Tuesday, April 21, 2009

~ The Vintage Kitchen ~

Lol, I'll start this post off by saying I never fully got the hang of Windows Live Writer, it was fun, but I have a few things I still need to figure out, so being a creature of habit, I'm back to the blogger way of posting for now. I'll just admire the posts of those who've mastered it and give it a try another day. On to new news :) Last week I was contacted by Vintage Indie to do an interview, I have to say, that is the first time I was asked to talk about myself in an interview form and I was so honored! If you don't already know this fabulous site, Head on over to Gabreial's Vintage Indie, it is full of information and such an inspiring online magazine! Thanks so much for thinking of me Gabreial !! When she asked me what my favorite room was in my house, I took no time to answer, definitely the Kitchen. I got to talk about my 2 favorite things, my kitchen and my love of Vintage. The above picture is another piece in my kitchen that rarely gets photographed due to it's "behind closed doors mess", but the interview and even the picture below inspired me to clean it up and leave the doors open. It's actually an old Pie Safe, but now it has a new use :) It's holding my growing collection of cream and white pottery.

I was inspired by this photo above from Country Living. I love lots of color in my home, but in certain areas I like to use just one color for a "simple" effect. While I don't have a collection of depression glass or any colored glass ( yet, lol ) I did start with the white and creams, so that's a beginning :)

I love to decorate the inside AND backs of my hutches, even on the doors I've been known to hang things too! It doesn't just have to be the shelves that you line with pieces, think outside the box! Literally :)

In the spirit of the Vintage Kitchen, I couldn't forget about all the things that I love that have that label attached to them. For me, it's all about the small things, Vintage bowls, cookbooks, kitchen tools etc, anything that is from another era or takes me back in time is a Good Thing :)

I have many Vintage Pyrex bowls, containers, dishes etc, but These are my favorite. Simple , and such a soft blue too ...
I've always had a "thing" for Vintage ads and often include them in posts here , but now I've started a collection with the intent to frame them in my kitchen!. I think it would be such a conversation piece and so much fun to see every day instead of keeping them stacked in a drawer not to be seen. I am starting to buy more these days that feature appliances. Lol, I just find them so sweet and fun to look at! Btw, look at all that red meat below!? wow :) ....I don't know about you, but mines filled with chicken now :)

Having a Vintage inspired kitchen can mean so many different things to different people, it depends on what era warms your heart. It could just be the simplicity of an older kitchen that moves you, or the old fixtures, or even just adding some vintage art can evoke the same feeling too. For me, it's a mix of many things, a little from this era, a little from another, some of Moms things, some of Grandmas and some new.....Mix em all up , add your favorite color's , and your there.... This one below from Country Living is a real favorite of mine! A little of everything :)

Speaking of Vintage, do you all remember Betsy McCall? Oh My Word, I used to wait by the mailbox for my Mothers monthly issue so that she could give me my paper doll of the month !! :) what excitement it was playing with her! I was reminded of this when I went to peek in on a new friends blog, My Vintage Blankie. Amy just did the cutest post about Paper dolls and sewing patterns! She is just getting the hang of blogging and I'm sure would love some of you to stop in and welcome her. Her Designs have also been featured in magazines too, they are so sweet!
On to some "new" looking Vintage pieces now... I wanted to share this with you if you haven't already seen it...I have always loved mixing in the new with the old so I was so happy to get this issue of the Pottery Barn catalog! They seem to have incorporated so many fabulous vintage inspired items in this Spring/Summer issue! I've put some photo's below of some of their collection, I'll be shopping there again this summer to pick up some more red for the outside and inside, what pretties! Unfortunately these fabulous trays are sold out, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will get more in! aren't they adorable?! I love the Coca-Cola one :)

~ Vintage perfect.... I adore the bottle holder below ~

~ The rugs are so sweet and so are all the fixings on the table too! Id also love a round table on a covered porch, how Fab! ~
These dishes below are just so simple and sweet!, Hmmmmm.. do I need more dishes? nope, but when I do, I'll know where to go :) Creamy butter yellow, Oh I love them!

Before I end this post, I have to share one more thing, and it's a biggy! :) I was doing an Image search on Goggle the other day and came upon this Artist that blew me away. Her work is so beautiful! I typed in "Vintage Kitchen" and this one below popped up, well, I just had to get a better look :) Her name is Janet Hill, of Janet Hill Studio and she is so talented! I think her images portray such a simplicity and yet evoke such a nostalgic feeling. She does paintings of Women and so many Home images too. Kitchens, baths, bedrooms, LR's, etc. She sells the Print versions on her Etsy, and I've just added her to my "wish list"! I had so many favorites I didn't know where to start, but I will start collecting soon! I can just picture these hanging in my kitchen, or her others in different rooms too!

~ I just adore how simple and sweet they are, just like Moms kitchen was! I even remember the radio being in Moms kitchen too! Your talents are amazing Janet! Thank you for capturing such thoughts and feelings and gracing us with images that bring out that Vintage feeling in us too!

Well Ladies, it's time to go clean up the yard from all the rain we had, but Thanks so much for stopping by ! I hope you enjoy a wonderful week and hopefully all of you are enjoying an Inspiring Spring too!

Much Love and Blessings to you!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Hi Cynthia, I love your hutch with the cream and white pottery. I love, love color but I am sooo attracted to this. See what you have done...encouraging me to start a new collection! Ha.

    Wonderful post....have a super week, sweet girl.


  2. Thank you for the lovely visual vintage tour today.I adore all your many inspiring displays and oh sweetie those vintage ads can't get enough. I must admit when I had to share my precious Betsy McCall Dolls I was not a happy camper. She made this little girl happy for hours on end in the land of paper Doll living. I miss her still.I love how you tied together the turquois blue pyrex with the ref. ad ,just brilliant .A girl can never have enough pyrex.
    Thank you so much for sharing.
    Have a fantastic day.

  3. What a fun post to read this morning Cynthia! I love your pie safe with the vintage cream ware. I know I could spent hours in your kitchen. It has that warm, cozy feel.

    I just mentioned Betsy McCall on another blog yesterday! Wasn't that fun?

    Thanks for the link to Janet Hill. I will go check her out.


  4. Lots of wonderful eye candy here today...I love vintage kitchens! Mine is still a work in progress, but that's half the fun. Isn't it?


  5. Hi Cynthia,

    Love all of your vintage displays and I just love your kitchen! I too, used to love to play with paper dolls....we even made our own paper dolls and designed their clothing. Good memories!

  6. What a wonderful post today girl..just love your pie safe with all the creams pieces in it..Oh I just love your house and also anything vintage or antique it does bring back times of an easier life with family to me..I alway said I would love it if some of my pieces could talk...I have alot of vintage in my kitchen some from my family which is just priceless to me...may you have a great day...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. Hi Cynthia,
    Your cabinet looks so pretty dressed the way you have it! Thank you for posting about Janet Hill Studio. I went there and immediately fell in love! :o) I can see what drew you in. :o)
    Have a nice day.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  8. You can get those 'trays' on ebay (they're crates with the dividers removed) pretty cheap.

  9. Just loved your post. So many of the vintage items were new to my family when I was little!!
    Have a great day!

  10. Hi Cynthia :)

    This post was wonderful! I can't believe you had never been interviewed before. People have been missing out and kudos to Vintage Indie for being the first :)

    I love what you did with your pie safe, it looks beautiful!!

    Thank you for introducing us to Janet and Amy too :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week too sweet friend!

  11. What a neat post! I sat with coffee in hand and had a great time reading and looking at the pics. Now time to sew. Congrats on the interview:)

  12. Oh my I have that Coka-cola crate. I have had it for about 10 years now . I was pretty sure My mother in law had it for years before me. Maybe I have an original one.
    I have just one hutch in my kitchen that I had never even thought about the backs of it or even hanging hooks in it. I am excited to go aroind an see what I have to use for that . Thanks for that tip.
    I really enjoy your sweet blog.

  13. hi cynthia!

    what a lovely tour of inspiration and ideas! i LOVE red and pale blue together. you have a magical touch!

    pottery barn does have some great "new" things. check out pottery barn kids, too. they have many things that are very shabby/cottage-y in the girls' rooms sections. cute lamps and accessories that don't have to be just for kids.

    warmest congrats on being interviewed, you little blogstar!

    thanks as always for leaving the nicest comments for me. HUGS!


  14. Well hello my famous blog friend!! Congrats on your interview how exciting!! I love your cupboard in your kitchen too and those dishes and well all of the pic's you showed us, I don''t remember which pic it was but I fell in love with the kitchen with the pink in it when I saw it in a magazine not to long ago!

  15. I adore coming to your blog Cynthia! You have the most beautiful ideas and posts:>) I love the pie safe and all the wonderful peaks of your beautiful kitchen. I remember Betsy McCall too, I waited for the magazxine just like you and played with the cute outfits and dolls a lot. Wish I had some of those images to create with now~!

  16. Hi Cynthia, Congratulations on being interviewed. What a surprise to see that you mentioned my blog and name in this post. You are the sweetest blogger. I am sure the sun was shining the day you were born! Love, love, love the Janet Hill prints. They are so reminiscent of both my grandmother's kitchens. Her images stir up warm memories. I will have to check out the Pottery Barn catalog. As you know I have big plans for my porches this summer. I love your pie safe. You sooooo...have a knack for displaying items!!! Looking forward to some beautiful weather that is forcast. Have a great week.

  17. Kitchens are always my favorite room to see in people's houses especially if they are warm, cozy and vintagey. Yours is all those things and I love to see your photos. I went and read your interview and loved all the pics over there too.

    Oh, and Betsy McCall brought back some fond memories. I loved when my mom would let me have that part of the magazine.

    Great post!!

  18. Cynthia, I love coming to visit here...everytime..I want to cottage up my house! Great Post!! Nancy

  19. Cynthia, I'm back!!! I am here to thank you for the info on Janet Hill...I check her etsy out and just bought my first print! I am going to continue buying them for my living room...the ones that will go and start a collection of them...they are amazing.! I bought the one of the yellow sofa...It will go so good in my front living room...my sofa in there is yellow..Oh, I can't wait to get it and frame it! Thanks again Cynthia! Nancy

  20. What a darling hutch you have! Love how you have it displayed..to cute! My favorite room is the kitchen/family room. It is the heart of the home! Another fun post!


  21. Hi Cynthia! Everything looks so homey and warm! You can't go wrong with white pottery. There's something so soothing about it.

    Loved your post!

  22. Cynthia, After a crazy busy day, I sat down to my desk and was making some visits to different blogs, an pasttime that always brings me pleasure. Your quiet, relaxing music, your love of vintage and soft colors, your ability to take me back in time to happy memories of my grandma's home and yes, my paper doll memories of my mother's magazine...it all just calmed my spirits and was so refreshing. Thank you for taking time out of your very busy schedule, to share so much nostalgia and beauty with all of us. Continually we are blessed by our visits.

  23. Cynthia,
    Oh, I just love visiting your blog...you always have something wonderful and pleasing to the eye.
    Thanks for sharing the beautiful etsy shop...I've added her to my list of shops.
    Have a wonderful day,

  24. Hello Cynthia!

    I loved the tour....thanks so much. There's just nothing better than vintage, is there?? :-)


  25. BETSY MCCALL!??? Be still my heart! What a great memory was that!!! :)
    Love your Pie Safe and your artwork on the back! Way to cute!!!

    That Blue and white checked flatware that you mentioned on my post....It's featured in the latest issue of Country Living (along with some killer cute plates that I think I have to have)... You could replace your old set.... Just a thought! :)

  26. I've been in love with those butter yellow dishes myself! You and I seem to have much the same taste. I shall go over and visit the links you provided. I'm so in love with making my home a pretty one that I had to start a decorating/crafts blog myself, to augment my gardening blog!

  27. What a gorgeous post!! I love your kitchen cabinet!! Those dishes are so pretty, I love yellow. And that artist is truly amazing!! Thank yo so much for this lovely vintage post :)

  28. I saw your interview at Vintage Indie! Beautiful!!

    I love the paintings and will definitely visit the artist's site.

  29. Hi Cynthia,
    I enjoyed reading your post today. All the picture's are lovely. I love the yellow dishes they are so perfect.
    A great post.
    Enjoy your day,

  30. Love all of your pictures, but the one with the green depression glass - YUM!!!
    And, where might I find the creamy butter yellow dishes?

  31. I loved this post so much :)

    I stopped half- way & went & re-arranged my kitchen - lol - then came back to carry on reading whilst I knitted a cotton dishcloth - I love vintage kitchens too!

  32. Hi Cynthia, Love your pie safe and all the goodies you have stowed away there.

    I have a Coke box like those pictured and my dad made it into a little wagon for my kitchen. He jsut added some wheels and a small handle. It's cute, but I don't have alot of room for it, I should get it back out I guess, I would have never thought of making a serving tray from one. I just saw a stack of asorted ones at a garage sale a couple of weeks ago.. Too bad I didn't know you wanted one, I could have picked you up one for alittle bit of nothing.

    You have inspired me to start my own collection of Susan Branch books. I am been on the Amazon site and ordered myself up 7 of them. Can hardly wait until they arrive. I am wanting to see some of the pictures and art work in there before I finalize my design on the antique tea cart. I am wanting to do some decoupaging along the sides. Thank you for the idea.

    Always a pleasure to come and visit here,

  33. Oh my yes! Leave that cupboard open with your cream and white pottery. It's sooooooo pretty! I just started collecting cream and white, mostly white, a few months ago and I can't believe how much I've found already and most for just pennies. I adore all the pictures you've shared for inspiration. Now I'm off to read your interview before I head out to yard sales. ♥

  34. Oh Cynthia, this post brings back memories I just loved paper dolls. I would spend hours playing with them. I wish I would have saved some of them.
    Thanks for the flashback!
    Have a nice weekend,

  35. Morning Cynthia! I ADORE your blog posts just the way they are! No Live Wire needed!!!!lol My collection of white pottery is growing faster than display space so watch out!! Very addictive! Your displays are always cozy! I love surprises when you open doors to cabinets/closets! I thought the Country Living photo was actually your kitchen for a second!lol Now I know why I love your style because of the mixture of "vintage" styles; you're right it means different to everyone! I always thing pink/victorian when I heard vintage?? Anyway I never pass up the chance to check your posts break or not!! Have a fantastic weekend dear - Sincerely, Jeannette

  36. Thank you Thank you!
    Janet Hill is now my favorite artist!!!
    I want at least one in every room.
    I could never pick just one.

  37. I just found your blog through Lady Lydia at homeliving blog. As I told her in her comments I could not help but sign as I saw the beautiful home inspirations you have shown!! Truth be all told I also started clapping and crying just after that!! Silly I know, but I can so relate to it all you showed. I also have the blue pyrex set and like many remember the Betsy Mccall dolls in the McCall magazine. I still have some of them and my Betsy McCall doll. What you show IS my style too. Thankyou for putting together this blog and keeping it. I will be here often. Just beautiful....... Jody

  38. Cynthia, Yours is adorable, clever to add to the back! Oh how I love those Country Living in pink!! Lori

  39. You and your stuff should be in a magazine! Your photos are just awesome...thanks for the tour!

  40. Beautiful blog.

    My old pie safe is one of my favorite things, too. Yours is charming.

  41. Cynthia~ ~ What a flash back Betsy McCall paper dolls. IS our age showing? Love your ideas for more then just glass & china in the cabinets. The exchange of great ideas is the #2 reason I love blogging. #1 is meeting great gals like you. Thanks for sharing.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  42. This is such a great post. I love all of the images. For me, the kitchen really is the heart of "vintage". Maybe it's because the housewives of "yesteryear" spent so much time in the kitchen and there are so many wonderful kitchen items to collect...dishes, aprons, etc. Thet picture of your little pie safe just makes me feel happy!

  43. What beautiful art! I need to go check that site out. You are very kind to share your find with us.

  44. Just visited your site and enjoyed reading your posts. You mentioned "Betsy McCall" and I thought you might enjoy this link to all the Betsy McCall pages from the magazines dated from the 50's through the 90's. I personally like the 50's & 60's. These are all available for free download if your interested!

  45. I have such good memories of my Betsy McCall paper dolls. My granny would keep them in an old wall paper book and we could cut and make new dresses for them. She would glue them to cardboard so they would last longer. However I still think we wore them out.
    Great post!

  46. What a great post. Love all the pictures you have shared too. Love your cupboard with all your pretty cream pottery.

  47. One of my favorite vintage items is a coke cola crate I found at Sutters Creek, CA..I searched through a PILE in the back of the store for the best one and when I got home I noticed it was stamped with my home town on the side. I hadn't noticed. I decided to fill each cubby with wedding favors I had received. Well 30 years later, of all the cubbies, 16 I think, myself and my cousin are the only ones still married! So sad....

  48. your hutch is great....
    so many great pics on your post today. i'm ready for some outdoor entertaining!
    congratulations on the interview!!

  49. Another great post, Cynthia! I love those baby blue pyrex bowls!! I love all the colors you choose. They are so refreshing and "happy". :) Hope all has been well with you! :)

  50. I am SO HAPPY for YOU!!!! To be interviewed by Vintage Indie! Way to go, sweet Cynthia!!! I will be back to catch up on your blog. Have been so busy lately!! I have a 7-UP and a Pepsi box in my space for sale. They have the old metal edges and the dividers. Maybe I need to put them online!!

    Have a great day!!


  51. Hi Cynthia
    What a wonderful post. I just felt like I was sitting in your kitchen with you having a nice chat!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  52. Oh, how I loved this post! It is so 'right where I'm at' right now. I am totally in to making my kitchen 'country' just like I remember my grandmother's. I love your decorating style! Have a great day! Twyla

  53. Hello my sugar! Once again you never fail to bring delight to my heart through your fabulous images and words so sweetly spoken! You just have this wonderful knack of sharing the joy of the good old days and showing us how to blend them into our lives today! I love your cream-ware and vintage aprons hung on the cupboard door....so comforting and homey! Thank you Cyn for being such a good friend, and for always brightening my heart with your encouraging words!
    Hugs and blessings!

  54. There is nothing like a hutch full of cream and white china. Lovely pictures.

  55. Hi Cynthia,
    I always enjoy dropping by your blog. It is a lovely mix of yesterday and today; charming! Thanks for sharing and have a delightful day.


  56. I like your post very much!! It's so classic and wonderful kitchen furniture style!!

  57. How simply charming your blog is. I just found you today and hope you don't mind be adding you to my daily list of motivational blogs. It's sites like this that keep me going on mine.

    Plus,you have Pyrex which I am a collector of.... yipeeeee.

  58. I love your blog......glad to have found you

  59. I enjoyed visiting your site...I love the cottage look...and trying to incorporate it into my small bungalow. I do have a glass
    door shelf in my kitchen, only one, but it was one of the things I fell in love with..I remember and Aunt who had a kitchen full of the glass doors, oh how I loved the look of that , even as a child.

  60. OMG....I LOVE it ALL !!!

  61. i love your blog and i ADORE your kitchen!
    i'm glad too meet you and follow you :)
    have a sweet day,

  62. Just came across your awesome blog and I love it!
    Dishfunctional Designs

  63. Hi Cindy,
    Your Mom mentioned your web site in her Christmas card, and I really enjoyed peeking into your life. It has been so many long years since I have seen you. Sounds like you are doing well and happy. Keep up the good life!
    Your long lost cousin

  64. Cynthia,
    Well how do I begin just cannot say enough about how beautiful your home is. You make the most prettiest Minis, You are a sweet kind person always cordial. You are a awesome business woman deffinately an insperation to us all thats for sure. Thank you so much for just being you everyone loves you, and everything you stand for.
    Thank You,
    Kimberly Burgess
    Seattle, Wa.

  65. Lindo. Parabéns pelo bom gosot.
    Anajá Schmitz


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia