Sunday, March 1, 2009

~ Give - Away ! Signs of Spring ~


I have to laugh at myself sometimes for my own internal optimism , as I type this, March 1st, we are expecting a snow fall tomorrow of about 6". lol. But, I refuse to give in!!....I picked my title for this post last week, when it was almost 60 degrees. "Signs of Spring", Oh well, lol, that's NY for ya. At least I can be true to the Give-Away part ( Smiles ) So, Grab a cup of Tea and come see what I've been up to :) I am so Thankful for such wonderful girls who come in for a visit and leave such sweet comments!! and I've been so busy getting my website together that I haven't had enough time to Thank you all individually, so I thought this would be a great way to Thank you. A Give-away!

Its' very simple. Just leave a comment, anyone can enter, if you don't have a blog, just leave me your email address in your comment and I'll be sure to contact you if your name is chosen. The gift you ask?? :) it's a choice of any wooden Sign below, just tell me your "favorite one" in your comment and when I pick a name, you'll win the one sign of your choice. At the end of this post there are two more signs to pick from also. That makes 5 to choose from girls! The "Pie" sign is also available right now on my Website for those who'd like to purchase one now...I am also giving away to the special winner, 2 Moda Home dairy fresh dish towels! scroll down to see...

If you do a post about my give-away, I will count your name 3 times as an extra Thank you... If you feature it on your side bar, that will be 2 chances ... The only twist is you have to use one of my pics here to tell about the give-away and link it back to here. Feel free to copy and paste any of the pics that have the signs on them. Included in the giveaway are the 2 dish towels below also! The signs you can chose from are: Bake, Pies, Pantry, and Cottage and Cupcakes ( Cottage and Cupcake are shown a few pics down the post ).

Well on to some other news... Gooseberry came out with a new cookbook!! yippee! Oh it's just so sweet! The recipes and ideas are fabulous in this one!

Gooseberry did a great job inspiring us with ideas for spring and summer outdoor picnic's , something I am so looking forward to and I'm sure you are too! It's just around the corner girls! despite the forecast this week, lol...
I wanted to say a special Thank you too to Jill at At Home in the Country ( aka: Hickory Hollow ), I won her give-away of the Susan Branch book and Victoria Magazine. I was so happy to get her goodies! Look how pretty it came to me, all wrapped in my favorite colors too... Thank you Jill, you are so sweet. Her Blog is simply gorgeous and her new home is filled with such beauty!

She enclosed this adorable card below too... I adore the detail on this card, it was so Cottage sweet , I am going to find a frame for it and add it to my kitchen wall collection!

I can never get enough of Susan Branch, as most of you know, she fills her books with such fabulous ideas and illustrations ! what talent !

I've been busy as a Bee working on my website and finding the perfect things to feature on it too. I have items coming from wonderful sources and I also plan on including some of my own hand made items too. This soap dish below was made using one of the beautiful embellishments from the French Garden House collection, and as soon as I listed it, it was gone. I wish I had a bunch of them, but some of the items will be "one of a kind" like the one below.

This Cottage Tea Box below is listed now on my website and features a Merlot Velvet interior, perfect for Tea, or even for jewelry or buttons, or anything you can dream up :)

This chippy shabby pink shelf was one of the other hand made items I posted and sold out the day it was posted, but I do plan on making a few more! Thank you so much to all who have visited Cynthia's Cottage , I am so happy you are finding items that you love! And Thank you too for all your imput and support on my line of cottage furniture coming up too! I am hoping to have that up and showing within the week!

Back to the give-away... Here are a few more pictures of the Signs to chose from...

If I could, I would send you all a gift!! Your support and encouragement through your friendship and comments has made blogging a wonderful adventure for me! I cannot Thank you all enough! I wish you all a wonderful week ahead. Filled with sunshine and blessings.... and lets hope for Spring to come right around the corner too!! The winner will be chosen a week from today, March 8 !

Till then , Friendship and Hugs !!

~ Cynthia ~


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Jeanne said...

I want you to come to my house and paint for me. :) You do beautiful work, I have some tea towels I would trade. LOL. seriously they are all beautiful, I don't have a pantry, I don't have a cottage, but I do bake, make pies and cupcakes so anyone of those would be awesome. I would be glad to link to yours but I have NO CLUE HOW. I will mention it in my blog tho. :) Seriously, come and visit me and you can PAINT!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I think all of the signs are adorable but I like the cottage one the best. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway. Debbi

Janet said...

Hi Cynthia,
Thanks for the nice comment on our homemade sauce! It was very yummy indeed - I can't believe you have time to make sauces every week! Do you have a clone? I'd love to hear what kind of sauces you can! Do tell!

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

hi there!! cute blog! and great giveaway:) i'd love to win the BAKE sign; it goes with my apple themed kitchen and i do love to bake:)


Anonymous said...

Love your blog,very inspiring. My favorite is the Pantry sign

Lori said...

Cynthia, Awe how sweet! I must say i adore the cupcake sign! later,Lori If I post this week I will let you know and do a spot on your give-away!

Lori said...

Cynthia, Awe how sweet! I must say i adore the cupcake sign! later,Lori If I post this week I will let you know and do a spot on your give-away!

Regena@QuiltnQuiltthings said...

I just found your blog. You have some fun things and ideas. I like the cupcake sign.
Hope you have a great day :o}

Irene ~ RE~VINTAGED said...

Spring! I remember that! At last we can see Autumn after a horror summer...and we just had an earth tremor here in the Dandenongs in Melbourne!! That got my heart racing!!! But these beautiful things make me smile. I love your style! What a lovely give away!!
Thanks :) Irene

Elyse said...

hi again! i almost forgot -- i mention your wonderful give-away on my latest post.

have a great day, sweetie!


Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and website, beautiful items.

Kimberly said...

Very fun! I love the "BAKE" sign. And it's time to sign off and put my bread in the oven...

Sharri said...

Love you blog! Found it at Ruthann's Warm Pie site.
Please enter me for the Cottage sign!


(I hope this doesn't duplicate-I got an error notice after sending it the first time) :)

Donnie said...

Love your blog and I would love to win any one of your signs but Cupcake would be right at home on my wall if sayings. Most of them are sarcastic, especially about my cooking, but I really enjoy looking at them. Thanks. Martha W. ki4ggs(at)gmail(dot)com

50s Housewife said...

What a fantastic giveaway! Your signs are so cute. It's hard to choose, but I think my favorite is the "pantry" sign. It sure would be cute hanging above my pantry door. ;)

Laura said...

Everything is beautiful!
It was a lovely spring like day here in Ontario Canada!
I'm lovin it!!!
Take care!

The Vintage Housewife... said...

oooh kitten your blog is 2 die for enter me in your drawing please...i just baked my very first pie ever!!!!! huggs cat

Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia! What a wonderful giveaway! I love all your little signs and wouldn't be particular about which one - I love them all! You have a wonderful blog!
Please enter my name in your giveaway!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Billie said...

Hi Cynthia,

I found your blog through Warm Pie, Happy Home. Thanks for the sweet giveaway and thanks for the chance at winning the adorable Pie sign.


Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Hi! Oh how I would love to win your sign "Bake" thank you for the chnace and I am going to add you to my google reader, so I can visit more often.

Angel said...

i love the cottage sign! i'd love to win

Anonymous said...

Dear Cynthia,
I just heared of your blog thru, the gracious Mrs.Ruthann and I would like to thank you for all the hard work you put into your blog, you gals really brighen everybody days What a wonderful blessing to spend the Lord's sunshine all around, God bless
Ranching Momma, Kristen
Thank you for letting us do the give away any sign would do, my e-mail is
have a wonderful day with tender hearts, warm smiles and kind words

Anonymous said...

Sorry my typing is off, thank you for spreading the Lord's sunshine around. God Bless Kristen

Anonymous said...

you have a wonderful site - love all the vintage things

Anonymous said...

I have a Gooseberry Patch Spring Book and its adorable..I would love to enter and if I so win then the Pantry sign is what I am putting in... I am glad I surfed and found your site via another favorite blogger of mine

DeBran said...

Hello Cynthia! I am a new blogger and was turned on to your site from Warm Pie Happy Home. I LOVE it! I absolutely LOVE your pantry sign, especially since my pantry is FAR from cute and needs all the help it can get! haha...we just moved into a home that was a foreclosure and it needs SOOOO much TLC! Wish me luck and thanks for all the great ideas!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered you great blog site. I am number 227 to try for your great giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity. I love all of the signs, but I especially love the Pies one! So cute and it makes want to go bake one now!

Betsy said...

Hi Cynthia!
I stopped by from Ruth Ann's blog. I want to play!! I love your sign that says "Bake"! And what a great blog! I will definitely come by again! :)

Aunt Ruthie said...

Hi Cyn, well I'm a little behind but I just published a new post today and I am sending the gals your way! Bless you and thank you for always leaving me sweeter than pie comments! I feel so honored to know you, the queen of adorable blogs of the whole wide world!!!

Anonymous said...

They are all wonderful!! I had a hard time deciding between bake and pie! I will go with pie (love the cute little cherries!)

Sue said...

Hi Cynthia..I found your beautiful blog from Rue and her peanut butter and jelly life...Your give away is adorable...I'm a red person so I love them all...i can't wait to look through your posts...

Anonymous said...

Oops. Mine didn't take. I love your site. I'll be coming back here often. I'd love to be signed up for your give-away. The Pie sign would match my kitchen perfectly.

Kether said...

Oh Cynthia I love your home! I just discovered your blog from Warm Pie, Happy Home.
I'm just drinking in your photos and ideas...
I've posted on my blog about your give away! Looks like you have got a lot of people who enjoy your style as much as I do!

SunnySusan said...

What a cute blog...I love it...I love all your signs and the dish towels are so sweet...I would take any of the fav is Bake

have a blessed weekend

Anonymous said...

What a sweet blog! Love the "Bake" sign!

pinkkandy said...

I love the cottage sign but all the things are beautiful this is very generous giveaway and LOTS of people signed up ...
God Bless you

Vincent said...

hi, my favorite is your pies sign. Thanks for the chance to win a sign!

Anonymous said...


I recently found your blog from Ruthann at Warm Pie, Happy Home.
What a wonderful giveaway you are hosting. I posted about it on my blog and would like to be entered. The "Bake" sign is my favorite.

I hope that you are getting some of the sunshine and warmer weather that we are getting over here in CT. That storm you mentioned left us with about 8 inches of new snow.
I'm ready for Spring!!


Ann said...

Thanks for the give-a-way! If I win, my contact info is:

Lori Lynn said...

ooh! adore the 'cottage' sign! I'll put your giveaway on my sidebar!!

Mary said...

What a beautiful blog you have, I am adding it to my favorites! I would love to be entered in your giveaway! How generous of you! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I followed the link from Ruthann's blog to get here...and I'm so glad I did. I love your blog and will be back.
I'd love to be entered into the give-away...I think my favorite sign is the 'Bake' one. Very cute!
Thanks for hosting such a great give-away.
Amy O./picketfencemom

mymosk said...

Oh my, what a wonderful site. I can't wait to look thru all of your post. I was "led" here by warmpiehappyhome's site. Thank you so much! My email is

Sarah said...

Hello Cynthia,

Ruthann sent me your way. Your blog is so adorable. I would love to enter your giveaway. I do not have a blog of my own (yet:)! I can be contacted at if I am the lucky winner. Have a great day and keep up the great blog.

Sarah H.

Christy said...

Hi Cynthia!

What an amazing give away! I love that pie sign...adorable. I really enjoy reading your blog especially since I noticed your in Huntington NY! I grew up in East Northport :)
Thanks for the chance to win!


Anonymous said...

what a cute blog!!! i would LOVE to win! Thanks for the chance!:)

Anonymous said...

oops!! I forgot to say that I like the pantry sign, but they all are adorable:)

Patty said...

This is my first visit here and I love your blog. I visited your store to buy the Cottage Tea Box but it was sold out. :( Oh well, I will visit your store again!

Thank you for the chance to win. I would love the Bake sign.

Have a blessed day!

Helen said...

It's so hard to choose one favorite among the signs, but I think I'd say Bake.


Anonymous said...

Well, it seems as though the commet I just typed out isn't appearing here. Silly Blogger!

At any rate, please enter my name into your drawing. My favorite sign is the "cottage" one.

Thanks ever so much!

laurel_burns (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I would love to be included in the drawing! I found your blog through Sweet Cottage Dreams.
Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I meant to include my email address:

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Always love you blog... and what a wonderful give away... What a way to brighten someones day!!!!

What a lovely thing you are doing!!!

Just A Gal...

Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia,
What a wonderful giveaway!!!!I just found you thru RuthAnn-Warm Pie Happy Home. I love the "Cherry Pie" Sign. Please enter me in your drawing.
Have a Great Day!
Michelle M

KatCollects said...

Very cute blog. My favorite sign is the cupcakes one, or is it the cottage, hmmmmm ok ok cupcake : )

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and it's wonderful! I love it and will be back every day. In the meantime your giveaway is great and I would love to win the sign that says "Bake" it's my favorite, so please put my name in the hat.
Thank you, Barbara W

Lura said...

The pantry sign is my favorite and I would know just where to put it!

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your giveaway! I will post on my sidebar also.

Wendy said...

What a fun blog! It's just darling and I love your signs. The COTTAGE is my fave! Ü

francine said...

Hi! I sure could use a "surprise" to brighten my day! I just discovered your blog, and I know I'll be back. Looks darling! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Francine

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

Hi there Cynthia, Well I have another wonderful blog that I will be visiting each day..I came by way of warm pie happy home..I just love her blog and know that I am going to love yours as well..boy you make it hard to pick a favorite..but I guess I will say Bake is my favorite..although I love them all..I can't wait to check out your website which is where I am heading now..take care and have a great weekend...:)

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

OK, I'm in. And I believe you are on my sidebar. These photos are great. Love Susan Branch too - her and Mom are buddies - she used to do book signings at my Moms old shop.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia;

I don't have a blog as yet but I love reading yours..........I love the Bake Sign........which is a passion of mine.
It's so nice of you to do a give/away. Thank you so much.....

Cher said...

Hi Cynthia! I just found your blog too...can I just say ADORABLE? I just luv your selections and your goodies...I am such a sucker for this stuff...The cottage sign would be my pick as I know just where to hang it right now! mm mmm on the towels too...VERYYYYYYYYYYY sweet...please enter me and good luck in your will do great! TYVM Cher

Bluebell said...

Hello Cynthia,
I am a new blogger and I love your site it has all the things I love on it. I have only just discovered Susan Branch so what treats in store. Your signs are reall adorable and would look lovely in my kitchen. Good Luck everbody.

OH MY #6 said...

Please count me in! I love the Pantry one!

I will post to my sidebar!


Anonymous said...

Love your blog - very warm and inviting. I'm new to blogging so am saying hello from England!


Anonymous said...

Not sure if the first one went through, so please accept my apologies if I doubled up :) I love the pantry sign and am grateful for the opportunity to enter your drawing!
Jenny B

GranthamLynn said...

Oh what a fun giveway. I just came over from visiting Daisy Cottage Dughall told my Daisy to check it out. A cool mothers day gift for me if I win. I'll write a post because I just love your blog and I'll put on the sidebar over at
I am glad I came by looking.
Have a great weekend.
p.s. I love Susan Branch too!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh I forgot to tell you my favorite..Chased a rabitt trail with dogs! I loved them all but if I had to choose or when I have to choose when I win (hehe) it would be the Pantry one because I have a pantry ministry. How cool would that sign be. Off to write my post.
Many Blessings.


Hi Cynthia, what a lovely bright cheery site you have< I would love the "Bake" sign as i need a reminder in my kitchen to bake now and then, instead of quilting all the time..Have fun with the give away. Catch me on my blog Hugs, Di

SRA said...

I'm not really posting (just to get in the give-a-way, but it's a nice perk to the post!) I wanted to tell you how deliciously sweet reading your blog has been for me. You transport my little girl heart back in time, to the simple pleasures of my childhood, where life was sweet, safe, and sacred. You truly know the secret of "living life now!" and not waiting until tomorrow to enjoy yourself! Thanks for helping rekindle that spark within that had sadly gotten douced out by the "stress, and hard-knocks" of life. Keep up your incredible blog, as you share your passion for life and living in simple, romantic and delcious ways. Live Blessed! Lori S. (from Cincinnati)

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Such beautiful items!

Angelic Accents

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this!

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