Tuesday, May 5, 2009

~ The Spring Pantry of Goodies ~

What a busy Spring it's been! Hello sweeties! I've been busy as a bee, and while we've had a fairly wet Spring so far, things seem to be popping up everywhere! Green, Green, Green! Now a little Sunshine would be nice to make all the flowers bright and happy. I'm excited for the transition into Summer too! A few things have caught my fancy and what better place to share them than here. That fabulous Picnic basket above is from a site I just adore: Canning Pantry. If you're new to canning and preserving, or even if you're a seasoned expert, you will just love their goods and the site is so full of informative tips on getting it all just right! My Berry bushes are looking so good this year, so while the rain has been a lot, I know the bounty is right around the corner!

Speaking of Berries, I was surfing the Internet for some new Summer recipes and came upon this wonderful site, I just love the visuals and the Inspiration I get from how they entertain! Blackberry Farm is just simply Beautiful! Not to mention they have the most amazing Farm/Spa vacation packages too, I won't be getting there any time soon, lol, but a girl can dream! Look at this dreamy blueberry tart below, yummy!

Just to get Inspired I ordered this wonderful book from the Joy of Cooking. Again, Even if you're new to the idea of Canning, or if it's something you do every year, you will love this book! I'm so excited to get my copy, it is normally over and around $100+ , but I found it on Amazon for a quarter of that!
On to a few more projects and goodies :) ...I know you all are like me, and just adore Country Living magazine! Well, I keep almost every copy I get, and once in awhile, I take them out by the stack and glance through them all over again. Some of the issues are so beautiful that I wish I could frame all the images and decorate a wall with them. While I like that idea, lol, I would have no wall space left then :) So I took a few of my favorite issues this weekend and created Wall Signs using just my Favorites, then distressed the edges, added a bit of glass glitter and made a few pieces of wall art. Now I can see my favorite issues on my Kitchen wall every day! You gotta love decoupage, what another great way to "preserve" :)

~ The one I made this weekend came from the April issue of Country Living, a favorite for sure! ~

~ another view ~

~ Just a little bit of glitter too ~ hehe

Ok , so I'm sure place mats can be elegant and fancy or made from 100 year old hand made lace, and even beautiful silk from the Orient. BUT they can be fun too! I just got these from my sweet friend Bekah! As most of you know, I adore farm images. I have my coveted rooster collection, cream ware, and a few cows here and there too. But these take the cake . I smile when I see them :) Lol, My teenagers tell me I've gone a bit too far, but a little extra kitchen art is fun now and then !

~ A little more kitchen Cow ~
( the little cow on the shelf below is actually about 60 years old, it was a gift from Mom )

I have been so busy this month, that I barely had any time to re-stock my Pantry shelves ( as I call them, lol ) in my little shop, but I have a few things left before I bring in some new items. This Sign below is perfect for that Cottage Kitchen, so head on over to the Cottage Shop if you'd like a little gift for Mom or yourself! Wow, I can't believe Mothers Day is this weekend! How time flies!

I also came upon a another site I wanted to share with you, it's really a treat for all you Farm Chic loving collectors , I am in love with the clock below ( lemonade ) and just adore these bottles too!

They have such wonderful things and I know you'll love a peek too!
~ Farmhouse Wares ~

Well, its back outside for me now, The house just got finished being painted a Cottage Grey with Country White shutters, so my next chore is to find some fabulous Window Boxes! ( Pics to come soon! )I've found a few nice boxes so far, but if anyone has a great link for some, I'd love the tip!

Besides my Window Boxes and some other projects, I'm determined to create a more softer , elegant, but yet Country Cozy patio too! So getting some flowing curtains and a few decorative accessories to make "girls night on the patio" cozier, is another fun chore ahead! I was so inspired by the photo below, so we'll see how close I can come to it :)

I have a few windows that the picture above doesn't have, so while I'm doing window boxes for the front of the house, I think these below would look great on the back of the house. I'm also looking into the wrought iron ones , so I haven't decided yet :) But what a pretty Spring grouping of flowers!

I hope you all are having fun getting your homes ready for this pretty season too! I can't wait to see what you've all been up to! I'm heading off for some more blog surfing later today, because before I know it, the Sun will be shinning again and calling my name :)

I hope you all are having a wonderful week! Thanks so much for stopping by!

~ Enjoy your Sunshine and Blessings ~

Big Hugs!!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Hi Cynthia,
    So many projects you have been up to. I absolutely love houses with flower boxes. I can't wait to see what you finally pick out. I too keep copies of Country Living. Such beautiful images. I love Cottage Living also but I think they went under? Have a great day and let's keep hoping for the sun to come out!

  2. Morning Cynthia! Oh I guess its noon!lol I was thinking of you in Joanne Fabs & Crafts this weekend! You should check out the cute vintage fruit hangers and plates they have in! I couldn't decide between the cow signs I picked up (love them) or the fruit! They have a lot of outdoor decor I think shoud be inside! I'm going back so I can mix it up! They would all be perfect in your kitchen! I too am fixing up my front porch as a country retreat for me! As usual the sign is adorable and creative use for all those mag clippings we love to keep!lol Was happy for my day off I got to view a Cynthia post! Have a fantastic week and hope we all dry out soon so I can get into the yard!! R u going to show us your new paint job??? Mine is grey with dk grey shutters but I wish they were white! I'm thinking of painting my front door pink?! Sorry I'm babbling! Take care dear, Jeannette

  3. So many beautiful projects and ideas:>) I love the clocks too and farm animals of all sorts in the kitchen. I always love seeing glimpses of how you put things together!

  4. I just posted a Blackberry cake recipe you will probably really like!
    I love canning and love to learn all I can about it - I am going to have to check out that Joy of Cooking Canning book! And I can't wait to check out Canning Pantry - thank you so much for telling us about that!

    GOT to get a couple of those milk bottles!

  5. What a fun and lovely post!
    Your photos are all beautiful as usual. I love your new decopauge..It's so fun doing that!!

  6. Boy, you sure got me in the Spring mood! What a cute picnic basket! Wouldn't that make an adorable wedding present? Let's see...Who do I know that's getting married?

  7. I love the pages you decoupaged! And your signs are wonderful! You are so creative and smart!

  8. I, too, love window boxes and that picture of the patio you posted.....wow! I'm trying to fix mine up also but it's kind of slow going as we keep getting rain!

    God bless,
    A Southern Sanctuary

  9. Thank you Cynthia for sharing the wonderful kitchen decopage sign. i loved it and will be trying my hand at making one. Thanks for the inspiration! Mona

  10. Hi Cynthia....so good to see you posting again. I have missed you!

    Your post is lovely....so full of cheer and I just adore Country Living also.

    Have a joy filled and blessed week!


  11. I am in love with all things farmy.. is that a teatowel with the cow on it with countryside fresh milk??? if so where can I purchase on please please!!!

  12. Hi! Everything looks so pretty, and cozy. I loved seeing the cafe au lait bowl with the cherries too.:) glad they are happily living in your home.
    xo Lidy

  13. Hi Cyn
    I sure missed ya! I cant wait to see what you do with your porch, I know its going to be beautiful, I love the window boxes. Ill head over and check out some of those cute sites(;

  14. Such a lovely inspirational spring post Cynthia! I love that basket and the milk bottle is so cute, I want one of those! I think your idea for creating signs with magazine pictures is wonderful! I did that with a tray and I just love it and use it every day :) I cant wait to see what you do with your porch and your home sounds lovely! Enjoy being outside :)

  15. Awesome post Cynthia! But, so full of wonderful things I don't know where to begin. I love the idea of decoupaging fave magazines for wall art. Just ordered my first decoupage books as I've never done any before. I plan to do some decoupage signs and projects for our shop. I adore canning. I no longer have a garden, but used to can each year when my children were younger. You gave some really awesome links in this post. I especially enjoyed the Farmhouse Wares, and the window boxes. Big Hugs! ♥

  16. Hi Cynthia, Thank you so much for blogging about Farmhouse Wares. I'm glad you did, because I LOVE your blog, and I can't wait to read more. I'll be sure to let my blog readers know about you too. Thanks again!

  17. I have a terrible time parting with my old Country Living magazines, too...but, unlike you, I've never made anything gorgeous from them like you have!
    (LOVED this whole post, as usual!)

  18. love all your new photos!! beautiful! just stopping by to say hi! love the picnic basket and berry tart!! OMG!! miss you! xo

  19. What an adorable blog!! I found you through Farmhouse Musing's blog. I will definitely be back:)

  20. Hi Cynthia, I am lovin' the direction you are going. Such loveliness for spring...looking forward to what you do outdoors. I too would love something, country, farm chic (I actually have the chickens to listen to outdoors) something soothing...where you can close your eyes, listen, and relax!
    I'm thinking less clutter, more flowers, and farmer hubby walking toward me with two ice teas in his hand...and a twinkle in his eye! hahahah

  21. Where oh where did you get those adorable red and white bowls? Please tell! I love your Country Idea vignette. You are so absolutely and totally creative! I don't know how you come up with all this stuff. But you are amazing. You should let them know about your "tribute" to their magazine, which I too subscribe to and love! (Oh, and I'm having a great giveaway!)

  22. I just returned from being out of town for a while, and I eagerly looked forward to visiting your blog again. You did not disappoint me. Another very lovely posting! My favorite...the new "good life" wall art...it is beautiful! This blog is relaxing, colorful, creative, and better, much better than my magazines. Hope you have a great week.

  23. OOOOOOHHH! I can't wait to see your house. I bet it is totally storybook!

    I'm going to check out the Farmhouse Wares site that you mentioned. FUN STUFF Gurlie!


  24. What a wonderful use for those beautiful issues of CL magazine...I would have never thought of that! I just discovered your blog - how lovely! Going to add it to my bloglist now! Looking forward to poking around here and discovering more of your fun projects :)

  25. Hi Cynthia! Great post - so many pretty things to learn about once again - thank you! I have a friend who inspired me to grow my own blueberry bush - she just picks a fresh handful for breakfast each day - isn't that great? Have a great week:) Janet

  26. Your blog is looking very springy. I'm so ready for spring! I just ordered 3 window boxes from http://www.cilibertoswoodworking.com/ Tina, at Cherry Hill cottage bought some and posted about them. So I went on over and got some too. Happy Spring to you. Mimi

  27. hello sweet cynthia!

    i was away on a sisters-weekend (aka shopping trip) and am catching up on blogging this morning. may has been so rainy!

    your ideas for your home sound amazing. i am so looking forward to pics, especially the patio! ooh la la! i did see some iron windowboxes in a store in NJ. you might have fun looking at their website:

    what will you be canning? mmm!

    that is a great issue of country living!


  28. I need to decoupage a sign like the one you made. I have tons of magazines and like to keep inspirational pictures so I'd have a hard time just picking a few pics to use! That patio pic is just gorgeous!

  29. This is such a pretty post....I love window boxes. I'm actually looking a flower boxes to hang over the patio bannister. Your box is just beautiful!

  30. Um, stumble upon your blog somehow and I really like it. Love all the kitcheny goodness!! I just made strawberry jam today and had to share since you spoke of canning.

  31. Hello Cynthia dear! Loving your post as always and you have been one busy girl! Can't wait to see the patio!

    Love ya!

  32. Good morning Cynthia :)

    What a wonderful post! It made me actually look forward to the hot days of summer ;)

    The decopage turned out really cute! Fantastic idea. I can't wait to see your porch when it's finished.

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!


  33. Hi Cynthia!

    It's always so much fun reading your posts. I love that you make us wait in anticipation and then POW! A nice long post full of goodies that I wish would never end. Lol! Love your new sign! The glitter is so adorable on it! Oh and I SO love the cow placemats even if you are crazy! :)

    Have a WONDERFUL weekend. One day I would love to see what kind of house you live in...maybe I missed it? Is it a bungalow, farmhouse, cottage? :)

    Lots of hugs!

    Michelle :)

  34. Cynthia
    What wonderful pictures today! Love all your ideas! I am so craving to redo my kitchen, more vintage, white and 40's! Have a wonderful Mothers day dearie! Lori

  35. Hi Cythia,
    Do you still remember your biggest fan in Turkey? Well, I was very very busy over the last month..., although my heart was always with you and with other beautiful ladies in bloggerland, I sometimes couldn't sit in front of my computer...It is 8.30 in the morning, I woke up very early and I have been reading all your lovely posts that I have missed...You are always touching our hearts with your posts, you have a special talent on writing your words very simple and full of love, one of the reasons that I love blogging is you...Have a very happy weekend...

  36. Hi Sweetie, it's me Jannet. I am slowly getting back on line LOL. Just had to stop by your beautiful Blog and say 'HI' miss ya!! Gosh I love your new sings, so creative and whimsy ; ) Your cow place mat is 2die4. You know I love and collect cows too. Ooh, can't wait to see the outside of your house, bet it is gorgeous! Ok sweetie, hope to talk to you soon, have a wonderful weekend. Xoxo, Jannet

  37. What beautiful projects!!! Thanks for the new links..I can't wait to check them out.

  38. Hi Cynthia!
    The house colors sound great, can't wait to see pics! I'm the same way with my magazines. I have to save them all and look through them over and over. My favorite ones are starting to show the wear of me flipping through them time and time again. The best thing is that when I go through them I find something else to be inspired by. It depends on my mood and what project we are doing at the time. I can always find something "new" in my back issues.
    Have a fabulous mother's day!

  39. Hi Cyn! Love this post! So inspiring as always! I love how you find such unique things! Those clocks are way too adorable! And I just now ordered the Canning Cookbook! Thanks for sharing! I canned plum jam last summer and want to try some new things too this time. Those cow placemats are so darling too! Your home is so homey! It is said that how we express ourselves in our home is a reflection of our heart...well honey you have one gorgeous heart!!
    I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day today! Be blessed!
    Lot's of hugs!

  40. So inspiring!!!!!!
    Happy Mothers Day , may your day be filled with love and joy.

  41. I just love country living myself. I want to move into each and every home featured, lol

    Have a great Mother's Day!

  42. Cynthia,
    I posted something today which I know you would enjoy - www.xanga.com/thehousethatlovebuilt
    posting for Sunday, May 10th.
    Cheryl B.

  43. What a great post! I LOVE the collage.......perfect, just perfect.


  44. Cynthia,
    I love the decoupage sign that you made. I think I will have to be a copy cat and make me one too. I might even make a serving tray. Your home is so beautiful and I can't wait to see the outside of it. I bet it is beautiful as well.
    Lee Laurie


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia