Saturday, February 14, 2009

~ Pretty Shopping ~

Happy Valentines Day to all my sweet readers! I just got the sweetest package of goodies the other day from Lidy at The French Garden House. Her site has always been a favorite of mine. She has such a talent for finding the most beautiful accessories and goodies! I've had my eye on this french market bag forever, I've always wanted one. Perfect for bringing to the market and filling with fresh goods! I cannot thank you enough Lidy!
I will think of you every time I am at the market grabbing my little extras... This vintage photo was so nostalgic to me, it looks like she could use a little market bag too! :)

If you don't already know Lidy's site, pop over for visit, I am sure you will find so many things to stir your fancy! Click her logo below and grab a cup of tea or a glass of french wine and enjoy! It's stunning!
These little stickers were in my box too! I love them! I cannot wait to do my next decoupage project with them! aren't the colors amazing?!!....

And also these Gorgeous bowls! I love cherries and of course checks, so I couldn't be happier with them!
A little up close shot, they go so well in my kitchen and come summer will be filled with fresh cherries too! Thank you so much Lidy! You made my week! I love everything!

I find such inspiring stores online, here is a picture below of the famous Vermont Country Store. They have a really neat site filled with very hard to find items. Items our Mom's had, and Dad's too. Their catalog is so vintage looking, and just seeing everything brings you back to a simpler time!
As most of you do too I'm sure, I balance my shopping online with shopping in stores too. Long Island has so many beautiful quaint Villages and living here can be a shoppers dream :) I especially love SouthHampton, NY. The town is famous for many reasons, but for me, its the huge General Store called Hildreth's. Oh I so wish I could show you the inside! It sells everything from furniture to tools to bedding, my word, you name it, they have it! You'll just have to check out their site to see for yourself :) Or come to NY and we'll go shopping together :)....
Well, I put my little market bag to good use today, I picked up some fresh Daisies ( my favorite ) for $3.99 and 2 loafs of bread. Gotta go run and start the meatballs, It's meatball hero's for dinner tonight...
and I'll leave you with a little happy thought ;).... It's not too far off that we will be shopping in outdoor markets again, and bringing home the goodies to set up outside like this photo below. I've said this a few times in every post, but oh I so so cannot wait to be warm and feel the Spring air !!

I love evenings outside so much! I love the feeling of having so much fresh air, that you actually get tired from being out in it all day, and you come back inside when the sun sets and grab a book and relax, still having the windows open and feeling the remnants of the day...Oh I love you Spring! Hurry here!

Here are some goodie books to get you all ready for that time of year. ( porch photo source: country living )


I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and it's finding you healthy and happy!

Thank you so much for all your sweet comments, you've made my long winter just a bit shorter by always bringing such warmth and sunshine into my days!

Many Hugs,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Wonderful items from French Garden House! Doesn't Lidy have the loveliest things? I can't wait for spring either. I always feel like I come alive when it's warm and sunny and the flowers are coming up:>) February is short and March brings great hope. It won't be long now! Happy Valentines day Cynthia:>)

  2. Your bag is so pretty! I love shopping with pretty bags, it just makes me feel special.

  3. Oh i wish i could have met up with you when i came to New York just before xmas and you could have showed me all those great shops.

    Have a great weekend Pat

  4. Lucky you - that bag is cute! Hope you are enjoying your Valentine's Day! I am aching for spring, too. ~ Robyn

  5. Hi Cyn,
    I just love your new bag! It certain looks like it came in handy for all your shopping. Speaking of shopping...I would love to visit and go shopping with you! I love the quaintness of village shopping.
    We do have one "village like" shopping area here. It is near's called Peddlers Village. You can see it
    Brian and I try to get there at least twice a year!

    Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Friend.

  6. Hi Cynthia! I apologize if this is a duplicate; you'd think I was drunk or something??!lol didn't take 1st time. Anyway, love the french bag; daisies and carnations are my favorites! VC store my hubby found when he purchased peach blossom candy for me that my great-grandmother used to give me; can't get it here. So now I get their great catalog filled with oldies but goodies! Can't wait to get started on my decopauge project; I thought of you today when I purchased some vintage kitchen papers at AC Moore - Journey Pages are what they're called if you have an ACMoore! I would love to go shopping with you in all those great shops! How fun that would be; guess I'll have to settle for your beautiful posts for now! Hubby's family is in upstate NY so you never know when I may get lost along the way there!!!lol Happy Valentines - Jeannette (you can see how romantic mine is since I'm on here!lol)

  7. I do love Lidy at French Garden House. She has lovely items and she is the warmest, sweetest person too!

    I love your market tote and the sweet cherry bowls. Hope your Valentines Day was as sweet as you are.

  8. Dear Cynthia,
    Happy Valentine's Day...I was so happy to see a new post from you!

    The little bowls are so darling!

    The Vermont Country Store and Hildreth's look like wonderful places to shop.

    Love, Kim

  9. I'm always happy to see you post! I know you will have lots of info ...pretty things and links that I will enjoy! I loved looking at the link for the bag you bought! They have some lovely I would LOVE to have! And I love your daisies! It makes me think of You've Got Mail...she says daisies are such friendly flowers! And I love good bread. We bought 2 loaves from the bakery delicious! Thanks for the delightful post! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  10. Hi Cynthia,
    Love the market bag and the little cherry bowls are adorable. They look like something you would adore. Please stop by and visit me at my new blog. It's lonely over there.


  11. Your blog is beautiful as always!
    I got a lavender filled heart from Lidy once...and it came with a little nest :)

  12. Hi Cynthia,

    I love your well wishes and I wish them right back to you! I just sent you a small sudsy sampling today:) Hope you like them! Janet

  13. Hi Cynthia! Happy Valentine's day! What a lovely post. I love that bag. I am trying to use more bags but I don't have anything sooooo cute! I'm inspired to get something cute like this!
    Hey I had an idea for you. I thought it would be cute to decoupage a small kitchen scene...I know you love miniatures, and wouldn't it be cute to decoupage a cute little oven (by Susan Branch(?)with a shelf above it and then add little pots and pans, bowls, etc. then frame it or wall hanging. My mind is a whirl with ideas!
    Anyhoo, if you get any ideas or inspiration let me know...this could be fun!

  14. What a comforting and sweet post, Cynthia. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  15. I love your little cherrie bowls. Every time I'm out shopping and I see something with cherries on it, I think of you. When I see something really special, I will have to get it for you! I hope that you had a Happy Valentine's day! I love your home! It is so beautiful!

    I love the bag too!

    Lee Laurie

  16. Hi Cynthia,

    Beautiful photos as always! I have had that book, Home Comforts, for several years and was just looking through it a couple nights ago thinking about spring cleaning. :)

    Your posts are always worth the wait! Have a lovely week.

  17. Oh, that sure is Pretty shopping, what a chic bag!! The cherry bowls are so cute too. I'm on my way over to the French Garden House to have a look see ; ) Yeah you've got my vote for Spring! But it looks like more cold weather and snow here for now...bummer. Thanks for sharing!
    TTYS, Hugs. Jannet

  18. I have added you to my sidebar on my blog, because I love visiting your site. It is visual eye candy for sure and you can't beat the calories.

  19. Hi Cynthia,

    Thanks so much for this sweet post...I am so glad you are loving the bag and bowls! Hope you had a sweet Valentine's Day with those you love.
    xo Lidy

  20. Hi Cynthia,
    Did you feel that?? I just blew a little warm air and some Florida sunshine your way, it was in the
    80's here this weekend it feels like we skipped Spring and are beginning Summer here ); What a wonderful gift, you lucky girl!! I want to come shop with you, that store looks amazing! I hope you had a happy valentines day, I was out of town so my valentine's wishes are a little late (:

  21. Cynthia, I love this post. The old picture reminds me of Germany. When we were there everyone went to the market everyday with their little baskets or shopping carts. Because of course they walked! Love the pretty patio picture and of course the lovely things from Liddy's gorgeous blog.

    Have a great week!!

  22. Oh I want that bag and those bowls! The porch sings to my heart!!

  23. I've been to the Vermont Country Store in Weston twice when I was in high school -- bought my first rock candy there. Love that place -- thanks for the memories. I love Hildreth's. I was there last summer with my friend, Debbie, who's mom we were visiting (she lives in the Hampton's). Love your blog. Joanne ~~

  24. Hi Cynthia,
    I found your blog from Kristens Creations. I looked at your store and I can't wait to see the furniture. I will keep checking for it.

    p.s. I added you to my blog list - hope that's okay.

  25. It's been a long cold winter. I'm so looking forward to spring too. Love the bag. Mimi

  26. I love your blog! I made my very first post today and mentioned you as one of my inspirations. I am so excited to see what you do next.

  27. Love that bag Cynthia! And I love Lidy's store too. I have to go see if she has more of those. Have a great week!

  28. Such a pretty post, again! The bag is fun to shop with. I can imagine your bowls filed with cherries. You Certainly brought a little spring sunshine to our day today! Happy belated V-Day! ~Cheryl :)

  29. Cynthia, you're making me just wish that spring would hurry, hurry up and get here!

  30. Cynthia.....I'm cooooomiiiiiing to shop with you!!:)))))
    With a beautiful bag, naturally!

    Hugs to you,

    Monica xo.

  31. hi cynthia,

    i have been trying to find time to blog and as soon as i saw that you had a new post, i made myself a cup of tea! (i will now attempt to savor the moment -- the boys are on feb. vacation from school)

    i love the goodies from lidy. i checked out the hildreth's link and the store looks awesome; so do the books you pictured!

    thanks for always being such a resource of wonderful ideas, bloggers, shops, etc!

    i want to see more of the chalkboard! something is written on it and i can see snippets of pretty!


  32. OH man, The Vermont Country Store. Isn't it just the greatest catalog ever?! I can't wait to get it. I want buckets of the candies of my childhood you can't buy anymore. My favorite you ask??? It's the little red hot dog bubble gum!

  33. What a gorgeous post, from the beautiful arrangement in that bag, to the links to shops. My family used to live in South Hampton and we loved visiting Hilldreth's. They were two doors down from the Barefoot Contessa. Thank you for a walk down memory lane on a very pretty blog.

  34. Hi Cynthia, I have just discovered your blog and it's wonderful! So full of fun and creative ideas. There is so much content I know I will be coming back again and again. Thanks for the inspiration!

  35. Catching up on your blog posts is a perfect way to relax after a long stressful day. I've so missed having a chance to read your posts every day and chatting with you on MySpace.

  36. I love, love, love French Cottage House and that bag - oh my gosh!!! How fun is that???
    Those cherry coffee bowls make me want to heat up some milk right now!!!
    PS - Finally put that photo of my pantry up! Some things take me awhile!

  37. HI Cynthia
    I luvvvvvvvv that bag! Please stop and and join my swap. Sure to be fun!

  38. Hi Cynthia :)

    Such a beautiful post filled with darling things. Lidy is so sweet and the other online stores look wonderful too!

    The table you painted in the last post is so cute. You have such an unbelievable talent :)


  39. Hey girlfriend! I so loved this's really getting me in the mood for spring and summer, I can't wait! LOVE the picture of the serene and peaceful, warm and sunshine-y! As always, I could live in your blog, it is so charming and full of yummy eye candy!
    Hugs! Ruthann

  40. I just love visiting your blog! It is always such a pleasant happy place. Your shopping bag is darling and would make any trip to the farmers market more fun. Thanks for another great post!


  41. now this is worthy of posting!!!


    I love LIDY

    let's chat

  42. Cynthia, I just love your site. Your posts are inspirational. I have even grabbed your button and placed you on my blog.
    I can dream of someday moving back into a home that is more "cottage friendly". This house just is not it. But I love browsing through yours, so keep it coming!
    Thanks! Have a great weekend! Karen

  43. Lidy does sell the most wonderful things. Great choices!

  44. I love those little stickers you aquired. They are the best. I searched and searched for some like those when I was looking for roses to apply onto my little shabby table I redone. I couldn't find anything even close to what I had in my mind. I ended up cutting up a very pretty vintage get well card. It worked but those imgaes are excately what I was looking for at the time.

    The store look wonderful and like a lovely place to visit. Did you ever go visit the Barefoot Contessa's store when she had it opened? I think I remember her saying it was in the Hamptons. Hope you have a lovely weekend with some springy like weather to enjoy. It is cold as all get out here again.

  45. Cynthia~ ~
    I am soo ready for Spring. Your vision of it was wonderful! Today is sunny but cold. Loved all your pics. Thanks

  46. Hi. This is my first time visiting your blog and I love it. I really like this last photo with all the inspirational words. I am going to have to steal it and put it on my blog if you don't mind. Daisy~


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia