13. Oh your table you made is wonderful! It is perfect for your space. And I am loving the couch too. So you and so pretty! Kit

  14. Your sofa, your coffee table, and all of your Christmas decorating has reminded me again of your talented and skillful touch in creating beauty. Whether in real life or in miniature life, you can make it all pretty. Thanks for the lesson of the glass cake plate and the cost differences you found. Great info.

    Congratulations to your daughter and her singing at B & N. I'm sure you are proud of her.

  15. Love that table. Very nicely done.

  16. Love the table re-do! Great idea! It sure looks like a $$$$ table now! Cute pillows, both real and virtual! :)
    Christmas blessings, Heidi

  17. Hi Cynthia,
    I enjoyed reading your blog, I am new to blogging about 2 weeks now. I just wanted to say I love what you wrote about your Dad, I lost my mom in February and this will be my first Christmas without her, what you said about your Dad made me feel better.... Thank you for that. Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. If you get the time please stop by and visit my little bog. I will be back often to visit yours.

  18. Hi Cynthia,
    Your table turned out perfect! and it looks great with your new couch. The couch looks so comfy and soft.I also love a lot of pillows too, but I find my guest are always moving them so they can sit down LOL.
    If you don't mind me saying, I think you might have two many of the same size pillows. I also love color and the french blue is beautiful. I would trade out the two smaller floral prints on either side of your Patisserie pillow for the french blue. The watering can pillow is divine, I would have purchased that one also..It fun to change out pillows, I do it all the time it makes everything look new.
    Merry Christmas and Gods blessings in the new year..
    Hugs, Elizabeth

  19. I just bought my first doll house and plan to put it together this winter..and probably Spring and Summer. :) I am so excited. It is a dream that I have always had to own one. I hope I realize it. I am not too confident...and when I came today and saw your minitures..I grinned. Just the sort of thing I love to see right now. I hope it really happens and that I will have it ready for next Christmas. I am hoping. I can't wait to see what you can creat!

  20. Hi Cynthia! Wow, am I ever behind in my blog reading. I'm glad I didn't completely miss this post. Love your coffee table! You are so clever. It's the perfect addition to your room. And ... well your minis are so adorable, I can't stop looking at them. Your home looks so festive and I know that you and your Mom must be enjoying your time together!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  21. Your blog is so adorable!! not sure how i got here...i was blog hopping i guess! loving everythign i see! xoxo

  22. Love what you did with the table! Your home looks so pretty and ready for Christmas! Merry Christmas sweetie!


  23. Hi, I just stumbled across your blog and I just want to say WOW WOW WOW!!! What an absolutley beautiful home you have! I have serious kitchen envy! I am from the West Midlands right in the middle of England and have always dreamed of visiting New York. Hopefully one day! xx

  24. Hi Cynthia,

    I love your style and am so glad to have found you!!! :)

    Merry Christmas to you!

    Pei Li

  25. Pretty sweet decorations and Arrangements....I like all those pictures a lot...Wanna have all those pillows in my bedroom...

  26. I am enjoying catching up with your blog posts today! It's always so refreshing looking at your photos of your cute loot! The decorations are adorable:) Happy New Year to you.


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia