Wednesday, January 14, 2009

~ Having some fun ~

Oh what a busy week! I tried sitting down a few days ago to do a post , but life got in the way :)....I gave myself a little time this week though to browse all your blogs and that made me so happy! I know I have said this many times, but Blogging is such a wonderful adventure! Every single one inspires me ! If you haven't checked out my blog roll yet, its down a bit on my side bar! I've added a few new ones and will continue to do so! It makes it pretty easy to fall off into blogland and get Inspired everywhere! Speaking of other blogs, I ordered this sweet "Cottage" sign from my friend Elyse over at Cottage, I adore it :) I had my eye on it for awhile, but had to recover from the holidays first :) Elyse, you know how I feel about your things, lets just put it this way, I use a lot of exclamation points when I tell her I love something she made!!....:) and now she has an Etsy store! Such pretty things!! , stop in if you get a chance, you'll love her goodies!

I moved it to a few different places, but I think for now, it has a home right here :).... I love the little bits of Robins Egg Blue coming through, it has a sweet aqua like quality in the tone too and also has that aged Vintage feel I love! Thank you Elyse, your creations are so happy in my home :) The fabric shade on the small lamp was from a dollar store and was just a plain white shade, Then I added my favorite fabric and trim to it to dress it up Cottage Style... Glue guns are great! lol

"Every artist was first an amateur."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I framed a few of my book pages, this one below is from Little Dinners, by Susan Branch. I have always thought the kitchen was so sweet in the illustration! I love the Vintage nook!
A new Gooseberry :)....., again, such sweet images!
I wanted to take a few moments here to Thank everyone for giving me such great tips on Decoupaging! I am just starting on this venture this year ( I'm not counting the ones I did when I was 13, lol ) and I am addicted to it! Its so relaxing and so much fun to add my favorite images to something functional.... I took all your advice and I am on a mission to get a few more pieces done without wrinkles :) or Dawn from My Hydrangea Home said , "crumble the paper before you add it to the background"! I thought that was such a great idea! Give it wrinkles on purpose :) That works for me! :) I intend on doing a few pieces this month, so we'll see if I'm a good student .....some flat, and some wrinkled on purpose! :)

I also received some advice from Ece Aymer over at Favorite Home to Visit. I saw her blog a few weeks back and had fallin in love with her work! Below are a few samples of it, simply gorgeous !! Each piece is so unique and her talents are amazing! I want one of each! click the pictures and look at the details... They are works of Art!

I love this one below, oh the Reds make me so happy!

Give her blog a peek for more incredible projects, she runs an Art studio and everyone there is so sweet and they all do such beautiful work too! Hi Girls!! {{ Hugs }} I hope after much practice mine will look half as good!

and yes, lol, I am still addicted to Srapblog !! As you can see I changed my blog header above, I had a ton of fun playing with that site and still do! I thought since I changed my header, I should update my Blog Button..... BUT, one problem..... I forgot what site I took my original image to , to create the html code that people can grab!!? ( every time I think I'm getting computer savvy, I get smacked back down again, lol )....If any one out there knows what website does this , can you please send me a reminder! I would greatly appreciate it! Below is my new Blog Button, so if you want to put it on your side bar, for now, it would have to be a "copy and paste" and create the link yourself......But if you want to wait for the coded one, hopefully I will find the code creator this week and I'll just add it to my side bar and you can get it from there....when I find the site, it will be the correct "button size" too :)
I am excited about my next post too { smiles }, I have a few things coming that I think you all will enjoy, I was hoping to do it this week, hopefully the mail will cooperate :)

Till then, I hope you have a wonderful week girls!!..... Thank you so much for all your sweet , kind and uplifting words! I look forward to visiting you too!!

Many Hugs,

~ Cynthia ~

Update: I finally figured out how to do a new button, If you'd like to grab one, its located on my side bar with the code :)


  1. Hi Cynthia!
    Love your new header...I went to Scrapblog and started playing around with it. I am hoping to have some time soon to create my own new headers!

    Your cottage sign is so sweet. It looks perfect in your home. And thanks for the link to that amazing Favorite Home to Visit blog. She does amazing decoupage!! WOWZER~!

  2. Love your home and everything in it good luck with the decoupaging
    best wishes Pat

  3. Cynthia, I love your new cottage sign~ I am so in love with the cottage style...I had it for yrs at our other house, then we moved...thought I would change up a bit, but I still think I have a lot of cottage...would love to have more of it! YOu do such a great job with that style! Can't wait to see what you are going to do next! Blessings, Nancy

  4. Lovely post, as usual, Cynthia! Love the cottage sign...beautiful. I am also addicted to Scrapblog...thanks for posting the link to it. Ece Aymer's work is amazing...I'm a Gooseberry Patch fan, too, and I love the red box...I am in awe. I got the new Gooseberry Patch calendar, too. Thanks for a great I can go on vacation and not worry about missing a new post.

    Love, Kim

  5. I am in love with that red bread box! I also had my eye on that Cottage sign! I had spotted it on her Etsy site. Love your post. Have a great day!

  6. Cute and happy pictures and post.

  7. Hi Cynthia, What a terrific blogging community we have. Thanks for sharing Scrapblog with all of us. I'll be sure to start using that. I've always wanted to get into decoupaging and even bought quite a few old tin trays at yard sales for that purpose. Just the perfect project for these cold winter days in western Pennsylvania. Where do you find your images? They are so lovely. I'll have to keep my eyes out for some nice flower themed papers. Love your blog! Peggy from PA

  8. Hi Cynthia,
    I love the headers you have created, they look so pretty! I love Elyse's work and her blog, she is so sweet, the COTTAGE sign looks like it found the perfect home(; I can't wait to see your next post, now you've made me curious!

  9. Sweet, sweet sign you got there!!! and WOW, those trays are pretty amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Hi my sweet friend from thousands miles away...
    When I came across to your blog for the first time, (hmmm, a month ago,I think) to be honest, before realizing your cutest home, I liked your face very much and I thought by myself, this lady must be just as gorgeous and wonderful as her face is beautiful...And I wasn't wrong, you were always so friendly, smooth and uplifting to me in this bloggerland and you can't imagine how precious your words for a girl who lives in Turkey...Big big hugs from my workshop, we all love you and your dream home and your colours and your style and your decoupaged tray!...I will be following your foot steps...

  11. Hi Cynthia, I love your new header it is beautiful! I am learning how to do these things, slowly but it is coming. I love the look of your is one of my favorites. Don't you love Susan Branch? She is wonderful and has lovely pictures to dream on...and I am also enjoying decoupaging too, everything in site...hubby the chicken farmer said to stay away from his farm tools...I'd like to decoupage a shovel with something cute! hahaha...anyhoo...keep showing us your handiwork!

  12. I love the new header, it looks wonderful. Thank you so much for visiting me this week. I'm new to this blogging thing and completely enjoying it. It's so wonderful to meet everyone and see what great ideas they have. It amazes me time and time again how creative and talented women in blogland are!

    Your cottage sign couldn't be sweeter. It looks right at home.

  13. Cynthia I love your new sign! Elyse is a wonderful artist! I also love those trays! Oh my gosh, they are just the sweetest things. I'm going to have to check that out too. You know, you're not helping with my shopping addiction. ;) Love what you did with your Susan Branch pages....framing them is so clever. :) Happy Wednesday!

  14. Those trays are GORGEOUS! I am sooo going to have to head over there.


  15. The new sign is beautiful. I enjoyed this beautiful post, so much!

  16. I love that sign....yummmy colors! I love robins egg blue with that combo. Reminds me of my Scandavian roots I think. cherry

  17. The sign is so sweet & I'm sooo in love with your lampshade! Hmmm, I wonder if I could do that to my bigger ones....

  18. Cynthia, I love your cottage sign. It is perfect for your cottage. I have been wanting to decopage too. I bought some outdated wallpaper books at the thrift store that have beautiful paper in them that I thought would be perfect for doing that. I might try it soon.
    Lee Laurie

    I like your lampshade too!

  19. Great purchase, love the sign! Love the decoupage trays too. Crinkling the paper is a great idea. I don't worry too much about the wrinkles, it's hard to prevent.


  20. Your new sign is very cute. It works so well in your adorable house.

    Your new header is also really nice. I am going to have to try out Scrapblog, it looks like fun.

    Nicole ~

  21. I love your new header, too and desperately need to learn to make something better! I love everything you make and appreciate the sites you mention. Your blog list is one of my favorites to find new sites. It's been so much fun for me to meet so many talented ladies! You inspire me with your posts! Thanks!

  22. keen eye!...soft pallets mixing with more vibrant hues... i think you have a winning space!

  23. Cynthia, I love the new header and button. You've been really busy. The cottage sign is too cute. It fits your home perfectly! Can't wait for more! :)

  24. Hello Cynthia! Love the sweet cottage tray from Eylse! Looks beautiful in your home! Can't wait to see your new craft rage! So fun visiting!


  25. Cynthia, I just LOVE you blog. I have something for you on my blog!

  26. That sign is so great. Looks wonderful in your home. I'm going to try some decoupage too. It looks like fun. Mimi

  27. Cynthia,
    I am still looking at the bread box. Do you use cut outs from the gooseberry patch magazine or is that scrapbook paper that was purchased? Thanks!

  28. Hi Cindy, I am new to scrapblog and I am in LOVE with it. It's so much fun. Your header is so pretty.
    I hope you have fun decoupaging! My mother inlaw has white kitchen cabinets like you and she
    decoupaged the the measurement inside the doors. You know the 1 tabelspoon = 2 teaspoons kinda thing. I looks so pretty when you open it up. I might have to try it someday when I paint my kitchen white.( it will be a while so SAD)
    Have a great day,

  29. Hi Cynthia!
    Great post....loved seeing your beautiful house in the background! Thanks for the sweet comments you left me last week. And since you were sooo sweet I've got something for you over at my blog. Stop by when you have the chance,

  30. Oh, to see such amazing beauty ...
    Yours is one of the most beautiful blogs I know.


  31. Hi Cynthia, I love the trays, I am sure with a little practice you will be a whiz at decoupage, I love the way you put things together:>) Thanks for the link to Favorite Home, they make lovely things!

  32. Hi Cynthia! I love that cottagesign!! so beautiful! And I adore your lamp shade! You did a beautiful job!

    The tray are fab, they remind me of spring!!!!! And that is a good thing for sure :) I always have problems with decoupage too! I think I qive wrinkles on purpose a try too! :)

    Cant wait see your next post!

  33. Thanks so much for the mention Cynthia! Have fun decoupaging. Can't wait to see what else you make. Love the Cottage sign and your lamp too! Have a great day.

  34. Hi Cynthia! Once again, a great post! Love all the decoupage inspiration; I think that will be my next project; I have a picnic basket I painted and now I think I might "redo" it! Love the new header too! Have a great day - Jeannette

  35. whoa! look at what you have done with the cottage sign! so cool! you have such a creative eye. i am completely tickled (and i don't think i have ever used that word) to see the sign in its loving new home. and the lampshade! GASP!!!

    you are so sweet and gracious. you make the world of blogging such a "wonderful world."


  36. ps

    i recently read that if you float your paper on water before decoupaging it, it will get it completely smooth. sounds scary but worth a try on something small. ???


    i meant to tell you that i was able to use the fabric background i like at scraplog by uploading and using it as a photo.


  37. Cynthia, thanks for sharing those beautiful trays! So lovely!

    I really had to giggle about scrunching up the paper deliberately to create wrinkles before decoupaging!
    It beats "perfecktion" any day! ;-)


  38. Hi Cynthia! I like the new header-very nice! And your new decor looks so cute-both you and Elsye are very talented girls! When you get that info for the site for buttons please post it-I need to do that too! Hope you are having a wonderful day!~Smiles~Tam!

  39. Hi Cynthia
    When I opened your blog today it was my intention to ask you how you designed your header, which I love by the way, and then you told us it was scrapblog. I am going to work with it and see what I can do to give my blog a new look. Those decoupaged items are beautiful. I am always inspired when I come here.
    Hope you're having a great day.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  40. Your place...both your home and your blog are gorgeous! I love your new header!

  41. Hi Cyn,
    What a great post. I always enjoy my visits to your blog.
    The cottage sign is just adorable and I love your idea of the tea cup on the cake plate!
    When you get a chance stop by my blog, I have somethere for you.

  42. Love your home and everything you do. Loved to come and see what you are up to.

    Virginia :)

  43. Thank you for stopping by for a visit and for your sweet comment. There is such a satisfaction in creating beautiful things for our homes and your is gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing. I can't wait to have a bit of extra time to linger! Have a great weekend!

  44. Your blog is just wonderful..just full of beautiful things and well written..BRAVO!! great job..hugs and smiles Gloria

  45. Hello! You have a very lovely blog. I've found another Cynthia that likes cottage design. My name is also Cynthia and I'm at a blog called cottage 45. Great to meet you!

  46. Your sign is just perfect in your home! Love all those decoupaged pieces you showed. I am going to hop over to the site you mentioned and drool over her work!

  47. Hi Cynthia!
    I was wondering where you were but should have suspected you were up to some creative work. It is so cool to find someone that is addicted to Susan Branch and Gooseberry Patch. No one I know has ever heard of them!! Nice idea to frame the pages :-D
    Love the cottage sign. I have been meaning to check out Elyse's shop.

    Looking forward to your next "surprise" post!!


  48. Hi Cynthia. I discovered your blog recently and instantly felt at home here. Thank you for sharing with us!


    P.S. I've always wanted a Dutch door in my home too! :) One day I'll get it!

  49. Love your new look! Inspiring blog.
    I've been thinking of decoupage to. Gotta get busy on it. Where do you get the papers that you use? Years ago I used fabrics and haven't done it in some time.

  50. Oh this is wonderful. I love your new header.. and the sign is darling..hugs ~lynne~

  51. Cynthia, Love your new header. What did you end up using to create your sidebar button?


  52. All so beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing~

    Wishing you wonderful!

  53. Love your website! So many beautiful things to look at. I will come back often and have added your button to my sidebar on my blog. Thank you for your inspirational blog.

  54. Your blog and your home are so beautiful! I was glad to read that you are an interior designer because you have such a gift for making things lovely. I love those Susan Branch books/stickers/calendars, etc., too. Thank you for such a gorgeous blog. I'll be back for inspiration often :)

  55. Everything is simply beautiful. That's all I can say! I just love to visit your blog:-)

  56. Cynthia~ I've only got my brown belt in decoupage. Ece Aymer is definitely the master! The only advice I have that has worked over the years applies to both fabric and paper applications...I spray (generously) over paper or fabric with a combination of glue and water first so it will absorb the glue application better. My tool of choice along with the roller is a FINE point pin/needle. If an air bubble starts to appear, PIERCE a hole with the needle ALL THE WAY THROUGH roll over bubble. It should release the bubble and start to diminish as it drys. The hole should not be visible when it's done properly. You can practice this method on a sample piece first until you feel confident using this application.
    This has worked wonders for many of my projects. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

    Sweet wishes,

  57. Hi Cynthia ~~ WOW!!! The trays are amazing. Thank you for the link. I feel a project coming on!

    LOVE the Cottage sign from Elyse. I have ordered two shutters from her, too. Her work is just fabulous.

    Your home is as sweet as always. I so enjoy your photos. Question: Do you mind sharing with me where you got the checkered furniture? I am looking for that special set and cannot find any I like. Something in reds and florals.

    Happy Day!!

  58. Hi Cynthia
    You are so welcome!! I am just so glad to have found you and I enjoy you and your blog very much!! You are such an inspiration. LeAnn has left us again and I will pass your message along to her, she will be missed! It is cold here in FL. too, I'm sure nothing like the weather you have been having but for us Floridians, the 30's are sooooo cold (: The front is moving through here now and I can't wait for the good weather, since we don't get to much of it.

  59. Hi Cynthia. I'm Elizabeth at Grand Occasions and I'm a new blogger. I love visiting your blog. It's the perfect place to visit while you enjoy a cup of tea. So cozy and inviting plus you have such great ideas. Please stop by and visit me sometime. I'd love to get to know you.

  60. Hi Cynthia :)

    I love your new header and as soon as I have a chance I'm heading over to Srapblog to make one for myself :)

    That cottage sign is darling! The tray and chalkboard you made are wonderful too!! I wish I had half your talent in my little pinky :)


  61. I love visiting your blog! Always great information!! Your banner is super cute, I've never heard of scrapblog...

  62. Hi Cynthia,
    What a cute sign and I love the fabric and trim that you put on the lampshade.

    It looks like you have been having too much fun at Scrapblog. I am going to have to check it out.

    I'm curious about your next post. It sounds like you're doing a lot of preparations. Hope the mailman cooperated and we get to take a peek soon.


  63. Hi Cynthia!

    Your post inspires me yet again! I love the work you did on the lampshade to match the adorable Cottage sign! I really want to try some things like this - maybe I'll get the courage by looking at your blog! Thank you!

  64. Dear Cynthia,
    I love your sign and what you did with the sweet shade. I love to decoupage also and have done so many things I could fill a house with them. It is a wonderful you will never tire of.
    Have a lovely evening.

  65. Have a lovely weekend Cynthia! Thinking of you! Hugs, Maryjane

  66. Hi Cynthia,
    I have missed ya (; Just checking in to see what your up to, it must be good!!

  67. Cynthia, You are such a sweet Blogger, there is an award waiting for you on my blog.

  68. I'm going thru your blog at high speed and I'm loving it. I'm coming back again so I can enjoy it with a slower pace. You have a very lovely home..

  69. hi
    can you tell me which language is her blog written it so that i can translate it on google and read it...
    she really has great stuff....


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia