Tuesday, June 16, 2009

~ New Pretties ~

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful week! It's been another busy one here at the Cottage :) First off, I finally finished transferring my old web page into a new blog, I'd love if you all gave it a peek and let me know what you think. I tried to keep it simple and bare with me because the items that were in the shop portion still have to be stocked again. But I'll get there soon :) Feel free to add the button above to your side bar so you can check in for new sales and items coming soon! Thank you all for your support and comments on the little change I made!

Now on to another note, I received another goody box from Mom again, wow, she really must have an over-stocked basement, because this time I really made out on her desire to "clean out and downsize", lol. I have adored this china since I was a little girl and she always promised me I could have it, well, lol, it's 40 plus years later and I finally can say I have my Royal Albert China :) Thank you Mom, you're slow, but your the bestest!
Along with my china , came so many mementos she thought I'd love too. And she was right. I'm saving some for another post, but along with their wedding picture ( above ) she also dropped in everything she had saved from her honeymoon 57 years ago. If you click on the picture above you can see the American Express Bill for their honeymoon in Bermuda ! Back then, that was a lot of money, but I couldn't help but giggle at the total, I couldn't find many places to go on that price anymore if I tried :)

~ My love for all things elegant and cottagey really makes this china a welcome addition to my collections ~

Now I just need her to send me up all the dinner plates and silverware she had that went with it, and I'll be a very happy girl :) Hint Hint Mom, I would love another box soon! :)

I don't even think they make china with this much 14kt gold trim anymore, so I'll be sure to keep it out of the dishwasher!
Even though this china has such an elegant look to it, I can't help but use the delivery of it as a chance to line my kitchen hutch with it and play again re-doing the shelves. Ok the hints are getting relentless Mom, so here's one more. I really want to take a wide shot photo of the kitchen hutch with all the rest of the serving for 12, it would fill my entire hutch and look so pretty! Don't you girls agree? if so, tell my Mom in a comment that she simply has to part with all the rest soon! The china will be much happier here , out of the box from the Georgia basement, and it will come to life again in my Cottage Royal Albert home...lol

Oh I hope she got the hint! :)

Wishing you all have a beautiful pink and fuchsia day! Or at least that's what I'm calling my day :)

Stop by the new site when you get a minute, I hope you enjoy the visit! and now it's time to visit all of you without a "to-do list" in front of me for the first time in 2 weeks :)

Happy Day and Hugs,

~ Cynthia ~


Rue said...

Hi Cynthia :)

I love the new shop! You've done a beautiful job with it :)

I love your inherited china too! and to your mom...

Dear Cynthia's mom,

You are so sweet to give a few pieces of that gorgeous china to your daughter and I know it's hard to pass those precious things on, but I think they must be lonely and the rest of the set should join the others on Cynthia's shelves.

Hugs to you for raising such a sweet and very talented daughter :)


Hope that helps Cynthia ;)


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Cynthia Mom this is for you....PLEASE send her the rest of this beautiful china...
Oh girl I would be doing my Happy dance to have received such a box of beautiful things like this china..I know they made it still but not as pretty as this is...May you have a great day my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Winchester Manor said...

Oh my so beautiful...come on mom, give it up!

I'm doing a giveaway of a French Limoges dresser set, I think it may be something you would like, stop by and enter. If you win you can trade with your mom!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

The China is absolutely stunning and would look beautiful gracing your kitchen hutch...HINT, HINT!!!

I'm on my way now to check out your new site.

Lisa said...

Love your new treasures! They are just great! You always make them look so nice together!
Hugs, Lisa

Nancy Rosalina said...

Oh Cynthia,

What a wonderful box of treasures to receive!!! What a wonderful Mom you have! I am going to check out the new website! I know it will be wonderful! Nancy

Anonymous said...

First off, I can't wait to go take a peek at your new store and I would love to add your button to my Blog!! Then, my gosh your parents are (no surprise) a good looking couple!! and from what you tell us, your mother is a lady with capital L!! I'm so in love with that china, and if the rest of it is just boxed up in a basement...hmm, I agree mom should send it over...lol so that we can all enjoy it here on your Blog...lol And then I want your mom!!!
Well, I think congrats are in order for your new site...I'm off to have a look see ; )
xoxo, Jannet

cherry said...

Gorgeous china..lucky duck!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I don't think us bloggers will have to do much convincing to your mom. It looks like she has a pretty good idea what you like and want....I am sure that other box will be coming in the mail shortly!
They are gorgeous by the way!

The sewing room said...

Great China soooooo pretty, and to your mom one half is lonely with out the other please send the other half to Cynthia and unite the whole set and then we will be able to see it all together,lovely photo by the way they make a handsome couple enjoy the rest of your week hugs Pat

Leslie said...

What a wonderful gift to treasure for always! I love the photo of your parents together with her china. I'm sure she'll give you the rest....you probably don't want her to ship it....breakage & postage & all.
Your new site looks wonderful & I'll check it out in more detail.

Unknown said...

Dear Cynthia's Mom,
Please send the rest of the family. They are so lonely and incomplete without each other. They should all be together at the special occasions in life, sitting around the table, on a buffet or displayed in a lovely hutch that Cynthia is going to go out and buy. ;)
After careful thought...I am sure you will agree keeping the family whole is best for everyone.

Love the china! I'm off to see your new site. :)

Lisa said...

You definitely need the rest of the china! Please Mom! Please!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How elegant! I know you will enjoy it...especially when you have more of it! heeheehee! I love this post and I know you love your Mom!

Feedsack Fantasy said...

We have that china in our antique shop ... Mother should give you all of it. This is one of my favorite sets that we have. Lucky you! TTFN ~Marydon

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

What a nice little collection you have going on - Mom is surely to give in.

A Southern Rose said...

Hi Cynthia,
Oh the china is beautiful. That was so sweet of her. I love roses and I love Royal Doulton and Royal Albert. That was also sweet of her to send you those momentos of her wedding and honeymoon. They would be so pretty incased in a glass shadowbox.

Dear Cynthia's mom,

Cynthia is so happy with the china that you sent to her. She will treasure it forever. Cynthia is such a sweetheart and we all love her. Could you please send her the other pieces so that she can put it all together in her hutch? We would love to see it all.

Lee Laurie

Domestic Designer said...

Your china is just beautiful! You are one lucky gal.

Sue said...

What a doll your Mama is!! I bet you will have the rest of the set before you know it!! Can't wait to see ALL of it in your cupboard!

Mimi Sue said...

You are so lucky to get that beautiful china. What makes it even better is that it's from your mom and has a history with your family. I'm sure she's packing the rest of it up right now and will get in the mail tomorrow. Mimi

Anonymous said...

Cynthia's Mom: Oh, dear Mom, Cythina loves you so much and would dearly love to have the rest of the loot, um, I mean china pieces! :)
She needs these things, we need her to have these things so we can see them!

Cynthia! How beautiful the china is and I'm so happy for you! I do hope Mom will send you the other pieces. I have a feeling she will!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Tracy said...

Cynthia the china is gorgeous! And Cynthia's mom...will you please send her the rest?
Oh our poor moms. I have been begging mine lately for stuff too (my mother in law too) LOL I'm not above begging. Haha!
Have a great one girl!

Lori said...

What wonderful roses! Yes, i do agree Mom should lavish the rest! Assure her of the fine meal you'll make and the beautiful table you'll set next time shes in town!! What a wonderful picture of the China, bill and lovely wedding shot! Lori

Shaam said...

Aw you lucky girl! That is so pretty! You'll get the rest soon I think your mom must know how much you want it lol. Lovely!

All the best,

Bluebell said...

What a lucky girl you are, the china is absoluely beautiful and sooo pink, if you read my blog you will know I am collecting Bone China Cups and Saucers and Tea plates for my daughter Kate's wedding she wants a real shabby chic look so vintage china will look great I have managed to find 57 cups and saucers and she has 27 we have plates as well, I cannot wait to see her table layout with all this beautiful china and jugs of roses, all this waffle is to tell you that I found 3 cups and saucers just like yours. I hpe your Mom gets the hint.

Laura said...

Wow!!! That china is beautiful! What a lucky girl you are. :)
I'm so jealous.

Anonymous said...

What breath-taking china!! You are right about the gold trim. Not to sound like an oldster but "Yep, they sure don't make em' like they used to!" (I always wanted to say that!!) LOL!!
Take care & enjoy your new finds!

Anonymous said...

To Cynthia's Mom~
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese send the rest of the china. She needs it. Bad.

Cynthia, you are a lucky girl to have that gorgeous china. And a funny girl, too! You made me laugh.


Elyse said...

hi cynthia!

your new cottage design blog is perfecto! light and airy, pretty, and full of inspiration! lovely job!

what a wonderful care package from your mom. i am thinking you resemble your dad. how sweet that your mother saved that all of these years.

i can't help but wonder if your mom is hoping you'll come for a visit soon. hmmmm? georgia on the mind?


i will add your cool new badge to my blog!

Kathleen Grace said...

What beautiful china, your mother is so sweet to pass it along to you. It's always best to enjoy things rather than to have them packed away in boxes:>) I love the wedding photo of your parents, they are such a handsome couple and the wedding dresses from that time are so sweet and innocent and romantic. Wish I could go away for that amount of money now! Your new website looks great!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet and generous mom you have to share such lovely dishes with you. I am sure it gives her great pleasure to know that her precious china will be treasured in your lovely cottage home. Mom - I have an idea for you - deliver the china yourself and enjoy a pretty tea party with your sweet and thankful daughter! Lovely post about a sweet mother.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Gorgeous dishes! Mom, she needs the rest.

Fifi Flowers said...

VERY pretty things!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Cynthia's MOM! Cynthia has been such a good girl this past year giving all of us beautiful posts through her pictures and words!!! Could you please send her another goodies box so she'll have more to post about!!! We would all very much appreciate it! Thank You! Sincerely, Jeannette (How's that Cynthia!!!!lol) Have a fantastic weekend - gorgeous gorgeous; can't wait to see that hutch filled!lol

Reneé DeLano said...

I love your new China! Gorgeous! The new website is great! I love your new website & the all the services you offer! Amazing!! Call you soon!! xo Renee

Reneé's Reproductions said...

The new website is awesome!! What a great way to display your services and purchase right online. Great idea!! Love it!! I need to hire you for a design dilemma that i have. I will probably start Fall this year or Spring next year. I will call you soon! take care, Renee xo

Michelle said...

Hi Cynthia!

Another lovely post as usuual! I love, love, love your new site!! The China you finally got from your mom is so beautiful. Love the print. Hey, I had no idea you rode English for that long let alone had horses. Do you ever miss 'em? :) I may have to ask you a question here and there. I'm already sore today. Go figure. Lol!

Have a great weekend!

Lots of hugs,


Elyse said...

hello my friend!

i have tagged you. come to my blog to see what to do!



Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

What gorgeous china!! I love that pattern! Sometimes ...there is something a little sad about letting our "things" go. We know they are just material things but when we get older...letting them go is like letting go of a bit of life. At least for me. I am beginning to let go...it's hard. Moving on...yes..but moving on to what? Gathering familiar things close to us...is comforting. Letting them go little by little is sort of letting go of life.
My daughter is like you...she thinks I am slow to let go of things I no longer use. I wish she could understand...my china was a gift from her father...she wants it...she can have it...but not now...not yet..just a bit longer..please.

Susan (Between Naps On The Porch.net) said...

Cynthia...what beautiful china and I just love the mementos your Mom sent along with it! Your Mom and Dad are soooo lovely in their wedding pic! I'm not sure you could rent a room for one night in Bermuda now for the total of the Amex bill! LOL
Dear Cynthia's Mom,
Please send the rest of the china as soon as you can...because Cynthia's has big plans for a tablescape for Tablescape Thursday! :-)

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

What beautiful china! You must be so happy that it was passed along. Enjoy!

WonderousWomanRetreat said...

Dear Cynthia,

Consider joining us for our Wonderous Woman Retreat if:

* You are overwhelmed and exhausted with day-to-day pressures in all the roles you play
* You wish you could find harmony among the demands of your career, family, relationships, and financial freedom
* You have dreams but have put them on the back burner because there is no time or money to invest in them
* You want to know your purpose and live life abundantly
* You would love to experience some quiet time just for you
* You love to be pampered and treated like royalty

If any or this resonates with you, join us at the beautiful Fairmont Scottsdale Spa Resort on August 13-15
for our Wonderous Woman retreat.

It’s easy to take care of everyone else in our lives,
but we tend to forget about ourselves.

Anonymous said...


We have just added your latest post "I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful week!" to our Directory of Honeymoon Travels and Locations. You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory for getting a huge base of visitors to your website and gaining a valuable backlink to your site.

Warm Regards

honeymun.com Team


Karen said...


I have ONE dinner plate from this pattern. It was my Grandmothers.
You lucky duck for getting the ENTIRE set. OH MY!

I've always loved this plate. It stands on a shelf in one of my dining room room hutches.


Nope, don't think I'd be putting that through the dishwasher any time soon. LOL

Thanks for sharing! Hey if you ever get sick of looking at them, I'll be more than happy to take them off your hands for you. :) (hehehe)

Have a great day! Karen

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

How sweet of your mother to share with you, you lucky girl!! Royal Albert china is soooo beautiful!

Angelic Accents

Mahek said...

I was a pleasure to discover your blog , after reading it i feel i am so much like you , but we cannot get so many things that you get at the shops.
your blog is a real heart warming experience for me so keep up the good work
can you help me?
how do you customize your template i.e how did you get the header that you have? and also the border.