Tuesday, May 12, 2009

~ The Suburban Cottage ~

Thank you all so much for your sweet comments and ideas on my last post!
I was having a window box dilemma, lol. I guess that's a good dilemma to have in the scheme of life though, so I didn't worry too much that I'd find something to work on my windows :) I couldn't decide between Iron and wood :) And above all else, I also couldn't think about buying the custom ones or even ready made ones at that hefty $100 ( each ) price tag either. Soooooo, lol, what do you do when you can't find something? Design them yourself... How hard can it be to make a box?? lol, well, that's how every idea starts, then there's reality :) After a few cus
words and many revisions, I came up with a look. And now they are done, yippee! and for two of them, the total was $22.00, not bad! You'll have to excuse the small foliage in them for now, that is something only God will control, the flowers are small, but I'm excited to see the annuals I selected at least double or triple in size soon! As you can see below, I went with Wood :) I didn't think I should attempt "Iron forging" last weekend , that seemed out of my realm of capabilities, lol...

Yes, it was just a box, but then the small moldings and a bit of lattice helped customize them further, what do you think? Not bad, huh?
I've been asked more than a few times, what kind of house do I live in? Well, it's not a Cottage in the woods, nor a Farm House, nor a Mansion, it's just an average Suburban split level home on a pretty street filled with kids, nice neighbors and good friends. I think what you do with your abode is what gives it character, after all, they are all just boxes too, and with them, we add moldings, plantings, secret little spots of pretty, pathways, gardens and dress them up to suit our style and desires. So they start out pretty much like the window boxes, ready to be finished and loved. To grow into something more. Hopefully like my flower boxes will too, lol. If you click on the photo below and make it bigger, you can see my 2 dogs, Sierra at the Door, and up in the window is Holly, lol.... Watching Melanie get on the school bus and Mom taking pictures :)

Here's a little picture tour of my Cottage, gardens and all...you can click on the pics to make them bigger if you like! Some are from last year , as you can see the blooms are" late summer", lol... But the one above was from this week. I'd like the next project to be adding Slate to the steps above, I already have it picked out, I think it will make the steps look so much better.

The mosaic below shows one of my favorite spots besides my upper deck ( the one with the 2 Adirondack chairs and fire pit ). It's one of those little nooks in my backyard that if that fireplace could talk, it would write a book. lol. It's a favorite spot for Girl Chat , and it's also seen many S'mores fall into it too :)

I hope you all enjoyed a few pics of Home for me, before you leave, grab some appetizers and a glass of ice tea too! ( they are almost all gone, so hurry, lol )That's my favorite thing to do in my Yard, entertain and mingle with family and friends, that's what really makes a house a Home, or lol, .....a Cottage....whatever your fancy :)

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day last weekend!.... and Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings for a wonderful week ahead and a gorgeous weekend too!

Love and Appreciation,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Love the window boxes. I have been asking my husband for the last couple of years if he would make me some and I think he is going to do it this year. I too want wood. Thanks for the little tour.


  2. Oh! The window box turned out wonderful! I love the lattice on it!

    You have such a lovely, welcoming home. Every little glimpse you show us is prettier than the last.

    Have a great day Cynthia!

  3. I am so glad to see your "Cottage" is a suburban split entry because that is exactly what I live in. I used to lament the fact that I did not live in a cute cottage but we got fixing this house up and I love it so. Two year ago we put a 2 car garage addition on with a great room above and we really love that. I love reading your blog.

  4. The outside of your house is as charming as the inside! You did such a great job on your window boxes. Love it all!

  5. You have a beautiful cottage home! Thanks for the tour! And I love the window boxes!

  6. You did a great job on the window boxes. I always think those boxes make any home so sweet and comfy looking! Your home looks lovely...a mansion to you I am sure!!

  7. Cynthia, you did this by yourself? With saws and nails? The nails part easy! Did you use POWER TOOLS? If so....you go, girl! They scare me half to death!

    Your cottage is simply adorable and your garden looks like the most inviting place to sit and read or dream. Our little house is small too...a 70s ranch...just perfect for 2. It was a "blank slate" when we moved in - ready for us to play with to suit ourselves 14 years ago. Of course...is it ever finished? No! And isn't that the fun!

    Thank you for the peek at your surroundings.


  8. I have just found your blog and love all the gorgeous decorating ideas.

    I am trying to incorporate a "cottage" look to my house. I have to work around little ones and decorate from my waist up...(they would get into anything at their level) ha!

  9. Hi Cynthia,

    I love what you did with your window boxes...the lattice was such a cute touch! I have a large window box in the front of my house that needs a little sprucing and the lattice idea is great! Your "cottage" is very cute!

  10. Your home is beautiful Cynthia! I think it is perfect just the way it is. I would love to have window boxes!! But my home is a cottage with a long covered porch across the front and it wouldnt look right, the windows are too big :( But yours is gorgeous and I love your yard!!


  11. The window boxes are perfect! I like the attention to detail you have with all of your projects. It's those finishing touches that really make things your own.


  12. Your home is so pretty and comfy inside and outside Cyn ~ it's always a delight to stop by and see your pretty creations : )
    Hugs ~ Benita

  13. Cynthia,
    I love your cottage home. It is so pretty. I love your flower boxes too. I want some now! The detail that you put into everything that you do is what makes it all so beautiful.
    Lee Laurie

    Oh,and your little doggies are precious too.

  14. I love the window boxes. The colors of the flowers will really pop against your house! And I enjoyed the tour of your yards. They look like wonderful places to play and relax and enjoy summer!!

    Have a wonderful week Cynthia!


  15. Your window box planter turned out wonderful! What a great job!! Thanks for sharing pictures of your home and gardens; they are lovely!

    Enjoy your day,

  16. I think your window boxes are beautiful! The lattice detail is just right and they are one of a kind. Your home is lovely and you are so right, they all start out as boxes and the best part is making them reflect what matters to us:>)

  17. Hi just stopping by for the first time. I really like your window boxes and you have a beautiful cottage place!! Love you Blog! Blessings, Sharon

  18. Hi Cynthia! Love Love Love them! The little trellis work just makes them perfect! I really miss my window boxes I had on my house in Mass. These are going to look sooo pretty when they overflow!!! Heads up on the slate!!! We had stone steps and capped them off with thick slabs of blue stone done by a prof. mason! Wish he told me how slippery (even tho pretty) they get very very slippery in winter! black ice forms and you can't really see it!! Maybe slate with the ridges won't be as bad but thought I'd save you bruising your tushy like I did!!! We had them done in summer and wasn't thinking snow!!lol Love your gardens and the privacy!!! I've been in the yard all day working so now I'm blogging!!lol Take care dear - Jeannette

  19. Hi Cynthia, what a charming and sweet home you have!! I love your windowboxes.....just the cutest.

    Your home is much like you....just oooozing with personality. You are one of the sweetest people I have met in Blogland.

    Blessings to you this day.

    Hugs, Barb

  20. Cynthia,

    I've been looking forward to your post..I love your blog...and the window boxes are precious..I love the lattice trim you added. Great value too...I know window boxes can get really pricey...Your are beautiful and look like they cost alot more than $22.00! Great post! Miss Bloomers

  21. HI Cynthia, I love it when you post. I so enjoy the pictures and themes you show. Love those window boxes, I adore window boxes overflowing with flowers that are in full bloom. Hope you are having a lovely week!

  22. I always enjoy when people share photos of their home, especially when they have a creative, artistic, and down home way of decorating...like you! One can't help but want to come in and sit for a while. I like the window boxes. I am always drawn to them. Thank you for sharing another fascinating post, and also, thank you for the kind, genuine and caring spirit you add to the blog world.

  23. hi! the shadow boxes look wonderful! i talked my hubby-to-be into installing some for me this year:) i can't wait to plant in them!

    i really love your blog:)


  24. Beautiful pictures...you have such a wonderful cottage home. Love the window boxes and shutters!

  25. I love it! I love it alllll!


  26. Your window boxes turned out beautifully! I love the addition of the lattice - it really gives them a nice cottagey feel! I like your attitude. I live in a suburban split foyer in an older neighborhood (we have lots of split levels) and I totally agree that it's what you do with your house that gives it character!


  27. Cynthia, your window boxes are exactly what you needed. They are cottagey perfect just like the inside of your home. I totally agree with you that what we do with our home is what matters. :)

  28. hi cynthia,

    way to go on your inspired window boxes! the lattice is genius! i would love window boxes. i haven't quite brought my "mojo" outside yet but it's brewing! (did that make any sense?)

    your home is lovely in and out and out and in. thanks for all the lovely pics.

    i hope you have a wonderful mother's day!

    we had s'mores by our fire pit last night. yum!!!

  29. Hi Cynthia,

    Love your window boxesw, and the lattice looks so pretty. thanks for sharing pretty pics of your homw.

  30. Hi Cynthia
    You did a great job on the window boxes! Thanks for showing us some photos of your home too.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  31. Great job with those window boxes!! Your cottage is beautiful!

  32. Your window boxes are so adorable. Love the details you added to them too.

  33. You think of the most clever things to try! Yes, a home is what we make of all the little spots and places to perch. Doesn't matter what kind of house we have. It's the "making it home" that matters.

  34. Cynthia,
    Your home is wonderful, the cottage design comes from within. I sell homes for a living and am always amazed at how each person brings themselves into the home. When I watch them move from one home to another the same style shows there. The house is but a shell, the family makes it home!
    Your personal style shows!!

  35. Cynthia, what a great design for a window box. The lattice really made it special! Your house is just sweet as can be. We all love the inside.... and now the outside! Thank your so much for sharing!

    Another great post!

  36. Awesome Window Boxes! I would love to see more photos of your home as I think our homes are quite similar.

  37. Cynthia, what a cute window box! You have such a lovely blog, I have given you a Bella award! Please stop by and check it out!

  38. Window boxes are add so much to a home! Love your collages, too! I enjoy making photo collages!

  39. Your home is so sweet! You did a great job on the window boxes. They are just perfection.


  40. Cynthia I love the shadow boxes. They are so sweet and quaint and thank you for showing more of your house! I so love every detail, like the ships on the stairs (as I looked at your adorable sweet fur babies looking out the windows). I completely believe what makes a home is family..and how you see it and make it your own. Every detail is so enchanting. Thank you so much for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!


  41. Beautiful gardens ! !

    Come on over to my blog for a huge Give Away !!

  42. Hi Cyn,
    You did a beautiful job with the window boxes, very pretty!! I'm sorry it took me so long to get over here my comp crashed and I just got it back today, thanks so much for your sweet comments on my COTM!

  43. I absolutely love your home! You do everything so well. I adore your window boxes.

  44. Hi Sweetie! No matter what you call it, your house and garden looks gorgeous. Gosh I love those window boxes, turned out so beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do next ; ) awww, the dogs are too cute!!
    xoxo, Jannet

  45. I just love window boxes and yours look awesome!

  46. Well I just love those windowboxes, Cynthia! I'm also in a "split level" cottage but my bedroom windows are so high above ground level that I don't know how I'd ever be able to water anything. So as a compromise (because I just had to have some windowboxes), I hung old windows and flowerboxes on our stockade fence for some cottage charm! I'm definitely going to have to rethink windowboxes on the house after seeing yours! They're fantastic!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage (split level)

  47. Lovely tour of your home! It looks very welcoming and peaceful ~ and the window boxes are perfect. Before you know it those petunias will be much bigger!

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  48. Cynthia, your boxes turned out soooo cute! Like Penney said, each turn of your home is fabulous. It is very evident that you take great pride in your adorable home.

    Have a lovely day,

  49. Love all the photos of the outside of your home. Love those window boxes...with the added detail!

  50. OK, I am on my way to Home Goods for dish towels, I have been inspired. lol

  51. Love your window boxes!!
    I need to make some too. Did you use cedar?
    I hear it holds up best, but does sooo absorb the paint!

    any tips for us beginners??

    Barbara Jean


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia