Thursday, February 5, 2009

~ Prayers for Becky ~

To all my Dear Readers, I came on today to do a post and was just about to upload it, when I went in to check on how Becky's give-away was going ( I mentioned it in the previous post ) and was Heartbroken to hear that she lost her oldest Son yesterday. I am grieving for this poor family and how hard it must be to go through such a loss. Words would never be able to describe what she is feeling. I just ask that you please keep her and her family in your prayers and thoughts. Blogland is filled with so many uplifting and kind people, and I know she would appreciate any support and love you can send...

With Care and thanks,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. I visited Becky's blog for the first time today and was heartbroken to here the sad news. She and her family will definitely be in my prayers. xoxo

  2. I visited Becky's blog for the first time today and was heartbroken to here the sad news. She and her family will definitely be in my prayers. xoxo

  3. Oops! I'm sorry. Didn't mean to send my comment twice. xoxo

  4. Hi Cyn,
    I found out this morning and my heart aches for her and her family. This is when it is so hard to blog, I feel like so many of us are friends yet I can't give her hugs when she needs them the most, it makes me so sad! I did leave her a comment though and I hope she can feel the love through our words to each other.

  5. Even though most of us have never met in person, we have a bond and Becky's blog was the first blog I ever read and you are right, there are no words. I have been devastated since I first found out. She needs our prayers indeed.


  6. I have just left a message on Beckys blog how devastating no parent should go through that heartache i pray god will give them strengt.


  7. I am so sorry to hear of their terrible loss. I am keeping them in my prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

  8. Hi Cynthia! I hope this isn't a duplicate and apologize if it is! I heard the terrible news this morning too and although I just found her blog via your sweet post, I felt the need to leave her a thought. As mothers, I cannot and do not want to imagine the agony she is feeling and is going to feel over the loss of her son. It is very sweet of you to offer your post as a pathway for our prayers. Take care - Sincerely, Jeannette

  9. There are no words to describe the ache that I feel right now for Becky and her family. I cannot even imagine the heartbreak they are experiencing. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  10. I found out this morning too. My heart aches for her and I am praying!

  11. Hi Cynthia,

    I debated doing a post last night when I was checking her blog. Nothing seemed appropriate. Your post says everything that we are all feeling for this sweet, sweet, lady and her beautiful family.

    Thank you!

  12. Oh Cynthia, this is just heartbreaking news. Becky is so lovely ~ I just can't wrap my head around such sadness this dear mother has to face.

    Thank you for letting me know.


  13. Sorry to hear this..I will go visit and I will pray! Nancy

  14. I was just introduced to Becky's blog last week and was saddened to hear that her son had died. As Mothers, we can all relate to how devastated she must feel right now.
    Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. May God wrap his arms around Becky and her family during the sad time.
    Love & blessings!

  15. you said it one can describe this other than those who have had to walk this journey in life.

  16. i am not at home and was doing a quick blog check when i noticed your headline and had to read more. my jaw is dropped. so so so so sad. poor becky. my heart aches for her. :(...

  17. I don't want to even imagine what it would be like to lose a child. It's too heartbreaking. May GOD be with Becky and her family in this time of sorrow. We need Gods strength in these hard times.

  18. I can't imagine suffering the loss of a child. I feel so sorry for her and her family. Yes, prayers are being sent her way...

  19. This is such sad news. My heart breaks for Becky and her family. I have been to her blog and left a comment. You are a sweet friend to do this post Cynthia.

  20. Hi cyntia;
    Block is a long time I watch a great sayfa.Tam my style, I love the ..


  21. Hi Cynthia

    I started crying when I read what happened. She has emailed me and talked about her family in the past and I know how devestating this must be for her. I can't wrap my head around it and it's just so sad.


  22. Hi Cynthia,

    Thank you for posting about Becky's loss. I visited her blog for the first time and left a comment. My heart goes out to Becky and her family and I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

  23. My heart & prayers go out to Becky & her family.

  24. Dearest Cynthia,
    I am just now getting around to visiting blogs and I am crying after reading your sweet post and the loving comments left. Our family thanks you, and everyone else, for your warm hearts and prayers. Our Jordan is in Heaven now and sleeping with the angels.

    much love,


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia