Friday, July 16, 2010

~ Busy , Busy ~

Hi Friends!

I'm stopping in to say hello , It's been the longest break I've taken from blogging, and I've missed everyone so much! My parents are coming in 5 days, so I'm down to the wire getting their house all ready. I will post pics next week and be back on schedule by then. I can't wait to stop by and see what you've all been up to this long hot summer! Well, maybe not everyone is having the temps we are ( 95+ and HOT ) but here in NY it's our 3rd heatwave! I can't wait to open the windows and feel the summer breezes again! I'm leaving you with a little pic of my mine, hydrangeas from the garden and canning jars, 2 of my favs :) Enjoy some ice-tea on me ( pink sugar makes for a nice rim on the ice-tea pitcher ) and I will be back next week!

Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful summer!

Lotsa Love,

~ Cynthia ~


  1. HI,I like your pictures, I miss your posts, everything is very delicate and very smooth, come back soon. Hugs,Fatima-Scrapart.

  2. Beautiful hydrangea! I have been missing you!

    Stop by and say Hi if you get a chance!


  3. Glad you checked in! I am envious of your bouquet!

  4. Gorgeous hydrangeas and couldn't be a more perfect container.

  5. Lovely flowers and we love to drink our tea from canning jars.
    Anxious to see pictures of the house you are fixing up for your parents. I miss your inspiring posts.

  6. Hey Cynthia! So glad for you. This is wonderful. We just moved my parents in with us...they are in their late 80's and it is working out very well. Our kids are all home from college and we are having such a precious time. This time is wonderful to me...I am very grateful for it. I know how you feel. When you love your parents and family....being nearby is wonderful. Hahahaha...lots more cooking and doing dishes...but it is soooo worth it. Give yourself a happy hug from me!

  7. hi sweetie!

    good luck with all of the finishing touches. i know that your parents will be so thrilled with all of the nesting and feathering you are doing for them.

    i love hydrangeas and mason jars, too!

    happy weekend ~


  8. Can't wait to see what you have been up too. I know it will be wonderful!

  9. Your hydrangeas in the jars are beautiful. I am having a hard time blogging this busy summer but it is always good to come by and see your smiling face. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your parents.

  10. Good luck with the move! How exciting! I love your hydrangeas and I will definitely have some tea. :) xoxo

  11. Cynthia, it's always a pleasure visiting your lovely blog. Beautiful blooms too :o)


  12. I heard on the news last night that here last summer in Brockport, NY we did not have one 90 degree day in all of June or July. This year - a bit different. Heatwave for sure. Looking forward to hearing about your parents' arrival.

  13. Hi Cynthia! Missing you!! I cannot wait to see all you've done to your parents new place! You must be so excited to have them closer again! I keep saying I want to go home to New England cuz its to darn hot here but I guess you are just as bad up there!! Please bring on Fall! I'll be checking back waiting for those posts!!!lol Take care - Sincerely, Jeannette

  14. I'm glad to hear you'll soon be back! I've missed you. Your photos are lovely as usual, of course.

    We moved my in-laws into the house next door almost 3 years ago and having AMIL (angel MIL)to play with has been a joy. FIL, not so much! We have a veggie garden; make jam, preserves, can tomatoes, and make salsa together; and we make quilts together. What fun!

    I hope all goes well with the move, the unpacking, and the settling in.

    15 years ago when I moved my 78 year old mother into her last home, I spent my last night in town sitting on her new kitchen floor with every cabinet and drawer open. I drew a wall elevation for each wall, numbered each cabinet and drawer, and made an alphabetized list of what was where. Baking dishes in cabinet 1, cereal in cabinet 4, soup in cabinet 10, etc. Mom kept that list on the side of her refrigerator until we moved her into assisted living 8 years later. She told me she'd never have found things if not for that drawing and list.


  15. Oh sounds like you have having lovely weather, love your hydrangeas, the blue ones are my favourite, my dear gran used to have lots of them in her garden :) Nice memories

    All things nice...

  16. I so love your blog and glad you're back from your well-deserved break!

  17. Looking forward to seeing the transformation of your parents new home! Congratulations on having them close to you once again, it means so much for family to be together.

  18. Hi,
    this is the first time I visit your blog. It is divine, and refreshing.

    I invite you to visit my blog, and I hope you like it.

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  19. You have just received "The Lovely Blog" award from me! Thank you for inspiring me! Please pass it on! You can find it here:

  20. Hi...I'm Laura from Italy! Lovely blog!
    I will link you on my blog and I'd like to invite you to visite also my blog :D

    Laura from Italy


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia