Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mini-ologie is HERE! Yippee!

I'm so happy to be able to announce the arrival of our sweet little magazine! Mini-ologie is finally ready!! It's been such a wonderful experience in every way! Working with such good friends and talented ladies such as Kim Saulter and Maritza Moran is a pure joy , and for me, a dream come true! I think we've worked really hard to make sure our love of miniatures as creators and collectors comes through and I couldn't be more excited! Click on the link below to be brought to our website and I hope you enjoy it as much as we did creating it! Happy Summer to all my sweet friends and thank you always for your friendship and support! xox

Wishing you all a great and magical week ahead!!

Hugs and love, 

Cynthia xo


  1. Oh, wonderful! I've been looking forward to this. :-)

    Thank you!

  2. Yippee! I've just downloaded my copy and I love it! ♥

  3. Your new book looks lovely. Is it possible to get this in England?

  4. So exciting, congratulations to you all, I'm sure it's going to be so popular!

  5. I just finished looking at your sweet Miniologie, and what a treat it is! Love the beautiful photos throughout. Makes me want to forget about everything, and just play in my dollhouse. Congratulations!

  6. It's wonderful! Finally, a miniature magazine in the style I love! Thanks so much for publishing this. I look forward to future issues. xo Jennifer

  7. Hi Cynthia
    Check the Mini-ologie link above your picture in this post, you have a bad link! Found it by following the link below the picture, and LOVE your work. Well done!

  8. Congratulations!
    Greetings, Faby

  9. Hi Cynthia , I have also purchased a down loaded version and i love it , it is a stunning magazine , better than any other magazine , it is absolutely beautiful.
    would love to buy the magazine, but was so shocked by the shipping prices , could you tell me what it costs to send it to New Zealand
    love from Frederica

  10. It's fantastic, I love it. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your passion with the rest of us.

  11. My birthday was Monday & I said if I didn't get it for my birthday that I would have to purchase it. My sons got me a yellow cruiser bike that I've always wanted so I didn't expect anything else. 2 days after my b-day my older son told me to go look on my sewing table. I was completely surprised & thrilled to see your magazine lying there. I cannot wait to open it & get lost in the delightfully wonderful world of miniatures. Thank you for creating this lovely, sweet magazine for all of us miniature enthusiasts to enjoy. Your huge, huge mini fan, Debbie.

  12. I downloaded and also ordered my copy and it looks absolutely beautiful <3 <3

  13. so very excited for you, sweetie!!!

    warmest congrats

    happiest summer wishes!


  14. Hi Cynthia,
    I am your newest follower, I am so glad to find a blog all about miniatures!! I have a dollhouse and have recently drug it out of my daughter's closet, and now I'm hooked! I've been doing a little makeover and I'm getting a little carried away. :)
    If you are interested you can see a before photo of it on my Victorian Girls Room post, posted last month.
    I will be posting one in a couple of weeks on what it looks like now.
    Can't wait to look back at all your older posts!
    Have a great week!

  15. Hello Cynthia! Having received my copy of 'Mini-ologie' here in the UK, I just wanted to congratulate you, Kim and Maritza for arranging a stunning magazine. I happily lost myself for several hours as I read it from cover to cover and I shall await your next 'Mini-ologie' with excitement...
    Kind regards,


Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Your comments mean so much to me and I look forward to each and every one! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia