Saturday, March 12, 2011

~ The Pretend Perfect Day - conclusion ~

Hello sweet friends! Grab a cup of tea or whatever you fancy and come with me on a little photo tour of the rest of the Pretend Perfect Day :)

Well after much preparation , cooking and baking, the table is all set for company...I'd love for you to join me!

The table didn't just magically get to this point, there was lots of hard work and a lot of heart and soul that went into getting ready...

First I donned an apron over my favorite floral summer dress and got busy making the main dish. A delicious creamy Alfredo noodle casserole, with just a hint of spice :)

Then it was time to make some sweet summer sandwiches and cover them in wax paper and seal them with pretty rose stickers to keep them fresh :)

I hope you love them as much as I did making them!

A sweet and tangy , chopped and dried plum tomato salad with cheese was the next dish to tackle...

And of course a delicious pitcher of iced cold lemon tea to wash it all down ...

After the main meal was prepared and cooked, it was time for the desserts :) The first was a favorite of mine, a yummy vanilla custard tart. This was a challenge, but what would a summer dinner party be without it?

And the perfect compliment was a selection of sweet and fruity extras... a peach pie tart, chocolate chip cookies, a few chocolate ones , and of course ... cupcakes :)

Then I brought out some summer blankets, a hot thermos of coffee, and a good book to talk about...

Oh yes, and also we had to have candles ready for when the sun goes down and we want to stay outside and enjoy the firefly's and stars!

Now everything was ready and waiting for company..... I'd love for you to come too!

It was the perfect evening....The sun stayed up late and the weather was divine....and as dusk came ....

I pulled out the blankets and we all dreamed about what to do with the rest of our Summer days... with a little help from our friend Susan Branch :)

And last but not least, there was a perfect time to eat dessert....In pretty pink Shabby chairs.... of course :)

If you couldn't make it, we missed you! and as always, I saved you a piece of cake :)

The End......

Well not really, lol, but you know what I mean :) It continues... every day, and like I said last week, Play as much as you can. Pretending is good for the soul!
I want to take this time and place to thank you all for being such incredible friends, followers , and customers too! I feel so blessed to be able to do this and love what I do every day. Believe in your dreams! It might have taken me 40 plus (!!) years to get here, but it was well worth the journey and sharing a little bit of me here every week is a blessing! So Thank you!!
Now it's time to go create more minis , get the "real" house ready for Spring and enjoy the seasons coming ahead with friends and family! and one more added to that list....Paint and shingle my home....

No lol, not the real one...... the new mini one!
Below is a picture of what it will look like completed... Thanks to the inspiring work of Ann from The Magical Dollhouse, a wonderful site for charity!

I hope you have a great week ahead!

Ps: don't forget to set your clocks ahead and enjoy the longer days! :)

Much love,



  1. I want to come play with your toys!
    have a great weekend!

  2. Hi Cynthia, gorgeous table you have! I would like to do one also on today for celebrating my 14 followers but I will not do such nice job LOL! Enjoy your week-end! Doei, Claude

  3. Cynthia, that was a yummy piece of cake, thank you for saving me a slice, lol. have a great weekend :o)


  4. Your mini world is just amazing !

  5. Hi Cynthia! What a wonderful way to start my day ~ dreaming of minis! All of your creations just make my heart sing. I will be putting together my dollhouse in the next few days. It has been in the box for a couple of months now and I just have not had time to put it together, because I know that once I start I will be consumed!! I wish that you and your Mom lived nearby so that you could join me and my Mom painting and decorating the new house. Once the kitchen is finished I can start filling it with your fabulous creations.

    Lot of love from Idaho,
    Susan and Bentley

  6. Precioso!!! todo apetecible y bien presentado, me encanta!!
    Feliz fin de semana.

  7. What a beautiful little world. I find myself pretending my yard is all in and what it looks like. I wish I could mold trees and flowers and set them out there. Ha ha.
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. What a gorgeous and welcoming display. I love your sandwiches and the Cath Kidston style spoon.

  9. I always want to transport myself right to where you are and then shrink myself down to enjoy all that you have created. You are a special blessing to me because you bring a bit of magic into my life...xxoo Diana

  10. Beats me how you made those sandwiches!? They look soooo real.
    Lovely spread, well done you.

  11. Que realismo!!!
    Es una mesa preciosa, llena de fantasticos detalles.
    besitos ascension

  12. maravilloso!!! es todo increíble, me encantaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, besos

  13. Magnífico blog.
    El buen gusto y la perfección te caracterizan. Enhorabuena. Un besito.

  14. A perfect day indeed.
    This would be the highlight of my summer. Do you suppose I could recreate it in real life?

  15. You are killing me with the wax paper wrapped sandwiches and the Susan Branch head is spinning! LOVE THIS!

    m ^..^

  16. Oh Cynthia, your work takes my breath away! I am amazed at all your work and the details are unbelievable to say the least! Your talents are endless sweetie!

    Love ya,

  17. Hey Cynthia! Love all this. Such creativity is coming from you. I'm amazed at the things you are really are going a new direction, and all of it is so lovely. That alfredo looks real enough to eat...and yummy! hahaha...all of it looks real and yummy! You make some coffee and I'm there! Big smile.

  18. this is my second visit. In the first I didn't even realize these were minis! I'm enchanted and will return several times now. I love your house too. I could really live in a big one like that. Couldn't you?

  19. Hey
    You are doing such a great job, I would love to buy something from you..where did you learn to make all these things I just enjoy looking at miniatures and hence I collect erasers which are available in India...

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  20. How sweet all of the desserts and yummies are...perfectly delectable! I'm enjoying your pretty houses today! ♥

  21. Hi Cyn!
    Your blog gives me so much inspiration! Thank you for sharing all your lovely work. xoxoxo

  22. Oh My oh My this is so Gorgeous


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia