Sunday, January 25, 2009

~ Hand Picked ~

Hello to all my sweet friends! It's been such a busy week again, and I can see by my blog roll that I have a lot of catching up to do! So many pretty new post's to go see. I'm looking forward to a relaxing week and time to go visit you all!

It's still chilly here in New York, but my thoughts are set on Spring! A perfect time to rejuvenate and redecorate. I've started by updating my website, ( you can click on the red link, or go to my side bar to get there ) ...I hope you'll all take a few minutes and go see the changes! I have met with a new sales rep and will be carrying new lines of furniture and such pretty cottage accessories too! I plan on keeping it pretty small. So I came up with the idea to do a different selection of things every month, each with it's own theme, but still sticking with that scrumptiously Cottage look. This month is "sights set on Spring". The Cottage shop portion features some beautiful fabrics, hand selected to go with that entire feel. And on the Hand Picked page you can see a few items that were chosen to decorate your tables and give you that "Spring is coming" feeling. I am excited too about all the new things coming in, I hope to bring you lots of pretties :). The picture above shows the country blue cottage candle sticks and below are a few more items too. Everything is very limited for now, so hurry on over :) The daisies aren't included, lol, but I just love buying fresh bouquets to get my mind off winter...

I adore Vintage seed packets , so I wanted to make sure I had a few items featuring them. These are all images from seed packets that date back to 1910. I love that. It makes me want to get out the shovel and start planting :)

After updating my site, it was time to put out a few Spring items in my house, it helps to take away the winter blahs! I just adore my friend Bekah, she too sells a few items now and then and when she does, I panic to "get there first". She has few: " I can't fit anything more in my home sales" and when she does, I head right over ...These two aprons below are from her, I think my collection is full now, I wanted a Vintage rose Apron, so now I can say I'm done, lol, hmmmm, maybe :)

I look out the window and just long for these curtains to move!, that means that the Spring breeze is coming in! Oh hurry please!
I love that smell of fresh laundry , it reminds me of my Mother bringing in the wash from the line. Even though my Mother had her coveted laundry machines, she still hung certain things outside on the line. It was my job to bring them in, and honestly, I can still smell that pretty scent of fresh air coming through the sheets! My neighbors might not like it, lol, but I want a laundry line too! This vintage ad just brings me back to that sweet time, I can still see the Lux box on the shelf that I was too small to reach :)

While these towels below aren't hanging on a line, they have such great vintage images, so for me, in January, that's as close to fresh linens as I am going to get :) and a bit of scented Spring fabric softener helped a little too :)
Aren't these images so sweet on the towels ?

"Her love was entire as a child's, and though warm as summer it was fresh as spring."
~ Thomas Hardy

I hope the stores will start carrying some seed packets soon, I usually start them with my daughter Melanie in late March, but I like to buy them a little early , stick them in a glass jar and when I walk past them, I get that happy feeling :) This one below is Vintage early 1900"s as seen by the 5 cent price ( btw, I just looked at my keyboard as I was typing this, and , lol, there is no "cent" button, I guess that says a lot , lol ) I adore the colors and would love to start a little collection , I bet they would look pretty framed too!
I was inspired by the vintage ones to create something crafty where I could see them all year round, so I made a little recipe box and and guess what girls? no wrinkles this time! :) Thanks so much for all your advice, it's so nice to have a network of help out there!
I added any image that spoke to me. I had found the little wooden spatula's at good old Micheal's and couldn't resist :) Then a little cottage gingham bow and I was done.
I had to add a bit of "Farm sweet" style to it too. I grew up loving horses and rode almost all my young life in competitions and even taught Riding when I grew up. We had a beautiful barn on our property here on Long Island and my home as a child was everything I could wish for. But its funny how you remember the scents and moments the most. I can still remember the breeze carrying the scent of horses and fresh mowed lawns into my room on a Saturday morning! Now while I know you all probably don't love the smell of horses, lol, to me, it was pure heaven :)

Well friends, it's off to bake a little breakfast! I'm so happy to have some time today to visit you! I've missed blogging this week, it's amazing how only a week has gone by and I feel out of the loop! I have lots of things to look forward to on this winter day, because visiting you all, is like a breath of Spring!!
My wishes for you.....

Thank you as always for stopping by and visiting, your comments and hellos are so appreciated too! Don't forget to stop into my little cottage shop, I hope you find some special things to brighten your home and welcome in Spring a little early :)

Lots of love and thanks!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Cynthia,
    I love your post today! It makes me wish for Spring too! I'm ready for it. I'm tired of the Winter days! I think that I will do some Spring cleaning today! I'm heading over to your website now! I love all of your beautifl things!

    Lee Laurie

  2. Cynthia,
    I look forward to every post you me it is like visiting Susan Branch's site! Sooo many pretty things, and treasured memories.

    I really need to learn how to decoupage! You have me inspired to add roosters and black and white check into my kitchen!

    Busy unpacking boxes, so I haven't gotten to fru fru too much. I love looking at your fru fru though!

  3. Hello Sweet Cynthia! I love this darling post! So crisp and fresh laundry! By the way, this week I am going to make my own laundry soap! Stay turned! heehee! Your kitchen towels are so cute, like little flower sacks and your red box turned out beautiful!!! Love all the aprons that cover the box! Great job Cynthia! Ace is inspiring! Wishing you a wonderful week friend!


  4. Cynthia! I love this post! It made me feel happy and warm inside. I want springso badly too! I LOVE the towels and the box you made is awesome!! I cant wait to go and look in your beautiful shop!

    Thank you for all of your inspiration. Your blog is truly one of my favorites :)

    Big Hugs and spring wishes,

  5. Talk about a touch of spring! I feel it is spring time already after this wonderful post of yours! Those aprons are fabulous!

    And I love your recipe box. Your blog is always so fun to visit.

  6. Would you perhaps take a little time to put up a tutorial for the rest of us on your method for decoupaging without wrinkles? I'd love to know, I have several cool things here that I'd love to do!

    Your post today is precious, and gorgeous! I love the dishtowels on your oven handle, and would love it if you know where I could get some, too!?

    Thanks for a "breath of fresh air" and if you look on my blog, you'll see that one of my favorite things is hanging laundry on the line, and I have corresponding photos in my header and on my sidebar! There's NOTHING like the smell of fresh sheets! Sadly, we're months away from being able to do that here!

    Have a great week!

  7. Just wonderfull and so inspireing you have a lovely house l always look forward to reading you blog.

  8. Wonderful post on a cold winter's day. Your new product lines look very promising!!

  9. Cynthia,
    Your post is as sweet as ever...I've definitely have been thinking about spring...I can't wait to open up the windows to let the fresh air in!

    My dear Mom had a clothes line, too, and I loved how everything fresh and clean.

    Your recipe box is darling! You did such a great job on it.

    If you get a chance, please stop over to see me...I just posted pictures of our new barn doors.

    Have a wonderful day,
    Love, Kim

  10. I always look forward to your posts. I have been missing you! I love all of the new changes you have made to your website. Everything looks wonderful. Cant wait to see the new line of cottage furniture. Have a great week.

  11. Hi Cynthia,
    I just love your blog. I'm in the process of psyching myself up to paint my kitchen (it is currently cranberry and WAY too dark) If you don't mind me asking, what is the color of your kitchen?
    Thanks so much for all your inspiration :0)

  12. hooray -- a new cynthia post! i am sitting here, sipping coffee and just taking it all in.

    yellow polka dots, daisies, seed packets! perfect images of springtime. (it might be fun to add a little glitter to the red of the watermelon -- wouldn't that be so fun?!)

    i love your new website. you have been BUSY!!!

    your items are perfectly cynthia!

    have a great day!


  13. Lovely items. I stopped by your website and just love it. I am getting more and more into the country look. The first half of my house is victorian and the back house is country.

  14. Hi Cynthia,
    I was so happy to see your new post. Everything looks great. The recipe box you made is adorable. I have never done any decoupage, but I think I need to try it. What a cute idea!! Also, I love, love, love the kitchen towels. Any chance you might share where you got them??


  15. CYnthia, your blog is like a sweet breath of Spring, I just love coming and seeing what you have done:>) I can relate to the smell of horses, for me it's the smell of cows, since I was raised on my grandfathers dairy farm! Now I'm off to peruse your shop, have a great week!

  16. Cynthia, I've been missing you all week wondering what you've been up to!
    And I decoupage bubbles! Yay! Ya did it, girl! :-)

    Know what I love about your cottage decor? It's so warm, comfy and inviting - not like the sterile, cold rooms they've been showing on HGTV lately. Bring back country - all kinds of country! I truly think it's the way 80% of us decorate our homes whether it's cottage, primitive, western, French, Italian, all says "HOME".

    So nice to see you again!
    Going to visit your shop now....

  17. What a great post!! So many fun things to see!
    Your kitchen towels are soooo cute, and I LOVE your recipe box!
    I always enjoy a visit to your blog!

  18. Hi Cynthia,
    I really enjoyed your post today. I, too, am thinking ahead to spring. Can't wait! I spent a good part of my day today on BHG's color viewer, putting different splashes of pastel paint on shutters, doors, etc. of the different homes they have to play around with. It was fun and had me thinking spring! I may just be inspired to try a fun pastel on my own shutters this spring, we'll see!

    I love the dishtowels, they are so sweet. And I had to laugh about the seed packets. I knew I wasn't the only one who liked to look at the images on them. I was just at Home Depot the other day and checked the garden section. Not much there yet except a chill in the air! lol Soon though, soon.

    In case my comment was buried in the other post, please stop by my blog and accept an award from me. :)

  19. Cynthia, as always you have a beautiful post. I love seed packets also. I have a friend who collects old wood seed boxes & some of them have such beautiful labels inside.

  20. Cynthia, What a great little recipe box. It really does give one a sense of spring and looking forward to really starting those seeds! Love it. My husband gave me a little green house a couple of years ago. I winter many of my patio plants in it, but come Feb. I like to start flats of annuals and some perinnials every year. What is it about something growing that does the body good!? Carrell

  21. What a beautiful post, and even a prettier web page. I know what you mean when you feel out of the loop from not blogging. Whan I took my break for a month or so I lost some close bloggers that would vist often now they have not been by since I have been back. It's kinda sad.
    I enjoy your blog,

  22. I'm ready for spring now. So pretty and fresh.

  23. Cynthia...I was wondering where you were! We missed you. The recipe box is really cute, you used a lot of great ides and it came out perfectly!! :-)

    I love hanging laundry outside too, as my mother did. As a little girl I would twirl myself in the sheets and inhale all that clean goodness. I started hanging clothes on the line when my kids were young so I could be outside with them! :-)

    I will come back soon to visit your website & shop.


  24. Oh Cynthia, I cannot start thinking of spring but love your vintage garden packets. We have missed you and love your blog.

  25. Such a great post! I enjoyed all you had to say and of course all the beautiful pictures! I love old seed packets too!

  26. I'm so glad you're back again, really missed your blog for the last week. Everything looks so sweet and cottagey (sp?). I heart your large Chicken cookie jar for the centerpiece. It just goes with so many different things on your different tablescapes. Please do share some of your finds - the wall color, how you decoupaged, the darling towels...
    I am so looking forward to Spring, we just got our first blue sky in several weeks yesterday. Yeah! Thank goodness January is almost over, we're that much closer to constant sunshine again.
    Smiles and hugs, Jilly

  27. Morning Cynthia! I've been waiting all week for your newest post!!!lol lol Love everything as usual. Up until 8 yrs ago I still had a laundry line and miss it too! Home Owners Assoc. doesn't allow now!lol Aprons are very sweet and girlie! Your recipe box is outstanding! Love Love it. I found a good site for decoupage papers I think? I ordered some and if they are any good I'll let you know! I'm going back to Ben Franklin to see if they still have the vintage seed packets I saw. I knew I should have picked them up when I saw them! tsk tsk!lol I'm off to check your "new" site! But you will see me back & forth here over the next day or so!lol Have a great week - Til later, Jeannette

  28. Cynthia~ ~Love your vintage kitchen. Miss mine but the new house does not lend itself to that look. I had an old late 40's or 50's kitchen in red white & black. It was huge, almost too big to be efficient. I now have a smaller kitchen which I just love. A more elegant look. Have to post pics on my blog about it soon.

  29. Hi Cynthia,
    I love your new website, it looks so perfect!! The candlesticks are so cute along with your dish towels and daisy's, it looks like you skipped winter and went right to spring (; Oh and your recipe box is adorable!! I was so glad to see you back and a new post, missed ya (:

  30. Hey girl are we twins or what? I love everything in your house!! It's all so me! How fun that we are Pizzano's!! (Italian friends)

    The red box is so amazing and adorable! Where did you find the scrumptious aprons to decoupage? I have an apron that looks like one of them!

    Love the "farm" feel, the fresh flowers, and the anticipation of spring!!! I can't wait! We have an ice storm heading our way today...I am so ready for sunshine and warmer weather! The good thing is, we can create a bright sunny feel inside our homes to warm the hearts of our family and ourselves! You do a wonderful job at that in your gorgeous home!
    Hugs to ya sista!

  31. Love all of your new pretties Cynthia. I also am so ready for spring. Your aprons are gorgeous! I am going to check out your new site now. Have a great week!

  32. I love your new website,and I always look forward to reading your posts. Very inspiring.
    Happiness and Blessings,
    Virginia :)

  33. Hello Farm Sweetie LOL! That is a perfect description! Everything here is always so bright and happy...I wouldn't miss a visit for anything :)

  34. Hi Cynthia, Your website looks great and I love your new things. The candle holders are really pretty, and the recipe box....adorable! I really need to learn how to decoupage.

    I'm ready for spring too! We are in the middle of an ice storm at the moment. Uggg....Here in Arkansas it starts warming up at the end of March(hopefully)I'm ready for green instead of brown! I hope you are having a great week Kristen

  35. Hi Cynthia,
    I love visiting your lovely cottage - everything is darling and your photographs are fabulous. Congratulations on your new Cottage Shop - the seed packets are charming and also remind me of Spring.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  36. Your posts are like breaths of fresh air! Love those kitchen towels. You did a fab job on that recipe box! Happpppy Monday. cherry

  37. Ahhhh! I can smell the clean sheets blowing in the breeze...

    I love all your pictures and images. Such a nice break in the day!


  38. What a beautiful Spring post, Cynthia! All your pale colours are just fresh air!
    Your vintage rose apron is fab, and your decoupaged creation just gorgeous! And your website is sooo inviting!
    Thank you for all of this!
    Monica xo.

  39. Cynthia, it's always such a treat for me to come to your site and focus on all your beautiful things. I LOVE your decoupaged recipe box. I also love vintage seed packets! Heck, I love anything vintage for that matter. :) Those aprons are just so sweet. I need to go to your friend's site and check it out.

    Hope you're having a wonderful week despite the weather. It's snowing today here! I'm wishing for spring to come very soon. :)


  40. Hi Cynthia, I have a wonderful web page for you to see with some wonderful decoupaging ideas that are right up your alley. I thought of you when I saw this. I will email the info to you!
    Have a marvelous day!

  41. had everyone sitting and waiting and wondering....what you were going to share with us next!!! Such a pretty post as always.....loving the kitchen towels!!! love love love!! Got me wanting to go out and purchase some new ones. An absolutely beautiful promise of spring post! Great job, again, girl!!! :0) ~Cheryl

  42. Great post, and lovely stuff! Such beautiful vintage charm and flair! I'm in Buffalo, ice up to my knees! Hope Huntington is better than here! LOL! Great blog! Happy Tuesday!

  43. It is cold and snowing here in my part of the country, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to visit your blog and read what was written and see the beautiful pictures. I especially like what you wrote about the fresh laundry smell. I hung wash out on the line for my grandma many summers. I too, love that smell. Thank you for brightening my day.

  44. I feel like I just sat down and looked at a pretty many pretty pictures. Love the kitchen towels.

  45. Hi Cynthia! I have tagged you. Please go to my post for today. If you have already participated in this one, you can decline.


  46. you are always over the top adorable!

  47. Hi there! I followed your link over from Ruthann's. :)
    What a lovely home you have. I love everything.
    I love your blog!! Keep up the wonderful work!

  48. I just found your blog, it is beautiful and I will revisit soon. TTFN

  49. I just love visiting your blog...everything is just so, so! It's all so comfy, feminine, and inviting!

  50. First time here...I just love your blog!!!

  51. Hi Cyn,
    Thank you, Thank You, Thank You for all of your very sweet comments!! You have a special way of making people feel they can do anything and be good at it, so thank you for that (;

  52. What a great post, makes me want the curtains to flutter in the spring breeze, too!
    always a joy to take a break and visit you,sweetie.:)

    xo Lidy

  53. LOVE your new website! It is just perfect and very cheerful - like YOU! What a darling recipe box you made. Fabulous job and LOL about NO wrinkles. Your home is just precious as can be!!!


  54. Hi Sweetie,
    We are covered in snow and ice here today and I was longing for spring and all I had to do was visit with you!
    You brought back so many memories for me, like you, I loved when my mother hung her laundry out to dry! It's funny how smells can take us back to places we can no longer live in but remember so dearly in our hearts.
    Oh, and I just love your recipe box. You did a great job!!!
    Bekah's apron looks so sweet in your home. I have to say I look for her sales myself! I'm often to late but I did get the sweetest Lefton Bluebirds, they are sitting on my kitchen window sill. Think they are waiting for spring too! ; )
    Have a great evening.

  55. I always enjoy coming over to your blog.. it's just the happiest little spot.. I too, am looking forward to spring. Redoing some things in the shop and waiting for orders to come in.. thanks for the visit darling..looking forward to the next one..hugs ~lynne~

  56. Hi sweet friend! I am working on the pillows as "we speak". I will be putting them on ETSY tomorrow - by late afternoon. Do you want me to email you before I do? My email is Maybe I can send you some pics before hand. Some have the same red check as your blog!! I was totally thinking of you today as I was not making my deadline! smiles.

    Thank you so much!!

  57. Cynthia everything looks so cozy and warm. Vintage is certainly a beautiful way of decorating. Can't wait for tomorrows post. Oh by the way I love the dish towels to cute so,clean and crisp looking.

  58. Cynthia,

    What a lovely post and I love the goodies in your shop. But most of all I love the pics of the kitchen towels. I so love the feeling of a country kitchen. Yours is adorable.

    xo Cathy

  59. what delights! the vintage charm...just creates a smile!

  60. Hi Cyn,

    Me again with ANOTHER QUESTION, giggle giggle! Where do we find the cornflower blue paint?

  61. Hi Cynthia,
    I love your blog. Everything reminds me of the vintage store we used to own on the Jersey shore. You would have loved it. You inspired me to bring spring into my home now too!

  62. I'm going to add you to my list of favorites. I simply love your blog.

  63. I love it every time I come by your blog-at least once a week.

    On a side note. I am somewhat new to blogging and I had someone leave a post in a foreign language, tried doing a search to see what it said-no luck. What do you do-as far as responding or even knowing what was said?


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia