Sunday, December 28, 2008

~ A Year in Review Party ~

I want to start this post by wishing all of you wonderful girls a Happy New Year and abundant Blessings to all ! Cindy from My Romantic Home is hosting " A year in Review" Party, what a wonderful idea Cindy! You can go to my side bar and click on her graphic for more information and get the details ( or click on her link here).... I'd love to see all of your years worth of favorite posts and passions! Mine begins with the mosaic above, you can make your own at Big Huge Labs, it's fun, go give it a try too!

My "Year in Review".....

( I had this calender 2 years ago, but thought the pic was fitting for this post, lol )

I've posted a few oldies from the point where I started blogging in April 2008, and added some new ones to show you too. The new ones are just additional pictures of the things I've posted about here that I've liked throughout the year....Hope you enjoy!
One of my very first posts was on Outdoor Entertaining...I took my Canning Jars and added some fresh hydrangeas ( above ) to create a simple country cottage centerpiece. The Iced Tea was "fancied" up ( using lemons to wet the rim for easy dipping ) with a pink sugar rim ! yummy :)
I've always loved Dutch Doors , I think I did a whole paragraph on how mine (above ) creates such a cottage feel to me and evokes such sweet memories of the house I grew up in...My Mom had two of them and I've always wanted one ...and now I do :).... happy happy joy joy :)
And of course my Year in Review has to include lots of cooking and baking too! My two favorite passions besides Decorating!
I think learning from other bloggers is so Inspirational and fun ! I try to share tips now and then and I get so many ideas from all you wonderful ladies too! Before I started blogging this year, I turned to my favorite source of information and inspiration and as most of you probably know by now, its been Susan Branch...I did so many posts about her books and her items I was dreaming in watercolors, lol... She's still one of my favorites and I await every new venture she takes on. ( you can click on the pic above to get some great little ideas )...

I enjoyed posting about other women's passions also! Finding such talented women out there , I've been able to get some of my favorite pieces in my house this year... Like the shutters above from Elyse ( Cottage ) and Penny ( Lavender Hill studio ) who made me such a gorgeous basket and I posted about last month....I've ordered and found such beautiful things! I wish I could mention them all here, but throughout 2008 I've met some wonderful women and I am so grateful for such connections! And I cannot say enough about how nice it is to see a new comment from one of you , and all your sweet and uplifting words! They mean so much to me!

I enjoy spending my free time visiting your lovely homes and blogs too!..... its like opening a new magazine and seeing your favorite things and then the best part is, I get to leave that person a comment right away and let them know how much I enjoyed my visit too!, how great is that?!
I've gotten to share so many of my passions besides decorating and cooking and collecting! Like the stool above, I've tried my hand at hand painting furniture. It really is fun and I get instant results too, something I love :) Things have to be fast and easy for me to throw myself into, I am not a fan of long projects. But having said that, I would love to have the patience to sew like I used to, but that's for another New Years resolution :)
Another favorite post of mine , is anything "Vintage"... and posting about my collections and obsessions seems to be pretty much predictable now :) but I really do love anything with a history to it. One of those "collections" is Vintage cookbooks and Vintage housekeeping manuals... I adore them, and reading them makes me feel like I've entered an era I should have been born in :)
I have a very small collection of vintage Aprons, but lets just say, I want a few more in 2009 :)
If you click on any of the pictures they should get large and you can see the detail better...
I think most of my posts from this year have always involved my Kitchen :).....its truly where the heart of the home is for me, or refuge , or whatever I need it to be that day :)
Well, I'm about finished with my "Year in review'', but I can't end it without Thanking each and every person who stops by ! Your visits are what make blogging the wonderful thing that it is, and visiting you is one of my favorite parts about it also!

I wish you all a wonderful New Year, filled with inspiration and beauty, and health and happiness !!
Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. ~Hal Borland

With Friendship and Gratitude,



  1. Your year in review was great! It is fun to learn more about our blogger friends. Wonderful pictures too. I like the mason jar and flowers idea.

  2. Hi Cynthia,
    Wow you did an awesome job with your year in review!! I have enjoyed getting to know you throughout the year and visiting your beautiful blog. Thanks so much for sharing your talents and your cozy,sweet home with us (;

  3. Cynthia, I love your year in review. You are so talented and I always look forward to see what you've created. Thanks so much for sharing it all with us!

  4. What a great year! I love your kitchen!!!!! I am green with envy!

  5. Sweet Cynthia, it has been such a delight to have visited your blog throughout the year! You have always given of yourself & darling home! I have enjoyed your post and screamed each time you posted new pictures! Yes, you know how to make my day! Looking forward to another year of fun with you!


  6. This is great!!! Your place is so's like a living doll house!

    I have the Mr. Linky set up now so please come by and sign in so others can come by for a visit! Thanks for joining in!!!

  7. What a wonderful post Cynthia!! I just love your home so much. Your kitchen is beautiful. I love your dutch door too!

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a beautiful, safe New Year!


  8. What charming photographs! Thank you for inviting me to visit you Year in Review, and Happy New Year! ~Arleen

  9. Cynthia, all your vignettes are so, so pretty. They really transport me back in time. :o)

  10. Beautiful blog !!
    Thank you for all the links.
    Have a Happy 2009 !!!


  11. I agree...dutch doors and vintage...two joys in life :)

    (and there are so many more!)

  12. Oh, your home is so cute and cozy...I love it! Thanks for sharing so many wonderful photos.
    Happy New Year!

  13. great review..i always adore your work..keep it up for the years to come

  14. Hello Cyntia;

    I love you,wonderful


  15. I'm amazex with your pictures. Beautiful. And your home is so beautiful. I want to come here everyday so I will add you in my blog list.


  16. This is wonderful, by far my favorite post! Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful home in the coming year

  17. Gorgeous, Cynthia!! I am green with "dutch door" envy! How I'd love one! (Only kidding about being envious - but I'm dead serious about how much I would LOVE one!!!) Your cottage is perfection!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  18. Morning Cynthia!!! What a fantastic post! I eagerly await your posts as much as my favorite issues of magazines!!! You've posted soooo many pretty, inspiring pictures this past year I just can't wait to see what you have for the coming year! Thank you for the enjoyment! Your stalker friend-lol - Sincerely, Jeannette

  19. This is truly beautiful! I came here from the year in review...thank you for sharing the blogger her and not to computer savy...but thanks to all you wonderful bloggers....I will learn! I will be back to share in your treasures again! Happy New Year!

  20. Great Pics Cynthia! I love all of the hydrangeas in there! Have a Happy New Year!

  21. What a lovely and wonderfully cozy year you had!
    I did a post on my visit to French General in October. Please stop by.

  22. Hi Cynthia! What a wonderful year you've had! You've inspired me to try my hand at painting furniture which is part of my New Year's resolution! I'll be visiting you frequently to make sure I get it right. Cheers to you and yours in the New Year!

  23. Your home is so beautiful! I love the hutch in your kitchen and that pretty floral wallpaper I glimpsed in the background. Your blog is so warm and cozy!

  24. you have a very lovely post and I enjoy reading & drooling at the pictures! I love it all! Happy New Year..

  25. OH~~ Cynthia your blog has become one of my to 2 blog to read. I wanted to participate in Cindy's year in review but did not know how to do the mosaic. I kid you not just before I came to your blog I spent maybe 45 min. trying to find a good photo shop to host my mosaic and could not understand any of them. I am on my way to Big Huge Labs. I have the exact same book Home Companion Plate
    By Mary Engelbreit.
    God Bless and thank-you for the hint to go to Big Huge Labs.
    I'm glad I'm off today so I can play.

  26. OH I forgot I put your button on my blog with all of my favorite blogs on it.

  27. Cynthia, this was a wonderful year in review! Thank you for the mention too :-)! I have so enjoyed getting to know you through your beautiful blog. Every post is so inspirational. You have a beautiful home and a beautiful heart.

  28. Oh Cynthia! I just remembered why I love coming to visit your blog.... It is so dang cute! I love ME too. I get one of her calenders every year for my desk at work. Your kitchen is adorable and I never get tired of seeing what you are doing that's new!

    Have and Happy and Safe New Year!


  29. Wonderful post... Your pictures are gorgeous!! Have a wonderful new year!

  30. Oh how I just enjoyed your review!! Cant wait to see what you have in store for the new year!! Laurie

  31. Its all so very lovely! You've inspired me to do the same. Thanks for the wonderful eye candy.


  32. Hi Cynthia,
    What a great post. You are definitely one of my favorite blogs to read. I just love everything you do. Your home is so charming and it has been such a pleasure getting to know you this past year. I look forward to learning and sharing more with you in 2009.


  33. Love your kitchen and all the "vintage-ness". Thanks so much for sharing! I will be back to visit!
    Happy New Year!

  34. Love your kitchen and all the "vintage-ness". Thanks so much for sharing! I will be back to visit!
    Happy New Year!

  35. Wonderful job. I loved your pictures and house.

  36. Love the dutch doors. What a great year!

  37. So beautiful! I love your kitchen and the mosaic pics are all lovely.

  38. I absolutely love your cottage. Like you I've always loved Dutch doors, but I was not fortunate enough to have one.

  39. Happy New Year!
    I really enjoyed your pictures. The dutch doors are nothing short of adorable and I love your aprons! I, too, love vintage aprons and have begun to collect them. I need to find a cute little place to display them like you did. It looks great! My mom just bought an apron pattern and some fabric to match my kitchen. She's going to make one for me which will be so special. Thanks for sharing your home with us!

  40. Hi Cynthia! Love, love, love your review. Keep it up!

  41. Cynthia, your house should be featured in Cottage Living.....or Country Living. I have to go back through your older posts (since I am fairly new at blogging) and check out all your other ideas! You are definitely an inspiration to me! Good luck in 2009 and I hope you prosper in many, many ways! :)

    Michelle, Mocha and Quincy.

  42. First time visit to your blog. Love your collage and explanation of each photo. We have so much in common. Mary Engelbreit, Susan Branch, love of vintage. I will be back to read other posts.

    I actually had tea with Susan Branch last year. She is as sweet as her books.

    Happy New Year!

  43. Love, Love, LOVE your blog! So glad I found it through Rose Vine Cottage Two blog! Happy New Year! Becky G.

  44. Love your post and what a lovely kitchen! Happy New Year!

  45. What a wonderful year you had....Loved all your pictures...Your hutch is Fabulous....
    Happy New Year!!!!!
    Mo ;-)

  46. Beautiful pictures! And what a WOW of a kitchen ~ I might even like to cook in THAT kitchen!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  47. hi cynthia, i love reading your posts. they are so sweet, heartfelt and filled with wonderful photos.

    you make blogging so much fun and i am so honored to be included in your review. you really changed blogging for me by "discovering" my little blog and posting about it. your sweet comments always make my day!

    your kitchen looks so lovely and inviting! i love the "cupcakes" sign.

    sending warm thoughts your way, sweetie! xoxo

  48. You have such a cozy and inviting home, Cynthia!

    All the best to you and your family in 2009.

    Love, Kim

  49. Happy New Year!!
    I enjoyed your "Year in Review" through your lovely photos!

  50. What a great year in review!!! Love your blog and look forward to more posts in the new year.

  51. What a wonderful blog! I hopped over from Yapping Cat Studio. What a pleasure I found. The photos of your home make me want to move in with you! Looking forward to reading you more in 2009

  52. Wow Cynthia! What a beautiful blog. Happy 2009 to you!


  53. Great post. Your year in review was very refreshing. Your home is beautiful. I love your kitchen. Light and airy.

    Happy New Year


  54. Cynthia, as always another GREAT post!!
    I love all, cannot say if I prefer the collage, Mary Engelbreit's or Susan Branch's drawings, your kitchen, aprons or the blue hydrangeas... all is so full of charm!
    Thank you VERY much for the joy and inspiration you give, Cynthia!
    Monica x.

  55. I've thoroughly enjoyed your year in review. Your blog and home are lovely. xoxo

  56. Very fun post-you did a great job-so cheerful!

  57. Found your blog by way of Cindy at Yapping Cat Studio. It's lovely- so much detail. I loved your Year in Review and decided to play along. You can find my blog at:

    Happy New Year!

  58. You have beautiful blog and I have enjoyed visiting here today!! I'm a big fan of Susan Branch and Mary Engelbreit too! In 2007, Susan Branch even visited my blog!! Have a wonderful New Year!!

  59. Cynthia, what a great post! Your pics have been wonderful. Your blog is a beautiful place to visit! Have a great New Year. ~Cheryl

  60. Wonderful! I enjoyed this so much! I hope to put together one when I get back on high speed internet! Dial up is too slow! You are so talented and take such wonderful pictures! Thanks for adding so much to my life all during the year! Happy New Year!

  61. I enjoyed your Year In Review.
    Just lovely!!

    New Year's Blessings,

  62. I have learnt your blog just now from Ramantic Home. Pictures are wonderful, I loved the mini fridge and the oven... Hope to have a wonderful year....

  63. Hi Cynthia, Just discovered your blog. I'm enjoying it very much. Looking forward visiting your site for the coming year. If you like come on over to check out my blog. Happy New Years to you..

  64. Love your photos! Thank you for sharing.

  65. Your home is so inviting. What a great year in review. I always enjoy visiting. Happy New Year.

  66. Cynthia
    I hope you get this message. I'm like # 49 lol
    I came from sweet Deborah @ picture pots & things.
    Your profile says your from Huntington.
    I spent many lovely days/months in Huntington.
    My BIL played for the Islanders. I watched the team take 4 Stanley Cups at that Coliseum, they were like brothers to me. I worked @ the "Emerald Door" many, many moons ago.
    I adore your beautiful blog and have you on my fav. list.
    I will be back. Just wanted to say hello from Canada.
    Happy New Year, glad I found you.

  67. Hello again. You've had so many comments on your "Year In Review" that I may be lost in the midst. But I want to say that I become so absorbed in your pics and your words, I feel like we have known each other forever!! Have a great New Years!!

  68. Thanks again for your lovely words about me , these words will inspire me in the new year!You are right, no web site yet but soon there will be and Iwill be selling all those cute things... so keep following me... I am sure you are a wonderful person, have a wonderful happy new year....

  69. Wow....such a beautiful blog.....where do I begin ?

  70. Wow....such a beautiful blog.....where do I begin ?

  71. Happy New Year Cyn!

    I have really enjoyed being your MySpace friend and reading your blog in 2008. I look foward to all of your posts in 2009.


  72. Hi Cynthia, I want to wish you a happy New Year! I have really enjoyed your blog this year! I want to thank you for telling us about Big Huge Labs...I am loving it! Nancy

  73. I enjoyed your Year In Review, it was awesome. I especially love the picture with the dutch door, I bet the view is 2die4.


  74. Hi Cynthia
    Just stopping by to wish you a happy new year. I hope this coming year brings you joy, health and prosperity.
    I love all your photos of 2008!
    Hugs, rhondi

  75. WOW! Just found you via "French Country" What a lovely blog! I'll be back. Happy New Year!

  76. Hi again..just stopping by to say thank you for visiting my blog and your nice comment. Happy new year and hope to see more of your great works in 2009.

  77. Happy New Year Cynthia,
    I am on my way to Eufaula and enjoying looking at all the year in review's out there. Yours is incredible as always. I love the Dutch door. I too grew up with one off our kitchen. Loved your post and loved how blog land has allowed such friendships to develope. I enjoy seeing your face on my blog. In face if I were to do a year in review it would have to include your friendly face showing up to encourage me on with the shabby old house.
    Blessing to you for a very successful and Happy New Year.

  78. I love your year in review post. I will be back soon to read your blog.
    Happy New Year.

  79. Hi Cynthia - Just wanted to warn you a bout a music virus - check out my post when you get second!
    Sincerely, Jeannette

  80. I hope your Christmas was all you wanted it to be. I wish you and your family a wonderful new year full of joy, peace, health, happiness, success and prosperity and all God's love.
    Virginia :)

  81. Wow, Cynthia, you have such a beautiful blog and gorgeous home. I too LOVE Susan Branch. When we lived in CA I lived just up the hill from her little shop in Arroyo Grande. I think she's had to close it now but it was so charming. We have a lot of the same tastes and I have all of SB's books (I have both of her prints that you do) and I'm a big fan of Mary Englebreit. I think our houses would be best friends if they weren't 10 states away! One question, love your wallpaper, is it still available? And if yes, where? I've been looking for something cabbage rosey for my entry. I'll be back to look through your archives. I MUST put away Christmas TODAY!! Mimi Sue

  82. what a beautiful group for your year in review, loved it all!

  83. Thanks for stopping in, Cynthia and leaving a note. I still am in shock from losing all my posts. I have all the photos though, so that's good.

    You know, you just have the cutest durn blog...I just love visiting you! Wish we were neighbors in real life.

    I've added you back to my blogroll and it sure is great to be back visiting my friends again.


  84. I've strolled in for the first time.
    I adore your charming blog. There are so many reminders of my own childhood in your decor. It's so comforting to find a place like yours. Filled with such an inviting ambiance. You are a true inspiration and I look forward to getting to know you on future visits.

    Sweet Wishes,

    P.S. Thanks for the *Red heads* up on their vintage site.
    Oh,I too have a passion, love, addiction, to miniatures. If you ever get a peek at my blog boutique you'll see.;O I finally (through much Ebay hunting) found
    the mini fridge but haven't found the stove. Was there a name on the box for that ornament. The fridge was tittled, *magic fridge*. Apparently the lil' stove isn't a *magic stove*. I'd appreciate any help, maybe the vendors name if possible. Yup, I've definitely have an obsession.LOL!


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia