Saturday, May 25, 2013

Summer Porch love...and Miniature Collector

HI friends!  I'm so honored and thrilled to be featured in the July issue of Miniature Collector magazine! There's 2 articles in this issue that I did and I'm so happy with how they came out, thank you to everyone at MC! I remember when I first started working on miniatures,  Miniature Collector was something I'd get so excited to read and look through , and if I knew then that I'd have my own miniatures featured in their magazine eventually, I wouldn't have believed it!. But little dreams do come true :) I hope you'll all go get a copy and let me know what you think! Thank you again MC!

On another note, Maritza's Vintage Vineyard's Collection was a huge success and I'm just so happy to have been a part of it! Thank you to everyone who stopped in and added to your collection, we so appreciated it and it was such a labor of love to share with you all! After that project was complete, I began work on something that I had wanted to do for awhile now... Summer is my favorite season , so naturally since I have my mini cottage Summer Rose, I knew eventually I'd want to add a porch to the side of the house. So I have been playing with layouts and construction ideas and it's been so much fun! I'm still in the layout/idea phase but I uploaded some pictures of my "play time" :). I like the layout so far, but this weekend I'll be building railings for the porch and working on the ceiling. But I'm happy so far :).  And since I've been in a such a "Summer Porch" mood, I also started to work on a little collection for my Etsy shop. I'll show a few preview pictures here, but I'm still working on lots more to make available to you by hopefully the beginning of next week. The collection will be appropriately named "Summer Porch" series. So that's where my mini life is right now :)

I also have a busy summer ahead, my youngest daughter Melanie graduates high-school this year and will be moving into NYC this fall to enter college and I couldn't be happier for her! My middle son Kyle has another semester of college left and the oldest is enjoying life as a bachelor in his own apartment and having fun traveling with friends. Oh to be 20 something again :) All in all, life is good and I feel so blessed, and I'm so happy Summer is almost here! Now onto a few pictures of whats new.....

Thank you Miniature Collector! July 2013  

Here are a few of the "Summer Porch" series of miniature foods and accessories.... hopefully to be listed in my Etsy shop on Monday! ....   Blueberry bars and butter twists , all ready for a picnic on the porch :)

Sweet sweet Summer time....

Up-close :)

I heart Summer foods!
And anything peachy makes me happy too! :)

Canned Peaches are perfect for Summer!

Peach pie in a skillet!

So those are just a couple hints of the new series of minis I'm getting ready for you :)

Before I go , here's a sample of the pre-work on the Porch. I lay out everything first, to make sure the size is right and everything I love can fit. I'm not sure how the end result will look yet. I started this awhile back, but yesterday I took a wall down and re-worked some things, so who knows, but of course it's fun playing! I'm doing a porch swing today and finishing some railings on the front side. But when it's complete and added on to Summer Rose, you'll be the first to know :)

It's hard to see because the sun is coming down right on the table, but that is the sweet and beautiful PINK clothed picnic table that Maritza made me :)  I love it so much!

Come on by for some iced tea and fresh from the oven sweetness! You're all welcome! :)

Thank you so much for stopping in!  I hope you have a beautiful weekend friends and many many blessings!

Hugs and love, 

Cynthia xo


  1. Hi Cynthia, I remember the progression of when you started this journey. I'm just so happy for you. I told my hubby I needed a dollhouse for all my little goodies and miniatures...haha he did't even bat an eye and asked how much....all I have to say is 'it's for blogging or my Etsy' and he understands. I love your porch decor...don't forget to add a water hose and garden tools to work on your plants and flowers! Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Thank you for your beautiful photos that bring some sunshine, I need it. In Orléans it's very cool and it's raining.

  3. How exciting! I can't wait to see the magazine! I'm so proud of you and I know how hard you've worked! Happy weekend!

  4. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of times spent at my aunt Louise & uncle Busters farmhouse in Paducah, Kentucky. I loved to sit on the side porch & pin curl my aunts hair while she snapped green beans fresh from the garden for supper. Your pictures are lovely as always. I can't wait to see the finished porch. Your peach pie in a cast iron skillet looks scrumptious! I had my first peach of the season the other day. A splurge at $4 a pound, but oh so worth it. I enjoyed every juicy, sweet bite. I can't wait to make a big ol' peach cobbler. My favorite summer dessert!!! Keep the pictures coming. I look forward to every new blog. You are so sweet to share your amazing talent with us. Take care. Mini hugs to you.

  5. Hi Cynthia....Everything looks fabulous.

    Gosh, you are chatting about your kids and I cannot believe you have kids that old! You look like a young girl, yourself.

    Congrats on the magazine articles. I got the other one just for your articles and photos, too! Great job.


  6. Congratulations Cynthia on being featured in that wonderful magazine. Your new line having to do with summer porches is a very good idea. All your dainty little creations look delicious. You're going to be an empty nester from the looks of it. The best of luck to your lovely daughter on the new life she is about to embark upon. Best of luck in her studies.

  7. Congratulations!
    I like your summer porch series of miniatures.
    Everything looks delicious.
    Bye, Faby

  8. Congrats! Love the weathered bench! It's so precious.:)

  9. I just adore looking at your blog. I have only just started reading it, but I love it. I am a newbie miniature person, as real life quilting is my first hobby love, but I want to build a house of my own someday, I have a kit. I need to just jump in and do it. I have a premade house that I use for now, but I am not going to be happy until I build one of my own. I loved reading your article in MC, I got some good ideas for when I build my own eventually.

  10. That peach cobbler thing looks good enough to eat! :) Once again, your attention to detail is amazing.

  11. hey sweetie pie,

    sorry it's been so long! we're all busy living our dreams, aren't we? everything is delightful here, as always!

    happiest summer wishes


  12. Sam here.
    Hi Cynthia, I had forgotten that I had read this blog post ages ago. Anyway, I was in bed last night reading my dollhouse magazine when I came across your article and I started yelling out, "I know this lady!" Well, in actual fact, I don't know you, but I read your blog and feel like I do!
    I just want to say that it was so exciting to see your work published. I wish they had filled the whole magazine with your miniatures as they are wonderful and make me disappear into a magical place.
    Lovely article. (please become a regular contributor!)
    From a big fan,
    Sam (and Isabelle, who loves your work too!)


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia