Saturday, August 28, 2010

~ Getting through the days ~

Hello sweet friends! It's been so long since my last post and life has certainly changed a lot for me this summer. Of course I thought I would be spending this summer with both my Mom and Dad, but as you know from my last post , my dear Father passed away. So I want to start this post with telling you all , that I read each and every caring and loving word of sympathy! Your support was overwhelming and so completely appreciated. I adore each of you for taking the time to help me through such a loss. Your letters and comments warmed my heart and showed me yet again, what incredible , beautiful and caring people are out in blogland! So Thank you dear friends, from the bottom of my heart....

I'm not completely back in the swing of things , but I am thoroughly enjoying the blessings of now having my mother close by. Pretty soon my posts will be about decorating again and life will go on...It's during the rough patches we all go through that I think we learn the most... I knew I was a lucky girl, but to have my Mom living close by at this time in my life is truly a blessing. We've gotten through this month by doing so many little things, and it's good therapy :) My post is about just that.... The little things I've been doing to heal...and the little things we find great joy in....

I think I got through this month at first, by having incredible things happen that show me my Dad is right next to me...I mean really neat things! Like an owl visiting my Mom the night he passed away, something that isn't common in her area and owls have always been my Mothers favorite sight... She hadn't seen one in 20 years before that evening. :) And for me, it's this constant sense of him near, it's this sense of feeling protected somehow, hard to explain, but it's just something I know.

I find joy and solace in knowing that I have another guardian Angel...So I've spent some time reading about them...and it warms my heart to know he's with me ...

I've also spent so much time reminiscing too... I lay out all the photos and albums and pour over them...

What gifts we have been given to love one another! There is no greater feeling than to love, and be loved!

I've spent time unpacking with Mom and finding treasures to bring home to my house too :) I love "shopping" at her house... :)

I've also had quite moments of solitude too, where I can appreciate the time I was given with him...

And I can look into his favorite dogs eyes every day and still see him pat her head and say " what a good dog". My Dad was one of the kindest , happiest people I will ever know. And animals knew it too :)

I've spent a LOT of time cooking and baking, hmmm, maybe a little too much :) But again, it's good therapy ...with yummy results...

My Daughter and I got to go over to "Grandma's house" ( ahhhh... I just love the sound of that sentence, being that for 20 years she lived way too far away to do this ) and bake for an entire day!

again, it's the little gifts of life that keep me happy and grateful ...

We made breads and pies galore...

It just felt so right to have the 3 generations of women , all together, baking and cooking... I'm going to love that part of my Mom being close by so much!

I've always loved a good glass of wine, now I love it on the deck with Mom....

Oh the simple , sweet days....ahhhhh..

I've also done a little "retail therapy" too... yes , guilty :) ...Of course, another pie dish , because I cannot say no to them .... My Mom has discovered Home Goods and I know I don't need to say another sentence, she *gasped* at "our" new favorite store ...

And I've also relished as many of these summer days as we have left... I'm sure I'm getting ready to say good-bye to the pretty pink blooms of summer, but with every good-bye comes a new season. A new chance to love something else.

Speaking of love and life.... I'll leave you with this one little lesson I learned, and by the love you poured out to me, I think you already know it.... But just in case....

~ Tell every one you love, that you love them , every single day ~ Than you will always feel good :)

I love you all !

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer and enjoying all the special moments you can!
Btw, I'll be shooting a lot of photos of my Moms new home, we are still decorating and giving it the final touches, but I think you will love it :)

Thank you again for your friendship and caring!

Love, Cynthia


  1. Welcome back my Dear friend...I have miss ya and think about you often..My prayers are still with you and your sweet mama...Sounds like your making some special memories with her..Hope to see you back full time and please know we all are waiting for you...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. So glad you're doing well. How lucky for your mom that you're near her now. It's a great comfort for yourself and her. We love and miss our dads. Peace.

  3. Welcome back, Cynthia. I love you too and am so glad that you have been enjoying some special time with your sweet Mom. I am so thrilled that she will now live nearby and you can enjoy doing things with her on a daily basis. That is wonderful!!! I just love the picture of your Dad that you posted earlier. He looked like such a dear man. I know you miss him very much, but I'm sure you cherish the beautiful memories you have of him. I hope you and your daughter continue to form precious memories each day with your Mom. I can't wait to see pictures of her new house. Take care. Glad to catch up with you. Love & blessings from NC!

  4. HI Sweet girl. Good to hear from you. And what a precious post. This is what real heartfelt blogging is all about. We didn't even know each other a couple of years ago and here we are exchanging hugs and love through posts. You are already dear to me and I'm relieved and a little emotional at your post. So glad you are navigating through this time with your mom...which I know is a precious time for you.

    Give yourself a real big hug from me the kind where you squeeze real hartd! daughter gives those kind of hugs...where you can't breathe for a moment!
    Blessings my friend.

  5. So good to hear that you are doing well. I loved your story and the lovely photos of your Dad. Take care and I look forward to seeing the pics of your Mom's house. Kit

  6. So good to see you back :o)

    God bless you

  7. Hello dear Cynthia,

    Nice to see you back. How nice that you have been sharing some great times with your mom, and making new memories. My dad, mom, and grandma have all passed, and I miss them so much. My grandma and grandpa lived in Va. and I have precious memories of being on their farm, and canning, making pies, sewing, etc. Glad to hear you mom is closeby now too.

    Debbie from NJ

  8. Cynthia-I am newer to your blog and I just want you to know that I know your feelings about your Dad. My own father was a kind, loving, happy person too. I still miss him after all these years and can still sometimes "hear" his laughter in the laugh of my youngest son.

    I know it is rite of life-the passage of one's parents but it sure doesn't make it any easier. I guess after hearing all the horrible experiences that some people had in their childhood it brings home to me how very special it was to have a wonderful loving father.

    God bless you-Each day gets a bit easier and I am looking forward to getting to know you better- Diana

  9. My heart goes out to you and your family...I didn't know until now that your father passed away. Now you are making new memories with your mother and it sounds like a new door has opened. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


  10. Cynthia its nice to have you back. Fathers do hold such a special place in their daughters hearts. I know he's watching over you and your family now and especially your mother.

  11. Lovely post with some very good advice!

  12. HI Cynthia! I'm so glad you've posted and brought us up to where your are now! I'm glad you're healing and so glad you and your daughter and spend time with your mother.
    My daddy's in heaven and I miss him so much but oh, the wonderful memories. I thought of him when you were saying how kind your daddy was and how he loved animals.
    Take care Dear One.
    shelia ;)

  13. You have such a positive upbeat attitude that it is infecious. I feel good just reading your story of your loving father. I hope one day you can maybe write on your blog some stories about him, he sounds wonderful! You must be a real blessing to your Mother right now. Take care, Pearl

  14. Cynthia, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your sweet loving Father. I have not been blogging much this summer so didn't get the news until tonight. Please except my deepest sympathies sweetheart.
    I am so happy to hear that you are making new memories with your Mom now that she is closer to you and your family.

  15. Hi Cynthia,

    I have been recently following your nice blog and I'm sorry about your father's lost. But it is nice to see you recovering and just making yourself busy..

    All the best-Senem

  16. I am so sad you lost your dad bit, I love the way you are coping with his passing by remembering him and enjoying all your lovely memories. It must be lovely to have your Mom close by, Treasure every minute with her it is so precious. I tell my family I love them every single day, keep remebering your Dad and talk about him all the time that way he will always be close.
    Love Jillx

  17. hi
    Good to have you back, My prayers for you , your family and your mama.
    Be strong for her...
    Its a good way in which you are trying to back into your daily routine , Its very tough but you are doing well ...

  18. Welcome back. I was wondering just the other day how you were doing. :)

    That's wonderful that your Mum is close by now. What a blessing that they had made the move before he passed away. At least she had you close by and wasn't far, far away.

    Enjoy your time with her. I cannot wait to see her home. :)

    Take care,

  19. Cynthia,
    I, too, wasn't sure that I knew your Dad had passed. I am so sorry to hear this. I am so close to my Dad, and I know when that day comes it will be so difficult for me. I can't imagine. I am happy for you that your Mom is closer to you now :)
    My thoughts and prayers are with you,

  20. Dear Cynthia, so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet father. What a blessing that you and your family were able to spend precious time with him before he was taken so quietly away. That truly is a gift! Not everyone has such loving relationships so you are fortunate to have such beautiful and fond memories. Enjoy this time with your mom. I'm sure the companionship, baking sessions, retail therapy are a big help to you all. Wishing you all the best, Tammy:)

  21. Hi Cynthia,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

    How special that your Mom will be close and that the generations are there for each other to go forward by cooking, loving and fondly remembering your dear father.
    A little retail theaphy can do wonders.

  22. You are such a thoughtful young lady and express it so eloquently. I can tell that your mom and dad did a wonderful job raising you.

  23. Cynthia, I am so glad to see you back posting. I missed you! Gosh, I think I must have checked your blog every single day to see if there was a new post.
    Also very glad to hear that you and your mom are making it thru this difficult time. It sounds like she is just a joy to be around, and that's wonderful!
    Yes, fall is right around the corner. Anxious to see what fall decor you have up your sleeve!
    Hope you and your mom have a great week.

  24. Hello! It felt good to read your latest post. It is really the little things that count when going through rough patches. I'm glad you can spend so much time with your Mom right now and that you are enjoying all of your activities together. Keep baking, reminiscing, and counting all those blessings. :)

  25. Missed your posts but so glad you're coping better. It's terrible to lose someone so dear. And as for the feeling of his presence that happened to me constantly after my husband passed. Our daughter was expecting her first baby and wonder of all wonders he was born on my wedding anniversary soon after my husband left this world. I know my husband did that for all of us. It was very comforting.

  26. We love you too!! God Bless...

  27. My heart goes out to your Mom. I have been there...
    With you so close she will do well I hope. This is such a difficult time in her life. I was grateful for my many adjustments to go through...
    I am still going through them...maybe I always will.
    You and your family sound like the perfect people to have around at such a time.
    Your post was so warm and loving...


  28. Dear Cynthia,
    We love you too! It's wonderful that you are able to spend the time with Mom to help her through.
    Decorating her new home will keep her busy and busy is good.
    Have a sweet day, hugs~Elizabeth

  29. Cynthia, I am so very sorry for your loss. What a heartbreak for you and your family. I am happy to hear you are spending time with your Momma.
    Take care.

  30. Cynthia, your last posts brought tears to my eyes - and reminded me of how much I miss my dad too....but what a great reminder of how much we love our dads! I'm glad you seem to be healing beautifully...your posts remind us of what's most important...and I thank you for that:)

  31. Such a sweet post Cynthia. Healing is a long progress and especially when it is a parent or sibling. May the memories of your sweet Father fill your heart with joy and carry you though the days ahead. He was a very handsome man and I am sure a wonderful Father.

    I thought of you this evening when I was putting away the dishes and cherishing the turquoise kitchen bowl I bought from your Etsy shop. I just had to come by and visit you.


  32. hi sweet girl!
    you know, i am moved about the owl visiting your mother. cynthia, after we lost our son, we had blessings like this and continue having them after 1 year and a half. god gives us sweet gifts to allow us to know that our loved one is near. they ARE now our guardian angels. yes..sweet angels that are with us always. we just have to be in touch with those blessings.

    i love that three generations are baking together. how so very sweet. creating precious memories there....

    sending a ((hug))

    if ever you wish to chat, you can always email me.

  33. Dearest Cynthia, My heart goes out to you.
    Through your whole post I kept thinking, as a mom.... Your precious mom is so lucky to have you right now too. What a blessing you must be to her! God's timing is amazing.

    Bless you!


  34. It's so good to have you back, Cynthia. I've missed your posts.
    Looks like you are staying busy.
    You and your Mom are a blessing to each other and it's great you and your daughter love to do things with her.
    Looking forward to seeing what you have done at your Mom's.

  35. Hi Cynthia, I'm glad your doing good. I lost my dad back in 1995, but I still have my wonderful mother. It is truly a blessing to have such wonderful parents. You take care!
    My prayers and blessings are with you.
    Sandy from
    Love ya to stitches...

  36. I'm so glad that your Mom is living close by now. The time I spend with my own Mom since Daddy died in June is so very precious. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Susan and Bentley

  37. Hi Cynthia

    This is my first visit here...I came here from someplace in blogland and I'm saddened to hear about the loss of your father. Your post is beautiful and the happiness you feel with your mother close to you now...and together you can have strength to move ahead..sharing memories and days with your father....
    How special for your daughter to have gramma close...
    keep strong..
    come and visit sometime when you have time..

  38. Hi Cynthia, I am so happy for you that now your mother is close and your daughter can "go to gramma's house"...I would love to hear that myself - my children and grandchildren are far away; a whole day and a half of driving. But I'm praying that someday soon they will come and live near us! Have a great week and keep doing the things that comfort you and your mom,

  39. I loved your story and the lovely photos.
    Your blog is adorable.

  40. You and I have very similar outlooks on life right now! Love that you have your mom close by and I am so happy that you and your kids can go to Grandma's. What a blessing that is!

  41. I have had a very busy summer and just today read your post about your father. I want to extend my heartfelt condolences. I lost my precious father four 1/2 years ago, my mother 23 years ago. I miss them so very much, especially my dad. I am so happy that your mother is there near you and I know you will bring comfort and happy memories to each other during this difficult time.

    Sending love and prayers,


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia