Wednesday, October 27, 2010

~ Birthday eye Candy ~

HI Ladies! I'll start this post with a *warning *, it's filled with super eye candy :) It's a collection of things that inspired me this week and all I could do was GASP at each one. I hope you enjoy it too! I respect we all have different tastes, and in that case, I'll just say you had to peel ME off the floor on some of them. :) My week was spent making miniatures of course, but I allowed myself some blog surfing too. My Birthday is this Friday and I'm trying to reward myself with as much inspiration searching as possible. Simply because that's what makes me smile..... and after 49 years ( well almost ) I think it was much needed :) My mind is now spinning with things I want to create in miniature and it's almost scary how much I love making them. I even wake up sometimes in the middle of the night to jot down an idea, so that's how I can tell I'm loving it :) Ok on with the post...

I adore Elyse from Tinkered Treasures and her friendship over the time we started emailing has meant so much to me, she really is the sweetest! I know most of you know her, but if you don't, you must :) I emailed her after buying some of her sweet boxes and asked if she could possibly do some cake and cookie boxes for me. I wanted to send off my Miniatures in style to whomever purchased them. So she said she'd whip some up for me and that's where my first * gasp * of the week began :)!! Above and below is what she sent me and they look like little Christmas gifts next to a bakers table I just finished making. O M G Elyse! You are amazing! You knew exactly what colors I love and you also gave them that quaint cottage bakery touch I love too!! Thank you Thank you! I'll be emailing you later to place my order, you are fabulous! It gives me a chance to give a little something extra too, and who doesn't love that? Thank you again sweetie!

More eye candy..... and my Birthday wish list :)

Mom if you're reading this, wouldn't Sunday dinners at my house be so much more festive if you bought me this apron below? Hmmm, the pearls too? I've always wanted a Jessie Steele apron ....and look, She is carrying a cake and it's not tiny either, lol ( That's a reference to the fact that every Sunday I have my Mom over for dinner and lately the kitchen table is covered in mini's and not table-settings ) Note: I promise I'll find a place for them :)

My inspiration searching also brought me back as always to Lidy's French Garden House, this bag below is perfect for a market day. Fall on Long Island is filled with weekend markets! Jams, pies, vegetables, honey, apples etc. So I need one of these too. :)

For some reason this week I've found sites I've never come across before and when I'm there, I'm so glad I found it! Do you know Meggy Moos? I didn't until now and the kitchen-ware is so sweet. They have such unique vintage items too. (As a side note, I'm bringing these sites to my blog only in a complimentary way, I haven't been paid to endorse them or advertise for them ). The funny thing is , I was actually searching Jam Jars as inspiration for my next miniature project when all these sites were found, I got distracted and trailed off lol.....You know how that happens :)

Soooo sweet!

Then another *gasp*! I have seen this before , ( below )but finally got to the original source. For me, this was the complete inspiration I was looking for , lined shelves with pretty papers, beautiful items and pies... Perfect :) I want everything here... In my big girl home and on my Mini project "to-do" list also! It's from a Summer wedding blog and the wedding company was Gloria Wong Designs. Boy can she design or what? Fabulous. The photo credit goes to Lisa Lefkowitz. Stunning!

This one below is where I fell off my chair :) So So pretty... It took my mind into over-drive on ideas and I can't wait to make one just like it!

I've also tried to find some time this week to work on my own dollhouse, but that didn't happen yet. I've picked out a spot in my family room where I'll move it. After I've got the lighting kit finished , I'll get a turntable for it and hopefully it will be done. Until then, I created a mood board to keep on file for the "look" I want it to have when it's finished. This would work for any home , big or small :)

Back to shopping.... I adore this chalkboard below. I found this picture on a site that is no longer in business, but if I get another day off soon, it will be to find this and bring it right into my kitchen....

and this .... such pretty sheets and down comforter!

( Vintage Home )

This mirror below is perfect for my bedroom, maybe one day :)

Now on to a little cooking and baking inspiration... This blog below is new to me, and the photography is gorgeous as are the recipes! Fall makes me want to cook and bake all day, and there's no shortage of blogs to suit that, but this one really seemed to make it easy and organized. I'll be back to visit it often! *Kitchen Musings*. I love the styling too!

I also made this bakery table below this week, and it was so much fun to create! I think for me , with Designing "real" homes, I was always at the mercy of what was out there to decorate a clients house with. And while there isn't much shortage on beautiful designs and furniture and accessory choices, I was still limited sometimes. I adored the custom end of Interior Design because it allowed me to draw up what I needed to be made. But that too was only for certain clients. So with miniatures, I've found a way to design and make whatever I want, and that pleases me to no end. I like it so much I actually "name" some of my projects : ) Ok you can tell me here to snap out of it, lol. But I don't think I'll listen :)

This one is appropriately named: " Sweet as Pie"

I loved lining the little drawers too...

Not everything that is sold in our big girl world is made in mini's, so I'm also designing some small versions of things for my collections. I took my butter dish that I love and tried my hand it at and I was pretty pleased with the results..

( My fav Butter dish ... real size )

( the 1" scale version I made )

With the holidays coming up next month, ( yikes! ) I'm going to do a few of these from below for my Etsy shop and ALSO for my dinners with big people. :) I heart the bakery sign, yummy sweet!

Now here is my last , but not least , *super uber gasp *! Maybe I am the last to know? I don't know, but whatever the case, I cannot say enough about this blog and website! Would it be stalker-ish to call her my hero? Ok maybe :) But I just swooned over every, and I mean EVERY inch of her website! It's a blog style website and honestly, you will be so happy you made the trip to England in the virtual sense. I promise.

I'm a very "wordy" person as most of you know or if you're new here, you'll find out soon enough. BUT I am actually speechless. Where do I begin? Ok I'll keep it as short as possible: Fabulous delicious recipes, country living to the prettiest extent, gorgeous eye candy and inspiration, real down to earth writing, great great ideas! I'll stop there and let you find out the rest for yourself. Cherry you are simply fabulous!

All pictures are from her site, so grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and enjoy! You'll be there awhile I think :) Click this link: Cherry Menlove

I adore this idea above , wrapping my herbs and spices in pretty fabrics and labels? Love it! Be sure to stop by her blog, I'm sure you'll adore it. There's something there for everyone!

Well friends, I hope you enjoyed a little bit of your day being inspired too!

Hugs and love,

Cynthia xo


  1. You really did find some beautiful things to post! And thanks for all of the wonderful links! It's so much fun to 'branch' out and visit new blogs! I always see some of the people I know there...and wonder why I didn't know! Happy Birthday to you, sweet lady! You are so beautiful and always lift my spirits with your beauty and happiness! Enjoy your week! BIRTHDAY HUGS coming your way! ♥♥♥

  2. It's amazing to me that you can make such awesome little treasures!
    Happy Birthday and I hope you get the apron!
    Deb :)

  3. Cynthia! Wow! I am on blog overload just reading YOUR blog---so much to see and savor. I hastily read through it and will go back later and really study it! I am AMAZED at what you are doing with your tiny treasures...and Elyse at Tinkered Treasures was one of my first true "finds"...I just adore her! And..the rest..well, I will check them out later this week when I am off work. I love everything in your blog today...everything! Hugs- Diana

  4. Boy howdy, these are some beautiful pics. I've had the pic of the pretty apron & cake for a while and use it a lot as my laptop background. I luv the apron too & yummy cake.
    You did a GREAT job making the miniature butter dish. I love the blog link you gave where you found most of this.

  5. I am looking over E..VER..Y THING and awwed. Just tooo cute.

    I am thinking you will be making the little wooden spoon with the whip cream and berry!

    Do you also make the furniture in your photos?

    The butter dish is absolutely PRECIOUS!!

    My husband just mentioned again today..getting busy on our Grand daughter(s) doll house(s). I think I better glean lots from you and the links...I too jot by the bed!

    LOVE all you share..THANK YOU


  6. You are so talented all the mini food looks so good...good enough to eat!!!
    Thank you for sharing!!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have an extra-special weekend celebrating your day! What beautiful pictures. I love all your miniature stuff you have made. You put a smile on my face with all your gorgeous things online. Enjoy the rest of your week. Love & blessings from NC!

  8. Happy happy birthday Cynthia!!

    Such a wonderful post today with all kinds of goodies!! I would love to get a little doll house to work on- I never really had one as a little girl and how fun to make it just my own!

    bee blessed

  9. Happy Birthday Cynthia! Hope you have a wonderful day!

    I enjoyed all that eye candy! I was familiar with a few of those but not all so I'll visit them when I have a chance.


  10. Dear Cynthia
    May I wish you lots of love and a very happy birthday. Thank you so much for letting me know you were out there and for being so generous with your time and comments.
    A truly beautiful person.

    Thank you again
    Cherry x

  11. You truly inspire me Cynthia! I hope that you receive that darling apron and the market bag too. Happy Birthday dear friend. I hope that this 49th year brings you much happiness, love and lots time to create all of your precious minis!!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  12. Happy Birthday Darl'in! I love your wish list and hope you get what you wish for! Your little yummy treats are so darling! You are good! Love the little boxes Elyse made for you! Cute as a button!


  13. happy birthday, cynthia!

    i hope that today your day was dreamy, happy and wonderfully yummy!

    thank you so much for including me in your post among so many fantabulous images, blogs and ideas.

    i can't even comprehend how you are making these miniatures! they are perfectly adorable and so you. how fun to have rediscovered this fun and energizing interest!

    happy birthday hugs to you, my friend!


  14. What a fun interlude this morning, looking at all these lovely inspirations. Happy Birthday and thanks for sharing.

  15. One word that comes to mind every time I visit here...Sweet! Happy week end wishes!

  16. Pretty, pretty, pretty! What adorable finds. Happy Birthday too! May God Bless you with dreams and much inspiration, and with blessings above and beyond all you can imagine!

  17. Everything looks A-m-a-z-i-n-g as always! you are so talented, i love it! You are so inspiring and make my imagination soar. Thank you, and p.s. Happy Birthday!

  18. Hello Cynthia. I´m from Brasil. Your blog is very, very pretty. Congratulations. It´s so amazing!!! Kisses!!!

  19. You have found some awesome finds! I so want that chalkboard too so if you find it pretty please let me know where. I'm new to your blog and I'am a follower! Stop by if you get time and say hi. Happy Birthday! Traci

  20. Without a doubt, in my book and thought processes, you have one of THE MOST beautiful blogs in all of blogland!!! You provide more eye candy and more gorgeous blogs to visit than anyone else. Whether mini or real life size, you know how to add touches of beauty to everything. Always, I find it a treat to visit here and see what new, and fun things I will find. Thank you for your blog and the time you put into sharing for people like me.

    Happy belated birthday! Wishing you a year of creating and peaceful living.

  21. Cherry is a darling, isn't she? I always love popping over for a visit to the UK....she always has such charming things going on over there. xo Lidy

  22. What a beautiful blog. So much color and sweet things. I love the ruffled tablecloth and all the sweet treats. Thanks for the inspiration. Carol

  23. How adorable! Everything is so sweet and charming! Thanks for sharing your magic with us!
    Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
    Kat =^..^=

  24. Your blog is amazing!!!! So chic & country all at once!! I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing your treasures!

  25. Your work and your inspiration photos are fantastic. I've always loved miniatures and I'll be back to your blog again.


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia