Thursday, October 22, 2009

~ A Give-Away and a big Thank you ~

Just a quick update Ladies!: I had a few emails asking what time the give-away closes, I'll be drawing a name from the Random generator at 9pm est. tonight! Thank you all so much!!

Hello sweet friends! It's time for another Give-away!
I always wish for more time in a day, but since that isn't possible, this is my only way of Thanking you all for all your support, love , and friendship! Having my little blog has meant so much to me, but only because of the connection I feel towards all of you and all the inspiration I feel back! I was actually inspired to do this give-away because of a question that was sent to me, asking me "what inspires me to use so much color in my house?"... Well, I think that started with my love of the French Country Cottage decor that sprung up everywhere a few years back. This wasn't "new" design, but the infusion of all the lovely French fabrics and importing of such pretties really flourished in the late 90's. So I was asked to do it for many clients and therefor I fell in love with it too! :) For me, I wanted my own Cottage to still have little bits of Pinks, Sages, and baby blues, so I just trusted my instincts and stuck with my heart and decided to mix all the deep rich hues of French country with the soft cottage palette I've always loved. So that answers that :) I love mixing :) .....So onto the give-away.... Using the French kitchen as an inspiration, The Give-Away includes: 30" round French lace table cloth , a French Vintage Le Creuset 6 1/2" saute pan, a 3 1/2" x 2" French copper butter pot , and a Pierre Deux mini style book....All you have to do is leave a comment :) If you would like 2 chances to win, just post about my give-away on your blog using the picture above. And leave me a second comment saying you did. Thanks Ladies!! I'll be picking the winner on Friday Oct. 30th!

( if you don't have a blog that's perfectly ok too, just leave me your email address in the comment )

Here is everything together, above... The butter pot was something I treated myself to years ago at Williams Sonoma, I think I paid about $65.00 for that little guy , but the French swear it's the best thing to melt butter with! And so pretty you can just leave it on the table top too!

The pictures in Pierre Deux's little Style Book are scrumptiously French! ( above ) Oh I just love all the colors and the fabrics of Provence!

A few more pics of the butter pot and book....

Up close, stamped ...

The French table cloth is handmade and has the most beautiful detail work! I couldn't seem to get my camera to focus as up close as I wanted, but the handy work is gorgeous and it's pristine!.... Note to self: take a photography class! lol

The blue tablecloth under it , isn't part of the lace, I just tried to use something to give you an idea....

The Le Creuset saute pan is Vintage French ( and stamped on the bottom ) , a few years back I went into a bidding war on EBay to get it too! :) I have many pieces from this collection, so I can part with one for my dear bloggers!

I love give-aways because it gives me a chance to say Thank You!! I wish I could give you all something, when I win lotto , I'll let you know :) Until then, this will have to do. But Thank you all for being such wonderful friends! I love your comments and read every one! My goal this week is to blog surf and get some free time to see you all too!

This Island below is not ( lol ) part of the give-away, shucks! But I wanted to spread some more French Cottage fairy dust around. :) This is from Pierre Deux, and so are the pictures to follow below. I am so influenced by this raw , colorful, bold and yet soft kind of design. Simply fabulous! I think I'd put this island in a more colorful kitchen, but the island itself speaks to me: "COOK and CHOP here! " :)

This pillow below is on my wish list :) !

When I saw the Fall catalog from Pierre Deux and saw this woman below, I just about yelled out: Omg, I need her here in my house! She is on my list now too! Look at that skirt? Oh my heavens :) love it!

I just adore their wreath, such pretty colors for Autumn...Hmmm, maybe I'll paint my front door French Blue?? I'm liking that idea :)

Well ladies , I hope you had a nice visit to my give-away and also my inspiration for it too!

I cannot end today's post with out a HUGE Thank you also to Tina from Cherry Hill Cottage !! I read my new comments from the previous post this morning and Tina had left me a comment telling me she had placed me on list of the Top Ten Cottage Blogs!! Words cannot tell you how much that meant to me! She is such a sweetie! And one of the main inspirations for me opening my own blog too! I know you all know her, she's famous here in blogland and probably everywhere :) But if you don't , you've got to see her perfectly Cottage blog! Her home is fabulous to say the least, and her use of color is magical!

Thank you Tina, I was so honored!! and I'm still blushing :)!

I hope you all enjoy a wonderful week and weekend ahead!

With much love and appreciation!! xox

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Hi Cynthia,
    I always enjoy reading your posts. I agree with Tina, you do have a wonderful blog and the photo's are always a joy to see.
    What a wonderful giveaway, please enter my name.
    Enjoy your day and keep creating,

  2. Hey Cynthia I love coming to your blog I actual come here to dream most of the time your blog inspires me. I have always loved french country and at one point to be honest didn't realize there was even a name for the style that I have been loving for so many years. Please enter me in your giveaway I will also make a post about your giveaway.
    Peace and Many Blessings to you
    Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

  3. Cynthia, you are so sweet to have the fabulous frenchy give away. I'll be waiting on pins and needls for that one. :)

    I wanted to tell you that one of the main reasons I love your blog IS your mix of frenchy with cottage. You have captured two looks so beautifully. I think lots of us are torn between those two. You are supreme!

    Now about fabrics, I often just sit and look at how you've mixed fabrics. I've noticed before your ability at putting the frenchy colors with pastels. Could you talk about that specifically some time? My house is red, gold, green..I desperately want to add some softer colors now but sort of feel like it looks out of place when I try. It seems like it takes time and several other colored items added in for it all together and I just haven't gotten there.

    Congratulations on your blog nomination. Wow, to get that from Tina is really a compliment!

  4. Congrats, well deserved! Please enter me in your lovely giveaway!

  5. What a lovely post, as usual! I would love to be your winner!

    Have a nice week!

  6. I've been visiting your blog for the last week and just can't get enough! You have such a lovely style.

    Thank you, for letting me visit and dream.

  7. What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter me in this! Beautiful things!
    Hugs, Susan

  8. Cynthia,

    I post about your give away on my blog.

    I love the beautiful wood island you posted a picture of.

  9. Oh Cynthia...this is wonderful!!! Please count me in...I will be posting your pic on my sidebar!!!

    You are one of the reasons I started blogging...I have been so inspired by your beautiful site.

    I talked about your blog on my very first post...Pennies and Peonies...when I had computer problems I started again as Mille Fleur. I would love to beigin the whole decorating procees again and use all the soft beautiful colors you use in your home...for now I must continue with what I have and visit you as often as I can!!!

    Lovely giveaway!!!

  10. HI Cyn ~
    As usual you are so kind and caring about all of your friends,and it shows on your beautiful giveaway ! You are definitely at the top of my blog list, and my friend list too !! Thanks for another beautiful and inspiring blog !

  11. I love your blog...the mix of patterns and colors you use are so beautiful. Thanks

  12. Cynthia I love your blog! Just stumbled upon it the other day. I am in love with your kitchen wall paper. Do you mind if I ask who makes it? My email is

  13. Hello Cynthia...

    Ooooohhh my...sure wished you could hear the anticipation in my voice as I said that, my friend! What fabulous french giveaway gifts!!! I just adore each and every one of them!!! My home is done in French Country decor...I just love the rich, vibrant colors...and that "mixing" that you spoke about!!! I would just adore the book...ahhhh! And that gorgeous lace tablecloth....ohh yes!!! Love the pretty copper melting pot..well, it's all so grand!!! I have been a follower of your delightful blog for a little while now...please add my name to your giveaway pot! I'll be crossin' my fingers for this fabulous french giveaway...well, I'll be crossin' my toes too...shoot, I'll even cross my eyes if it'll help me win! Hehe!

    Thank you Cynthia...this is so sweet of your and very generous!!!

    Also wanted to shout out a big, hearty Congratulations for making the list of the Top Ten Cottage so deserve it!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design that old wood chopping block island...oh, I could make good use of that pretty in my home!

  14. Top Ten cottage blogs..WOW! That is just SO great! Of course we all know how special your blog is and we all love spending time here! Thanks for the giveaway! Oh, that would be FUN to win! New things for my condo would be wonderful! Enjoy your day!

  15. What a wonderful giveaway! Anyone would be thrilled to win - especially me!! Sally

  16. I always enjoy coming to your blog. I don't always comment but I ALWAYS come by, look and ADMIRE!!

    Thank you and congrats!!

    Lou Cinda L)

  17. Hi Cynthia...

    Just wanted to come back and leave you a note letting you know that I posted your fabulous French giveaway in the sidebar of my blog! Girl, I'm going to do whatever I can to win!!! wink!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  18. Hi, Cynthia! Your blog is one of the blogs that helped me fall in love with cottage style! I guess I was already in love with it but didn't know "it" had a name! ☺

    Please enter me in your lovely and generous give away! I'm having a one day only give away today if you are interested! ♥

  19. Awesome giveaway! I've been wanting one of those butter pots but just didn't want to spend that much money on one.

  20. A very geneous giveaway, Cynthia! Please enter me in the drawing. :)

  21. What a fun filled French country giveaway. I love everything French and everything country. I would love to be included in this giveaway. I would even like to post a link on my blog, but I'm still figuring out how to do that.

    Do you have any instruction?

  22. Ooo lala! What a fabulous give away!

    Tina has a good eye. Your blog is delightful!

  23. I love your blog. Congrats! Please enter me!

  24. Your giveaway is simply stunning. I love the beautiful copper butter pan and the Le Cruset is fabulous, as well as the book and the wonderfully delicate tablecloth. Everything is so lovely. Your other pics are great inspiration. I really love that little lady also, and her dress really is stunning. Hugs. Marty

  25. what a gorgeous giveaway!!! loving your blog-i come daily for your inspiration, thank you

  26. Hi Cynthia
    Congratulations on the blgo award from Tina! Please enter me in your giveaway. I'd love to win it!

  27. Oh what gorgeous things! Your post and your blog are wonderful. some of us bloggers have been having a Cath Kidston party today, which reminded me of the pretty colours that you may be referring to. Pop and have a look! Suzie. xxx

  28. Oh Cynthia you do spoil us such wonderfull things l would love to enter your give away but would cost too much postage to the U.K. Have a great weekend hugs Pat

  29. Hi Cynthia,
    This is my first time blogging and also my first time here in u're blog space, I was looking at u're blog and pics of u're beautiful home. Looking at u're home pics by pics everything looks so beautiful, well thought out, very well put together from u're candles, u're spoon, u're forks, u're wall paper even u're music, everything....perfect! Looking at u're blog and u're pics it made me happy and u inspired me, looking around my home i was just thinking to myself that i have a lot of catching up to do so i think i am going to start with my dresser that i bought in a yard sale a while ago for 20 dollars by painting it, because right now the paint on it its not appealing to me. I have been meaning to paint it for a while don't get me wrong i was just not up to it at that time. But now after seeing u're beautiful home i just felt inspired by u're talent so if u want i can send u a before and after pics of my dresser project this weekend. Now everytime i want to feel inspired or if i m down all i have to do is look at u're awesome blog and u're awesome, beautiful home and i will be fine and also to get some ideas. So, thank you for the inspiration and a job well done!

    u're new fan


  30. I love your giveaways! Please include me.

  31. What a lovely giveaway!
    With the renewed interest in "Julia" of late, this is SO timely!

  32. Cynthia,
    I look everyday to see if you have a new post, soooo was pretty happy to see this one and a GIVEAWAY!! oH bOY.
    keep posting, we all love you.
    Nancy Jo

  33. What a generous giveaway!!!!! Every piece is delightful. Please sign me up!!!:)


    P.S. I love Tina's blog too. You guys just kill me with all you wonderful ideas. :) have an awesome weekend!


  35. Oh you deserve to be on all the lists for cottage blogs! Your blog is lovely! You are so sweet to offer this giveaway!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  36. Your blog is just like coming home to a warm and comfy place. I have been under the weather and it warmed my heart to visit.

  37. bon jour, cynthia!

    i love your ooh-la-la giveaway treats! very generous and very cynthia. the saute pan is my fave - the color is great.

    have a great evening, sweetie!


  38. Hi Cynthia! With a "French" name like Jeannette don't you think I outta win!!!lol Doesn't matter! I just love your blog; you and it have been such an inspiration! I'll of course post your giveaway! I adore that ribbon on the arrangement and now I'm thinkin of switchin my red door to blue too! The figurine is gorgeous and I hope your wishes for the pillow and lady comes true! Sincerely, Jeannette

  39. Congrats on your nomination! I completely agree with Tina! Your cottage style is just lovely and you are such an inspiration to so many of us bloggers.

  40. OOOH LAH LAH! Tres Magnifique!
    Love the French things. It's soooo French Cottage, Oui?!

  41. What wonderful goodies. Thanks so much for the chance to win them. Love your beautiful style.

  42. I love visiting your blog,,

    And I hope I win your give away...

  43. what an awesome giveaway! i love to cook. you are so sweet to host a giveaway. i just love coming over to visit (giveaway or not).your blog is like a warm and inviting home. thank you!

  44. Please add me to your list of girls who love French. Please pull my name. I love you blog. I have it saved in my favorites.

  45. This was such a great post, not only because it was a giveaway (what a generous one), but also because of the French inspiration pictures too. That table is to die for and would love the pillow too.
    I've been following for quite awhile and love seeing your home.

  46. Dear Cynthia, i love your blog. I love your decorating. I also love Frenc Country. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks Nancy.

  47. What a lovely bloggy giveaway. I have you on myyahoo page and love to keep up with you. :~) Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas!

  48. Hi ~ I love your pretty blog...It's a wonderfully dreamy place to daydream! Please enter me in your lovely giveaway ~

    Thank You!

    Many Blessings,

  49. Hi Cynthia,
    You soooo deserve the honor of top 10, congrats!!! You can count me in on your giveaway please (;

  50. Oh my GOSH! This is one of the best giveaways ever! Thank you so much for the chance to enter! I'm going to blog about this giveaway at

    P.S. LOVE the blog. I'm a new follower!

  51. I blogged about this at

  52. I look forward to your blog. Lifts my spirits and helps me get my housework done. The give away are wonderful and I would love to win them.

  53. Cynthia,
    I am sooo excited about the giveaway. Everything looks Fabulous! OOOO I hope I win!

  54. Hello Cynthia,

    Your blog is so positive, and your home is such a beautiful expression of cottage decorating and your own style. Your kitchen just sparkles, and many times I just love to look at the pictures of it and dream of capturing a similar coziness in my own kitchen. The giveaway is also dreamy, and I would love to have the chance to enter.

    All the best,

  55. Ooh la la!

  56. Cynthia, your gifts are so generous and you're awful sweet to host such a wonderful giveaway! Please enter me too! Suzie

  57. Hi again Cynthia! I added your giveaway picture and link from my blog! Suzie

  58. I love visiting your blog it is always cheerful. Please enter me in your giveaway.


  59. I did not know you needed a special pan to melt butter in!! I guess I need one of those!!

    Please enter me in your giveaway.


  60. I've enjoyed your blog for some time and I would be delighted to be in the drawing! You have an amazing sense of style and I always know I am in for a treat when I click to visit :-)

  61. Congratulations on being listed in the top ten! Well deserved!!

    What a beautiful and very generous giveaway. I'd love to announce it on my sidebar!

  62. Hi Cynthia, I'm back to let you know I have your announcement at the top of my sidebar.

  63. What a great giveaway Cynthia. I found your blog from Tina's site and now I am hooked. I love your decorating style. Thanks for letting me dream!

  64. Wow - makes me want to get right cooking!!! Thanks for the chance in your sweet giveaway!

  65. Oh ME ME ME, lol, I soooo would luv to win this give away! And you so DESERVE to be on the top 10 blog list for sure! I luv your style! HUGS, Bekah...

  66. Thank you for your time on your blog. You have been a most wonderful blessing to me. I was a decorating dummie and with your help you have helped me develop some ideas to decorate my home cottage style. As a mother of 7 and 6 are grown I was suffering from empty next syndrome. You pulled me out of a slump with your blog! Thanks a million is all I can say to you..
    Be blessed - Jeanne

  67. I...Must...Win! I love it all but am drooling especially over the blue pan. Hope I win. Mona

  68. I discovered your blog via Food with Style. What a beautiful blog! I'll be posting about your give-away on my blog. What a generous give-away!!

  69. What a great giveaway you're having too, I'd like to be included. I've also posted about the giveaway on my new blog (thanks for the help on that). Congratulations on making the Top Ten! It is definitely deserved.

  70. HI Cynthia!
    This was my first visit to your blog and I am definitely coming back!! I added you to my blogroll and I'm following you, too!!
    What a wonderful, generous giveaway. Please enter my name into the drawing!

    Grandma G's

  71. I always look forward to reading your posts! What an absolutely wonderful giveaway! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  72. Ooh La La! What a generous give away! I am lovin' the Le Creuset saute pan, that color is my absolute favorite! Please enter me :)

    Happy Friday!

    ps - itsn't it cool how one minute I'm reading the farm chicks then I'm perusing the daily apron, which lead me to your beautiful blog!

  73. I always know you will have something beautiful to see when I pop in to visit. I would love to win your giveaway!

  74. I have been reading and enjoyinig your blog for a while now. I didn't know you did give-aways. I would love this French Country give-away.
    Thank you.

  75. Your cottage is on the top of my top 10 cottage list, too! I love to come here and be inspired and love your style. This giveaway is just too wonderful for words! Whoever wins this is going to be the luckiest girl in the country! Have a beautiful weekend! Twyla

  76. Great giveaway! I would love to win!
    Please enter me!

  77. I added your giveaway picture and link on my sidebar!

  78. Hi Cynthia, your giveaway is lovely. It reminds me of YOU....sweet and generous!

    Barb ♥

  79. Cynthia, just posted your button on my sidebar.

    Barb ♥

  80. As always, your blog delights the eye! Hope I'm lucky enough to win your giveaway.

  81. Congratulations - I'd pick your blog, too, for one of my favorites! Your home and style are always so beautiful! I love French-Country and Cottage style. I would be so happy to win your giveaway! What fun!

  82. Wow, what a wonderful blog, and a fabulous giveaway! Glad I visited. Please enter me. Now I will take the next several hours (lol, maybe not an exaggeration!) perusing your beautiful blog. Thanks! -Tammy

  83. Sweet blog you!!

    Cherry Hill Cottage...

  84. Hi Cynthia!

    I'm always happy to see a new post by you! You have a such a cheerful attitude that just shines through your blog. I love French Country style too and would love to be entered in your wonderful giveaway.


  85. I found your blog from another blog...and I think this is such a generous giveaway!!! I would love to be entered!!! Thank you!!! :o)

  86. Hello Cynthia, I really love your blog and I have visited in the past. I have started my own blog with hopes that it will become as great as yours and others out there. Thanks for the giveaway! I will post about it on my blog also.

  87. Beautiful blog! Loved everything and wanted everything I saw. :) You are inspiring me to be more creative in the things I do. Thanks so much for that. I am now one of your followers. May I please enter your giveaway? Thanks for hostessing. xxoo

  88. As a new blogger I so enjoyed reading yours. You have some excellent photos. Congratulations on being in the Top 10 list of Cottage Blogs.

  89. French country is my style. Please enter me in your give away.

  90. Oooo... pick me, pick me, pick me! (sqealing with delight)

  91. What a sweet and generous giveaway!

  92. I love stopping by your have a great eye for color and everything looks so pretty and fresh. Your give aways is so nice. I really thing it would add just that bit of country charm my kitchen needs!

  93. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog. How lovely!
    WHat a great giveaway. Wow.
    I'd love the chance to enter.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  94. I just found your blog. I too, love the French country style. Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks so much!

  95. Totally love your blog and French Country. That WS pot would look gorgeous hanging on my pot rack over the island in my kitchen. Please enter me in your awesome giveaway!

  96. What a fantasticly generous giveaway.
    I love your pictures and the postings.
    I would appreciate a chane to enter.

  97. I just discovered your blog and love it as much as Cherry Hill and Daisy Cottage! I will be back!
    Please enter me in the drawing...I would love to win that wonderful giveaway! karen....

  98. What a wonderful blog. So many creative ideas!! ;0) Please enter me into your drawing. Even if I don't win, I visit here regardless. And I am never disappointed.

  99. Hi, I love reading your blog. I too, love combining a little French, cottage, and a bit of me in my decorating. I would love to win your giveaway!

  100. What a wonderful and generous giveaway! Please enter my name (Mecky).
    You have a great blog. One of my favorite stops to come in to read and admire your work!


  101. I love your blog! So glad I stumbled upon you a few months ago.

  102. Cynthia, I'd love to win but it doesn't matter if I don't because it's always just such a pleasure to visit here with you.

  103. Hi Cynthia mmm Francious

  104. Please count me in. Kim
    Your blog is beautiful.

  105. What a great giveaway! I especially like the tablecloth. It's so lovely.

  106. I would love to enter your give-away. All the items are so very pretty. Your blog is beautiful and inspiring. My goal is to find an old-fashioned door for my pantry as shown on your blog. I absolutely love all the charming patterns and colors in your home.

    Thank-you for entering me,


  107. These are so beautiful. How generous of you! I could never afford a brass pot, so this would be something I would hang on to and pass down to my girls!


  108. are also one of my favorite bloggers! What an honor, one that you truly deserve! I have been reading Tina's for a long time, too and love trying her recipes, they are always so GOOD! Your giveaway looks just wonderful, how generous you are!

  109. What a lovely and generous giveaway! Please count me in! ::Jill

  110. I just discovered your it. I also enjoyed tremendously the background music which I think is from "Legends of the Fall" which is one of my favortie movies.
    I am also enamored of French country style. I have been shopping at Pierre Deux since its inception. My entire home is full of French antiques and fabrics.
    I will follow your inspirational blog and thank you for writing!

  111. Hi Cynthia -
    Visiting your blog is like coming home :) Like cuddling in your favorite big old chair with a snuggly blanket, your feet tucked up under you, a great book and knowing that this is the exact place you want to be.
    You are such a sweetie to have such a wonderful giveaway. Beautiful treasures! I love coming by your blog, it's like visiting a a treasured friend. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.

    The Tattered Cottage

  112. Whoo Hoo, I love giveaways. I stopped by to tell you to take a peak at my blog at I, like Tina, awarded you a best/lovely blog award.

    Ciao for now,
    Arnnette at Pura Vida

  113. Oooh, I take the chance of missing an extra entry, I posted your button announcing your give away on my side bar.

    Thanks for the chance of winning such a beautiful kitchen set. I have the right apron to go with that blue Le Creuset saute pan:)

    Ciao for now,

  114. Another wonderful post, and what a great give away. Thank you for this chance. You're such an inspiration with your blog and talent for decorating. Our overall dacor styles differ, but there is always something to learn from others ideas.

  115. lovely blog. What a neat give away!! gosh i hope i win :-)

  116. Hello, Cyntia, Congrats, well deserved! Please enter me in your lovely giveaway! I will post about it on my blog also. hugs

  117. I have a blog but have not been posting lately, however I read yours and Tina's all the time. Love your style, Oh please enter me in the drawing. Thank you

  118. Hi Cyn; Oh, what a sweet give away! I would so love to win this. Your blog is lovely and I enjoy reading it...thank you for hosting it! Congrats on all you have accomplished! I'm happy to know such a talented lady. Hugs; Holly xo

  119. What a fab giveaway, pleas enter my name, how exciting. Kathysue

  120. I would love, love, love to win your fabulous contest! Your blog is inspiration to my soul and I really enjoy it.

    Thank you,


  121. That is a fabulous giv-a-way!! I Love your kitchen so much. Great Blog!!

  122. How sweet of you to post such a generous giveaway. I really enjoy your blog posts, please count me in!

  123. Hi Cynthia,

    I am in LOVE with your Blog! I came upon it a few months ago and have been so inspired. Thanks for all the beautiful pics. My email is

  124. Hi, Cynthia! What a sweet giveaway I would be honored to be entered into it! Love your blog, it's eye candy! Thank you, Hugs!

  125. Dear Cynthia :)

    Your blog is just beautiful and charming :) Thank you for entering me in your generous giveaway. Such lovely items. I love the items on your "must have" list, very sweet!

    Thanks again and have a blessed day!


  126. i love the giveaway. Thanks you.
    Greetings from Uruguay

  127. I put the post in my two blogs, Very beautiful your blog. Thanks you

  128. Oh! That little blue pan is calling my name. I am also one of your followers and I love your cottage style!

  129. Visiting here is always such a treat! Thank you for such a generous giveaway, and yes, please do enter my name!

  130. Hi Cynthia!

    This is my first visit here. What a sweet and generous giveway! not to mention, completely awesome!

    So, don't mind me over in the corner, I'm going to browse around a bit while I am here! :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  131. Wonderful give away, add my name to the drawing.

    Thank you

  132. I love all your designs. Yours and Cherry Hill Cottage are two of my most favorite.

  133. Thank goodness, I'm not to late to enter the give-away! Yay! Although, since I won last time, I'll no doubt be disqualified this time (drat! cause this is one sweet give-away!) Although if lady luck were to smile on me again it would be very bad karma to not pay her heed, don't you think? hmmm?

  134. Hi Cynthia! I really enjoy your blog. You have such lovely taste in decorating and seem like a very sweet lady. Home is where the heart is, and yours reflects a dear heart! I would love it if you would kindly add me to your drawing. Thank you so much and many blessings to you and yours.

  135. I had some free time this evening, and found it so exciting to discover that you are having another generous, beautiful giveaway. Who wouldn't want to win such lovely gifts! Each and every post I read is truly like opening the latest issue of my favorite magazine with soft, relaxing music in addition. In our sometimes crazy, busy world, I enjoy coming here to relax. Thank you for adding color, design and creativity to my world.

  136. What a thoughtful give-away. Someone will be very lucky to win it! I do so enjoy your blog.

  137. I just stumbled into "Cynthia's Cottage Design," and I'm loving it! I'd love to win the giveaway, but I feel "gifted" just finding your lovely blog.


  138. what lovely pics... loved checking out your blog and am sooo jealous! lol. Please enter me in your giveaway too!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  139. Ooh! How fun and exciting! I just found you through another's blog! I'll be coming back on my day off to take a peek at your other posts! (Blessed to be working full time, but sure am missing my "free" blogging/blog reading time! :o)

    Please include me :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  140. Cynthia, You are such a sweetheart to offer these gorgeous treasures! I, love your blog and I adore your decorating, especially your french cottage kitchen. I also followed Tina's Cherry Hill Cottage for a long time before I started my own. I adore her red and white cottage. She is so inspiring. Hugs, Cindy S.

  141. Cynthia,

    Your blog is one of my very favorites, thatnk you for posting & inspiring us.


    Debbie Kay

  142. I sometimes find it difficult to describe my decorating style but this blog fits me to a "T". I just love your blog! I have "borrowed" so many amazing ideas from your posts and pics. Please enter me in your lovely giveaway.

  143. Like some of the others have said, I love the inspiration your blog provides! Thank you for sharing with all of us, and for hosting this!

  144. Hi Cyn,
    Congrats for making Tina's top ten list. You certainly are in my top ten, as a matter of fact you are the reason I continued with my blog. I had a rough start but you inspired me to hang on. : ) Big Thank You.
    Oh and I would love to enter your give away. As always your so very kind to your friends.

  145. Wonderful blog! I have added you to my blogroll-so inspiring. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  146. I want my dear friend Sandy to be considered for this giveaway. She posted your giveway on her blog and I think that is just fabulous.

    Life is better when you share!
    Yoli : )

  147. So lovely! I would love those things! :)

  148. Put a post on my blog! Please enter me again! :)

  149. Cynthia I always enjoy coming over and seeing what lovely thing you are up to! Thanks for the opportunity to win this yummy giveaway!


  150. I blogged about the giveaway too!

  151. Yikes! There about a gazillion comments here....I still hope to win! I LOVE this giveaway....How lovely. Please throw me in the hat too!


  152. Wow! Congratulations!! Everything is just beautiful!


  153. Congratulations Cynthia!! That's so exciting and you totally deserve it :)

    I would love to be entered to win your wonderful giveaway! Your inspiration is gorgeous. LOVE that island too.


  154. Good Morning Cynthia! I learned about your blog (and fabulous giveaway) from Mary Ellen and I'm so glad she posted about you. Your blog is so charming...I can't wait to explore it! In the meantime, I would love to enter your giveaway and invite you to our own! We're giving away "Frugal Luxuries" and "Frugal Luxuries by the Seasons" books on our blogs and you and your readers are more than welcome to join in the fun.

    Thanks so much for hosting this fantastic giveaway!

  155. I enjoy reading your blog, yet haven't commented...until now! Thank you for the chance to win such a delightful collection of some of your favorite French style home goods! Wheee...Hope I win!
    Heidi (email hwoodredatAOLdotCom)

  156. Thanks for posting. I love to visit. Awesome giveaway. You are generous! (I like that pillow too!!!) love blue and white

  157. Hi Cynthia,

    I'm a long time fan and I'm so glad that I checked back in time to post a reply for your great give away because I've been busy trying to creat a blog of my own. You make blogging look like so much fun that I've been inspired me to try to put one together for myself. I've found it to be lots of work but a labor of love! I'll be happy when I feel confident enough to share it with you and the rest of the folks out there in blog land. :)

    Happy Blogging! Keep up the great work. We love it!

    Cynthia Phal

  158. Your blog is so lovely and charming. I will post about your give away on my blog. and I am now following.

  159. WOW! That tablecloth is stunning, I think it may inspired me to make one of my own. I always make a doily to enter in the fair every year but if I start now, I could enter a tablecloth! A small one, maybe. :)

  160. I love coming here. You have lots that inspire me to "chic" it up around my house.
    I love the table cloth.
    Very pretty!

  161. Hi Cynthia! Found your blog from Myspace. I love your blog here, so inspiring and cozy!!! I really need to find the time to work on mine.

    Beautiful gifts in your give a way also!

  162. I can't believe that I've never found your blog before this. It is wonderful! What a great giveaway!

  163. What a wonderful giveaway! Love the blue Le Creuset pan and the lace tablecloth...I love it all!!

  164. Cynthia, I just LOVE that island and your giveaway is so nice...I can't believe you can part with the copper cookware or any of it. Too lovely. Please enter me in your drawing.
    Thanks...have a great rest of the week :)

  165. Hi Cynthia,

    I'm so thrilled to have found your blog! I'm a big fan of Vintage and French Country design and now your new fan and follower!

    What a wonderful and generous giveaway! I'd also be thrilled if you would include me!

    Thanks! and I hope you'll come by to visit me too sometime!


  166. What a great giveaway, you are always so generous. Congrats on the nomination. Is there a place we can vote? I would sure cast a vote for your darling blog any day.

  167. Just found your blog LOVEIT!such beautiful pictures. what a wonderful giveaway!

  168. Oh I hope I am not too late, I love everything about this giveaway. But most of all I love your blog, your friendliness and your style. Happy Autumn>

  169. What an incredible giveaway! Your blog is beautiful. Thank you for entering me :-)

  170. What a cute blog.I was looking for some new inspirations and stubbled upon your site. I added your give away to my blog, such a neat idea. I am hoping to start blogging more on a regular basis..this was a great inspiration. Thanks!


  171. OOOh La La...I would love a chance to win this oh-so-French giveaway. Please add my name to your "jar"!

    Thanks & Stay Cozy, Carrie

  172. I love the cottage style and really enjoy your blog!
    Please enter me in your generous give away!

    Christie C
    dctm at bellsouth dot net

  173. I never win these giveaways but with the beautiful items you are giving away I felt compelled to try again. I might be to late... Thanks!

  174. Your blog posts always make me smile. It always feels good to pop in and visit. Great giveaway.

  175. I just love your blog! You have such a beautiful home!!! I love your style, your home is such an inspiration for me!!! I am new to blog land, I have not quit started one, but sure I am thinking I should jump on this band wagon! I would love to win your give away, such sweet things!
    My email is

  176. Your blog is on my favorites list. I love the way you decorate! I would love to win your give-away.

  177. hello cythia...nice to know u...i love giveaway...your collection is so beautifull...

  178. Your blog is my mini vacation....that and a cup of tea are my idea of the perfect day!!!! thanks for the chance to win such delicious goodies. My fingers are crossed for good luck. XXX Annie

  179. Great giveaway! I hope it's not to late to enter!

    I just discovered your blog today and look forward to going back and catching up on your older posts!

    Thanks so much for offering such a great giveaway!

  180. Cinthia, I love love your blog, its so inspiring love the colors and textures in your home, love the patterns, I don't know who to even start to make my home as cozy as yours, I have already started with some pillow cases I made myself, not that I make my own pillow cases or anything like that but I have decided to do from now on it make me feel useful, but I have so much to change around in my house, I love that pink stock pot of yours still haven't seen one but when I do I hope I can afford it :) I am sooo looking forward to visit your blog often, I do miss when there's still not a new post in your blog, keep them coming cause they sure inspire me.

  181. This comment has been removed by the author.

  182. Gtreat site you have. I am probably to late for the giveaway but if not I would love to enter
    Looking forward to following your site


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia