Wednesday, September 9, 2009

~ Cottage Bedroom ~

Hello Ladies! Well, that big yellow bus came and took my busy life away for a bit, lol... With the kids back in school it's time to catch up on my blogging and visiting again. I see by all your updates and new posts, that I've missed a lot, but I intend to catch up quick :) I hope you all had a wonderful last few weeks of summer! It's nesting time here at the Cottage. A few posts ago I showed you some pieces I worked on for my bedroom make-over, while it's still going slow, the painting is done and my fabrics and inspiration quilts have led me to a few more pics to show you... I had a yellow/gold Tuscan bedroom before, if you scroll down the bottom of my side bar ( pretty far, lol ) you'll see the "before", not bad , but kinda dark for me... So the Bedroom is now pale blue and soft greens, soft reds, rose, and lots of white lace and eyelet , mixed with creams too... I love mixing white and cream, it makes it all blend so well.... These are the walls below, very soft and light for a That's my Christening gown in the middle :)

The end table on the left is currently black, but give me a free weekend soon and it will be Cream with white trim, lol... The piece over my headboard is a shelf I got years ago and I just adore it, I think I cut it off in the picture, but when the room is all done, I'm going to take a wide shot of it all.

I put Hydrangeas and all my children's baby cups on it to sweeten it up :)

The 3 quilts on the bed are what inspired me to pick my colors, I love all the pale colors with pops of a deeper red in the roses...It's hard to tell in the pics, but the red is actually stronger in person.

I bought this lamp for my daughter a few years back, but stole it back when she "modernized" her bedroom to a "teen" room :) I just adore milk glass and hobnail lamps!

I replaced the heavy curtains that were gold silk and added fresh white lace, so when the breeze comes in, they blow so pretty and light...The detail in the lace is so pretty, if you click the picture it will expand and you can see :) I had this dresser from my Grandfather and it was dark and dreary with old wooden knobs, so I striped it and let the natural wood color come through with a clear varnish on top. I love mixing painted furniture with natural honey toned woods in the same space. It gives it a bit more warmth...

The bed skirt is new too, a really soft linen in a pale blue, I wish it was 1" longer though, so I might add a lace trim to the bottom :)

This wall is so simple, but I think that's what I like about it, But I do plan on adding black and white photos above that peg strip, I think just 3 of the kids, but again, it's gotta wait till another free day :) I hope you enjoyed my little tour, I will certainly take more as it's completed.

Now on to one more thing for the week, this isn't related to my room at all, but instead a new obsession of mine and I wanted to know if you feel the same :) Recipe Boxes?? I don't know about you, but with Fall coming my heart will inevitably go back to cooking! But I have one problem, while I LOVE my cookbooks, a recent gift I gave my best friend is calling me back to the times of recipes on cards and all in one place ...A "Recipe Box"....I'm thinking I could spend an entire day ( yeah right, lol ) and sit down with every recipe I want to cook and every recipe written on loose leaf paper or index cards stuffed into the cookbooks I have and transfer them all to a sweet little recipe box :) ? Do you have one? any tips on a fast way to do it, lol?

Here are just a few I have, but I want them on nice card stock now with a matching cottage pattern, I can't seem to find the "perfect" recipe box or cards, so if any of you know of an online shop or a place I can get them, let me know. I'd so appreciate it! I like the card at the bottom of this post, but maybe something a little more "kitchen cottage"??

I have a feeling it's quite an undertaking, but I think I'd love to pull out one box every day, see old , new,and handed down recipes right in one place.

My new little obsession actually started last week with my best friends Birthday present ( below ) ...She asked that I give her all my recipes that she had enjoyed at my home and could they please be in a recipe box so she could add some of her own and have the collection. But yikes, lol, then she asked me to decoupage it too, but I couldn't find a box the perfect size to fit the pretty recipe cards I had bought for her, soooooo, I ended up buying the box they sold separately but coordinated with the cards and added a few decoupaged things on it to fit her style.... It's got a pattern that was perfect for her kitchen. So off it went in a gift bag and as I handed it to her, I joked that I wanted to do one for myself. Only problem is, I want the colors to match my own kitchen, lol, I have yet to find one in Cornflower blue, red cherries , or anything like that. When I do, I will feel complete :) lol

Here is Dori's recipe box : Happy Birthday sweetie :)

Now I just need one too! :)

Well, I've shared an obsession and my Bedroom re-do, now I can't wait to go see what you all have been sharing!! Thanks so much for stopping in girls! Your comments and friendship mean everything to me!

Hugs and Gratitude always!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. I love all the changes you've been making to your bedroom. It looks more shabby chic cottage style. A recipe box is a great idea. I'm starting a recipe scrapbook with printouts and my own decorations. I'll post some pictures when I've worked on it a bit.

  2. Oh Cynthia!
    I WANT a recipe box tooooooooooo!!!!!!!
    Love your bedroom new look! So cottagey!

  3. I love your "updated" bedroom! It has the same shabby chic cottage look that I would like in mt bedroom! You are such a talented decorator! :)

  4. I love your llok in the bedroom, it is what I am aiming for in my 1920's cottage. Suzie. xxx

  5. I notice we have many of the same cookbooks!
    Your bedroom is beautiful very shabby chic!
    I love recipe boxes. I have always had one on my kitchen counter. Maybe you will start a new trend that brings them back. You know what they say... everything old is new again :)

  6. Your bedroom is turning out beautifully...I can't wait to see all the other additions you are planning!!! I am sure it will be the rest of your home!!!

    I just adore the recipe box you created...your friend is a lucky girl!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!

  7. I love the shelf above your bed with the kid's silver cups. That is precious. Have fun with the recipe box. I have a box full of my mom's handwritten recipes. The box isn't great...but the recipes are priceless.

  8. you have done an awesome job in your room. i just cleaned out my recipe box yesterday. tossed the ones i would never make. cut the ones i tore out of magazines, and pasted them on cards. now it is more organized and i found recipes i want to make very soon. i also got very hungry while reading them :)

  9. Oh Cynthia...I really like your lovely new bedroom. I can't wait to see the whole room. Was your whole home at one time tuscan style. Did you do a complete makeover to cottage style? I like your recipe box you made for your freind. Do you sell them?

  10. I love recipe cards! This is such a cute post. You bedroom is coming right along!


  11. Your bedroom looks great! I have a recipe box, always have. It's nothing elaborate, but after your post I'm thinking maybe it should be!

  12. Your bedroom looks so soft and pretty! I can't wait to see the finishing touches:>) I don't use a recipe box. I have a blank recipe book that I got at a church sale years ago that I write our favorite recipes in. I also use a three ring binder with page protectors for those magazine recipes I tear out and some I print out from online. They slip right into the page protector and I never have to writ them all down. It is also nice to have the photos that show what they look like. Easy!

  13. The bedroom is beautiful. You ladies with these beautiful feminine homes and rooms! I've been slowly working towards a beautiful dressing room in pinks for a long time now. No telling when it'll get finished.
    I love that you added your children's silver cups on the shelf, that's a pretty touch.
    I have recipes everywhere! I recently purchased a country style recipe box and I love using decorative recipe cards. Michael's has recipe cards, I just picked up some with roosters on them yesterday. They had other prints too. And they already have Christmas recipe cards out, so I'll be getting some of them soon. I hope you have a Michael's close to you.
    Thanks for sharing the beautiful room with us.

  14. Your bedroom looks fabulous, Cynthia!! I love all the tiny little flowers on the quilt and the lace edged inviting!!

    I really like the milk glass lamp. Do you remember where you got it?? I am a lamp person, while my husband loves track and recessed lighting. Lamps are cozier, don't you think??

    I wish I could help with the recipe box. I have a zillion cookbooks and for my magazine and newspaper ripouts~they are in a folder. I once thought I could use a recipe box just to jot down the names of a fave recipe and then the name of the cookbook and page number. lol!! I really depend on my books! The decoupage looks great!! Let us know what you discover!


  15. Hi Cynthia! Love the direction your bedroom is taking and I know I saw balloon shades at Target that would go (I think) with your quilt (if you're interested) ALSO check out TJ Maxx I saw a campbells recipe box and Michaels has unfinished recipes boxes (but you probably already knew that!!!lol) I too love recipe boxes w/matching cards but I MUST start cooking for me to justify!!lol I'll be on the look out for more!! Hope you are having fun and enjoy your little bitty free time - Sincerely,Jeannette

  16. So glad to have you back.

    My blog has just been growing like a crazy weed and I haven't been able to get by for as many visits. I miss all my blog friends.
    Come for a visit and see both of my new parties for the week. They are up every week and I hope you will participate.

    Its So Very Cheri

  17. Everything looks fresh and beautiful! And the recipe box is a wonderful idea! What a treasure!

  18. hooray for the return of cynthia! it's been a busy summer but that big ol' bus has opened up my time a little bit, too. i need to sit and make a list of projects so that i don't completely squander the time away!

    i love all of your projects. your room looks great. love the stripped dresser with the glass hardware. swoon!

    i got a country curtains catalog today and saw the cutest curtains that made me think of you! gingham with a floral overhangy thing. i'll have to see if i can get you a link.

    i'll put that on my list! LOL


  19. awsome bedroom! I like you recipe card box!
    Hugs, Lisa

  20. Cynthia ~ What awesome redo's/ideas ... I love them both. Pop over for a visit ... missed you. Have a great eve! TTFN ~Marydon

  21. I love your new room! The quilt is beautiful! I can't wait to see what else you do!

  22. You know, something has been "missing" in my room and I had seen a lovely pale floral quilt that I almost bought but didn't. Seeing your room makes me think that I should go back and get it. Thanks!

    I adore recipe cards and I use them solely. In fact, when I'm in need of "new" ideas (every few years or so) I send 4 cards to my most favorite friends and ask them to fill them out with their latest favorite recipes and mail them back to me. I've gotten some GREAT recipes this way.

    If all else fails in your quest, give me a shout - we own a printing company and we have graphic artists that could whip up a logo for you and I could definitely print them.

  23. Your bedroom looks soft and soothing. I have a little recipe box. I love looking at the hand written recipes of my grandma and mom and other friends who have passed on. A little memory of them and the things they loved to cook. Mimi

  24. Cynthia!

    So glad to see you back...I absolutely love your bedroom. I'm really loving that shelf above your headboard. How very sweet. Your christening gown is adorable. :) Love that recipe box for your friend. I seem to find some nice size boxes at TJ Maxx of all places!

    Hope you had a wonderful Summer! I'm ready for some cooler weather. Unfortunately it's going to hit 90 again this week. Oh well, I will savor it while it lasts. :)


    Michelle and her sweet kitties

  25. So good to see a new post from you! Your bedroom looks lovely, I really like your colors, and your quilt is much like mine. I have no ideas for a recipe box, etc, I stay away from those, I had one in the olden days and I gave it to my oldest daughter. Big hugs, Cindy S.

  26. How lovely your bedroom looks!! I also love hobnail and have recently "reclaimed" mine from my childhood from my daughter's bedroom. I really like the peg strip and think the black and white photos will be perfect!! ;0)

  27. Your bedroom is so soft and pretty Cyn ~ and I luv your idea for the recipe box ~ you gotta get one for yourself !! Thanks for another beautiful post !!

  28. your bedroom is wonderful and I love the recipe box idea. Where did you find the box and coordinating cards? Erin

  29. Your bedroom looks so wonderful, I love the quilt, the baby cups, the little dress, and the curtains, everything! It's always such a treat to visit you, sweetie.
    xo Lidy

  30. That looks mighty cozy. I love old christening gowns, but it especially sweet that one was actually your. Enjoy your weekend.

  31. I love the changes and softer palatte! That hobnail lamp is die for! I don't have any suggestions for recipe box as I have mine in a binder I made. I imagine that will be quite a chore transfering recipes onto a card. Maybe there's a program to do so? They have programs for just about everything these days!


  32. Hello Cynthia, what a great post! You've made some lovely changes to your home...though it was lovely before :o)
    Have a blessed weekend.

  33. Hi Cynthia
    Everything about the bedroom is just beautiul. And what a lucky friend to get the recipes and the recipe box!

  34. Love your cottage-y bedroom and I adore that recipe box.

  35. Hi Cynthia, Your bedroom is looking fresh and clean looking!

    Hope you have a wonderful weeekend. Nancy

  36. Cyn- you have done a beautiful job on your boudoir.... and I have to say- I love recipe boxes too. I have a small collection of vintage metal ones I adore :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  37. It all is so soft and it. cherry

  38. Your blog is so warm and inviting, I always love to visit.

    What a sweet gift for your friend, and yes I think that you must make one for yourself!!

    If you have the time, please stop by The Old Parsonage...I love company!


  39. I am always excited when I see that you did a new post, knowing full well that I will relish in it's beauty. This time is no exception for me. Your bedroom is so relaxing, cozy, warm, and inviting. You added just the right touches to it. I like the wooden piece over the bed. Actually, I like it all.

    As for the recipe is the first time in my life that I found myself wishing for a recipe box. Beautifully done!!! Your friend is so fortunate to receive that gift.

    Hope you have a good week and someone blesses you like this visit to your blog, blessed me.

  40. Hi Cynthia,
    How lovely your bedroom looks. I do love your milk glass lamp. I have two the same from my Grandma they are a lot smaller than your, I have them on my serving table. Looking forward to see the rest of your room.
    I sure wish I had the time to so through all my recipe's, that would be so wonderful, but alas I do not. It is on my bucket list for when and if I ever get to retire. LOL.
    Take care, its always fun to read your posts.

  41. Hi Cynthia :)

    Your bedroom looks darling! That lamp is so neat! I love all the sweet touches :)

    I have had the same recipe box for years and all my mom's recipes in her handwriting are in there. I can't imagine not having it. The quickest way for me to copy down recipes is when Rich is watching a game on TV or one of his man movies. That way I can be with him, but I don't have to watch what's on ;)


  42. hi
    This is a big big THANKS TO YOU,
    you must be wondering why??? I am thanking you for having such a wonderful ,well written blog with wonderful pictures. You know reading your blog always makes me feel very happy and relaxed its like a meditation technique for me, whenever i am off mood i read your blog and articles for instant rejuvenation.Thanks again.....

  43. Your bedroom is lovely...what about the photos of your kids in sepia tones. aaaah. receipt boxes! Laurie

  44. Hello Cyhthia! Your bedroom is so sweet! Peaceful & relaxing! The recipe box sure turned at great! Yes, you need to make one for yourself! It's a keeper! Have a wonderful weekend!


  45. Oh, Now I just love the out come of the box and the one you did for yourself above. Maybe you should do mine. I will write all the recipes, if you will do the box! lol You did a wonderful job! I love them.

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Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia