Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mini-ologie is coming!

Hello sweet friends! I know it's been awhile since my last post but the above picture is the reason why... I am SO happy and excited to tell you what I've been so busy with over the past few months! Kim Marshall Saulter, Maritza Moran and I , have all been working on a fabulous new seasonal publication for miniature collectors, creators and enthusiasts! And it's finally almost ready for print!!! We are hoping for an early July release and so far we're right on schedule! This has been a real dream come true for the 3 of us, and something we've worked so hard on with every detail. The hard work has been a labor of love all along the way and I couldn't be more proud and happy to call these girls friends and now co-creators! We hope you all come on over to our facebook page for Mini-ologie so you can be up to date on all the new happenings and when it's release date is!! Please come join us! We'd love for you to pass the word on too, so here's a pretty image from inside for you to share on your wall, do a post about , or pinterest too! This is a beautiful, fun,  and unique decorating publication and I think you will love it as much as we do!! It's filled with inspiring and dreamy photos and ideas! I'll post here when we have the actual date ready. It will be available as a digital publication and a beautiful print publication to be shipped worldwide! Can you tell how excited I am? :) And...... if you're curious as to what Mini-ologie means? Well this is our perfect and simple description.....


We love that :)

Mini-ologie Facebook

Here's a link to our future website too: Mini-ologie. com .....that's where our first issue will be available! But excuse the site, it's not complete yet, just a "coming soon" ... :)

Thank you so much to all my friends here and everywhere and to everyone for always being so supportive and helpful during this mini journey! I'm so excited about bringing you this publication and we really feel like this was all meant to be and we couldn't be happier! Stay tuned for dates and further details and in the meantime , I hope you're having a fabulous and beautiful Summer!! 

Hugs and love, 

Cynthia xox


  1. C'est une excellente nouvelle ! Trois miniaturistes de grand talent réunies. Les premières images sont très prometteuses.
    A bientôt ! rosethé-Minima

  2. Congratulations and good luck!
    Greetings, Faby

  3. Yay!! Im really excited for you guys <3 I just know people everywhere are gonna want a copy!!!

  4. This is sooo exciting!! I will have a digital copy right away because I can't wait for the post to arrive! I will also order a printed one because I am sure it will be a joy to read on paper :)Can't wait :)

  5. This is just SOOO exciting!! Congratulations to the three of you! I can't wait, REALLY!!! ❤❤❤

  6. I have already learned of this publication on Facebook so I'll just say that I am looking forward to it. I will certainly want my subscription.

  7. i am sure, it will be a great success!!

  8. So happy for you. You do such incredibly amazing things. This is no surprise, your art deserves a showplace. I do hope that you will continue to blog when you can though. I have never done Facebook & so look forward to your occasional blogs. Congratulations to you all.

  9. wow Cynthia , that is so exciting , I love your blog, it's beautiful, cogratulations to you and Kim and Maritza

  10. Ooh lovely, something to look forward to! Am rushing off to share the news with all my Mini-ologie friends!

  11. Oh, Cynthia. It sounds wonderful. Congratulations. It'll be wonderful for people who really DO love all things miniature, (like you and I do!) Susan

  12. Great news! This looks fantastic!

  13. HOW EXCITING!!!!! AND FUN!!! ;}

    m ^..^

  14. It looks stunning Cynthia! I'm sure the finished product is going to be the biggest success in mini world.


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia