Saturday, November 29, 2008

~ Decking the Halls ~

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was a pretty full week here and getting ready for a sit down dinner for 18 kept me very busy! But the food turned out great and nothing was burnt, so I consider it a success :) The day after Thanksgiving is my Christmas Decorating day, and while I have a few things still left to do, I figured I'd share some things I've done so far... I cannot wait to visit all your blogs again, I haven't had a minute this week, but I'm so looking forward to a nice glass of wine tonight and a long tour! Hope you all have a fabulous Holiday Season and Thank you so much for all the wishes you sent for Thanksgiving, I was so touched and appreciate all of you so much!

The Tree :)

Above are a few close ups of my trims and ornaments...I love collecting crystal trim!

I few years back I started a "Santa" collection and the one above was my very first one...
Most of the decorations I have are Vintage 1940's, with some dating even farther back....they have all been handed down to me from my Mom. The glass /sliver beads on the chandelier are so pretty in person, if you click the picture and make it bigger you can see the detail. The insides are all hand painted red ...
I hung my Jenny's Bake shop ornaments on the kitchen chandelier, I have some on here but only the sifter shows in this shot , I figured they were fitting for the kitchen :)

In addition to Santa's I collect anything with a Vintage Christmas feel. Luckily I didn't have to "find" these original cardboard houses or the bottle brush tree's ....these were again from my Mothers collection when she was young...I just love that they have all that history! as you can see they are a little "worn" from use, but all the better :) As a little girl, that Santa and snowman on the bottom shelf were my favorite things to play with! The middle shelf has things I've found over the years or were given to me. My Christmas style is really a mix of everything I love, I little bit of this and little bit of that :)
Cute little felt stocking I hung on the cabinet...
My growing collection of Santa's.......I made the one on the far right from a kit, what fun!
I got this beautiful letter "C" above from Glitter and Bliss, she does such pretty work! you have to click the picture to make it bigger to get the detail she puts into her work! and of course I love the glitter added too! :) There's a beautiful crystal hanging from the bow, its hard to see here, but its so pretty !
This folksy Skiing Santa is probably my absolute favorite. I can't say exactly why, lol, but he just speaks to me :) Maybe its from my visits to the ski house as a kid, or the beautiful hand crafted wooden ski's , his outfit? or the tiny gold glasses he's wearing? Don't know, I just love him :)

This church above was the largest of the cardboard houses my Mom collected, and its the most "worn" too. argh :) ....As a little girl I probably tried stuffing my "kiddles" or little figurines in there or something, but its hanging in there :) The wooden house's behind it are fairly new, I had a show a few years ago and they were the only things left , so I took em home :) The roof of the pink and red one is full of sparkling glitter! and I love the crackle finish too! The grouping of these house's are now my kitchen table centerpiece :)

I hope you all have a wonderful decorating season !! and Thank you for stopping by, your comments mean so much to me!

Happy Holidays!

~ Hugs ~ Cynthia


  1. Your cottage looks absolutely charming for the holidays!!
    I adore vintage Christmas too.
    Please stop by and visit; I've shared some vintage pink Christmas decor in today's post.

  2. your home is beautiful cynthia! with all those little treasures... a perfect dream home :)

  3. and i must add that your blog... is one of the most pretty i've come across :) so much beauty, so much inspiration :)

  4. This is beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration! ☺ Diane

  5. Hi Cynthia,
    Everything is just do such an amazing job!! I think that it is so awesome that so much of your decor comes with great memories. It looks wonderful!

    I always look forward to a visit from you.


  6. Cynthia, It is all beautiful. I'm so glad your Thanksgiving meal went well. I know that is a big relief. Enjoy your Christmas decorating and I look forward to the next post.

  7. Love all your ornaments!! Gorgeous job decorating, the house looks amazing! Love looking at all your pretty pictures! Love, Renee

  8. Oh Cynthia everything in your home looks sooo perfectly beautiful!!!! I love what you have done!
    I have the urge like never before to get busy on my home. Thanks for a very inspiring post!!!
    ~Tam :D

  9. Hi Cynthia, your Christmas decor is looking so charming! I love your Santas! Blessings, Nancy

  10. Cynthia your home looks so COZY and ready for the holidays. All that's missing is the smell of simmering spices unless you were simmering them at the time you took the pictures. I LOVE the Santa on the sleigh. I can't believe you made that Santa. You are so, so talented!

  11. Hi Cynthia,
    Everything looks so beautiful and I love the fact that they were passed down from your Mom, that makes it extra special. I would love to stop by and have a cuppa hot chocolate and visit!!LOL. I am so glad you had a good Thanksgiving, I almost had an emergency, my oven quit working the day before Thanksgiving but luckily I have another one in my bunkhouse, so I walked back and forth from my kitchen to the oven, maybe it kept me from gaining any weight, I know wishful thinking but something good had to come out of it, LOL. Everything looks so Christmasy!

  12. Cynthia, everything looks so pretty. I have a Santa collection also. They are so much fun! Your chandelier is gorgeous all decked out for Christmas. ;)

  13. Hi Cynthia! I hope you are sitting right now with that glass of wine! you deserve it after all the hard work. Wow you sure can pull rooms together quickly!! I love the ledge around your kitchen/family area, sooo pretty. I really want to start a Santa collection too; You did a great job on the one you made; I'm into snowmen. It looks soo pretty there and very cozy!!! I did a little with garland in the kitchen which is now taking on a cottage look finally!!! I too am taking a break but I'm out of wine~ pepsi or hot choc will have to do!lol Enjoy your evening - Sincerely, Jeannette

  14. Great holiday pictures. I love the tree. I like to alternate between clear lights and colored lights. This year clear lights. I like how you have the greenery up along the ledges too.

  15. Hi Cynthia,
    Everything in your home looks beautiful. I love all of the vintage Christmas decor too and think it is extra special when it comes from your Mom.

    When you get around to painting your tables I wonder if you might consider doing a post about it. I have some furniture I have been tempted to paint, but I don't know the best way to do it.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely Christmas decorating.


  16. I love the way you have decorated for Christmas--choosing colors and vintage items that complement your decor. I love that Ski Santa as well!

  17. Hello Cynthia; I was just at Pennys blog and saw the picnic basket she had made for you, and just had to make a visit. Your Christmas decorating is just so beautiful. You have a very lovely home. I have read your past posts and they are very entertaining delightful reading, love all the photos as well. I will be making visits again. Have a great weekend.

  18. You have done such a wonderful job!! Those vintage houses and so sweet- they seem to be popping up all over blogland- I hadn't really seen any before!

    Love what you did with you chandy!!Blessings

  19. your house is adorable, but where did you get the strength to haul out xmas so fast! i have to slowly work into it, my age is showing... i really like your skiing santa and the reindeer bird house, so many cute things!

  20. Hello Sweet Cynthia!

    Your home looks beautiful all decked out for Christmas! Sweet touches here and there...

    I am still getting my home ready to show! LOL! Have a wondeful week!


  21. Hello Cyntia;

    Wowww wonderfull,beatifulll

    Love Derya-turkey

  22. Wow! So much to look at. I can't decide which I like best...the garland, the tree, the chandelier shades, the "C", the birdhouses...they're all so wonderful.

    Your home is gorgeous as always.


  23. I love your Christmas setup and decorations! It is so pretty. I thought I was doing well with what we have, but then I can't help but get envious of your lovely displays! :)

  24. Cynthia:

    I am so motivated to decorate after I visit your blog no matter what time of year it is. You are an amazing talent and I love to see all the beautiful things you do to your home. Thank you for sharing and inspiring everyday of the year.

    Lots of love,

    Debbie Kay

  25. Hi Cynthia
    Everything looks beautiful. You are so blessed to have decorations from your mom. You Santa collection is wonderful
    Hugs, Rhondi

  26. Hi Cynthia,
    Your cottage style is so charming and I love visiting your blog. The picnic basket Penny made is perfect for your home and your vintage decorations are adorable. Such a blessing that you still have decorations from your childhood and can now share them with your family. The little church is wonderful.
    Have a lovely week.

  27. Everything looks so great Cynthia! I just started a little bit today. I plan on taking this week to decorate. We still have a son visiting and he leaves on Wed. Then I can really get busy. In the meantime, my internet service comes and goes for some reason this week....So no new blog post for me yet.

  28. You have everything looking so beautiful and Christmasy! I could so sit down in your house and enjoy some hot chocolate and enjoy the scenery!

  29. Cynthia,
    Your house looks so beautiful.I love all of your vintage Christmas things. I also love the colors of your home. All the greens and pinks. Your rose wallpaper is absolutely the best! I just love it! The basket that Penny made for you is perfect.
    Everything is so pretty!
    Lee Laurie

  30. Hi Cynthia!
    Your decorations are wonderful!!!!!!!!!
    I particularly love the skiing Santa and the birdhouses... sooo cute!
    Thanks for sharing, and plase stop by my new blog if you have some time! I just managed to start decorating, too!



  31. hi cynthia! glad to hear that you had a nice thanksgiving. i love the tour of your christmas decorating! i think it is so neat that much of it comes from your mom. the g&b "C" is beautiful. i love the cardboard houses, especially the one with the glitter! your chandelier. everything is lovely! thanks for sharing! xo

  32. Your home looks lovely for Christmas!!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  33. The day after Thanksgiving is my Christmas decorating day too. My friends cannot understand why I am decorating and not shopping. I love seeing my house decorated for the holidays and it seems such a shame to have it up for so little time so I get as many days out of the season as I can.

  34. Hi Cynthia, Thanks for such sweet comments!! Your home is soooooo pretty. I love everything! It's so warm and cozy, Oh how I love cottage stye. My old house was built in 1923. It looked like a little cottage, that's what attracted me to it. We moved because we wanted something a little bigger and it wasn't in the best area. It also needed work that my husband wasn't willing to do! LOL! We were lucky to sell it so fast. I do miss it, it had a lot of character. I might post it sometime down the road. Thanks again for stopping by. LOVE your home! Kristen

  35. Hi again there!
    THANK you for both your lovely comments on my blog and for adding my link on your sidebar- you made my day!!!!!

    Enjoy the rest of the week,


  36. Oh Cynthia... I am so in love with all your decorations. I love all your Santas, your crystal garland, and your lovely cottage style. I want to move in.... Your letter "C" looks absolutely precious tucked in by all your Santas. I am so honored that you mentioned me. Leslie

  37. Everything looks so beautiful. I love the mix of colors and the vintage feel. It's all so cozy.



  38. I just found your blog via Penny. Love your style and your Christmas decs are beautiful! I will visit again.


  39. I enjoy your blog so I would like to pass an award to you. Come on over to my blog and pick it up. Wendy

  40. Wow, it looks so beautiful and cozy!!! I'm sure you must have been exhusted after all that decorating...I sure was after doing mine!

  41. I just loved looking at all of your decor pictures! You have such a warm inviting home! And your Christmas decor is the same way! So cozy. I just want to curl up with a cup of tea!

    I am so glad you had a nice Thanksgiving too!

    Big Hugs,

  42. Wow..I looked at your pictures beautiful!
    -sandy toes

  43. LOVE your blog and home, so cute. I am a Long Island native as well. We moved to the Greenville,sc area 1.5 years ago and love it!!! Keep posting, your home is precious!!!

  44. Here is a lovely Christmas prose...
    "The Unexpected Gift"
    I hope it helps you treasure your family this season...
    (it is my latest work)

    Thank you and many blessings...I really am happy to have found your blog :)I adore the look you have created!!!

  45. Hi Cynthia,
    I loved zooming in and out looking at all the details that you so beautifully put together in your charming home. Everything just looks spectacular. I love that ledge you have with the lit garland. That is such a nice touch. It just is beautiful out here in blogland.
    See you soon

  46. It is allll simply gorgeous! Love the trees! cherry

  47. Oh Cynthia, have you been busy!
    I love EVERYTHING about your home.
    I could so easily live there. LOL
    Your Santa collection is fabulous.
    And your Mom's cardboard house collection is unbelievable.So vintage.
    BUT...I must have details on the framed apron! It looks so interesting and I'm sure there's a story.

  48. What wonderful Christmas decor! I have such a warm cozy feeling after reading your post and looking at all of your wonderful photos.

  49. Everything looks just beautiful! And wow, I'm LOVING that framed apron you have. That is such a great idea!1

  50. I luv your blog, how beautiful! CHEERS! Michele

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Hi Cynthia,
    I love your wallpaper, its something I would have chosen too. Penny did a beautiful job on your basket it matches your home perfectly. I bought the black and white tea pot light from penny and I have it in my kitchen. I enjoyed your blog and will be back again to visit.
    Have a wonderful day,

  53. Hi Cynthia ~ I absolutely love how you've decorated your home. It looks so comfy and inviting!

    I love your houses and bottle brush trees...too cute!


  54. when you have a little time come over to my blog for a little visit- you've been tagged for a fun little game.


  55. Cynthia,
    How delovely!!!!!!!! I so enjoy visiting here and seeing all your pretty decorations. Your style is so sweet.
    Hope you enjoying the season.

  56. Cynthia, Everytime I look at your home I have such a warm feeling. Your Christmas decor is just lovely!
    So pretty!


  57. Hi! Everything looks so beautiful!! You did a great job!! Enjoy the fruits of your labor! I love crystal ornaments too!!
    Have a blessed day!

  58. What a beautiful collection of holiday finery! I love your houses and trees...and Santas! The ornaments are beautiful...everything is! Wonderful pictures!

  59. Everything looks gorgeous! I love your decorations. The santa collection I just love! Everything looks so warm, I just want to grab a cup of cocoa and curl up on the couch.... at your house that is!
    Have a wonderful day!

  60. Wow! It's all soooo pretty. Love your chandelier. Your tree looks great, too. I like how everything you decorated with for Christmas really goes with the style of your rooms and your decor. Beautiful!

  61. Everything looks great & so festive! I am slacking just a little... but viewing your collecting makes me want to get busy! Happy Holiday, Joanna

  62. Cynthia, your cottage looks just warm and inviting. You have done a wonderful job! Great photos. Of course, as a fellow Santa collector, I appreciate your Santas..... :) ~Cheryl

  63. Cynthia, your home is just as precious and as cottage cozy as can be! I really love all of your wallpaper and your style! So feminine.

    How wonderful to have the old Christmas pieces from your Mother. That is just the best to have in the home as it evokes so many memories of the past.

    Everything is just perfect!


  64. Ohhhhh what a wonderful decoration, I love it all !!!


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia