Saturday, September 11, 2010

~ A new obsession and a Give-away ~

Happy "almost fall" to all my wonderful friends! It's a new season and that means time to get busy creatively again... As most of you know it's been a rough summer, but with great friends and family I am ready to honor my creative soul once again.... I said it in the previous post, but I cannot say it enough, you all were so wonderful to offer your support and prayers and love to me on the loss of my dear father, so Thank you so much , from the bottom of my heart.... I am so far behind in everything , but this month I'm catching up :) I fall cleaned the house, started the cooking again and went back to working with my design clients. And to the few of those waiting for your Design Consultations: I am working to get them all caught up in the next two weeks, thank you for being so patient! I've missed you all and can't wait to pop in and see what you've been up to!

As I was saying in my last post , my Mom and I have been shopping a lot, baking, cooking and also going through some things , and for some reason, looking at old pictures sparked that visit to the "attic" ( a tiny crawl space actually lol ) . Well, that could be trouble for someone like me :) Many things spark a passion in me, but spending this time with my Mom has brought me back a bit to childhood feelings. Which mind you, I love.... So guess what came out of the attic? ........... Yep, the dollhouse :) ......not the one from my own childhood, but the one I made for my daughter ( now 15 ) years ago. I have to admit, it was like Christmas to me ( yippee!! ) I needed something that got my creative juices flowing again and this seemed to serve the purpose perfectly. Well long long story short, I went so bunkers for this new found fun, I've decided to finish the dollhouse finally.... And of course, lol, what does any normal girl do when she finds a passion that's fun after a rough summer?? Blog about it!! Ok, maybe not everyone, but a lot of us do :) I took it one step further though, and decided it needed it's own blog.... Come visit for a peek! ( I have more work to do on it and only one post so far ) It's called The Petite Villa ..... I wanted to keep my love of miniatures basically on it's own site so it doesn't get mish-mashed with this blog and over take it. I've decided to have a give-way too! It's a great way to say thank you to you all for your support and also to hopefully meet some other people who love miniatures also!

In the picture above is some of the things I've made to decorate this new little home of mine :) I've blogged about miniatures before, but making them is so much fun and very therapeutic for me lately. Melanie's dollhouse still needs work, the roof line isn't right and the porch isn't on either. But I figured if I can do this for a living with real houses, this should be the same thing on a smaller scale. Too bad I can't get my contractors in here and watch them like I do in the big people world though, but it's ok, I'll manage :)

All of her furniture needed updating, so out came the paint brushes and then the sand paper to make it look old again :)

If you aren't a fan of miniatures for dollhouses, the wonderful thing about "small things" is that when used sparingly, they can be great accents in our larger homes. I have this petite shelf vignette on a shelf in my kitchen. ( below )

I am so inspired by all the miniature blogs out there, and Paris Miniatures ( below ) is one of my favorites. This picture shows a collection of items they've made, and if you visit their site, the attention to detail is really one of the most exquisite I've seen. I just *gasp* at everything there!

So to celebrate my 2nd blog and to Thank you all for being such wonderful friends....on to the give-away!... I've chosen this lovely Royal Albert Old English Rose tea cup and saucer/plate. It would make a beautiful gift for someone or perfect for your own afternoon tea. Because you were all so sweet about my Mom moving close by, I thought it was fitting :) She brought up her entire collection for me and I love every piece. It's truly a collectible and beautiful china pattern.

The good old rules are: Leave me a comment here for 1 entry. If you become a follower of my miniature blog, The Petite Villa , that's 3 entries! Just leave me a comment on the other blog saying you have become a follower and that will help count it in...I wish I could give everyone something, but hopefully this shows how much I appreciate all of you! The Give-away is until Sept. 18th (9pm est time ). Good luck all!

Here's the rest of the collection in my kitchen hutch below... So pretty! I can't wait till Thanksgiving when I can use it all :)

There was one issue with filling up one of my kitchen hutches with something I didn't have before my Mom brought all this up...... Can you guess? lol, well it means I have to clear out the other hutch and put what used to be here, back in the other one. But no biggy, any excuse to redecorate was ok with me....I needed lots of distraction this summer, so I'm teasing about it being a problem. It wasn't. It was again, welcome therapy....

So back into the other hutch ( below )went some of my other favorite items. I'm down one pantry cabinet, but liked seeing my things back in view, so it was worth it ...

I closed the door on that project and most all the it's back to school for the kids, back to work for me, back to creativity in my spare time , and back to a different reality than I'm used to without my Dad. But I've got friends, and family, and my Mom...and other things that will take up life's I feel blessed for that.

Plus, I have my new miniature obsession too :).... every one needs a new obsession now and then. A nice escape, and if you haven't gotten into miniatures or looked at some lately, give it a try. You might just walk away feeling little again. Hopefully that's a good feeling for you, if not, then start at 50 to enjoy the little girl things... You're never to old to play!

Thank you so much for hanging in there with me, I hope this fall is starting out wonderful for you all! Remember, a new season equals a new chance...

This is my button ( above ) for the new blog, you can click on it to get there, or you can copy and paste it to your side bar if you'd like too. I will keep one on my side bar here also.

Wishing you love and Joy and a great week ahead filled with blessings and love!

Hugs, Cynthia xo


  1. Cynthia,
    What a pretty cup and saucer :) I am glad you have found your creative juices flowing again. I know your loss was great.
    Thanks for hosting the giveaway and congrats on the new blog :)

  2. Hi, I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you!
    Wonderful Cup and Saucer! thank you for this Giveaway!

  3. You are having such a sweet giveaway!! One that is so close to your heart. Best wishes fixing up that gorgeous dollhouse!!


  4. So glad to hear you are hanging in there Cynthia! Glad to hear your mom is adjust as well. I'm sure it helps to have you so close now. :) I swung on over to your new blog and it's too adorable for words!! I had no idea there could be so many sweet things in the miniature world! I am now following your other blog as well...and will add to my blogroll. :) Here's to Fall! I also can't wait to see more baking from you missy! :)


    Love from me and the kitties

  5. What a beautiful tea cup. I hope everything is working out for your Mom.


  6. Darn, I wish I could remember which blog I saw it on but she had the cutest little miniature table and chairs and accessories under a darling wire cloche. It made me want to pull out my little box of miniature that I had in those old country shadow boxes years ago in the duck ages! I have seen several blogs do the cutest things with their doll houses and this new idea is pulling very strongly and my inner little girl!!

    Love the pretty giveaway!!

    bee blessed

  7. Cynthia, I can totally relate to your daughter's unfinished dollhouse. My daughter (almost 27) has one in our basement. She used to go to classes at the local dollhouse shop in our town and make the cutest things for her dollhouse. They are so precious to me, because she made them herself! I need to get her dollhouse out and finish it too. I'm so glad you have a new activity to "lose" yourself in. Glad you are getting back to your normal routine and that your Mom is loving being near. Love & blessings from NC!

  8. Hi Cynthia! It's so good to see you posting and hear the joy in your words! I'm glad you're feeling better and I know having your mom close by is wonderful therapy for you and her!
    Now the little dollhouse is precious! I can't believe you made it!
    Please enter my tiny name in your giveaway. The cup and saucer are beautiful! How nice of your mom to give you these gorgeous set of dishes. They look wonderful in your cabinet! I love the look in your other cabinet too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Cynthia~ I am so glad that you are feeling like your old self again....even though I know you have been forever changed by your loss. It seems that one day there just seems to be a bit of joy there for us and we life to its fullest those that have passed on to a better life would want us to do.

    I was always fascinated by anything miniature even though I have never dabbled in that field. I think I am afraid that I might go "miniature crazy" My daughter is the proud owner of a doll house that my brother-in-law made for us. It is an exact replica of her great grandmother's house that was bought by the hospital and then torn down as they expanded. Shs has all the boxes of furniture and bits and pieces stored away for now and is hoping for a little girl to love it she did when she was younger.

    I am headed over to your other blog. Sign me up for that beautiful cup and saucer...It is calling my name!>) Blessings to you~ Diana

  10. I am so glad you are back , I had just started to follow when your Dad passed, and I am so sorry for your loss, I have been in your shoes. Just when I think the world can't go on , guess what ? It does ! The sweet memories last foever ...

  11. Loss is never easy :( My mom passed away 4 years ago and it's still hard.

    I have an obsession with miniatures, thankfully, since I have a 7 year old I can't really go in to that particular passion... just yet :) I can't wait til I am by myself with just me and my dream miniature house!

    I am newly following your new blog!

    jaime.huff1 at

  12. Cynthia - thanks so much for the giveaway!

  13. So glad you have your mother close now. Enjoy every minute of it! I LOVE dollhouses, and have just become a follower of your newest blog! Thanks so much for such a sweet giveaway ~ it just doesn't get any better than RA Old English Rose!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  14. Dear Cynthia, so pleased that you've feel motivated to continue working, and that your mother is bearing up well.
    what a lot of loveliness :o) Beautiful china has always been my weakness, lol.

    Have a blessed weekend

  15. I love how the carefully placed items in your other hutch have such a random look. Charming. The tea cup is a great give away!

  16. I'm happy to see you back to blogging again Cyn ! I'm also excited about your new blog ~ what could be more perfect than a dollhouse full of lovely things?!! I became a follower too & can't wait to see your next posts ! Your blogs are always so beautiful ~~

  17. What a beautiful giveaway! So glad to see you back doing what you love. I will keep your family in my prayers.

  18. I am glad that you are getting along better. You certainly sound happy! Time spent with your mother is very healing indeed.
    Please enter me in your giveaway!

  19. Your mom's dish collection (or should I say your dish collection now) is beautiful!!
    I have a rather large, unfinished doll house in my basement. I've often thought of getting back into it again. I'm going to check out your miniature blog & maybe you'll inspire me to get going.

  20. Wonderful!! I love all, so charming:)
    Greetings from Europe, Biljana

  21. So good to see you again! You sound wonderful. Does my heart good. Your new china is lovely and I love that you have a new project. Have fun! Kit

  22. ooooo süper vintage model.myyy süper model you foto,tanks tanks.
    small hause süper plesa cafe glass my:)roze süper.

  23. hI Cynthia! I will become a follower and head over there as soon as I leave this message! You are the one who made my jaw drop when you posted that sweet little refrigerator at Christmas time...I still haven't gotten over that cuteness! I'm lovin' miniatures too! How fun to do this other blog..what a great idea. I think of you often and I'm always happy when you post your thoughts!
    Blessings to you my friend.

  24. How cute is that little house! Congrats on starting the new blog. That should be a lot of fun. :)

    I'm off to see it. :)


  25. Cyn, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of your father but I'm glad to see things are getting better for you.

    And what a lovely giveaway...I adore miniatures!! They're cuteness level is off the charts!:) I'm off to join your other blog. Sending hugs to you!

  26. oh how beautiful! i love these tiny furniture and sweet tableware, sooo cute!
    i love also the giveaway so let me participate :)
    have a great week and thank you for the givevaway!

  27. what a beautiful teacup and saucer! Thanks so much!

  28. Hi Cynthia,
    How wonderful for you to find an old love and bring it back into your home. Your doll house is amazing and so pretty! it has charm and if I was a tiny little fairy I would love to live in it...
    I always wanted a doll house as a little girl. My sister and I would make ours out of shoe boxes and what ever we could was fun!
    I will enjoy watching your doll house grow and become a part of you...
    I am a follower of course..
    and have become a follower of The Petite Villa too...
    Have a sweet day and big hugs, Elizabeth

  29. Oh My Gosh Cynthia, I actually gasped when I saw your hutch filled with all of those red roses!! It's stunning, but it doesn't hurt that I'm in love with red. Please count me in for the giveaway. I would love to win. I'm heading over to your new blog too. My Mother moved in with us 2 years ago you are in for a treat. You gals will have lots of fun. Tell your Mom Hello for me.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Cynthia,

    My belated sympathies in the loss of your dear father. How perfectly perfect that he and your mother where right next door already and that you'd had some time to be together.

    The following quote was sent to me by a friend when my own father died in 1983. I understand the feeling you have that your father is still close by.

    "Those we love are with the Lord
    and the Lord has promised to be with us.
    If they are with Him, and He is with us,
    They cannot be far away."
    - Peter Marshall

    Your new/old precious dishes are so beautiful. What a delight for you to have them!

    Am off to visit your doll house!


  32. Just beautiful! Love that cup and saucer!
    I'm so happy to hear that you are getting your groove back. It takes time.. that's for sure.

    I never knew anything about miniatures until I met my friend Kim here in Blogland. She loves Dollhouses as well and I have so much fun following her. I'm going to tell her about your new blog. She'll love it!

    I'm heading over now to check it out and become a Follower!

    Take care,

  33. Adorable design!!!
    Thanks for sharing.

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  34. Happy to see you back posting again. And what a fun packed post.
    I love the dishes your Mom gifted you with and they fit perfectly in your home. Giving one of the cups and saucers away is so sweet. I would love to win it.
    Your minature blog is a great idea and I am headed over there now. Having only sons, I never got to do dollhouses, but with 7 granddaughters, I could easily get inspired.
    Welcome back. Looking forward to many more inspiring posts.

  35. kiss froma Rome!
    Little Things

  36. Love The Petite always another wonderful Blog! ~Kathleen~

  37. Oh Cynthia my heart breaks for you. But I know you will see him in heaven. he made you who you are today and he is always with you.

  38. Beautiful cup and saucer! I love dollhouses, too, Cynthia. I have one in my garage I rescued from my sister's trash. I hope to start working on restoring it soon.

  39. I enjoy your lovely blog and I am excited to become a follower of your newest blog. I also love miniature lifestyles.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. Your dishes and hutch are beautiful! I love the "pie fixes everything" sign!


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia