Friday, May 10, 2013

Kensington Dollshouse Festival

Morning friends! I'm so honored and thankful to Charlotte Stokoe and the wonderful people at the Kensington Dollhouse Festival for featuring my miniatures this year in their showcase. I do hope if you are going you will stop in and visit my collection. I've titled it "The Vintage Kitchen.. dream a little dream" and it was a true labor of love!

Because of my schedule, I am not able to attend myself, but they are wonderful to have someone there in charge of my minis for me, so I'm just so grateful! I hope some of you are going!, I'd love to hear all about it if you do! Here's a few peeks of the items in my collection and I loved every moment of creating these. It was actually hard to send them on a journey without me, but I will have to live vicariously through everyone attending this year :)

It's such an honor to be surrounded by such talent and not to mention all those beautiful minis? It must be miniature heaven! :)

Well I just popped in for a moment to let you know, and now it's back to work on a collection of "Sweet Shop" inspired minis for my Etsy shop (coming soon!)  and also to tie up last details of the Vintage Vineyards collection with Maritza too! Whew, it's been a busy couple of months, but a "good" kinda busy :)

 I hope you all enjoy a beautiful weekend! And again, Happy Mother's Day friends!

Hugs and love, 

Cynthia xo


  1. Your work is Wonderful! Can't wait to see what you have in your shop!

  2. Hope your minis knock 'em dead at the show!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  3. Todo tiene una pinta increible, es una maravilla.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Go to Kensington? I wish!!! I also wish I could see your goodies in person, I love your blog posts and admire your talent. Some of my work has gone to Kensington this year with Lidi of Basketcaseminiatures Blog, I'm very grateful to her.

  5. I can't wait to see the new things on your shop!! Have fun in the Kensington Dollshouse Festival!! I can't go, but I would love to go, just for see your miniatures:)
    Hugs, Candy:)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello Cynthia,

    There's only one word to say, your blog and everything you've made its just.. PERFECT! what a wonderful minis you've made, you are very talented! I'm sure they will amaze everyone in the Kensington Dollshouse Festival :)



  8. Gorgeous! What a treat they are in for!

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Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia