Saturday, January 29, 2011

~ A new look, a new mini and a Winner! ~

Hello everyone! First I'd like to thank you all for your sweet comments and for entering my Mini Give-away! Your comments about my miniatures warmed my heart for sure! I've been working on some custom orders all week and thought I'd share a favorite of mine. This shabby pale blue hutch has been sent out already but I adored making it, as I do with all the miniatures I make. When I design them, I often wish I could re-do all the life size ones this way also :). Maybe I'll repaint and design my own hutches when the snow thaws and the weather gets me motivated :)

For now, I'll stick with baking miniatures , creating designs, and because we were snowed in most of the week, I even found a bit of time for a blog re-new. I needed something a little lighter and brighter for spring and a bit of my pale blue back too! Thank you to Susan Branch for allowing me to use a pattern she painted in one of her books as my new background, I love it Susan! You're the sweetest and the bestest :)!! I added a new blog button on my side bar , so for those of you that would like to change out my old one or add this one, feel free to use it!

And now it's time to announce the Winner for my give-away: ( I used the Random Generator) and the number that came up was 10....

So .....Congratulations goes out to: Janet at Cottage Blessings ..... You are the winner! Please send me your address via email so I can get your goodies out to you!

Thank you so much everyone for participating! I honestly wish you all could have won, because each of you is a gift every day from blogland!

I hope you are all enjoying a better winter than we are :) We've had record snow this month in January and the mounds of snow exceed my height many times over, which makes seeing a Spring flower pretty far off from here. But I have hope.... and I'm hanging in there... waiting and waiting... making my miniatures, cleaning out rooms, trying to navigate the roads, chopping ice off the deck, eating a little too much, baking a little too much lol and just generally WAITING for that Spring air to make it's way here........ one day :)

Have a lovely weekend friends!


Cynthia xo


Lataina said...

How sweet is that hutch!?
Congratulations to Janet! =)

Marian said...

Congratulations to the winner.Janet, I'm happy for you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Janet!! yayyyyyyy :) love the new look and that hutch is inspiring! :D Linda x

Janet said...


Thank you so much!!! I just got home from celebrating my Mom's birthday and found out I won your giveaway! I am so excited to win your adorable cottage Miniatures!!! Not only because they are the sweetest ever and will look so cute in my dollhouse, but it is also my first time to ever win a giveaway!!! I will be sure to do a post about that!!!

Thanks again, Cynthia! I'll be looking forward to receiving them in the mail and seeing just how adorable they are!



Congrat's to the winner and thank you so much for having a giveaway of your little creations.

Jollie said...

Congratulations Janet! Lucky you! :)

Warm hugs, Jollie

lluna said...

Felicidades Janet!! Eres muy afortunada!!!

TINK - SONIA said...

Congrats to Janet.Thanks for this lovely giveaway.Best mini regards.

Fabiola said...

Congratulations Janet!

Rosa Forino said...

congratulazioni alla vincitrice che meraviglia la credenza, molto dolce e romantica ;-) saluti dall'italia

miniacollection said...

Congratulations to the winner!
What a gorgeous hutc and I love your new design for your blog.

Flora said...

Cinthya dear, your give away was the opportunity to learn about your lovely blog, so I'm happy even if I did not win ...
I think, to console me, I will buy the chocolate cake from your own etsy shop ...
By the way, I saw that you entered in the one of my 300 followers: I'm happy, a warm welcome :-)
Mini hugs, Flora

SLR said...

your minis are so cute...makes me want to be mini myself!

Rosella said...

Congrats to Janet and Thanks for this lovely giveaway.

by Sonya said...

Very lucky girl!I hope in next time!
Best compliments for the new look!
Love from Italy

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi Cynthia! Congratulations to your winner! I bet she is very happy with this! Hope you are doing well in your snow! It is cold here in California but moisture. Love your new blog design it is beautiful!

Debra Howard said...

Oh your new background looks great! Susan is the greatest and so are you. I hope you haven't let the snow get you down. I so enjoy coming over to be cheered up by your beautiful creations. Congrats to Janet! Blessings to you.

gizem said...

Lovely and incredible work! We don't see things like this in Istanbul, cause it's not reflecting our culture but I'm amazed by what you are doing! I'm a follower now! :)

Tapping World Summit said...

It's super cute and adorable! Wish I could have just like that in real life!