Sunday, September 20, 2009

~ Recipe Boxes and More ~

Hello Friends! I hope these first few days of Fall are finding you well and happy! I finally found my recipe box... after a bit of obsessive searching , my local Hallmark store had what seemed like the perfect one. I call it my "almost home-made" little treasure. "Almost" because it already had the colors I liked, but didn't quite fit the bill till I added some homemade images and gave it a personal touch I was looking for. So the weekend was filled with some cooking, watching football and crafting my little keepsake box. I found re-writing my handed down recipes pretty daunting , but I got about 30 done and have about 100 left so far. I'm thinking it will occupy my time while watching some TV at night this fall. :)

What I loved about doing this is I'll have one place to go to when I search for some traditional recipes, and my kids will also be able to find everything they grew up enjoying once they are older too. Most of the recipes I re-wrote because the original cards they were on were pretty old and worn. But I also kept some of the original cards and just glued them onto the new cards also, this way I could see my Mothers handwriting and my handed down ones would still be there for keepsakes too! It made it that much more special...

Of course I also loved that the colors went with my kitchen too :) It also had that Vintage feel I was looking for...

It came with this sweet image on top, so I left the top of it pretty simple..

I loved the Vintage blue check!

As I searched the Internet and local stores, I came upon a few others too that I wanted to share with you, This one below by C.R. Gibson came in a close second as a choice for me, I adore the colors and images too!
Then, lol, sometimes when you complete something and you're all finished, you end up finding that "perfect" one after the fact... As with these below :) I was looking for recipe card covers online and came upon this site I See a Moose, well, I gasped at how perfect these recipe boxes would have been in my kitchen and how much I adored them. So I just had to share! Each one is custom made and one of a kind, I found them to be so Vintage sweet and just so unique too! If I'd seen these before I got mine, one of them would be on my counter right now. The website has so many other unique products also, give them a peek when you get a sec!

I went into Home Goods last week in search of my recipe box and while they didn't seem to have one at the moment, I couldn't walk out empty handed :) That's near impossible for me :) Sooooo, I took home this lovely Vintage colored Pink Casserole dish, it's pretty yummy, yes?

Well after cooking and looking at recipes all weekend, I wanted to share one last thing with you. I have a huge handful of recipes from my good friend Renee. They now grace the inside of my new recipe box and will be there for generations to come. Renee is actually the reason I started blogging, first she's a wonderful friend and second a fabulous cook too! All of the recipes I've taken from her have been delicious and super easy, not to mention Healthy. But then again, she's a personal trainer and has helped me find perfect menus when calories count as much as taste! I started blogging the minute she emailed me and said " Cyn, you should try this little thing called Blogging, just go to and you'll see how easy it is to set up and start an online journal, I know you'll love it ".....well, lol, I am pretty sure "love it" was an understatement, because to me, it's the best thing since sliced bread for creativity and inspiration ever! So Thank you Renee! I'm sure she'd love if you stopped by and said HI too, Her blog Power Meals will leave you hungry for sure :) Here's a little simple Pizza from Renee, perfect for that fall football weekend! Head on over to her blog for the easy recipe!

I hope you enjoy a beautiful Fall week ladies and thank you so much for stopping in!!

Wishing you a blessed week filled with smiles , laughter and love!


~ Cynthia ~


  1. Hello Cynthia!
    Love your recipe box, and the idea of keeping some worn cards with your Mom's handwriting on, make it even more precious!
    Enjoy Fall cooking!

  2. What a lovely recipe box and good for you for keeping some of your mum's recipes. I've been looking and looking for a little notebook my mum had but had no luck so far.

  3. I love your recipe box! Your touch made it even prettier. I need to get one too. I have so many old holiday recipes that have been passed down to me through the years and every holiday when I get ready to use them I have to DIG for them. I have a junk drawer in my kitchen that they are in now. I need to get a box like you and get them all written down before I lose them. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Your pink covered dish is so pretty!

  4. I love your boxes. I collect cookbooks but sure will start a recipe box this week. thanks for the idea. love your site

  5. Hi Cynthia~ I have missed you!! I love your recipe boxes they are darling!!

  6. That recipe box is so cute now. I was thinking "what about the memories on the old recipes... the handwriting... the notes... the love!" Then you mentioned saving the special ones. Whew! Smart girl!

  7. Love the box you found. Great idea to keep the original cards with the recopied recipe. It always warms my heart to come across a recipe in my box with my grandmother or aunts' handwriting

  8. Absolutely love the recipe box but that pink casserole dish is fab!!
    Have a Wonderful Week!!

  9. I'm going to check out your friends blog. Sounds like what we need. :)

    Love the little pink casserole too!
    And of course the little recipe box is darling. :) Have a great week!


  10. Hi Cynthia, I just browsed through your entire 'first page'. What a treat! Your blog is lovely, pretty, inspiring, creative, restful, mmmm... what else??? I guess you could say, I just like it!

  11. Beautiful recipe box you have there! Suzie. x

  12. The boxes are perfect! You have such an eye for design! Love the beautiful pink dish, too! WOW!

  13. Hi Cynthia,

    Your recipe box is cute (like everything else in your home)! That's quite a job transfering all those recipes! I love the pink casserole! TJ Maxx has the best stuff!


  14. Love your boxes! I have a few but yours are really fun!
    Hugs, Lisa

  15. I love your recipe box and I love the Cynthia touches you added to it!!! You have inspired me to work on my collection of recipes!!!

    The pink casserole dish is sooo you...I love i!!! It is always a treat to visit here...thank you!!!


  16. Cynthia, I just love hand written recipes. My Mom has a lot of my grandmother's. I'm going to get some copies of them...she wrote like the wind and was hard to read her hand writing, but I think I can still do it. I hope to do that before the holidays. She made the best devinity and fresh apple cake. Oh I can't wait!

  17. Your recipe box looks great with your talented additions:>) I love the idea that you are keeping the old cards. So charming to have the originals:>)

  18. Your recipe box is just perfect! It looks cozy, and fits right in with the rest of your adorable kitchen.
    Happy Tuesday!
    xo Lidy

  19. Thanks Cyn!!! Love your new recipe box!!! and i Love the pink casserole dish!! soooo pretty! Your a blogging princess!!!! Hope all is well with you!! miss you!! xoxoxoxo

  20. hi cyn!

    you know, i saw the recipe box at hallmark the other day and i thought of you! rewriting recipes intimidates me - i'm afraid i will leave something out! maybe someday ...

    i love your little cynthia touches on the recipe box, too!

    happy autumn!


  21. Love the recipe box, what a job rewriting all the recipes! I have to ask you where you got the sugar candle that is sitting next to your recipe box, I have to get one!

  22. Love your blog! I am seriously in love with the pink casserole dish! yummmmmmy!


  23. Hi Cynthia,
    Love seeing all your vintagey looking kitchen goodies. Isn't Home Goods dangerous. I can't walk out empty handed either. I laughed when I saw the name I see a moose. Our neighbors have a lawn moose and that's what I shout out every time we go by their house. Tradition now I guess. Anyway, thanks for the tip. Gonna go check out their website.
    ♥ Rebecca

  24. I love the pink casserole dish you won't want to put it away in a cupboard and the receipe box is so sweet, its these little "bits" that make our kitchens pretty as well as functual!!! love Lucey x

  25. P.S. I'm just going over to over to Power Meals now.... I love finding new bloggs to read, thank you... love Lucey x

  26. Hi sweet Cynthia :)

    I love your new recipe box! I like the ones on that site, but yours is so much more special because it was made by you :)

    Loving that casserole dish too!!


  27. Hi Cynthia! What a fun post, I adore your recipe box and love that you kept the old cards with the new ones...I also LOVE the pretty pink casserole dish~ thank you again for your kind words.

  28. I love the new recipe box! And the pink casserole dish is really fun!! Your blog is always so much fun to read1

  29. I knew you'd come up with something adorable!!!! Morning Cynthia! As always just perfect! I too love looking at my mother's handwritten recipes and will never get rid of them no matter what else I throw out!!! I've been trying to put together a scrapbook of recipes for my daughter but I think the cards/box is a much much better quicker idea! I think I will look for one today now that you've once again inspired me!!!lol Have a fun weekend! Oh and that pizza is going to be lunch with a new magazine!lol Take care dear - Sincerely, Jeannette

  30. Hey There! So funny that I just saw this today...because I just received a brand new recipe box in the mail today!! Finally getting all my recipes organized and spent several days trying to decide on the right box. Love yours!!!

  31. Your recipe box is adorable :) I'm gonna have to get down to the Hallmark store.

  32. Cynthia, your recipe box is so cute now! You are so creative, it is so nice to see the way you pretty everything up so nicely. Hugs, Cindy S.

  33. Very beautiful photos and delicious food! I'm hungry now! Thank you for creating such a beautiful blog. I warmly invite you to visit me at my little garden home blog anytime! Hugs, Gwyn

  34. hi
    You have a great great recipe box i feel its ideal for your fabulous home..

  35. I love your recipe holder. I was thinking just yesterday,this Christmas. I would like to copy down my recipes for my girls. I was going to do it when they got married, but no time. I will have lots of time in November. I love the box. I was thinking on putting them in a book, now you have me wanting to find grapes on a box for both of their kitchens are in a Tuscany design.

  36. loooove your pink casserole, I will be keeping an eye on home goods, til I have one of those pink casserole for myself :)


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia