Saturday, June 12, 2010

~ Vintage kitchen love ~

Hello sweet friends! It's been so busy here this month, I've been working on some fun Design Consultations and trying to get my own house done for the summer too. So I thought I'd pop in and share a little about both today! I've had on my to-do list to re-do an area for more pantry space, and I was completely inspired by the photo above to use one of my kitchen hutches as a pantry. Isn't that one above just gorgeous?! (source: BHG ) And I adore the open shelving below too, but I think since my hutch has glass doors, that that will be enough of seeing everything in the open for me :) ( below source: BHG kitchens and baths ) But oh how I just love that look! It's so vintage looking and pretty too!

So off I went to re-do my hutch and stock up the pantry....This hutch has been so much fun for me, whenever I'm in the mood for a new look in the kitchen, all I do is re-arrange it, no new things need to be purchased, just a little inspiration and time... Fit for any budget ;) If you like the open shelf idea, you can just take your cabinet doors off and you're done! Maybe even line the backs of the cabinets with some wallpaper or a pop of new color is nice too! I've even used scrapbook paper in the past and it was a lot less expensive than wallpaper!

I mixed in some of my cookbooks and a few vintage treasures to balance it out...

I also left one shelf on the bottom for my glass collection, It seemed to work for me because they are safe behind closed doors in this house ;)

My next project this weekend is to clean out the refrigerator , that one I don't have a picture of yet, nor is it very interesting LOL, but I do love ( yes, I said it lol ) cleaning out the fridge! It feels nice to have a sparkling refrigerator all organized and neat. It only lasts a few days with 3 kids, lol, but I get satisfaction finishing it and saying " keep it organized everyone!" ( even if they blow me off saying: Yeah, ok Mom, sure ) This photo below makes me happy ;)

I've also want to do my kitchen chairs soon. I saw this photo below and added it to the to-do list for the month! Love the burlap seats!

( photo source unknown, please let me know if you know where credit is due here, I'd love to get some tips on doing it and also give credit for a beautiful job too!)

Well in between my own work at home , I've been working on a few consults and this one below has a special place in my heart. I'm not finished with it yet, but I thought the inspiration photos that the client sent were gorgeous , so I wanted to share them with you! It's so much fun designing for clients and when their own style is exactly what mine is, I can't help to think I'm re-doing my own kitchen at the same time... I mostly work in Traditional , Transitional and even some modern Design too, but this Vintage kitchen re-do is right up my taste alley .... This pic below was the color and accessory board that the client approved for her re-design. It's a collection of colors and items she wants to be incorporated into the project. I want it all too ;)

Debbie sent me a picture of this stove ( below ) and I *GASPED*!! needless to say I've wanted one of these forever! Now searching for her , I've also begun to take notes of my own like : GET THIS STOVE ONE DAY!! ;)

( please note: These photos were sent to me and only a few have credits, so if I haven't given credit and anyone knows the source please let me know so I can fill in the credit due, thx )

She wanted a very old-fashioned look to her kitchen and sent this one below too, How sweet!

These are the cabinets that she's decided on ( below ) and also expressed that she loved this stove as another choice, and again, I could do this! ;) We're doing marble counter tops which are another favorite of mine! I should just ask her if I can move in after we're done, that would make me happy ;) Can I Deb?? I promise I'll be a quiet house guest! ;)

( Eric Roth Photography )

This photo above is from House Beautiful because she wants as much black and white printed cream-ware as possible, again, another favorite of mine! Do the words "long lost sister" ring true? Yep :)

This next photo was just so sweet to me! I'd like to use some of the screening this hutch has on a few cabinets also , it's very old fashioned Vintage and would just really make a wonderful nostalgic statement!

( source: Unknown )

This project has also brought me to a website/blog I just had to share with you all! After Debbie and I talked on the phone about her space, she told me that if I scrolled through this blog, I would get the best idea of where she wanted to go with her new kitchen. Well another *GASP*!! And guess what ? It's all about miniatures!! But she wants the big girl version of everything there ;) This blog blew me away and I want to order everything from her Etsy store too! I've always been a fan of miniatures , but wow, I was speechless! If you love miniatures or heck, you don't even have to, if you love anything pretty, go there and see what incredible talent she has! The next 3 pictures are all from her site ( It's a Miniature Life ) and I cannot wait to leave her a comment myself and tell her what an inspiration she is!

Aren't these just the sweetest!?

Here are a few more photo's that were sent for the project...gotta love that fridge :)

( Ideal Home )

Ok this baby blue would work in my house! ;)

We also pulled some of my photos for her to review, she wanted a baby blue work island and Pot Rack, so she pointed me to my own kitchen also to get the look she is going for , so I added them below to the bunch....

My messy but useful pot rack saves on a lot of cupboard space and also has a messy charm to it I like :)

And I'm sure you've all seen my kitchen Island before, but just in case you haven't , it was my childhood desk and with a little paint and some refurbishment (and a maple top) , it turned into the perfect island for me! Debbie's will be 3x the size, lol, but so is her kitchen ;) I'm so excited to show you all the finished project and in a week or so we will be pretty much on our way, so as soon as it's done, you'll be the first to know!

Well, it's off to finish my cleaning and reorganizing for the weekend!

I just got a new vacuum , so maybe that will make housework more fun this weekend?? I don't know, what do you think? lol ;) I think I can answer that, I'd rather be on a raft in pool thank you, but off I go.....

Thank You so much to everyone for being a follower and for being such sweet friends!! I feel so blessed by you all! I hope June is finding you all healthy and happy!!

Much Love!!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. Hi Cynthia those chairs l have been on that blog today l think its called potato sacks and burlap,love your blog as usual ,hugs Pat

  2. When you are finished with this client's kitchen, can you come to my house and create one just like it! I especially like the one with all the white and the hardwood floors. I also am so impressed with your pantry. Sorry, I cannot be specific about what I liked on this post, because...I liked EVERYTHING! Thanks for the beauty and inspiration on this Saturday afternoon. You are one gifted lady! Now off to clean and organize my refrigerator:)

  3. Wow...loved all of the pictures you posted, Cynthia :) That stove is amazing!

  4. Hi, Cynthia! I always enjoy coming by your blog. Thanks for the inspiration! ♥

  5. Glory! These pictures make me swoon1

  6. Fun fun fun! I love this posting and all the pics and inspiration you've given us. Thank you. Boy howdy, if i were you I'd enjoy all that shopping and researching for others.

  7. Count me in as a long-lost triplet! These ideas are right up my alley.
    Love your blog,

  8. I love these kitchen pictures and ideas. I was just looking at a pale blue, antique gas stove at that would look so pretty with what you have here. Just thought I would mention it in case you were looking. I always love your ideas and I am hoping to find the time to repaint and redecorate my own kitchen in some of these colors this summer.

  9. Luv luv luv the burlap seat covered kitchen chairs and all the open shelving..Now I have only one section of kitchen cabs without my other life in the Texas dogtrot farmhouse I removed all the window paned cab doors found a huge narly vine in the woods,attached to the top edge and drapped vintage feed sacks on each end of that section of cabinets;btw all the feed sacks were not the same; heavenly! In my slighter more modern lol home now [1937] my open cabs are filled with! show it off! OF COURSE I HAVE TO ADMIT TO U..I have no problem wih keepng dishes,etc organized..mayb a little OCD..???back to ur makes me SMILE SMILE

  10. Hi Cynthia, I would soooo love to have one of those vintage stoves...sigh.... My first choice for cabinets is white and marble counters. Your photos and ideas are inspiring! :) Have a great weekend!


  11. Discount kitchen cabinets, can save you a lot of pennies. When you want to have more out of your budget in rennovating your kitchen, looking for these budget-friendly stuffs will make your money go a long way.

  12. Can't wait to see the finished kitchen. It seems like a dream come true. Off to see all of the pretty minitures! Happy cleaning to you!!

  13. Hi Cyn,
    What a fun project to work on!! I love her inspiration board, I like everything on there too, now I'm off to look at the new blog, I want to move into the miniature house you showed, lol!

  14. Your vintage kitchen is adorable! I would love to work in that kitchen everyday. Its so bright and cheerful1

  15. hi cynthia,

    so much goodness in this post! before i forget - have you been to lidy's/french garden house recently? she has a post about an AMAZING countertop re-do with PAINT! you will love it, i just know.

    love your open cabinets and all of the cool and cute ideas.

    another adorable miniature site is liberty biberty. check it out if you haven't already. you are sure to swoon!!!

    happy week, sweetie!


  16. Truly beautiful! All of these pictures remind me of my grandmother's kitchen long ago. Oh how I miss her. Thank you for sharing all of these wonderful pics with us. Blessings,

  17. Oh my goodness, such talent to make those wonderful miniatures ~~ I want my whole house to look just like that !!! I can't wait to see your new project all finished Cyn ~ you always have the best ideas !!

  18. Oh my goodness I enjoyed those pictures so much, but when I got to the clean fride one, a strike of lightening went off on my head and remembered that I put a bottle of wine in the fridge last night to cool. I was only going to leave it there while I cooked supper. You should have seen the look on my face as I tipped toed to the kitchen to retrive it. Its home made and pretty potent stuff, so it didn't freeze too much and make too much of a mess. I only wish now, my frige looked like your, minus the wine. Thank God it was white, the cork did come off. Thanks for the reminder.

    You are always a wonderful inspiration for me.

  19. I love every one of those pictures...just love the cottage country charming and cozy and homey. Have fun organizing!

  20. Just loved "dreaming" through all your pictures. I adore that look and no wonder you are good at putting it together for others, as you have done such a great job on your own. A hutch for a pantry is a great idea.
    Loved the minature kitchen. It looked so real. Will visit that blog for sure.
    Keep showing us all that great stuff. The first stove really got me. I have stove envy for you client if she gets that one.
    Thanks for sharing your talents, Cynthia.

  21. Oh so much candy for the eyes…..Love everything!

  22. what cute pictures. Love vintage decor.

  23. I've GOT to have that stove! Mine is an ever so plain works, but it doesn't thrill me...I wonder....maybe if I had that stove I'd like to cook?? :-)

    Loved all the pix....There is just nothing like vintage.

    Warm blessings,

  24. Morning Cynthia! Enjoyed ALL the pictures - inspiration galore!!! Love your pantry cabinet redo too! I picked up a steamer carpet cleaner and am having fun with that!lol And if you can believe it I love to clean my frig too! I even had the inside decorated at one point but....with kids its impractical - even with a hubby!!(they didn't get the concept of a "feel" when opened!!lol) Enjoy your week - Sincerely, Jeannette

  25. The pictures are all so awesome!!! It´s a big inspiration for every kitchen.
    I love it!

    Best wishes from Germany

  26. Hi Cynthia,
    You have been a busy girl! Me too I love a clean refig...LOL>
    I enjoyed seeing the kitchen photos very much.
    Have a great week and big hugs,

  27. There is a lot of great inspiration here! Old cabinets are so much fun to fill with those special treasures. Your hutch looks great with the display of food with the vintage splashes.

  28. Hi Cynthia,I´m from Argentina,sorry for my english please.Your blog is beautiful and your job too.Is adorable all.Adios!!

  29. You are overflowing with inspiration in this post! I really enjoyed all the pictures, especially the miniatures. I could move right into that little home.
    Have a happy week!

  30. O my what a treat..wish I could stay longer...if you will go to one of my sites you will know why I love your decorating so much!

  31. Oh my goodness!!! Those inspiration photos are so perfect!! I love everything!!!

  32. I just found your blog today and I love it. And I think I just found the origins of the burlap sack seat covers at
    I loved the idea and found it when I searched for burlap sacks on google. Keep up the inspiration!!!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Oh my goodness these pantrys are adorable

  35. oh i forgot to tell you I changed my web addy to

  36. I love those glass cabinet door and the white cabinets.

  37. The old-fashioned photos are great, Cynthia. How's your pantry now? It's been a year already, and I guess you've managed to create a gorgeous home now. Those photos must have been so helpful as inspirations for your home! Cheers to your work, girl! ;)

  38. I have no words for this great post such a awe-some information i got gathered. Thanks to Author.
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  39. Wow! Your kitchen look fabulous! Love what you did to the cabinets.

  40. Loved many great ideas! T
    he vintage white stove is actually a reproduction...called Northstar, made by Elmira Stove Works...they make beautiful vintage looking but brand new quality kitchen appliances. In addition to white, they make them in beautiful 1950's colors such as candy red, flamingo pink, mint green, buttercup yellow and my favorite robin's egg blue. I have ordered the robin egg blue refrigerator and dual fuel stove to put in our lake cottage!

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Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia