Friday, January 2, 2009

~ Fresh and Clean ~

Happy 2009 to all of you ! The week here was spent tucking away Christmas, it's all back in the attic now... I think I love putting it away as much as I love taking it out :). Even though the snow is still on the ground, I can't help wishing it were Spring already. January and February are such long months in New York. So the best I can do is pretend Spring is just around the corner and get things fresh and clean..... Fresh tablecloths, clean linens, new recipes, and cleaning all the corners was how my week was spent....come sit awhile, I'll make you breakfast and you can watch me clean, feel free to pitch in anytime :)

Time to get up.....

I'm usually quite the early riser, but the cold days make waking up a little harder, lol....
I think setting a Breakfast table is my favorite meal to set up for, its so simple and yummy. Plus I can do it in my pj's .... maybe that's the best part :)
And no aprons are needed , so I'll leave it in the frame for now..... :)
I bought this table cloth ( below ) right before the holidays from one of my favorite shops, they have a fabulous online store. Give them a visit and I promise , if you're into anything vintage or retro, you will not be disappointed !
The name of the shop is Retro-Redheads and it's truly scrumptious and filled with incredible vintage finds! Just click on the picture below and it should take you right there....
I spend the late winter longing for the fresh fruits and vegetables , so the next best thing is finding a nice Jam or anything that was instantly preserved in the freshest state. I spent many early summers canning my own Jam and sauces, but I didn't get to it last year, so the latest from the store will have to do....This one below is a favorite :)
Strawberry Rhubarb Jam, or even the Pie, are my favorites , along with blackberry...In this recipe below you can substitute frozen fruit, so It's fun to make in the winter when you are longing to get that Spring/Summer smell going on in the can click on the card to see it larger, enjoy!
I have to admit, I really love cleaning when I'm in the mood :)....and I get in the mood very easily after taking down all the holiday decorations! If I had to pick which aspect of cleaning I like best, it would be washing the floors and Ironing. Any one who knows me, knows that I hate doing laundry, but if you ask me to iron something, I volunteer quickly and fall into an ironing trance, don't get me wrong, I only like doing a few items, lol, don't give me a whole basket full, I'll just cry......I love The Good Home Co., all their products are natural and smell wonderful and best of all, they work beautifully!!!
The table cloth in the picture with the Rooster is vintage 1940's and a favorite of mine, it also makes for a sweet Breakfast table choice....
Funny cleaning quote: I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on. ~ Rosanne Barr ~

All pressed and ready to go for a " Ladies Brunch "....
After the holidays I like to rearrange things a bit, I put away anything that had a Fall theme or a deep color theme ......and bring out the blues and white again....although my red accents will stay out year round, I gotta have Red :)
Time to clean all the moldings too, they are high up so they get neglected most of the time, but it doesn't feel fully done to me unless I get to them ....but I don't make the journey up there too much of a habit. :)
As I was cleaning the kitchen chandelier off of all the Christmas stuff, I stood back and looked at it with just the silver beads left on.....and......I decided to keep them up :) I have been looking for just the right strand of crystals to add to this , so I figured I'd keep these up until I find some.......these have red , so they can stay :)
Well the house is clean, the kids are going back to school Monday and the holidays are over....I'm pretty darn happy about all 3 .... I might squeeze another Mother Daughter day in there, but for today , I'm resting and feel caught up a bit, finally!....
The streets are slick with snow and Ice, so after cleaning I picked up a few books and glanced through my collection of Vintage manuals..... this one cracks me up, I love all the pictures and reading what the authors thought about "getting dressed for the day"....I love the "idea" of always being so beautifully dressed.... but in reality, I'm a Jeans and sweater girl through and through. This was more how my Mother dressed me for church on Sundays :) But I love the visuals. Imagine taking care of the children , working , and shopping in this??
Now I worked up an appetite , so its time for some cake......the best kind for my New Years resolution too, fat free and decoupaged on wood , oh that Jenny's Bake shop is soooo good for the hips.....Coconut Cake, Yummy.....

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and are enjoying the last days of the Holiday Season! Thank you so much for all your sweet and uplifting comments on my "Year in Review", as always, I am grateful for each and every one of you!!

Now it's time to go to Home Depot, I have my weekend project to get to! Hopefully I can find a few hours to make a blackboard out of one of my doors or cabinets in the kitchen! This picture below from Country Living had me motivated !
Have a wonderful weekend Girls!!




  1. Wow, what a great post. If it weren't evening here you would have motivated me to start cleaning! I think we feel that need to start out fresh after the holidays because we have put away all the clutter of our decorations and we are down to the "bare bones" And I love every opportunity to see pics of your house, it is sooo cute. Thanks also for the other website tips!!
    Janie :D

  2. You are always such a joy to visit. Look I have been back twice in one day. I tell you, if I hadn't already picked my french country colors I would have choosen your blue and reds, I just love how they look together! You're the bomb!

  3. Wonderful post!!! I have never met another person who enjoys ironing (I love to iron) and I love to scrub a floor clean on my hands and knees. Cleaning is so rewarding!!! That is what I'm going to be doing this weekend - getting this entire house clean and shiny as Monday brings about many changes and puts many other things back to normal.

  4. You have a beautiful blog I just happened upon it will searching shabby chic...Lisa

  5. Hi Cynthia,
    Wow, what a great offer - having breakfast made by you and then watching you clean. Can't pass that up :-)

    I enjoyed it very much and everything looks so pretty. I am almost done putting my Christmas stuff away, but still have boxes everywhere. Can't wait til they are in the attic and I can get cleaning and fluffing.

    Happy New Year to you,

  6. Hi Cynthia, Thank yiouy for stopping in to say hello and for listing me up on your blog roll. I have listed you on mine as well. I love your blue and red kitchen. So cottagey looking. I love love the cute Christmas ornies yiu got. Where ever do yoiu find those, I would love to purchase some for myself. They were the cutiest I've seen all season.

  7. Happy New Year to you and yours.

    I haven't put my decorations away yet, need to get off my rump and do it.

    Your home is so refreshing. Love the beads on the chandelier, it's funny how we forget the things we have when we go looking for it elsewhere.


  8. Great post, very inspiring :0)
    A few months back I painted my pantry door with chalkboard paint and I LOVE it. Totally recommend the project. The whole family uses it :0)

  9. I would love to come for breakfast! What cute dishes. And I love, love, love your rooster tablecloth. I have been cleaning and putting Christmas away too. The house always feels so much larger when the decorations are down.

    I am looking forward to seeing your blackboard creation.

  10. Oh my gosh, Cynthia - I can't wait to get all tidy and organized after seeing your home... I've been sick as a dog with the nastiest cold/bronchitis for almost a week now so all the Christmas is still up... I'll be checking out those sites for sure. And I did the same thing with my dining room chandy... a couple of years I ended up keeping the bead/crystal garland that I put up for Christmas! I fall in love with your wallpaper every time I visit your blog... A happy New Year to you!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  11. Cynthia, I am exactly like you! I CANNOT wait for spring! Every year right after Christmas, I am ready for spring! I love Easter and spring so much. I can never wait to put my Christmas things away. I usually put spring stuff up right away, lol! And I too get the urge to spring clean in January.

    Your home is so beautiful! I just love your pieces from Jenny and Aaron!!

    I hope you have a wonderful 2009 and that spring comes soon! Winters are so long here in Michigan too.

    Being a redhead, I have got to check out retro redheads! Thank you for telling us about it.


  12. Hi Cynthia, you did it again, another fabulous post! What an inspiration....I love getting all tidy and clean again...and looking forward to spring! Your home looks so beautiful and refreshing!

    Good luck with your project!


  13. Love the pics! :-)
    Especially the table.

  14. Heavens to Betsy! You're all packed up?? Gosh ... can you come here??? I haven't done a thing ... now see, you've just sent a jolt of inspiration to me. Perhaps I should take down the tree?

    :) Absolutely love your style, and share so many of your viewpoints and interests! What a joy it is to pay you a visit.

    I adore my 1950's Betty Crocker Cookbook for just the same reasons! Though I may not live and dress according to those times, I romanticize the idea.

    Happy New Year, Cynthia!

  15. All your post is delight and an inspiration, as it is all your blog.


  16. Oh, Cynthia, all I'd want now would be a fresh and clean home! I still have my decorations to be stored away... sigh, but what I really need is a calmer house and some Spring accents, too!
    Hope to be able to do that within a week.
    As for now, I'm enjoying your clean and fresh (and beautiful!) home!
    Monica x.

  17. What an inspiring post...I'm in the mood to start getting things cleaned and organized!

    Have a great day, Cynthia.

  18. Cynthia,
    Your house looks so pretty all fresh and clean. Thanks for the inspiration. Today is my day to put the Christmas ornaments from the tree away which I do enjoy but I've been away from blogs for so long that I'm also having fun catching up with everybody.
    Have a great day of rest in your sparkling clean house.
    Blessings and Happy New Year,

  19. I love the apron assemblage..when is your online shop opening? Denise in Mass.

  20. I absolutely love your home and your use of colors and accessories. I just recently came across you beautiful blog and have added it to my google reader:>)

  21. It all looks beautiful Cynthia. Like you, I really enjoy cleaning. With teenagers around it doesn't last wrong but it's good for my soul! :)

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts and pictures.

  22. I'm with you - Mom has the 3.5 year old overnight and we're pullin out the ladder for the attic a I type! I NEED CLEAN! I love to clean and sweepin up the line needles can't come soon enough. I've got to find a way to lighten this place up to (it's what I call "Parisienne Farmhouse" kind of Paris Apartment meets French Country) but I swear I need light if Ive got another 4 months of this horrid weather...that pantry gives me the vapors! I JUST told my husband yesterday that my fantasy was to someday buy all matches clear glass things for my dry goods!!! (I'm posting house photos including my own pantry later today!) - anyways - love your blog, I've had a chalkboard painted on the kitchen wall for 5 years - YOU WILL LOVE IT! Bonne Année!

  23. What a wonderful post! I didn't want it to end!


  24. What a great post. I love all your vintage items.

  25. your posts are absolutely adorable, i was happy as a bee reading until i see you can even make ironing look like fun, which is a task i refuse for decades! thats quite the magic touch you have! every little pic and vignette in just adorable, you are so sweet to share all your whimsy, thank you~

  26. hi cynthia! you are the cutest sweetie! this post is so warm. i love how you have written it and the pictures are great.

    i love the pale blue and red combination of your breakfast place setting (one of my favorite combos, too) and all on your newly painted table. GASP!

    everything looks wonderful throughout your home. i am the worst at ironing. i think i add more creases than remove wrinkles!

    thanks for the yummy breakfast!


  27. oh, and PS, i can't wait to hear about your cabinet door project. i know it will be awesome!!!

  28. I love your floral dishes! Great idea for the pantry door. I'm looking for a vintage door to replace my laundry room door. I may have to buy new and age it. Anyway, look forward to more great posts.

    Happy New Year,

  29. You have such a beautiful home! Thank you for letting us peek through your windows and be inspired on how to decorate our homes. :o) Your ideas are lovely!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

    Ps. I can hardly wait to get a couple of projects started. :o)

  30. Hi Cynthia, Me too! There is something so satisfying about putting all of the decorations away and making the house clean, uncluttered and fresh again. I love to move things around after the holidays, rearrange my tablescapes, shine everything with Pledge, then stand by and admire everything anew! I'm also searching through my baskets of unfinished projects and resolving to make things out of them, finally, like pillows, which I've done with several cross stitch pictures and prints on fabric.

    Your home is so lovely and welcoming. Thank you for inviting us in.


  31. Hi Cynthia

    This is my first visit- love your blog. And for now- Im most excited about VICTORIA Magazine- how could I have missed the fact that it is back in prouction. Ive been mourning its loss for years now and have not been able to part with my old magazine. Thank you,

    Ill be back soon.

    Got to now take down my decorations!

  32. Your home is like a breath of spring!

    I still don't have the Christmas decor down. : (


  33. Hi Cynthia, Happy New Year! I just found your blog and I absolutely love's so charming!

  34. Hi Cynthia
    Happy New Year.

    I enjoyed reading this wonderful post! Hope you're having a great weekend.

  35. Hi Cynthia :)

    Your blog is always such a joy to read and it makes me incredibly happy to visit. You've inspired me to clean, but I have boxes everywhere for the move in a few weeks, so it'll have to wait ;)

    Thank you so much for the info on the ornaments!

    Happy New Year!

  36. Okay, I am worn out reading all that you have done. Just putting together a post with all this info and pics is time consuming. I am living vicariously.


  37. Hi Cynthia! Are you sure you weren't a magazine editor at some point!??? I adore this blog!!! Now there is so much eye candy I won't hog the comments block with all I want to say. I spotted a GooseB Book!! I know you are a SusanB fan; I should have guessed you'd like GB. Everything looks very fresh and I agree about putting stuff away; feel like a new space when its gone. Love that "cake" decopauge; Can't wait to see completed project too! Have a busy Sunday - Sincerely, Jeannette (I'm off for a glass of wine and my Romantic Home mag!)

  38. Hi Cynthia, I absolutely adore your style! The only cottage style I have is my sunroom and guest room...Loooove that quote by Rosanne true! blessings, Nancy

  39. You may just have inspired me to do some more cleaning around here! Tomorrow will be busy, that sounds like a good project for Monday when the kids go back to school. I am also ready for them to go back, I need some quiet around here. lol

    Have fun with your chalkboard door. Can't wait to see a picture when you are done. We love ours and use it all the time. Well....the kids use it all the time. Every now and then I get to write on it too. For some reason my girls think it is hilarious that I would want to draw on the chalkboard myself. :)
    Have a great rest of your weekend! Michelle

  40. Hello, Cynthia!
    You are my favorite blogger I think. I love all your stuff!. I just went to Retro Redheads and ordered the cute little red tablecloth like you got. Love it!

  41. This was the post I needed this morning! I've had the flu for the past couple of days and I'm pretty weak. Just the thought of getting all the Christmas decorations put away is mind numbing. Now I feel a little inspired.

  42. I would LOVE to come over and have you cook me breakfast and watch you clean. That is my kind of visit. LOL

    Isn't it funny how when we put away our Christmas decorations our home looks "new" like one month of Christmas items somehow changed it. I too get the cleaning bug after Christmas but I asure you it doesn't last long. LOL

  43. Hi Cynthia!

    What a great post. :) It was so homey. Although I had ironing and cleaning floors..I love doing laundry. We're a great pair. Ha! Love the vintage books and that cleaning quote is perfect. Your rooster towel is adorable! I am starting to get into vintage wash clothes. I have been thinking of taking up stitchery but I'm still a little frightened. :) I'll probably just be able to make a circle or something.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I am so far...sitting in my jammies catching up on my Martha Stewart shows I DVR for the week. :)


  44. Happy New Year Cynthia!! I agree, I'm ready for spring. Also, I love the chalkboard door idea. I can't wait to see yours.


  45. Hi Cynthia
    I enjoyed this post. It seems we all have the need to freshen up, clean, and organize after Christams. I'd love to have breakfast at your beautifully set table. I would even be willing to help you clean. It never seems like work when it's not your own house!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  46. Hi Cynthia,
    I love visiting your blog. I am so excited about the chalk board door. The Shabby Old house has a couple of those doors in the kitchen and I think it is going to look wonderful. Can't wait to get back there now.
    See ya later

  47. I love your new tablecloth Cynthia! From the looks of things you've done a great job of tidying up! Happy 2009! xoxo Janet

  48. Oh, one more thing! Where did you find that adorable blue and white checked plate on your breakfast table setting? Simply divine!

  49. I don't think I've stumbled in here before...what a bright, cheery blog! I just sent the link to my friend, Cynthia :)

  50. Hi Cynthia,
    Thanks for the info on the cute blue plate! There is a Home Goods that just popped up near me, so I'll definitely take a look - thank you also for the name of the website - I love collecting things not from my area!

  51. Hello Cynthia! Oh it is always so fun coming to your blog! Your home looks so sweet and ready for the new year! I am still working on getting Christmas up. Can't wait to see how the chalk board turns out and where you wll put it. My hubby surprised me a couple days ago with a screen door for my pantry that I have wanted for over a year now! He needs to cut it down to size then on it goes! So many dreams & things to do, huh Cynthia!

    See you reall soon dear!


  52. Everything looks so fresh and cozy. I've been needing some motivation and I think I've got it. Your checked plates with the flowers are gorgeous. Are they MODA? Love them. Mimi

  53. Thanks so much for visiting me and your sweet comment. You have such a lovely blog and I can't wait to have a few extra moments to read through it. Have a wonderful week.

  54. Hi, your words are so precious to me, thanks again for your nice comments about my bathroom, did you really like it? you are so sweet. I have painting class everyday in my workshop and the first thing in the workshop with the ladies is connecting to your blog and look at those gorgeous pictures, so my students know you very well, you are famous in my workshop! Bye...

  55. Hi Cyn,
    Happy New Year Sweet friend. What a great blog! Your dinning room looks lovely. I know what you mean even though Christmas is hardly over, I just can't wait till spring!!!
    Also I wanted to tell you I did try your Pastizzi's and everyone just loved them and you were right about the powered was the finishing touch. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  56. Hi Cynthia,
    I'm back and wanted to wish you a Happy New Year!! I have the same checked dishes but mine have pink checks around the edges (; Your posts have been sooooo good! Great job. I can't wait to get back to my regular schedule, my kids go back to school tomarrow, which I am sad and happy about all at the same time! Thanks for the visit and I will talk to you soon!

  57. I just discovered your blog - love this post!!

  58. Cute Cute Cute house!! Just found you...I'll be back for more! I've just started blogging last month...stop by for a visit!
    Wishing you many blessings for 2009!

  59. I LOVE your blog and your home! My computer froze this afternoon on your site and I couldn't go anywhere else so I got to really read and see everything. lol Not that I minded at all. I adore your color choices and I am more than ready to paint some of our furniture. Our home is on the small side and all this dark wood seems to shrink the space. I'm really inspired by your dining room table painted. I've bookmarked your site and can't wait for your next post.

  60. Thanks so much Jilly, I went to thank you at your blog, but I see you don't have one, so I hope you get this "thank you" here! Come visit anytime, you are so sweet!

    Happy 2009! ~ Cynthia ~

  61. Hi, Cynthia! Thanks for the link. It looks like a fun shop! Know what? I love to clean after Christmas, too! and Paint and rearange furniture and de- junk and... (!)

    Come see me some time!

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  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Gee... Just had a little bit of trouble commenting there!
    ~ blush ~

  66. Hi Cynthia
    The china is by Shelley and the pattern is Dainty Blue. It is often on Ebay. I'm glad I got it years ago because I can't afford it now. You can also get it at Replacements. Here is the link:
    I dropped something awhile ago and broke a cup and chipped the creamer. I sure would love to get replacements but you can see by the prices that it is expensive. SO I won't be getting any at this point :(

  67. The teaset with the hearts is Staffordshire. It says Nina Campbell on the bottom. She is an English interior decorator, but you may know that. Perhaps the pattern is called Nina Campbell. I've had it about 10 yeares and got it at a consignment shop in PA. Hope you can find it somewhere.

  68. Hi Cynthia,

    Loved everything about your wonderful post - especially the information about Retro Redheads - thank you - I also must - must have red and blue and white plates and they have some darling things - the vintage and red table cloths are great.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  69. Great wall vignette surrounding the breakfast room shelf :)...
    And oh yes, I am in love with that vintage rooster needle work!

  70. Cynthia, i LOVE the chicken teatowel! IS there anyway, i can get the pattern from you??


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia