Sunday, February 8, 2009

~ A little creative escape ~

Hello to all my readers....I want to thank everyone for all the extra prayers sent to Becky , I am still , as all of you are too, in such heartbreak for her and her family and I know when she is ready to come back, it will warm her heart to know such love and support. Most times , creativity flows from me when I'm the happiest. But sometimes when life is harder than normal and I question things, I try and escape a bit into a project or an endeavor to keep my mind busy and I suppose to find some joy in simple things. Whether that's hanging out with my kids, or if they are busy, then it's finding something to inspire me....So this week it was spent looking around for something that needed refreshing or something to lift up my spirit a bit...So I got out my brushes and picked on an old antique side table. It was pickled green before and now is brighter and filled with the colors of my Bath....a perfect escape it was...
I really love vintage soap labels, the colors are so pretty , and so tranquil too, perfect for a Bath retreat "home spa day"..... set them all around you and not just for guests , but to make you feel special and pampered a bit... I was inspired by the colors in it, to transform the table.....This picture below was the table before....
Afterword's I brought it out into the kitchen , a place I'm in so often that I like to put anything there that makes me happy. But it just doesn't work here, so back to the Bathroom in went.....
I think it's much better here below..... :) Which inspired me to make the Bath more of a retreat for the weekend that wasn't feeling too good or happy...

Sometimes I find it silly to think that material things, or changing around rooms can really brighten a persons outlook, but I believe it wasn't so much the end result, but in the "doing" that I escaped a bit and felt a little better...
The cabinet above is where I keep all my makeup and creams, and under the sink too, but I don't think that is photo material :) It will have to wait till spring, when I feel like throwing out anything older than a year like they say we should. I have nail polish that is as old as my daughter ( 13 ) But I do have to say, on better days, the makeup counter at Ulta can be very dreamy :)

This is a view of the cabinet doors below, I fell in love with the etching and just had to have it....
I used to sew, but now the machine is gathering dust up in the attic :).... I was never very good at it, but this shower curtain in my Bath made me a bit too proud :) because I thought after this curtain was finished, I could sew anything! Oh was I so so wrong! So needless to say, it was my last project on the machine . I made it because I could never find a curtain to reach the floor in ready-mades, so off I went to do my own....
I love these Hand Towels below, they just arrived last week and they really soften the corner of the bath....Thanks Bekah!
Hand made and such pretty detail...
I adore soaps! again, silly and trite at times, but the colors and scents just make me feel so good. I use a lot of different brands, but as you can see, you can even dress up some sweet Ivory Soap and make it perfect for guests, or just to see a pretty little detail for yourself ....
I bought this towel rack last year at Home Goods, and on the back of the door to the Bath it's just perfect to hanging anything on....I added the rose decal :)
So go ahead and take a little time for you too, do something to lift you up , no matter what it is....
I've added a few favorite links to soap shops that I love , I hope you enjoy them, or find something you are looking for too...
These sweet "farm chic" soaps are such incredible soaps, they are smooth as silk on your skin and smell beautiful too! The Pretty little Hen soaps are from Bullet at Home ....
These pale pink cottage candle sticks are for sale in My Shop ....I just love using candles in a Bath, it makes it so much more tranquil....
And of course, I love walking into Crabtree and Evelyn , their stores are pure escape....I actually designed an entire bathroom around the box above for a client once, It was so pretty and uplifting in soft pale blues and whites....
Another good one , and one that it's in almost every Mall is..... The Body shop...and the Milk Bath is my favorite!

Remember to take a few moments or longer, to give to yourself as much as you give to others....we all give best from a full cup.... so when you're happy, or even when you're sad , take care of your spirit any way you enjoy ! I hope you all have a wonderful week! and Thank You for giving me a reason to escape a bit. I am a little behind on my blog surfing, so I am looking forward to visiting you all !!

Many Hugs and Blessings!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. You have such a beautiful blog, I am following if you don't mind. I love this post on taking a little time for yourself--just what I need.

  2. Hi Cynthia,
    Honey, I think you need to get that sewing machine out of the attic. Your shower curtain is gorgeous. What beautiful fabric!! The table you painted is also gorgeous. Is there no end to your talents? I love everything you show in this post and appreciate the reminder to take care of ourselves as we take care of others.

  3. Cynthia, I don't think you're focusing on "material" things. I think it's a comforting part of life to comfy up our nests at times we're sad about something. Moving things around, repainting, repurposing, it centers us, helps ground us in the moment. It's healing. It's not the same as having an over-acquiring attitude for things we don't need. There's a difference. Anyone can tell when it's from the heart...
    Hugs! Diane

  4. Thanks for the much needed 'escape' through your lovely photos! I just love visiting your blog...everything is always so pretty and cozy.
    Enjoy your day,

  5. I just love the Hen and soaps, thanks for including the link. I have to have one! Have a wonderful week.

  6. Cynthia,
    Crab Tree packaging must have a way of inspiring.....I designed a whole little cottage around the box from the Summerhill line by Crab Tree. It was the one with the yellow stripes and a wreath of adorable flora and fauna in mostly primary colors. We even named the cottage Summerhill.

    I too was sad last week after hearing about Becky's beloved son. Even though we may not know our fellow bloggers in real life there is a bond that is undeniable. Her family has been on my mind and in my heart and prayers, like so many of her blog friends, ever since the news spread across blog land.

    Love the table redo and your shower curtain. That fabric has been a favorite of mine for a long time.


  7. hi cynthia,

    i saw that you had a new post and while dinner is cooking, i made a hot cup of tea to sit and savor what's new with you.

    your table looks great. i think little touches go a long way to lift the spirit. especially during rough times, anything that makes you happy is worthwhile.

    rats! the times just went off. back to the kitchen! more when time allows. until then, thanks for sharing your little creative escape.


    love the towels from beka!!!

  8. that is supposed to say "timer!" as in, the pasta is ready! LOL

  9. Beuatiful as always ,i think sometimes we need a distraction just to rewind our batterys so we can carry on . Have a good week best wishes

  10. Hi Cynthia,
    I think there are a lot of us who can't get Becky and her family off of our minds. I was wondering if I should even post again so soon out of respect but like you said, I think we needed to do something to keep our minds busy! Your shower curtain is beautiful as is your table. Cynthia, I think I've told you before but your home is so cozy, you do a beautiful job. Please come by for a visit now that I am back up and running. I've missed you.


  11. Hearing about Becky's son just made it all too real. It's very sad for our country to lose these great men and women.

    Your table is beautiful. I wouldn't focus on it being's part of your home and it makes you happy.

    I can not believe how you gussied up that Ivory soap and made it gorgous. That is brilliant!

  12. Well it was lovely to see your little spa! It OF COURSE is gorgeously yummy! You have such a great eye! I'm soooo going to copy the idea about the Spanish moss and ribbon around the soaps!! :)

    I have thought of Becky so often the last few days. I think, that in a way, our blogs are so personal that we all feel like we know her and each other. My heart is so heavy for her!


  13. Love your shower curtain. How can you say you're not a sew-er? The hand towels are darling. I think when you're down about something fluffing up the house is the perfect thing to do. It sure helps me. Better than sitting around and moping. Mimi

  14. I am totally with you. When your heart is heavy and sad, sometimes just moving forward in anything can help you feel better. I can not imagine what Becky is going through right now.

    Your bathroom is fabulous. I love your shower curtain, I have that hen and eggs soap and the fabric ties around the ivory soap is the best idea ever!

    Have a wonderful week.

  15. Hello Cynthia
    I was saddened to hear about Becky's son. I stopped by her blog and left a note the other day. My thoughts and prayers are with Becky and her family.

    I want to relate to you a story about the year we were on the Christmas tour. In August of that year, we learned our expected grandson had a rare complication, known as Posterior Urethal Valves. This is found in 1 and 8000, only boys. This was learned during a routine pre-natal ultrasound. Elijah was due at around the end of December 2006.
    When we learned about this and were told his chances of survival were not good, of course, you can imagine the tailspin that put us in. Through that late summer and autumn, J and I worked preparing our home for Christmas. I believe it was one of the things that helped us get through that long season. In November, Elijah was born and only lived 2 hours. He still lives in our hearts.
    I'm telling you this, because I want you to know, it's quite okay to do this beautiful work, even though your heart is hurting for Becky.

  16. I love all the changes and sometimes, somehow making things more beautiful can help to soothe a broken heart. You feel so grounded and connected. I love reading your blog and you are so inspiring to me. I checked out one of your book suggestions this weekend and read it during a relaxing bath. I was so inspired to make a cottage laundry basket that I lept from the water and flew to my sewing machine. I kndew it couldn't wait. Blessing to you and Becky's family, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  17. Hi Cynthia! Love your table!!! I think you need to dust the machine off because if you can master a large shower curtain (which I adore that fabric) you can sew anything!!!! Soaps I love, especially French Milled and the wrappers usually get me every time! I received my papers I ordered and they are excellent so you may want to check out "papertole usa" I think you might like them!!! Thanks also for your sweet comments on my kitchen. I didn't want to leave a happy comment on your post for Becky and I too have thought of her all weekend even though I've never talked to her! You are right, getting involved in a project(s) does help relieve that sad/nervous energy in a productive way! Another beautiful post! No pressure BUT can we have another one soon!lol - Take care dear and have a great week - Jeannette

  18. Wow!
    Everything looks so lovely. You've inspired me big time. My upstairs bathroom is in need of a fresh coat of paint and a major overhaul in general. Hopefully I can get working on that this week.
    I love soaps too... Mmmmm.. I can't wait to get started.
    I love everything!!!

  19. Cynthia, everything is so beautiful here! You have such beautiful taste!! I have a demilune table a lot like yours that is antique. It has really old pink rose decals on it and is so chippy :) One of my very favorite pieces in my home!

    Lovely post :)

  20. You always write such uplifting posts! I feel inspired and ready to make changes! I have enough room for a small table in my bathroom so I need to start looking for something like you have. And soap....oh, I love soaps! I buy them at every festival and trip we take. I love the scent of a newly opened bar of soap! I love lots to luxuries for the bath! Love your sweet towels and everything you've put together!

  21. Cynthia,
    I agree that just a little shift of items around my home can lift my spirits. We have been in a two week long shift here and I am surprised at how it has brightened my countenance. It is the sweet little touches that make a house a home. I love the little hen and egg soaps! Have a beautiful week!

  22. the shower curtains is fabulous! please check out my give away if you have a moment

  23. I love your bathroom! I love buying pretty soaps also. When we remodeled our home I did the bathroom myself. I used venetian plaster, it was a long long process, I thought that I could live forever with this gold color, I was wrong!!! It's only been 4 years and it's just not me. I just won a bid on ebay for a vintage white wall paper. Words can not discribe how excited I am to but some of me back into my home.( If that makes any since!) I am glad that your mind was busy this week.

  24. Everything in your house is so beautiful.


  25. Olá Cynthia!
    Tudo que voce faz fica
    tudo muito perfeito.
    Não a conheço mas voce parece ser uma
    pessoa do bem e adorável.
    Desejo que seus trabalhos
    façam voce ficar muito bem.


    Hello Cynthia!
    All you do is
    quite perfect.
    Do not know but you seem to be a
    person of good and lovely.
    I hope that their work
    do you stay well.

  26. It is early Monday morning and I have a busy week scheduled ahead of me, but a visit to your blog was just what I needed! With my hot cup of coffee and my comfy chair, I read through the calming, filled with beauty, and refreshing post that you gave to all of us this morning. Thank you for the brief oasis that this provided for me. I too, have thought so much about Becky and her family this week. My prayers are with them. Again, thank you for the perfect way to start my Monday.

  27. Hi Cynthia,
    I know my heart is still aching over their loss I can't seem to get them out of my mind ); I followed what LeAnn did and put a little something on the sidebar of my blog in his memory. I think that decorating helps with healing and is a good therapy. Your table turned out adorable and you should diffently get back to sewing, that shower curtain is beautiful. I am going to go check out those towels at Bekahs, I love them! Your bathroom looks so cozy and I have to get some of the milk bath, just because the packaging is perfect with the roses! I bought some lavender hand soap the the other day at Homegoods it has roses all over the bottle,it reminds me of antique wallpaper. I guess I did the same thing as you with the smells I just didn't give it much thought until I read your post, I guess the smells are comforting.

  28. Hi Cynthia,

    Goodness - gracious - not only are you creative, but you can paint and sew! Your little table is adorable and so is your curtain.
    I belive that God gave us our creative talents to use and bring us not only joy, but comfort in our times of sorrow. I do not know your friend Becky, but I know that God gave her so much talent that when she is ready, her creativity will bring her much comfort and peace.
    Have a lovely week,
    Blessings and prayers to you and Becky and her family.

  29. Beautiful post! Love the vintage table and your shower curtain.

    Happy Monday,

  30. Your shower curtain is lovely as is the little table. Wrapping ivory soap with ribbon, who wodda thought but it's a great way to add a little color. It's a Good thing, as Martha would say.

  31. Cynthia,
    I just loved seeing your bath area. You really have made yourself a fabulous romantic retreat. I especially love the shower curtain you made. Very nice. I think you are a better sewer than you realize!

    Thank you for sharing. It has inspired me to fix up my bath area too! Amy :)

  32. Cynthia,

    I love your blog, so inspiring to see all the creative projects by you wonderful ladies in blogging land.
    Thanks for sharing these great ideas with all of us, just makes me want to try a new project. Keep the
    wonderful blogs coming our way.

  33. OMG, you did a wonderful job on that always! looks absolutely perfect there in your bathroom, you have created such a beautiful getaway for yourself. I love the colors and the way you just add a splash of blue here and there, gives it such a fresh look, I LOVE IT!!. I like to have my bathroom well stocked with all kinds of soaps and scented candles too and I'm on my way to my local Body Shop to see if they have that Bath ;).
    Oh, What would we be if we couldn't find joy in 'simple thing' ?! Sweetie you are so talented!!!!

    My heart goes out to Becky and Family. Of cause I had to go there as soon as I read the devastating news and post my condolences. I too know it will warm her heart to know that so many think about her!.

    Big Hugs, Jannet

  34. Another beautiful transformation to a regular piece of furniture. Everything you do is so pretty. Your bathroom is a haven. Love it.

  35. Your pictures brightened my day today. I love your bathroom. The colors are beautiful together. I love the shower curtain and the little table. You are so talented.

    I feel for Becky and her family. I can't imagine what they are going through. I will keep them in my prayers.

  36. Cynthia why does it always feel so good to read your posts. Thank you for making me feel so content and relaxed. I love everything! You did a wonderful job on the small table. I used to manage a Crabtree and Evelyn. I came home smelling so yummy. I never needed perfume. :)

    I have been praying for Becky as well. :(

  37. Hi Cynthia,

    I loved your recent post which mentioned soap - I'm going to send you some of my handmade soap goodies to cheer you up: please visit my soap website at and email me there or my home address ( with an address where I can send you some yummy soap to decorate with! Janet:)

  38. Cyn, I lost you on myspace what happened? I agree with all those ladies, I feel so good when I look at your blog. You have such good ideas and thanks for including the soap links.

    Vicky shellfinder

    Praying for Becky and her family.

  39. I have a little table very similar to that in our LR; the touches you added to yours are lovely.
    Nantucket Briar is my favorite Crabtree&Evelyn scent, and I like how pretty the boxes look in our bathroom too!
    Thank you for sharing your pretty photos ~
    I have been thinking of Becky so often too ~ so heartbreaking ~


  40. Hi there,
    I absolutely love your table and it has me itching to paint something here! I love your blog! :)

  41. Hi Cynthia, I have just started blogging and setting up my own blog. I heard you have a great blog and they were your home. You are very creative and that makes for a fun and interesting life changing things up a bit....I'll be back! :)


  42. The table looks so pretty and that ivory soap decoration is too cute! nancy

  43. I love your blog and all the roses!

  44. Hi my friend Cyn, what a beautiful post...beautiful in spirit and in color and design. Everything you do to bring beauty in your home blesses your family and us! Thank you for sharing your house-warming the soap tied with strips of cotton, your attention to detail is so inspiring!

    I'm am so sorry to hear about your friend and her tragic loss....I'm praying for her family.
    Blessings and hugs!

  45. Hi Cynthia,
    Your little table in your bathroom is so cute! You even make Ivory soap look pretty!! :)Thanks for your ideas.

    Your blog has been an inspiration to me. And I want to give back to those who have helped me.
    I am a "Giver" and love to bless others, so this week I'm hosting my first "Friday Giveaway." It's my way of saying thank you to all my blogging friends.
    If you would like to enter go to

    (I don't like for anyone to lose, so everyone who enters will receive a free gift.)

  46. Sometimes we need those little distractions. I always love coming to your blog...beautiful, soothing and inspiring. I am having a huge giveaway...come on over.

  47. Cynthia, you need to give us a little at a time girl!! There are so many beauties here to comment on, I don't know where to start. First, I understand about the escape time. Not even knowing Becky all that well, her loss has been on my mind constantly. The unimaginable has happened to her and it is heartbreaking as we all feel as moms.

    As far as your pretties, I love the vintage soap labels too! And I love it when you put the vintage ads in your fun to see. The shower curtain is lovely. I have had to do the same thing in the past because you can't buy what you want or need! Great job!!!

    Pretty soaps all wrapped up in bows. The bathroom is very pretty. Even bathrooms need to look lovely and inviting. You done good girl! Take Care Sweet One.


  48. Cynthia, you bathroom is just darling...I love that gorgeous shower curtain and how cute is the ivory soap display! All too cute, as usual!

  49. Oh Cynthia, it's all so pretty. You always have such lovely ideas.
    Thank you for sharing them with us.

  50. You have your bathroom fix up so pretty, with just the right touches. I'm crazy about your shower curtain too!

  51. Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous. You are a woman after my own heart. I get my best inspiration from things like that too, (ie soap labels, fabric, pictures, gardens, advertising. I never know. & I work when I am happy & when I am upset. Love your rooms & projects.

  52. Your blog is just beautiful! I don't know why it has taken me so long to find it. Becky is also a sweet friend of mine. It is nice to know that she has so many friends who are thinking of her.

  53. Everything is so beautiful! I would love to spend a lot of time in your bathroom!

  54. Beautifully done my friend!!! Cherry

  55. Cynthia, what a sweet and charming blog you have. I could truly be cottagey if I wasn't whatever it is I am. We have never met and with that sentence I'm sure you think I'm crazy! lol!

    I just stumbled across your blog and had to write a note to say how much I enjoyed my visit.


  56. Urgently calling my prayer warriors
    Please see my post

  57. Happy Valentine's day Cynthia..Your table turned out beautiful and I love your shower curtain..thanks for sharing...hope you have a great weekend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  58. Love your blog!! The table turned out really pretty! Nice piece! I will be back!

  59. I'm so glad you liked the soaps Cynthia - thank you for being such a wonderful blogging friend:) Janet

  60. I'm so glad you liked the soaps Cynthia - thank you for being such a wonderful blogging friend:) Janet

  61. Hello Sweet Cynthia! I love all your sweet touches you put into your house to make it a home! Your bathroom is the cutest ever! I love the Ivory soap in the sweet dish and the candle! Thanks for inspiring me over and over again! Have a delightful weekenk my dear!

    Love ya,
    Maryjane xox

  62. You sure have a lovely way of making the most ordinary things extraordinary! LOVE the fabric around the soap. Just wonderful!!!

    I cannot wait till you get the furniture line. Looking forward to spritzing up our place in the not so distant future. I need happy colors and lots of flowers!!!


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  64. Soo lovely blog! I'm just following you! :)

    If you want visit my blog, please:

    Thank you! :) Bye xxx


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia