Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The most Beautiful things...

Every so often , as a collector, I come across something very special... One of those "must haves"...  Well this time, I didn't have to go searching. It landed at my front door as a gift from a friend. Not just any friend, but a very special person to me. As I've mentioned in previous posts that's the beautifully talented Maritza Moran. I cannot thank her enough for this treasured gift! It's just one of those things you know you will enjoy and love forever and hand down to your grandchildren too. I'll be able to tell them the story of how Melanie (my daughter)  had a sweet Summer dress that she wore when she was little and I sent Maritza the fabric and she turned it into one of the most beautiful things....a gorgeous , sweet, country cottage table cloth.  I just love the charm of it, the pale pink is just worn to the perfect degree and it has such a special look with the chippy benches and gorgeous details. I adore every aspect of  her talent for turning little dreams into reality and also because she made it so "me":).   Another (and more importantly ) "most beautiful things",  in life  is friendship,  and I feel so blessed in that department because Maritza is the real deal and has such a heart of gold! Thank you M!!

 Ok, I'll keep this a fairly wordless post from now on, as the pictures speak for themselves.... :)

Isn't it just the sweetest cottage miniature you ever saw?  {I know I said I'd be quiet , lol, but , I jumped up and down when I saw it for the first time! }. And one more quick sentence, if you look all around the table you can see parts of the Vintage Vineyard Collection she and I are putting together. It is SO close to being finished and I'll post here when it's coming out. A little mouse told me it should be a week or so the most. So fingers crossed. Ok I'll be quiet now..... Put on some beautiful music and sit back and dream a little mini dream....

Now can't you see why I *gasped* upon opening the box??  It really is even more beautiful in person! Thank you again M!

Today's post is fairly short because I've been busy making new miniatures for my Etsy shop and also finishing up my part of the Vintage Vineyards collection. So I'll leave with a couple little sweets "to go" and then I'm back to creating....

Do you love Strawberry pie?

I do :) And I love anything Blueberry too...

 I made some for you too..... :)

Well I hope you enjoy your week ahead friends! I'm so thankful you stopped in to visit for a bit, and I wish you lots of happy blessings for Mothers Day too!! 

Hugs and Kisses, 

Cynthia xo


  1. What a treasure! It goes so perfectly with your creations. I am excited for you!!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  2. Oh my how beautiful. I'm very new to miniatures, I want my house to look just like that. I wish I knew how to get that look. Are there books I can buy to get ideas? So beautiful!

  3. What a sweet, charming "idea" tablecloth, Cynthia. Your friend did a fabulous job! Susan

  4. That is truly a gift to be cherished forever. That was a very nice thing for her to do for you. It is so true that it is in giving that we receive. You give all of us a gift every time you share your sweet and amazing talent on this blog. I look forward to each and every new post. Thank you for this bright spot in my day. Hugs and appreciation to you from your great big mini fan in Seattle, Debbie.

  5. Como siempre que veo tus minis me dejas sin palabras, una verdadera maravilla, me encanta todo, es precioso.
    Un abrazo.

  6. It is indeed a treasure. Really beautiful and charming.

  7. simplemente maravilloso!! el mantel mas lindo, felicitaciones por ese regalo!

  8. Wonderful creations.
    Bye, Faby

  9. That is the loveliest tablecloth ever!

  10. I just found your lovely blog and I am in la la land as I am sifting through your blog and admiring your incredible work. Wow you are so talented.

    I love tiny cottages also, and have a real life tiny (8x24)foot tiny house that is filled with shabby décor. Take a peek at it as I think we are of like mind.

    Tonita @


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia