Friday, December 19, 2008

~ It's the little things that count ~

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~Norman Vincent Peale

I'm so excited..... Today we are getting our second snowfall of the Season! The picture above was our first, but today we are supposed to get 4 inches. I still feel like I'm 12 years old when it starts to snow, its like magic falling from the sky. My 3 children ( mostly teenagers ) still get so excited too! We gather at this window and look out at all the beauty as it falls and kisses our homes and streets.....Oh the wonder of it all!

Its the little things in life that make me happy...

and...speaking of little things....I have this thing for miniatures, maybe its that little girl in me that still wants to play with her dollhouse, or maybe its because in smaller form, everything seems cuter and more manageable, or, lol, it could be that its easier to rearrange :) anywho, the pictures below are of my new Christmas ornaments, but I have to say, I am going to keep them out all year on my kitchen shelf because I think they are so sweet....

I take great care of my refrigerator, but I don't think it could ever be this perfect :), or, lol, that sparse either.... :)
I love the Vintage milk bottles on the shelf...

The detail is so amazing to me on these Ornaments, the hot chocolate even has 3 mini marshmallows, how sweet....and if you click and make the picture bigger, you'll see that even the sprinkle for the cookies are multi-color too!
The oven even has a light too! and btw, if Santa wants to know, i'd like this Vintage stove for Christmas in big girl form :)
I've always collected Vintage baking themed items for my kitchen for years, I think it gives such a sense of Nostalgia. When I use all the things I've collected I can almost sense the woman who used them before me ....I always wonder what she was baking when she used them, or who was in her kitchen , or what she was like ....
The Italian in me loves to cook and bake and I wanted to share one of my favorite recipes with you this week. I swear they are so easy it's almost ridiculous :) But the taste is truly Amazing despite the fact that it has only 3 ingredients! They are called Pastizzi's....enjoy friends! ( note: I sprinkle mine with powdered sugar when they are done... to me, its the finishing touch! ) So here's a little something for you...

  • 2 lbs. flaky pastry dough
  • 2 lbs. ricotta cheese
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 eggs

  1. Note: You can substitute Pillsbury Flaky Pastry Dough for home-made flaky pastry dough...if you'd like.
  2. Mix the ricotta cheese with the two eggs until the eggs are thoroughly mixed into the ricotta cheese.
  3. Add a bit of salt and pepper to the mixture for taste.
  4. Roll out the dough (do not make the dough too thin.)
  5. Cut the dough into three- to four-inch circles. ( I make mine a little bigger )
  6. Put one tablespoon of the ricotta cheese mix in the middle of each circle.
  7. Fold each circle from the top and the bottom to the centre and squeeze the edges together so that the pocket is sealed (the horizontal ends should be formed into points.)
  8. Put the pastizzi on a greased baking sheet.
  9. Bake in a moderate oven (350-425 degrees) for about one hour. or until golden brown.
  10. Sprinkle with powdered sugar!
My Daughter Melanie and I love making these together!

“Life itself is the proper binge.”
... Julia Child

Then its clean up time....

This is a little tip.... when washing silver and china during the holidays, use a Tupperware bin, I can't tell you how many pieces slipped out of my hands and broke in the sink before I saw that idea!
I just love Gooseberry Patch, such sweet little images and their books have that wonderful nostalgic feel too!
Now its time after we baked and cleaned up , to head into town and finish our shopping!
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.--Hamilton Wright Mabie

Merry Christmas to all , and to all a good weekend!

Love and Hugs ~



  1. Thanks for the recipe! I will try it.They look like something that everyone would be impressed with, but you know that they are really simple. : )
    Those little ornaments are darling! I love them. Where did you find them?

    Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!!

  2. What a wonderful post! May I ask where you found the fridge? I have the stove! And I would love to have the fridge to go with. Is it a Hallmark too? I've attempted the pastry sheets only once on another recipe. It was a total flop. I think I'll try this one. ;o) ooxx`jodi

  3. Great post! No snow here, only the paper snowflakes on our tree. The Pastizzi's look delicious.

    Happy weekend to you too!

  4. I love this post! Thanks for the recipe. I am going to try it this weekend. I love the ornaments. Please share the source!!! I love all the vintage kitchen and would love to have a set to use year round. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful day.

  5. Oh Cynthia, I think this is my favorite post of yours yet, during the holidays! ...just love it!!!! Love, love, love it. Your photos are darling, you have a little bit of everything, baking, tips, etc. Thank you for taking the time to do such a lovely post for us to read/view as we are nearing the holiday! Merry Christmas.


  6. Those ornaments are so realistic and adorable. I would keep them out all year long, too. Thanks for the recipe - I may try that. Sally

  7. OMG Cynthia! This is a masterpiece! Great post, wow wow wow!! I am speechless- too much beauty!!
    I think I have to post some Italian recipes, too, then I'll drop you a line to let you know ;)
    Hugs, and enjoy snow and baking!
    Monica x.

  8. hi cynthia! i see lots of changes on your blog -- all very nice! how cute and fun are your miniatures!? i did click to enlarge and the details are crazy-amazing! the jars of sprinkles! how fun that you placed the set in front on "little dinners". cute! i love all that stuff, too: tiny things, storybooks about mice in little homes, dolls. we're so girly! happiest holidays to you, sweetie! xo

  9. Oh, I love all your pretty pictures. The mini's are so detailed and adorable, I can't quit looking at them. My BFF's Mom had the cutest cast iron stove with little pots and pans that we used to play Barbie's with. Your mini's remind me of that fun time of youth.
    Thanks for the recipe, looks delicious.

  10. Those are the CUTEST ornaments I have ever seen! I have always loved little things too :)

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!


  11. What a great post you have today, Cynthia!! I just love those little ornaments, especially the refrigerator and stove. Like you said, the detail is amazing especially with that little light in the stove! I love the pictures you chose. So warm and cozy. Those Pastizzi's look deliciously sinful! Cheese and bread, my two favorite foods...oh, besides potatoes. Can you tell I'm a carb junkie? :)

  12. HI Cynthia! I'm laughing because you have a totally beautiful take on your expected snowfall! I just got off the phone with my Mom in Mass and she has a completely different view!lol Now those ornaments are absolutely gorgeous and bring the little girl out in me as well; I would never put them away!!! I've never seen anything like them, beautiful! I must try your recipe as well; can't go wrong with phyllo I say even if there's nothing in it!lol Happy Weekend building snowmen!!! Sincerely, Jeannette

  13. Oh my goodness, Cynthia! I feel so happy after looking through all the pics on your blog! Thanks for taking the time to post them!

    ~ Hearts ~

  14. Hello Cynthia; OH how sweet is the fridge, and stove. My the detail is so great. I am trying my hand a putting together a Victorian Doll House, some day I will have it all done. lol Have a great weekend.

    Merry Christmas


  15. Those are the most adorable ornaments I've ever seen...please tell use where you found them...pretty please? I can understand why you'll keep them out all of the time.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    p.s. I've added you to my blog roll at

  16. The miniatures are so beautiful. I'm thinking I need a doll house.

    Merry Christmas!


  17. Your miniatures are wonderful, Cynthia!

    The recipe sounds so good. Thanks!

    Merry Christmas!

  18. Cynthia, I love the picture of the snow outside your window. It's so pretty it looks like a Christmas card.
    Thanks for stopping by my place...
    Enjoy the holidays!

  19. This is my favorite post that you've ever done! I mentioned your blog on mine tonight! Merry Christmas!

  20. Hi Cynthia,
    Love your post and blog design. I am working on mine as I just started blogging. Any suggestions?
    The mini fridge and stove are sooo cute. As a little girl I spent endless hours playing with my dollhouse. By the way, I've been a longtime fan of Gooseberry Patch and also Susan Branch (noticed your book, have all of hers). Stop by and visit!

  21. OMGosh, the fridge has a light! Such detail in the miniatures, incredible.

    Please stop by, I have a little something for you.

  22. I simply love your blog!!! I visit it so often, and I've never left you know. Thank you for creating some of the most beautiful and unique postings. It is a joy to visit every time. This posting is one of my favorite! I have the same stove and refrigerator.

  23. How sweet! LOVE the miniatures! and the recipe sounds delish! Beautiful post.

  24. You're so lucky to get snow! I'm still dreaming of it here in Arkansas. I love your miniatures, I would leave them out too. So cute!! Kristen

  25. What a sweet post Cynthia. I hope you and your family have a Very Happy and Nostalgic Holiday.

    I am glad to have "met" you this year and look forward to more posts next year.

    Janet@ Housepeepers

  26. Omgosh that was the cutest post Cynthia. It should have come right out of a published book. It was great fun reading.
    You even made me want snow!!!
    I loved those ornaments too.
    So I can see it all now. You, Me and Kellie... a shop called Cottageville! What great fun that would be! We would even ride to work on our vintage bikes and have them parked right outside the door. Decorated up of course.
    Yellow, Pink and blue.
    Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy that snow for me.

  27. Hi Cynthia!
    Popping in from my blog break for a visit. Your little miniature stove and fridge are so adorable! I just love them.

    I wish we had snow here! Enjoy your Christmas. I look forward to visiting with you after the holidays.

  28. Those miniature pieces are just adorable! I am jealous of your snow! It's been in the 70's this week where I live!

  29. Oh Cynthia I love those minitures!!! They are sooo adorable! And thanks for the wonderful recipe too! I always love to visit your blog-there are always such nice post!
    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
    ~Hugs& BIG Smiles~Tam!

  30. WHERE did you get that darling stove and fridge???? Please tell!

  31. Hi Cynthia :)

    Where on earth did you get those darling kitchen ornaments?? I LOVE them :)

    Thank you so much for the recipe! I'm going to make those very very soon.

    I want wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

  32. Oh those ornaments are the best!!!! Beautiful post! Laurie

  33. Cynthia, Hi again! Thanks for posting on my blog. I was just showing my husband your pretty blog pages and when I went back to my blog, there was your post. :-)

    You asked if I've ever done a book...yes! With my daughter, Holly Knott. "Quilted Garden Delights" by C&T publishing. Holly took 8 of my garden watercolor paintings and turned them into small wall quilts. She's an art quilter so we were the perfect team! The book gives directions for making the quilts.
    And Holly is well-known for her landscape quilts and sells them at Skaneateles Artisans.

    Wishing you a White Christmas!
    Diane :-)

  34. I'm a first time visitor to you lovely blog. I so enjoyed reading it and can't wait to visit again!

  35. Love the tip about the plastic bin. I too adore Gooseberry Patch and minatures!

  36. Hello sweet friend,
    What a wonderful post. I just adore the minitures! I have several myself. One is a Victorian chair with a violin and a beautiful throw and pillow and the other is a victorian dressing table with bottles of perfume,make-up and a sweet lace covered stool. I have never seen the kitchen ones before but they are just too cute! Also I'm going to try you recipe for Pastizzi's. I think I will take them to my sister's home on Christmas Eve. Thanks for the idea!
    From one Italian gal to another. : )

  37. Cynthia,

    I have coffee in hand and I'm making my daily visit to your blog. It's always a perfect way to get myself motivated for the Season, I look at all your images and fall into each picture and your words, and get a real sense of relaxation. Thank you for giving us a view into your world. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I wait every day for a new post and "squeal" with Joy when I see a new update!

    With Thanks, Joannie

  38. HI Cynthia...Oh how I love all your pictures. I too love red! Red checkered fabric, red kitchen things...but your miniatures are just so adorable I can't stand it. You have goooooottttttt to tell us where those little things came from. There is just something about an adorable miniature setting that moves us women!!!! Not sure what it is! But the little kitchen is precious!
    have a Merry Christmas!

  39. Cynthia,

    I am thrilled that you found my blog and stopped by to say hello. Returning the favor I've found one of the most wonderful blogs out there, YOURS.

    It is magical and so pretty. I absolutely love all the photos and the description of your Italian baking reminds me so much of my own Italian home.

    My mother baked every day (almost) so we always had fresh cookies, pies and pastries in the house. Luckily I was a skinny little thing for most of my life. Then middle-age kicked in and Yikes! the weight is almost impossible to keep off. Especially with all these wonderful sweets.

    Have a wonderful holiday season and enjoy the snowfall.


  40. Cynthia, Thanks soooo much! You made my day! You know how you see something...and inside you are going 'oh my gosh!'? That is what I was thinking when I visited your blog today! is wonderful and fun...I just enjoyed reading your posts so much!!!
    thanks. I'm off to look on ebay!

  41. Merry Christmas, Cynthia - Thank you for sharing the magic of snow - a decadent recipe (which I must try!) and your love of nostalgia ... my heart swells with it - this time of year and all through!

    Blessings to you and yours!

  42. Hi Cynthia,
    What a delightful post. I love the vintage pictures and I'm so happy you were able to find the stove ornament too!! Your photos are lovely. I think you have a great idea to leave them out all year. It really is a shame to hide them away.

    Your recipe looks delicious. I think I need to try it. I just made some pizzelles. I had an Italian neighbor who always made them for me when I was a kid. Love them!!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.


  43. Hi Cynthia, I ADORE your little ornaments...those are just about the cutest thing ever! Love how there's a light in the frige and the stove. The detail is amazing! Thanks for the yummy recipe!
    The gold garland you asked about isn't vintage...trying to remember where I bought it...ummmm...I'm drawing a blank. It was a few years ago, now. I can tell I'm going to love your blog...'cause I just love anything vintage or old. I always feel the exact same thing you mentioned whenever I use anything in my home that is old or antique...always wonder what the person who had it before me was like. I have a dollhouse in my guest can see it in my side bar. I did a post all about it a couple of weeks back. I always wonder about the person who put so much time and effort into making it. I sort of feel like I'm preserving all that effort by taking good care of it. :-) Susan

  44. Hello Cynthia,
    Thank you so much for your perfectly delightful Christmas posts. Ohhhh, how I needed to be inspired today. I love those cutie ornaments! I will just have to hunt them down. I just got an old beat up doll house at a garage sale and plan to redo it up in perfect RED and PINK! You have inspired me! Christmas Hugs!

  45. Merry Christmas Cynthia!!!!! Sincerely, Jeannette

    If you see me on live feed hanging around a lot I'm checkin out your favorites because I figure I'll like them too! Looking forward to what your posts will be in the coming year! Stay Happy and Warm! - J

  46. Thank you for letting me know where you found your adorable ornaments...I did find a site with the fridge on it.

    Have a wonderful Christmas.

    Love, Kim

    p.s. Just wanted to let you know that I added you to my blog roll at since I adore your blog so much!

  47. I love those little minis! Sooo sweet. We have had several snow thank-ful we do not have to go out in the snow right now. We can enjoy it from the warmth and safety of our homes. Merry Christmas, cherry

  48. Oooh, those treats look so yummy and the miniature oven is SO CUTE! Anyway, I just stopped by to say Merry Christmas! Hope you have a great holiday.
    ~Angela :-)

  49. just stopped by to wish you a very merry christmas, i have loved visiting your blog, you are filled with good cheer year round!

  50. Oh Cynthia what an adorable post! It was a joy to read and look at! I love your frig & stove oranaments! Where did you ever find them!!! You always brighten my day when I come to visit! Merry Christmas dear!

    Big Hugs,

  51. Hi Cynthia,
    Just wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a beautiful Christmas!


  52. Merry Christmas sista Cynthia! What a darling post! Those kitchen ornaments are sooooo darling! I would keep them out all year long too!And I see a little Susan Branch in the background....LOVE HER! I know our minds think alike...everything that makes your heart go pitter-patter makes mine too! I hope you have a very sparkly glad I found you!

  53. Hi Cyn,
    Just stopping by to wish you and your family the most wonderful Christmas ever and to tell you how much I treasure your friendship. God Bless.
    Big hugs,

  54. What a darling post and blog here. I've come over from LeAnn's Simply Dandy Cottage. Your ornaments are so cute, the cutest of seen all season I think ;)

    I'm going to go take a look at the recipe above... maybe make it for New Year's Eve, thank you for sharing.

    Merry Christmas!

  55. I hope you've had a very merry Christmas Cynthia!

  56. Your posts are just the most delightful! Hope you had a sweet Christmas, Cynthia! LOVE those little things, so cute.
    xo Lidy

  57. Cynthia, Your Pastizzis look amazing! I am going to try them. It's funny, my mom (another Melanie) and I love to cook too! I was so excited about the snow last week as well. Everything looked so pretty. Too bad it all melted for Christmas. I hope you and your family had a great one. And since you love miniatures, I wanted to give you this link. She is a sweetie and makes the most amazing miniatures, including gorgeous little pastries.
    Hope you have a very Happy New Year!

  58. Cynthia,
    What a sweet post and those are the most adorable ornaments I've ever seen. Can you tell me who makes them or where to purchase them? Love your blog!

  59. Cynthia,
    Thanks for the info on the ornaments. My sister works for Hallmark as a draftsman. Thanks for your sweet comment and for stopping by my blog!

  60. O.K.... Tooooo Cute!!!! That is all I can say about that kitchen. I love it. I noticed the "Susan Branch" in the back ground, is the kitchen design hers? I love her stuff :0)


  61. Hi, Cynthia,
    I just bought the stove and fridge
    from Ebay. The fridge was bad, but the stove...........WOW! The cheapest price I found was $75 free shipping. Love them.
    Funny story: I was telling my best friend about these two ornaments I had just got, and she said, "You GAVE me that stove!" LOL
    Sure enough, it was on her tree. (I KNEW I liked that little stove)

  62. I want such a miniature kitchen too! Pls tell where to get it and if they ship to Denmark.

    I ADORE your blog! :)

    hugs from Denmark

  63. I have never made these, but after looking at the picture and how easy they are, I don't think I have a choice at this point...I have to! Thanks for sharing! Mmm... :)Marybeth

  64. As for the pastizzi they are not Italian but from the maltese cuisine


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia