Monday, March 28, 2011

Summer Rose ~ My Miniature Home

Hello sweet friends! I've been busy as a bee .... 2 weeks ago I got a package in the mail and it was quite an undertaking! It's my 3rd and most favorite miniature house.... I named her "Summer Rose".... I designed and built it from a kit. The miniature house is called the Orchid by Greenleaf dollhouses. And I'd like to introduce you by giving you a tour of what the last 2 weeks have been and her almost finished look. I have to say, I normally use Real Good Toys dollhouses as they are very sturdy and easier to put together, but I loved the look of this one and was looking for a Shabby Chic feel, so all the pieces and trim work seemed to fit for the look I was going for, so I dove in...

Before I continue, I want to tell you a little bit about my inspiration for my little home away from home....

In my mind, this cottage is most likely sitting on a beautiful piece of property on the Island of Nantucket or Martha's Vineyard. She is a few miles walk to the beach, but yet not of a nautical style. Rather, a cozy, simple , shabby chic vintage look. She provides weekends away with best girlfriends and romantic vacations for me and my sweetheart :) She's tiny, but all our needs are met here. That's the simple version of what "Summer Rose" means to me. The name came to mind because Summer is my favorite season and Roses are my favorite flowers. Pretty simple :)

There are lots of pictures on this post , so the rest of the story of Summer Rose and what she means to me are scattered throughout the photos....

Welcome, come on in!

Of course we start in the Kitchen, always my favorite room of any house...This is what you see when you walk in the front door....

The kitchen is a mix of refurbished antiques and vintage pieces..... The sun streams through the windows all day long and the blends of creams, whites and soft pinks look feminine and romantic throughout the day. A seat by the window is the perfect place for morning tea.

Tiny details take this very simple cottage look to a pretty level.... And of course, Roses are abundant... even on picture frames :)

Vintage sinks have always been a favorite of mine and this one was a must for my Cottage...

Summer Rose is also a place where I can cook and bake up a storm, so sweets and yummys are always ready to be savored :)

I adore using colors of every kind , but mostly the colors of Spring and Summer make me the happiest... so anywhere I can add pops of color, I did :)

Vintage accessories and cleaning products from days gone by are simple and still effective for cleaning any cottage :) And I happen to love an oldfashioned label anyway :) For me, it gives a home a real sense of Charm...

This is the wall opposite the sink and hutch ...and where all the baking and cooking takes place :)

I lined the shelves of this wall shelf and the kitchen hutch with left over paper from the DR, it helps to bring in a bit of the roses here and also adds more charm to the kitchen too....

I hope you love this little kitchen as much as I did making it :)

Now lets go to the teeny tiny Dining room... It doesn't need to be large because we eat outside, a lot :) .... Clam Bakes, picnics, dining Al Fresco and all those beautiful summer evenings... But do come in, you never know, it might rain a night or two ....

For any of those unexpected cooler evenings, we have a fireplace.... it's so romantic and cozy to eat by a fire and perfect for those special dinners too!

Even a brunch is perfect here... the Dining room table is right by a big bay window that overlooks the garden filled with the seasons freshest produce and fruits...and the sun pours in through the lace curtains...

I still have a few pictures to hang in here, but I wanted to give you a peek...

I'm going to keep it all very simple though... I want the friends who visit to be the main attraction :) I hung one piece of art in the DR so far and it might just stay that way....I made this little wall plague for above the fireplace because I adore Susan Branch and her books are all throughout the Cottage :)

Now lets head up to the Bedroom and Bath.... This time the roses are in a pastel blue and give a soft backdrop for a relaxing retreat away from it all. I decided that since the house is tiny and the assumption is to entertain outside mostly , that the sitting room can be upstairs. A nice little spot to read in-front of the fire, or create a romantic back drop too :)

The bath is not all the way finished, but again here is a peek :) I have to make those wonderful handmade soaps and stock it full of girly necessities and pretties too :) With a bath that has such beautiful light pouring in, it needs to be "spa ready" :)

And of course, a bed by a window..... My favorite way to sleep....

White cotton sheets are folded and just in from the clothes line with that fresh beautiful scent ....

And that my friends, is about it :) Simple and Sweet , my 2 favorite words....

I still have work to do, but I'd stay here for a weekend without doing a thing except take a walk, garden, cook ,bake and entertain...and put my feet up on the porch without any worries about what those "still to do" things are :)

Here is photo of all the rooms as they are seen from the back of the house....

And if you walk along the outside of the house? You can peek through the window and say hi :) I'll greet you with a glass of iced tea or a glass of wine, depends on the time a day... but then again, it's vacation :)

Here are some photos of what "Summer Rose" looks like from the front ....She will be covered in roses after I buy the new trellis.... :)

Thank you so much for stopping in! Come by anytime!

I don't mean to douse you with a bit of reality, lol, but before I leave, I thought you might like to see where Summer Rose lives .... She might be little now , but if I dream big, she will come in real size too one day :)

Note: The front porch is not finished yet, but I've got some neat ideas floating around :)

Another dose of reality.... The miniature Cottage began as this .... well kind of.... it came in a flat 3" box and with a little stress lol, I put it together...

The last photo {below} was taken at night.... and of course, it was the perfect summer evening.....

mostly because she was finished..... :)

Thank you so much for coming along for my "little" tour!

For updates on Summer Rose and little changes here and there and new decorating details etc, I will always link up the new posts about the miniature cottage here:

Click here: Another post with updates on Summer Rose
For the latest, click here: Summer Rose May 2012

It's back to mini making for me and I'm so looking forward to it! I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead and are blessed abundantly!

Love, Cynthia xo


May said...

es preciosa, te felicito, me encanta, un beso

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm rushing through to tell you THANK YOU! I look forward to these feel like a girl again and peek inside the doll house! The kitchen sink has dishes in sweet! And I see a Susan Branch book! Now I will go back to the top and take my time! I have a cup of coffee ready...and time to enjoy! HUGS! ♥♥♥

M Carmen Casanova said...

Hola Cynthia, gracias por mostrarnos tu nueva casa. Es realmente preciosa, como tu dices simple y dulce. Invita a un verano tranquilo y limpio, donde puedas levantarte con esa luz y descalza ir a la cocina a tomar un té y algún cupcake que has horneado mientras disfrutas del exterior. Es tanromántico...

Deb said...

Oh my goodness, I'm just in love with your house. It is so amazing. I keep going back and forth through all the pictures. I've always wanted to make one and have a lot of kits for the furniture and have never attempted one. Now I can't stop looking at your wonderful pictures, so maybe it's time I try one of my own.

Inês Paiva Raposo said...

Parabéns Cynthia! Ficou linda! gosto mesmo muito! É uma fonte de inspiração! beijinho

TreeFeathers said...

Wow, that is really beautiful! I'm not generally a very "girly" sort, but I could totally live in that house! Really amazing job, congratulations. :)

- Grace

Kim ( potstickers and pancakes ) said...

Cynthia, your house is amazing! I want to move in! The details are fabulous! Love, love, love it! Blessings, Kim

Sewn With Grace said...

This is just the most amazing house I have ever seen! You are inspiring me to give it a try, but I really don't know if I can do it. I still have the dollhouse I had as a child and have it set up in my dining room. I know that you make most of your items, you are so very talented. How does one find items like the sink? I wish I could move into your beautiful home!

Janet said...

I LOVE your dollhouse SO much! All of the little details are simply amazing! Not only is everything so real looking, but done in the cottage style makes it breathtaking! I can't believe you did all this in only 2 weeks! Amazing job!

Lataina said...

Cynthia, this is such a sweet house. I love all the details. It feels so warn and inviting. Very, very charming! =)

kibbygirl said...

crazy beautiful!! I want to live there! :)

Anonymous said...

oooooooooooooooooooooo love it! love it! love it!! :D Linda x

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

How utterly charming this is! I love your "little tour." So, so, so charming. Are you taking summer renters? :)

NanaDiana said...

Cynthia-You are absolutely the most amazing miniaturist (is that a functioning word) that I have ever known! I can't believe the talent it takes to pull all that together-to have it look magazine worthy. It is adorable...beautiful...breathtaking!

I have to ask you though..when you are working on the rooms does it feel like you are actually there "in them", if that makes sense? I ask because I used to do character dolls and as I was making them I kind of "became" that doll and felt her when she was done she had a whole "history". I think maybe that is what happens when you create? Whatever it is-it is perfect!

Can I come visit you in your little rose cottage and we can rock on the porch and..and...and...I'll even bring the coffee! Starbucks, of course..or tea, if you prefer! xxooDiana

Heather said...

It is just beautiful. I'm so impressed by how fast you put it together. The details are great.

theromanticrose said...

Bellissimo!Vorrei diventare piccola,piccola e vivere dentro questa bellissima casa stile inglese,Un saluto,Rosetta

miniacollection said...

I love how you decorated your cottage. It's absolutely gorgeous.

BuyWoWAccounts said...

That's a cozy and relaxing mini-house! It's so fantastic to see all the items you have there. They look so real!

Buy WoW Accounts

Lisa said...

So adorable! I would move in there in a second!

Elyse said...

oh cynthia!

this is as sweet as sweet can be. the detail is impeccable and all of your wallpaper and fabric choices, flowers painted on chairs! that's it -- you need to build a reducto machine so that we can shrink down in size, go inside and play!



Julie said...

Hi Cynthia,
Just wanted to say your little cottage is wonderful and a real inspiration! Thank you for sharing it with us!

suz said...

What a charming little house. I love all the details you've put into it. My father-in-law made dollhouses - he would have loved this!

Patty said...

Cynthia, What a darling get away cottage!!! I love all of the details that you have managed to squeeze into every room!! It is really wonderful and will be fun to see what else you do to finish this off!!

newmexico009 said...

Cynthia, Summer Rose is just beautiful, warm & cozy.

You are so creative & imaginative, I love it all.

I would like to rent this fabulous cottage for the summer!

Have a wonderful week.

Big Hugs,

Biljana said...

Ahhhhhhh, Ohhhhhh, I love your Summer Rose home, absolutely beautiful:-)
Hugs, Biljana

Yayin said...

Preciosa!!!! me gusta mucho,tiene mucho encanto,romantica,acogedora,
dan ganas de vivir en ella.Felicidades has realizado un gran trabajo.
Besos - Rosa

Lacy said...

I asked my husband If I could put pink striped wall paper on my kitchen backsplash. He shut me down:(
But a girl can always dream.
Thanks for sharing. I would move right in in a hearbeat!

Trish said...

OMg this is so lovely, it's virtully impossible to tell it's mini and not real. Well done!

Beverly @ My Sew Sweet Studio said...

I love your sweet mini home, Summer Rose. It amazes me how you can make something so tiny look so real. I would love living there too. Cooking and baking there would be a dream. Love the sink.

Susan Freeman said...

Cynthia ~ OMG I love, love, love it!!! My dollhouse is still in the box and I probably will have to take a vacation to get it built. My Mom ordered the same kitchen sink for me for Valentine's Day, but it's still on backorder. I wish that we were neighbors so that we could play with our dollhouses all day.

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

rose cat cottage said...

Summer Rose is really a nice an gorgeous cottage... A dream for girls! And because I can not have it in real specially a pink kitchen:(((( Thanks a lot to have done it for us and to show your work. A question the 2 sinks in te bathroom is a dream or reality???? (normally meaning there is a man in the house:)))) LOL Doei, Claude

Sparky said...

Hello ' pleased Debbie sent off a link to your mini home...I have a dollhouse but no where near the delicate features yours has...just beautiful...absolutely does your home look like this too lol

Daisy Cottage said...

Absolutely precious! In every single way... adore every detail - you are amazing! Bravo!!!


Unknown said...

Simple, Sweet and DARLING! :)


Linda Johannessen said...

You have a very lovely house, love your miniatures, you are very talented.
Hugs Linda

Susanne said...

Looks like I have stumbled upon someone just like me, a dollhouse and miniature lover! I have a dollhouse waiting to be decorated. I have the stuff, just finding the time is the issue. I have really enjoyed the tour of your little dwelling and plan to come back again and again for a closer look. You have inspired me to get busy! Thank you :) P.S. Come see my dollhouse on my blog when you find a moment.

Shabbyprimdelights said...

I had to check several times that I was actually looking at a miniture and not a real house. Your decorating skills are amazing...and the attention to detail is unbelievable. Such a pretty cottage...I wanna live there lol

Kaisa said...

Oh how lovely, I like your style. You gave me wonderful inspiration.
Greetings from Finland by Kaisa

Dea Ateliê said...

hi, just amazing your home. I need inspiration and your blog is wonderful.
Came to visit my blog and follow me please, I will enjoy!

Lester Migues said...

The bedroom is a beautiful inspiration for a real house. Though there are other bigger things for inspiration, a dollhouse can also be used as a model for our dream home. If you are determined enough, you can start by creating miniature items for your future house.

winfil said...

que casa mas preciosa te ha quedado felicidades. pilar

Harry Seo said...

Thanks for taking this opportunity to discuss this, I feel fervently about this and I like learning about this subject.refrigerator repair

Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia - Can you make me in miniature so I can live at Summer Rose Cottage? : ) It is just so adorable! Actually, I wouldn't mind living at your real house either. I just love your style and colors - sooo pretty!

Meadowsweet Cottage said...

Fairly speechless. Summer Rose is artistic perfection from top to bottom!

Hilsu said...

Oh, how beautiful, You are really professonal! Your pictures are so nice too!

maria l. said...

Nice blog
Wonderful house.
I want one like this to live in

Meapuntoatodo said...

Una casa encantadora. No le sobra nada. Elegante y delicada. Me enamora tu estilo. Mariajo

Vera Gadé said...

Olá!! Está simplesmente perfeita! Faz sonhar qualquer pessoa! Adorei , muito , muito... Bjs

Little Cottage said...

Bonjour (hello)
c'est fabuleux ! (it's beautiful !)
j'adore le style shabby
(i l'♥ shabby styl)
je parle de vous sur ma page facebook :

A bientôt !
G. de Little Cottage®

Medical Sink said...

Thanks for sharing these nice looking photos! Hope that you will continue doing nice article like this.

loisirsdepat said...

Bonjour !!!
je découvre votre blog par hasard en surfant sur le je suis vraiment émerveillée par toute cette beauté....Un grand bravo car ce que vous faites est sublime...
Bonne journée
Au plaisir

Anonymous said...

Dear Cynthia, I've been meaning to write to you for so long now... too shy, I guess! I wanted to let you know how healing your site has been for me. And, i want to thank-you for sharing your's a generous act to share such gifts! It has inspired me to resume my love of miniatures! My Dad took very ill June 2010 and passed July 2, 2011. As an only child, everything fell into my lap. It was traumatic and overwhelming. But, I noticed something happening to me while admiring your site one day...mid winter 2012...I began to see colour again! And, with each visit, your beauties,revealed more and more colour...the will to create, slowly revived itself as well. It had seemed such a long time since I had felt anything good, without any guilt or grief attached! Just the pure feeling of good. So, I must Thank you again for leading me out of my darkness! It wasn't until this past Winter I read you had lost your Dad at about the same time. So sorry for your loss. Best wishes to you on everything you do!! I look forward to seeing more! Sincerely, Carolyn.

Just a little something from Judy said...

I so enjoyed my visit here again. I love how you do the old farmhouse look, and add lots of color and detail to it all. I makes it all look so real, and so cozy. I want to live in a home that looks just like this mini one.

Thank you for another visit to my favorite mini home designer. You added a smile to my day.

building a summer home said...

Thanks so much for this post! This was super helpful. Keep up the awesome work on this blog!

Unknown said...

hello I really love the cottage its so peaceful and clean lol I wish I could have that special place out in my back yard if I have to escape and only spend time with friends ! I love the way the light in your house makes me feel like I'm taking a fresh clean breath lol I'm doing it now! I sure appreciate you for sharing with everyone your art! oh! and by the way I love peeking in doll house windows and have since I was a little

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love it. I've been trying to make a dollhouse and I love what you've done. Please take a look at my website at and tell me what you think!

Lorraine said...

Absolutely marvelous creation! Well done you. Best wishes from Lorraine in London at Good Golly Miss Dolly

Unknown said...

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