Friday, June 25, 2010

~ A little break and a little wish ~

Hello sweet friends!

In just a matter of 2 weeks, my life has changed.... and for the better I'll say first :) I've been so busy and not able to post as often as I'd like because last week I found out my Parents are going to be moving up to NY again. They did the "flying south" to retire thing almost 23 years ago this summer. And after years of traveling up north to us for special occasions and trips down the see them, they will now be living 2 minutes from me again. I could NOT be happier!

So.... I've been running around scouting out places for them and I found this wonderful 100+ year old house that has a fabulous backyard and just looks like it was transported right out of a time warp. I will be sharing pictures of the transformations to come! They are going to be renters for the first time in their lives ( they are "finished" doing anything complicated according to them lol ) and luckily for them ( and me lol ) the sweet Landlord has said we can do anything we want to the home and the yard. I see a beautiful garden for my Mother and peace and quiet for my Dad. And for me? Beautiful old rooms with fat moldings, an old fashioned looking kitchen with a big window over the sink, and all new rooms to decorate. Yippee!! The doors are all original and just ooze charm! I'll be keeping you all updated with before and afters :) But I might be slow to post for a few weeks, so bare with me :)

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July and are enjoying gorgeous summer days!! The mosaic above is my inspiration for Mom and Dads new abode which I've been given the honor to decorate :) The pics are from Better Homes and Gardens, ( you can click on the picture to see it large ) so pretty! Plus perfect timing for some red, white and blue :)

Thank you so much for being such incredible friends and followers, I so appreciate all of you!! I'll be back as soon as I can and in the meantime, I wish you love and blessings always!!

With gratitude and friendship,

~ Cynthia ~ XO


  1. You must be thrilled! I wish all the best getting them moved and settled in!


  2. Enjoy your break, Cynthia. I need one too. I think all of have life happening around us and sometimes "life" takes priority.
    I am probably your parents age...older I imagine..and your help with their move and preparing for it will be most welcome, I am sure.
    See you when you return.
    :) Mona

  3. How wonderful that your parents are going to be so close to you...can't wait to see pictures of their new home :)

    Enjoy your break!

  4. I am happy for you and to have the great job of a whole house to decorate cant wait to see some photos.

    Hugs Pat

  5. It's wonderful to have family near! Best of wishes with their move and your decorating! Can't wait until your back with more pics! I love your inspiration pictures!

  6. Cynthia, that sounds heavenly having your parents nearby. Mine live 8 hours away and it's just too far!!

  7. Both of my parents are gone so hearing of yours moving back to your area thrilled me!!
    Enjoy them.....

  8. Hi Cynthia.
    I am so happy for you! What a blessing to have your parents so close by! :o) And such gorgeous pictures as your jumping off points in decorating their home. There will be so much love in those walls!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  9. Wonderful news!!! I'm so happy for you! I wish my parents could move to live by me. It's hard to be so far from your loved ones. How much fun you will have fixing up the cottage for them!

  10. HOW EXCITING!! I love the Better Homes and Gardens featured home you shared. It is my all time favorite home of all.

    Enjoy the break!

  11. That is wonderful news! You WILL be busy! :)

    Enjoy the time you have!


  12. I know you are beside yourself with excitement to have your parents so close and to be able to help them fix up their place. What fun!!!! It will be adorable, just like you! Can't wait to see pictures. Enjoy your time working with them on their house. Love & blessings from NC!

  13. How wonderful for all of you to be so close geographically again!! We moved my in-laws into the house next door to us almost 3 years ago and it's be beyond delightful to have my angel MIL as my neighbor again. My grumpy, hermit FIL, not so much!

    Have fun decorating the house for your lucky parents. The landlord sounds like a treasure and the house sounds like a dream come true. I look forward to pictures of before, in process, and after.


  14. hi cynthia,

    what wonderful news for you all. you are so lucky to have your parents so well -- and soon -- so near. i know you will make their cottage a lovely and welcoming home.

    have fun decorating!!!


  15. That's wonderful news! I know you are thrilled! Enjoy your weekend and your decorating! ♥

  16. A whole new house to decorate?! That sounds fun! I hope you enjoy yourself and your parents love it too!

  17. You must be so thrilled that your parents will be so near. I always think it's so hard when parents are more than an hour away. The house sounds wonderful and it will be fun to see what transformations you put it through.

  18. What fun for you and I love the inspiration board!!
    Enjoy your break and we look forward to seeing the progress

  19. that is great news!im so happy for you and your parents. enjoy your 4th of July too :)

  20. That *is* good news! Oh, and to be given free reign decorating their house...the buttercream icing on top. I adore old houses, esp. Victorians. I can't wait to see pictures. Happy 4th to you, too!

    And...I STILL love your house!


  21. I wish my parents live closer! It sounds like you've found a great place for them. Can't wait to see pictures. Enjoy your break!

  22. How lucky they are to have such a welcoming family to move close to and such a talented daughter to make it all perfect. I look forward to photos as you settle them in.
    Mary, Brockport NY

  23. Oh my lordy Cyn, it's wonderful that your parents are coming back "home". I'm glad you're all happy with it and finding a big ole' house full of character and charm was a blessing for all of ya'll. I can't wait to see the decorating begin. I love all of your redo's and transformations so It's gonna look GREAT.

  24. Sounds like fun Cyn, have fun decorating and spending lots more time with your Mom and Dad!!

  25. Glad to hear that your parents are moving close by. My parents moved from Arizona to Idaho a couple of years after we moved here from the east coast. I am so glad that they did because we were able to spend so much more time with them. My Daddy died last week and I miss him so, but I treasure the last years he lived close by to us. I still have my Mom and I'm happy that I can see her so often, especially now. Treasure the years to come with your parents. It all goes by too fast.

    Susan and Bentley

  26. What wonderful and exciting news! You will so enjoy having family so close. Enjoy your break but will miss your posts. Love the inspiration pictures...the house is gonna look gorgeous.

  27. Cynthia,

    I can't wait to see what you'll do to the rooms - your decorating style is amazing. We also have a 100 year old home and I'd love to see some suggestions as to how to restore it back to how it once used to be.

  28. Cynthia-

    Such wonderful news! You must be so excited: to have them so close AND to have another home to decorate!!

    Can't wait to see the developments.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. Cynthia, It is a gift to have your parents moving so close! I am tickled for you!
    This is my first visit to your fabulous blog. I have spent way too much time enjoying your lovely and informative posts. I too love the white kitchen you posted, and the sweet cabinet that you displayed of your own.
    I will love visiting you often. I am a new follower!
    Have a wonderful 4th!

  30. How nice to have your parents so close..Happy 4th of July!

  31. I am your newest follower.
    Your blog is absolutely beautifull:))
    Happy 4th July, Hugs Biljana

  32. So HAPPY for you, Cynthia!! Just wonderful, to have them so close again. And their home will look beyond adorable, if you are doing the decorating. Happy 4th, sweetie. xo Lidy

  33. I recently moved from Idaho to Oregon to be closer the my children. I am so happy I did, but it is also very lonely at times as I miss my friends.

  34. Hi Cynthia,

    How wonderful that your parents will be moving up north again.
    The mosaic is beautiful! Have a happy safe 4th.

    Debbie from NJ

  35. Hi Cynthia
    I am SO HAPPY for you! That is wonderful news and I know you are going to lOVE having your parents so close!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  36. How wonderful for you and your parents! Good luck with all that you have to do to help get them settled! If you have a moment stop by my blog for a wonderful give away! Erin

  37. Enjoy your break, and come back with a whole lot of inspiration.

  38. ps. Hope you can join us for the FrenchGardenHouse Belgian Linen GIVEAWAY! ~lidy

  39. Just found you and I will come here every time I need a "visual vacation"! I love your decorating. Your flickr slideshow is wonderful. I don't live it out in my home as much as I'd like, but I do love French Country. A little cottage, a lot antique, a lot lace, a lot of floral, comfort and beauty married in poofy softness.
    I'm your newest follower!
    Faith's Firm Foundation
    P.S. Can't wait to see what you do with your parents' home! Sounds like a dream come true--having them close and getting to design/decorate their 100+ year old home!

  40. P.S.S.
    Put your button on my sidebar!

  41. That spread from BH&G was one of my favorite from years back when they featured it in their magazine...I lost the magazine somehow, but saw another spread last year in a COTTAGE STYLE magazine, put out once a year by the Hearts Co. It's saved and I use it for inspiration often and have also shared it on my blog. How I wish the owner of that home had a blog! I just cannot wait to see your before and after pics...and please share photos of the outside of the old farmhouse, I LOVE them and can't wait to see!

  42. How nice for all of you! I can't wait to see the house you described. It sounds really interesting and could be the subject of many blog topics!

  43. I can't wait to see it and am glad you get to be closer to your parents! karen....

  44. Hi Cynthia, I am so happy for you and can hear the joy in your voice! It was a good move when we got just the perfect place 2 years ago so Mom could move in with us. She is 90 and lived alone for over 20 years. We are all enjoying each others company. Keep us posted.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  45. So much fun for you and your folks. I know that it will be wonderful and I can't wait to see. Enjoy each and every moment.

  46. Hi Cynthia- I am so happy your parents are "coming home". We have had this internal "pull" many times to move South. The only thing that really keeps us here is love of family and watching our grandkids grow. My heart is smiling for you today! Have fun!
    I just found you this morning and am signing up as a new't be gone TOOOO long~ ;>)


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia