Friday, July 27, 2012

~ A new book and a new screen door ~

Hello sweet friends!
As I mentioned in my last post, I'm working on a new book. It's so thrilling and exciting to be able to do this, so I had to share! Plus, I really want your feedback too! This book is going to have tutorials and many kitchen inspirations. It will be styled like a real cookbook, but each recipe will be for a miniature food or bakery item. It will also have my usual tidbits of miniature life in the kitchen, photos galore and keep with the flow of my first one. Sooo, what I need to know is if you have any recipes or miniature tutorials YOU would like to see! I'm going to try and included all of them! I've been working on the rough draft for awhile, so hopefully I can complete it by September, just in time for a cozy Fall read :) So please , if you have a minute, just leave a wish or a comment on this post. I sooo appreciate it!

Ok on to a little project I just completed :) I felt for a long time Summer Rose needed a screen door, so last weekend I got out the wood and my little tools and went to work... I think every Summer Cottage needs one, don't you? It was easy peasy! I hope you enjoy!

" It's a soft Summer day, quilts drying on the clothesline and the sound of sprinklers and birds fill the air. The scent of the Sea follows a distant breeze... Of all these senses, it's the sense of what I hear that plays my favorite song of all: It's a best friend coming through the screened door. " ~

Well I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! It's back to work for me, or maybe I should say "play" :). Thank you so much in advance for any ideas you'd like to see covered! I cannot tell you how much it means to have such wonderful friends and followers! You mean the world to me! Here's a little instagramed photo to leave you with... and of course, I baked you a Cake :)

Love and Hugs,

Cynthia xo


  1. Beautiful,so beautiful <3

  2. I love the screen door with the sound of your best about the heat of the day and popicles melting, or fireflies at dusk.

  3. Hi Cynthia! Your screen door looks fantastic, and your new book is exciting! I want it all!!! Clear step-by-step instructions for making pies, cakes, cupcakes, ice cream, frosting, whipped cream, etc. How to make pastry crusts look so scrumptious! With each category, I'd love it if you walked me through, step-by-step in your process. First I do this, then I do that, etc. Sources for the tools and supplies you use. Temperatures, times, hints, and tricks. Like I said, everything!

    BTW, I stalk your shop daily and have never found an open listing. I see the sold items, but never find an open one. I'd love to buy something from you sometime. ;-) Have a great weekend! xo Jennifer

  4. I love your screen door! You are so creative!

    For tutorials for your next book, I agree with the previous comment. Pretty much any sort of baked good with detailed instructions would be wonderful! Some specifics are: Pies, chocolate chip cookies and batter, ice cream, pancakes, brownies, and biscuits. Also, I love all your mini canned goods and would love it if you could show how to make those, especially the little jams!

    I'm so excited about another book from you! Good luck on getting it all done!

  5. Afternoon! I too agree with the previous two posts...any and all information..we need all the help we can get from your talent!!
    As Jennifer said above, I go to your store and can't find anything either. What are we doing wrong? I only see the photo and gift certificates.. where are all the minis?
    Thanks and I so enjoy your gives me such inspiration. Fantastic screen.
    Have a fun mini filled weekend.
    PS Stop by for a visit some time, love to entertain you too.

  6. Thank you so much for your feedback! I so appreciate it and I'm taking notes on all the suggestions and will try and cover as many as possible.

    I just wanted to pop into my comment section to address the "empty store " questions. I only make a few items each week (in summer a bit less) and they sell pretty quickly, but to let people know they are coming I post previews on my Facebook page, so please join if you haven't already! There's a link on the right hand side of my blog here that you can click to see or join. If you're looking for items already sold, they appear in the "sold or sales" column of my Etsy shop. When the kiddos are back in school in the fall I plan on making more per week, so hopefully that will help too!!

    Thank you all so much, you are so sweet and I really appreciate each one of you!!!

    Hugs, Cynthia xox!!

  7. I've been reading your comments and you are getting some great ideas. I will be excited to have your book come out. I think it will be unique and fun for anyone that likes beautiful things. It brings out the child in all of us!

  8. Can't wait for your book to come out Cynthia! I am so looking forward to it. I wish I could preorder it now! Keep up the great fun!

  9. I love the screen door, it's a lovely addition to your cottage.
    Concerning your book, it is a great idea and I would love to see crêpes apart from this it is hard to tell.

  10. Can't wait for your new book. Could you explain how you make perfect paper baking cups for your cupcakes, please.

  11. Olá !!!! adoro o teu trabalho é muito lindo!!bjos!

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Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia