Monday, October 12, 2009

~ Fall Nesting ~

Hi friends! It's Fall decorating time here at my little cottage. I thought I'd give you a small tour of a favorite fall day of mine, the kind where you do a little decorating, a little cooking and just nesting in general. Fall is definitely my favorite season for sure! The crisp days, the warm cozy nights, football, making stews, baking, every part of it I just adore! I hope your fall is a super cozy one too! I basically use only natural elements for decorating , Fresh picked apples, Montauk daisies, deep Merlot colored Sedum and hand picked pumpkins are strewn through out my house... I like to make little vignettes with them all :) The one above and below sits on a table I have in the Family room...Grab some hot chocolate or whatever your fancy and come along , I even lit the candles for you :)

I love decorating high and low, table tops, counters, floors, and a special pumpkin right by the fire place too! I also incorporated some dried hydrangeas left over from summer. And added quilts any where I could so they are just ready to grab to curl up with...

Sedum is one of my favorite fall flowers, that and mums also, but I haven't been able to find the right color Mums yet, I wanted white and red and they were sold out, so maybe next weekend I can plant them all outside and finish the front of the house :) So for now, Merlot colored sedum is every where inside :)

I love the way is looks so organic up against the china and the sage candle too! I also spread a few more books through out the room, just perfect when I don't want to get out of the cozy blanket, I can just grab one and browse when I want without feeling the chill of getting up :) Or for when I'm lazy too :)

" Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. " ~ George Eliot ~

A little white pitcher of sedum by the sink, it just makes me smile :)

Fall is my favorite time to cook! and my bright orange dutch oven is happy when I take her out every fall, she rewards me by taking care of my Stew just fine :) ....won't you have a bowl? :) To me, Cooking is part of my "fall decorating", I not only want the sights of fall, but ohhhhhh, the scents are what finish the whole package for me! Baked apples, stews, roasts, pies, fresh warm bread, I love it all!

This past weekend I tried an Apple Crisp recipe from Susan Branch, if you click on the picture below, it'll get big enough for you to see the recipe and I highly recommend it!! It smelled heavenly baking and tasted just as fabulous too!

And what apple crisp is complete without fresh vanilla ice cream? lol, not mine :)

It was super easy to make and gobbled up quick by my 3 goblin's too!

Speaking of recipes, I did a post a few back about my recipe box, and when my parents came to visit last week ( hence my absence from blog browsing ) My Mom gave me the best gift! she brought up her entire collection of recipe cards ( hundreds of them! ) and I picked out the ones I wanted to keep and added them to my collection, I was so happy! They are so pretty and sentimental to me, that I wanted to add them to my fall decor, I was putting them in the recipe box for safe keeping, But then I thought.... Hmm, maybe make color copies and create a collage out of some framed together ??

After all the cooking and decorating, I couldn't forget about a fall table setting! I like to use a few French Country prints, some vintage linens and colorful plates and light more candles and then it feels autumnal to me and ready for big platters of my fall cooking!

I used a little bit of red gingham ribbon, tied around the napkins and inserted my 2 favorite fall flowers into each napkin group, it's an inexpensive way to spruce up the table without spending any money. I've also tied on leaves in the past too, anything you can gather outside that gives it that fall touch is appreciated by all those stew eaters, lol...

I hope you all enjoyed my little tour, I'm planning to have the rest of the house done after this weekend! Gotta get those Mums first :) I'll leave you with a seat at my table, I am thankful for you all, so you are all welcome here!!

I hope Autumn is finding you all in a lovely place!

Thank you so much for being such wonderful friends and for stopping in to visit! I read every comment and I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to know you and share with you , so from my home to yours:

Happy Fall !!

Love and Blessings!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Oh Cynthia, everything looks so warm & cozy.....
    Thank you for the tour!!

  2. It all looks simply beautiful, Cynthia!

  3. I can spent long lengths of time reading through your blog. Your pictures are always so pretty. Your fall touches are lovely! :o)

  4. Cynthia,
    I could almost smell the apple crisp baking! I love this Fall post of yours. My favorite time of year!

    Lee Laurie

  5. You have such a beautiful and cozy nest Cyn !! I really enjoyed this beautiful post !!

  6. I loved seeing how you mixed fall colors into your reds (that's what I have at home, too). Makes me smile every time I "visit" your beautiful cozy home. The colors are always so fresh and fun no matter the season! MMMMMM! A delicious feast for the eyes! And those dishes! I love to eat, but I don't know if I'd want to cover up those gorgeous patterns! (Well, okay, I guess I would force myself, just so as not to hurt your feelin's . . . ;D )

    Thanks for inviting us all in today!


  7. Hi Cynthia,
    Everything looks so pretty. I see you like Susan Branch. I have lots of her books, just love them. Did you get the Autumn one? I also just got her cookbook scrapbook, did you see that on her site? I check her site all the time to make sure I don't miss something new.
    Yes I know well the feeling of playing house, always moving things around, and cooking something new, lay awake at night thniking of things I'm going to do the next day. Well anyway, enjoyed looking around your site, now I won't be able to sleep tonight. HA.
    Nancy Jo

  8. I so enjoyed this post! Thanks for the wonderful recipe. And I had never thought to decorate with sedum - I have some and I plan to cut some for a bit of decor. Happy Fall!

  9. Hi Cyn,
    Everything looks so warm and cozy. You know, I always look forward to your next post. Each one leaves me feeling so inspired.
    I love the idea of making a collage from your recipe cards. It would be pricless!
    Happy Fall,

  10. Cynthia, everything looks so pretty. :)

  11. Hi Cynthia, it looks so warm and cozy here (; So good to come by for a visit and see a new post, I've missed you! That apple crisp looks and sounds yummy, I may have to give that a try.

  12. Hi Cynthia! What a great way to end the weekend - with a post from my favorite! ONLY YOU can make red/white look like autumn!!! Very pretty and cozy!(as usual) But Honey, in my house that bowl of apple crisp is 2 bites!!lol Looks yummy, now I want to bake!! I've been playing this weekend in the fam/kitchen rearranging the walls so I think I'll go take your advice and curl up with some books! Have a great week - Glad you had a good time with your parents! Sincerely, Jeannette

  13. Looks ever so cosy and rosy! Suzie. xx

  14. beautiful photos so warm and cozy!

  15. Your post today is a feast for the eyes. Everything looks just beautiful. I know your stew in that cute orange pot would taste yummy and so would the apple crisp. Mmmm. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it :-
    Happy Fall!!

  16. Your home is always so beautiful and inspiring! I love the colors you use and the way you put things together. Your mom was so sweet to bring you her recipes and let you take your pick:>)

  17. Cynthia, Your home is one of the most inviting around. I love seeing bits of your house, especially the picture of your red room with the red flowered curtins, so pretty.
    I haven't had much time for fall cooking yet but hope to get around to it soon. Your dishes inspire me to get cooking.

  18. What great fall! It all looks yummy!
    Hugs, Lisa

  19. What lovely photos! I love to bake in the Fall and I just bought a big bag of apples! I'll try that recipe! Love of your pretty things! What beautiful candles and things to make a house a home! You always inspire me to pay more attention to what I have around me!

  20. You really do know how to add just the right touches, the right colors, and make it all so very beautiful. I consider it a real privilege to visit everytime that I do. The music alone, always makes me want to return here. I love how you artistically added the fresh daisies scattered in through some of the pictures. I would rather visit here than read my favorite magazine. Thank you for the time you put into creating real beauty for each of us. It is so appreciated.

    Happy Tuesday to you!

  21. Your home is looking so cozy and fallish. I've made that apple crisp and my family loved it. Happy fall to you. Mimi

  22. Beautiful!!! Everything is so warm and cozy for fall...I love it!!!

    I am having a Williams Sonoma giveaway over at Mille Fleur...I would love to have you stop by and enter!!!

    Have a wonderful evening!!!

  23. Hi Cynthia,
    I enjoy your blog so much. You are so talented. I know you will treasure the wonderful recipe cards your mother has offered you from her collection. I think that is better than the "Crown Jewels"!!!

    Katherine S.

  24. What a wonderful treat to see all your beautiful Fall decor! Thank you for sharing it with us.:)

  25. So cozy Cynthia. I love your flower choices...not the usual. I especially love the color of the terra cotta wall in your one picture with the flowered print window covering. So cozy!!! Have a lovely week.

  26. Happy Fall to YOU!!!

    Everything looks so wonderful. I have to get some of my fall decor out and about too. Thanks for the inspiration.

  27. I am so glad you are back! Your Fall pictures are lovely! So warm and welcoming.

    Thank you for sharing!

  28. Love the contrast of the Shata Dasies against the red apples. Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing your fall.

  29. Hi Cynthia,

    I have to agree with A Little something From Judy. I love to come here to visit. :) What a great idea for the recipe's. I have some of my mom's and I want to try that too.

  30. Your home looks so cozy and warm. The vibrant red hues and your decors gave it a warm autumnal ambiance.I can't wait to see how you would decorate it for the coming Christmas season!

  31. Glad to see you back. My oldest daughter tells me (we live in separate states) that she just wants me to come visit sometime and make all her favorite dishes from childhood.

  32. you did a fantastic job! happy fall to you too. i too love fall.

  33. Cynthia
    What a beautiful Autumn post, I loved it! The colors in your kitchen are fabulous! Always so welcoming here! Lori

  34. I love your NY cottage, it is so full of creativity...I love the picture above what I believe is the kitchen sink, it looks like a cat or a rabbit, I would love to see the whole picture...I am a new follower of yours and i will return for more of your creativity...come visit

  35. As usual, you've decorated your home so pretty. I keep looking at the red pantry door that you have a small pic of on the side and you noted that you planned to do the same. Did you, and I would love to see a pic of yours.
    Thank you for the inspiration you give through your blog.

  36. Your fall decor looks lovely and fresh and so organic! Nothing better than using real pumpkins, flowers and warm blankets to say FALL! I am sending love and blessings back to you! Cindy S.

  37. Hello Sweet Cynthia!

    Love this warm and cozy post! What an inviting place setting! Can I come for a little chit-chat and lunch?


  38. Hi Cynthia!

    I'm always happy to find a new post from you! I love the colors in your home. Your blog is such a cheery place!

    I love everything about the place setting from the tablecloth to the dishes! All your fall touches are so sweet!


  39. I have loved your blog for a very long time. I enjoy your pictures and reading your post. Thank you for sharing a part of your world with us.
    Peace and Many Blessings
    Cheryl...Snatch JOY~

  40. Hi Cynthia! What a wonderful post and wonderful food for the soul. I love it. Glad you are able to have time at home for nesting. It is very important to take care of yourself, and nurture your nest. I love it when I have days like this!

  41. Oh my did that apple crisp ever look good. Apples mean fall to me with all the memories I have wrapped around baskets full of them.
    Lovely tour of your home as always.

  42. I pretty much just use Nature to decorate for autumn too! My obsession is Bittersweet, but I might have to try the sedum, it actually fits my palette much better. Remind me next spring to buy some plants!


  43. Good evening, I am a new follower of your beautiful blog. I will be very happy if you visit my blog and leave a comment. Thank you.

  44. Hi sweet Cynthia :)

    Your home is just brimming with love! It's so warm and cozy that I wish I could crawl through the screen and join you for stew and Apple Crisp :)

    Thank you for the compliments on my kitchen. It means a great deal coming from you, as your kitchen was one of those that really inspired me.


  45. Hi Cynthia..I LOVE YOUR BLOG...Ok, I was looking at it..then the music came on, that usually is not to my liking, but I loved yours!
    I'm from So. Utah, red rock country, live on 1o acres of farm's very peaceful and beautiful here. I'm trying to learn blogging...I'm loving all these awesome women out there, you all feel like sisters to me. I hope you'll come say hi and I'd love to know you better! :D

  46. Cynthia, fall disappears too quickly, doesn't it! It looks as if you've made the most of it! Here....we had 2" of SNOW on the ground this morning! Yes, girlfriend, it's DEFINITELY nesting time!
    Warm Hugs,

  47. Thank you for the tour Cynthia. I really enjoyed looking at those pictures. Have a nice day always.

  48. Hi Cynthia,
    Your blog is yummy, lovely, colorful...aaaahhhh autumn!
    ♥ Rebecca

  49. Great photos! I just made apple crisp today, isn't it yummy?

  50. hi, you have a lovely farm fresh, cottage!
    i love fall so much too....cider, pumpkins, cozying up with a book! looking forward to more of your posts...

    A Sort Of Fairy Tale

  51. hi cynthia!

    your posts are so enjoyable to read. like a favorite book or magazine.

    i love to cook and bake in the fall, too. i made a batch of applesauce and the kitchen smelled amazing. i feel exactly the same about fall.


  52. I have several Susan Branch books displayed in my kitchen as well. Your mother is so sweet to bring you the precious recipe cards. Great idea to copy them in a collage too!

  53. Love your red cherry bowl on top of that stack of cute books! :D And yeah, don't ya just love Susan Branch books? Love her.

    yapping cat

  54. Lovelovelove your blog!!
    I listed you on my "Top 10"


  55. I love the sedum.i also like the mix of blues, reds, and oranges. So warm and comforting.

  56. Hi Cynthia...

    My friend, I have fallen in love with your fabulous french country cottage!!! I really enjoyed taking a peek at all of your autumn's all fabulous!!! Love each and every vignette, but my favorite is that beautiful merlot colored sedum filled bowl that sits so sweetly atop the pretty french fabric books!!! I love how it looks and feels!!! Your attention to the details is so evident in all the decor of your beautiful home!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

    How sweet of your Mom to gift you with some of her recipes and recipe cards...I'm so happy for you, Darlin'!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  57. I love the way you have used YOUR colors and style to decorate for Autumn...beautiful!

  58. I might just get on a plane from England, break into your cottage and steal that beautiful blue and white candle holder--cottonreel

  59. Had to chuckle - I wonder if my mom led a double life? I am just kidding, but let me explain - I have my mom's recipes, as she has been gone a long time, but two of yours show a preprinted recipe card, and I have recipes with those same designs! It must reminded me of home! You have a wonderful blog btw!!!

    Hugs from Michigan - Diane

  60. Such beautiful eye candy. Love your photos!

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  61. our pictures are always so pretty. Your fall touches are lovely!

    Work from home India

  62. Design this word so creative and stylish every one like this word to use in her / him life like home design, food design, Web designing, all are word are so useful in life.Enjoy all types of designs in life and be creative.

  63. Everything here just looks so homey and wonderful. The kitchen, especially the kitchen cabinets, remind me of my grandmother's home and the pictures of the apple crisp just completed the nostalgic circle. Thanks! Now I'm going to go bake something.


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia