Tuesday, November 9, 2010

~ Bakery Style and Following your bliss ~

Hi girls! With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I'm thinking "Baking" :) But the only thing that gets in the way of writing out my menu and idea planning is my brain is on over load with ideas for making miniatures instead. Every time I see a beautiful table setting or a delicious treat to make, I think: " Hmmm, now how would I do that in miniature?". I think that means I'm letting my bliss take over ;) But that's ok , because this Thanksgiving is the first one I've had with my Mom in so many years, and also the first one that I cannot see or talk to my dear Father and laugh with him and share that day since he passed away. So I'm allowing myself some time to really enjoy this new passion. I'll be taking a few days away from the miniatures to completely immerse myself in the planning of Thanksgiving though, after all, I have reason to feel blessed to have my Mom so close. Plus my Mom is loving the miniatures too and she can rearrange the dollhouse while I cook, instead of re-designing my table setting filled with her Royal Albert china "the way she did it" :)

I think when you follow your bliss, things that you love , just keep popping up, is that the Law of attraction? I think so. I am always searching out ideas for my projects and when I Googled "Bakery style kitchens" , that picture above came up. It's the kitchen from the movie "It's Complicated" with Alec Baldwin and Meryl Streep. I loved that movie, and the set was to die for pretty. I've always loved my kitchen, but like most people, I want a few more details that truly would make it my style. Which I think more and more is becoming something I want to call " Bakery Style". I love farmhouse style, cottage style , shabby chic style, etc. But when I mush them all together, I like the word Bakery Style best.... I need to infuse my kitchen with a bit more of it, soon :) If I had to add tags to what Bakery Style would be to me, I'd say that the kitchen above is a good start. But for me, I'd add sweet pastel colors and be done. Then to my own kitchen, I'd collect an entire hutch of Cake stands, add Marble counter tops, some white subway tile, and ice cream parlor iron stools somewhere with ruffled cushions, and be done :)

So here's the start of an idea, a little tour of what says Bakery Style to me in my big girl kitchen and some miniature making too...

A sweet as sugar Cake Stand... Don't you love the dripping lace? This can be found at Fancy Flours.com. I love the site for ideas on miniatures, but fell in love with this for me :)

Then last night when I was "playing" with my miniature hutches, I put together this vignette with some items from my shop. I think I need soft pastel prints in back of my own big hutches, because I'm liking this. I have to say, I admire rustic bakery style too, but then I'd have to have 2 homes and that's not happening. :)

Years ago I bought my first item that I would call " Bakery Style" for my own kitchen, and thinking back, that's probably where the obsession with pastels and sweets really began for my kitchen. It was Jenny from Every day is a Holiday and her beautiful shop that sparked my first interest in it. This sign below is a classic to me, simple and vintage and sweet of course.

My girlfriends know how much I love this look and cupcakes too :) Below was a Birthday gift from one of my best girlfriends Amy, she so knows what I love , Thank you Amy! And it fits perfect in this nook and right at home above my blackboard!

These sweet cupcakes were also a gift from Amy last year, adding to my collection is something she does extremely well! She has such a way with "sweet things", but that's because her soul is just like that, she's honestly sweet as sugar , with enough spice to make her a best girlfriend too :)
Amy has the sweetest items in her own kitchen , including one heck of an awesome vintage sink and vintage styled cabinetry too. She doesn't have a blog, but omg, she should! Every time I go to her house and sit by the fireplace in her kitchen, I smack myself for forgetting my camera, but I promise I will share it soon. You have to see it , I have permission to share it's cottage look and will definitely do it in an upcoming post soon!

I ordered these ornaments below , again from Jenny's shop, and they stay out year round because I love them so. A vintage sifter and a cupcake...

More from Every day is a Holiday...

And again below , from Amy :) A yummy Birthday gift and a perfect way to add pink to my Thanksgiving desert table...

Ok this one below isn't about Cupcakes lol, but I adore Milk too, so Amy added this to go with the cupcake gift, perfect!

Bakery Style wouldn't be complete without the Aprons...my talented friend Jennifer made this apron for me awhile back and It's always been a favorite of mine ever since!

Well that's about as far as my Bakery style kitchen has come, but I can always do exactly what I want in miniature and it doesn't involve busting down walls yet, so for now, I'll stick with the mini's :) They've taken over my big girl kitchen anyway :) Here are just a few of the new items I've made for my Etsy...

I'm off to finish filling some hutches I've been working on for my shop. But I'll leave you with my new blog button, I hope you like it , the link is on the right hand side of my page up top if you'd like to exchange it for my old one. It fits the new look of my page a bit better and hopefully exudes a bit of Bliss and Bakery style too :)

Have a wonderful week ahead everyone! and Thank you as always for stopping in and being such sweet friends! I love you all!

Hugs and Blessings!

~ Cynthia ~


  1. I love all the cupcakes...minis and otherwise! Your bliss is very sweet. Mine has kind of taken over my house at the moment. I LOVE to give parties and on Saturday I get to host a double baby shower....I have stuff everywhere, lol. I all comes together though :)


  2. I Loved the kitchen from "It's Complicated" Loving all of the cupcakes :)

  3. I was looking your miniature-pics and noticed that you are one of those rare-ones, whos dishes are handmade too. I´m trying that too, but it´s REALLY hard and all the tips would be taken with gratitude.

  4. I just love all your miniatures!!! I can't believe that you made all those little sweet treats ... they are just adorable!
    Now, I'm really thinking about getting out my daughters old dollhouse and redecorating it!!!
    I have visited your blog for awhile, but would love to add your new blog button to mine!
    Bakery Blessings,

  5. Oh Cynthia I looove your sweet bakery style! I also drooled over your wallpaper what pattern is that?? I'm a big wallpaper fan when used to accent like yours. Traci

  6. Hi Cynthia
    I can see why you enjoy playing with the miniatures. They are precious. I am so glad that you have your mom nearby and more importantly that she has you. I'm sure it is a great comfort for both of you.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  7. I just can't believe how cute all your stuff is! Oh! To shrink myself to mini-size and live in that little world! I LOVE IT..sincerely LOVE IT! You do such a GREAT job! Hugs- Diana

  8. Oh Cynthia, it is so cute there aren't enough adjectives to describe. How I would love to visit with you just for an evening and see all these things up close. I just love the bakery items and the kitchen ideas! So adorable! You have really found your bliss and I'm enjoying looking at the progression of your happiness spill out into your creations. I love it.

  9. Hi Cynthia! What a wonderful, chatty post. I am so happy to hear that you are immersing yourself into your new venture. You are such a talented miniaturist that it's obvious it is a God given talent. I have mixed emotions about Thanksgiving. The first one without Daddy and just a couple of weeks ago one of my Mom's best friends passed away very suddenly. Jeanne always came to my house for Thanksgiving dinner with Mom and Daddy and some of our friends. Now Jeanne is gone too and there will be two empty places at the table. Thankfully we both have our Moms. We are blessed!! Take good care my friend.

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  10. How sweet {pun intended!} Love the bakery-style (and the Susan Branch print - big fan of hers!)

    Your miniatures are amazing! Love them!


  11. Hi Cynthia,
    I love all your pastels and sweet cupcakes...You kitchen is so fun and yummy! We have the same little milk pitcher..I have mine by my coffee pot and we put our spoons in it.
    I had a lovely visit with you today..
    Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

  12. You are an amazing artist! I have looked through this post so often. I love how you decorate whether with real life or minis.

  13. Pink and cupcakes all mixed up together. What could be better!?


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia