Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hello sweet friends! I have a reason to CELEBRATE and I couldn't think of a better way than to have a give-away! I just found out my miniatures made the cover of the November issue of American Miniaturist. To say I'm thrilled, blushing, and ecstatically happy is probably an understatement. I am over the moon! :) Somebody pinch me! { I asked my daughter to and she actually did, lol, and hard, ouch!}. I haven't seen the inside of the issue yet but they did an article on me and my miniatures and I also did a tutorial for them on deep dish apple pie. I am beyond thrilled and so honored too!

Soooo, I wanted to create a very special miniature for you as my give-away. It's the bakers rack above and everything on it comes with it too! I've been working on it all week. It's my way of saying Thank You! Thank you for all your support and encouragement and friendship, always!

Here's a preview of the cover :)

If you'd like to order a copy , here is the link to this issue {It comes out in about 2 weeks} American Miniaturist , November 2011

I got off cloud nine long enough today to do the finishing touches of the Baker's Rack, I hope you love it as much as I did making it! And as the picture below shows, you don't have to have a dollhouse to collect or love miniatures, they make great conversation pieces and are so much fun to have around.

I add a piece now and then to my kitchen shelves. I like nostalgia in my home scattered about and sometimes a miniature that I've created brings me back to a feeling I loved. Like grandmothers hutch, or a mini table-setting of a big celebration I want to remember, or a little remembrance of a birthday party etc! Or, sometimes I just want a simple mini apple pie resting on a shelf next to a cookbook. :)

With that said, you don't have to have a dollhouse to love them and you don't have to have one to enter the give-away either!

Here are the rules: {simple and sweet} Just leave a comment on this post and you are entered. If you want 2 chances to win, post about this give-away on your blog or facebook (linking to this post) and make sure to come back and leave another comment so you have 2 chances. That's it :) You can use any of my pictures you'd like when blogging about it.

Here's the miniature Baker's Rack:

It's filled with sweet delectables! A yummy deep dish apple pie under a glass cake stand, sugar cookies, cupcakes galore, a slice of cake, 2 glass jars filled with decorating sugars, copper hanging pots, a bakery sign edged in pink gingham, and so many little sweet details! The Bakers Rack is painted a soft pale pink and distressed back to show a hint of it's black original color, and it's back is closed off with a beautiful bounty of pink and red roses....

I put a lot of love and care into my miniatures and I hope it shows! I wish you ALL could win because you've all been so wonderful to me. I'm coming up on my one year anniversary into the miniature world {from Interior Design} and I could not be any happier with the transition and change of careers! That old saying is so true, " If you dream it , you can find a way to live it"....

Thank you to my followers, friends, and family too, for sticking with me and for always encouraging me to "Go for it". And thank you to American Miniaturist and Traci for making my little dream come true with your November issue! Big Hugs!

I left you all some Country Fair Cupcakes :)

Ohhhh Darn lol, I forgot!! The Winner for the give-away will be announced on October 15th! That's a couple of weeks before my 50th Birthday, how the heck did that happen? Meaning, turning 50? I think Miniatures make me feel even younger, so that's why I do them :)

With hugs and appreciation!

Cynthia xo

Ps: Here's the other link to American Miniaturist if you would like to subscribe, it's a great little magazine and they do a beautiful job putting it together!


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Stephanie said...

Oh, I would so love to win! I just got an adorable doll house at an antique store and this would be the perfect addition to it.

Anonymous said...

Cyn, I'd love to win, too. Of course, everyone would. If I don't, then may that lucky person enjoy the exquisite baker's rack. Wow, you always add extra TLC into everything and all that you create. You're like Tinkerbell sprinkling pixie dust around... my 4-year-old Megan loves Tink. ;) Meanwhile, I'm gonna get my hands on that November 2011 copy of American Miniatures - history in the making! Congrats, again, Cyn. XOXO

Eliana said...

I am a big fan of your blog! Your minis are great! I really want to participate in this draw.

Piikko said...

Dear Cynthia, at first I congratulate you for the cover and article in American Miniatures. I'll try to get this special issue for me. It would be great to have the magazine where your beautiful minis are shown.♥
Cynthia, thank you for the Country fair cupcakes!
They were delicious:-)
And of course I want to take part to your awesome giveaway!!! I think, there will be 'a few' others who wants to win your baker's rack. But... my birthday will be just two days after the draw... :DDD

Hugs, piikko

Eliana said...

Cynthia, I made a link in the sidebar of my blog for this post. I hope to be lucky!
Thanks for one more chance to participate.

Frederica said...

Hello Cynthia , what a honour to be on the cover of a magazine , awesome, you deserve it , your minis are amazing , yes count me in , love your give -away

love from Frederica

Lisa said...

Congrats! Congrats! What a wonderful accomplishment! I love that you have found something you are passionate about and sooo good at! Everything you make is just beautiful. I'd be thrilled to win.

Patrizia said...

Prima di tutto...un grande complimento per un sucesso veramente incredibile.....sei veramente un'artista con la A maiuscola!!!
Non ho dubbi che tu ci metta tanto amore e tanta passione....per creare queste meraviglia credo sia un ingrediente necessario.
Io partecipo al tuo giveaway...sperando di essere fortunata!!!
Grazie e ancora congratulazioni!!

Paula said...

Thats really lovely so pretty! I'm quite sure whoever wins will treasure it :-) and well done on the magazine piece its well deserved your stuff is all wonderful x

TINK - SONIA said...

Congratulations Cynthia your work is so special and you're a cover girl now!!I'd love to participate in your sweet giveaway please and put the link on my blog too,minirgards.

carmen said...

me gustaría mucho participar en el sorteo, son unas minis fantásticas

carmen said...

he puesto un enlace en la barra lateral de mi blog

Betsy said...

Congratulations on getting published! And thank you for putting together a giveaway, the baker's rack is so beautiful! You do a great job on all your miniatures, I hope I win! :-)

Teruka said...

Congrats!! I love your miniatures, you do a great job!
Please count me in!

newmexico009 said...

So happy for you Cynthia, what a treat to be able to see your work published.

Such a pretty rack, and a true reflection of your work.

Anyone would be honored to have this in their collection.

Congrats again

Big Hugs,

Kimberly said...

Miss Cynthia what can I say but I love this adorable beauty. As usual your workmanship is to die for:) I would love to win have a chance. I have never won anything ever. So I will cross my fingers and in hopes I could win this. You know I love collecting your beauties. Well wish me luck:)
Kimberly Burgess,
Seattle, Wa.

kibbygirl said...

Wow... what a cool thing that you are being featured in American Miniatures!! That's fantastic. You deserve it too.. your minis are beautiful :) I love coming to your blog with all the mini eye candy! The bakers rack is so pretty I can't imagine seeing it for real. Please count me in and a big congrats!!!

LaBelleCuisine Miniaturas / ShabbyParis Dolls said...

Hi Cynthia! Your your is so pink and I love pink! I wish to win this giveaway...

LaBelleCuisine Miniaturas / ShabbyParis Dolls said...

And I put a link on my blog!

Maria Ireland said...

Congratulations on being published in the magazine. I would love to be counted in your fantastic giveaway.
Hugs Maria

Maria Ireland said...

I have added the link on the sidebar on my blog. I hope i am lucky.
Hugs Maria

Kathleen Reynolds said...

A BIG Congratulations on the Cover Story!...I doubt it will be your last one :)...You most definitely have a Magic touch!...It is such a treat just to see your new creations! <3 ~K~

Contrastes-Rosa Mª said...

Me encantará participar en tu sorteo, son unas minis preciosas, gracias

Britt said...

Hi Cynthia!
Congratulation to your story in the
American magazine.
I love your work and i want to participate in your fine give-away

Britt said...

I also put alink on my blog

Ana said...

Hola cynthia, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo, es fabuloso lo que sorteas, un saludo Ana (mucuy)

Benita said...

Congratulations again Cyn on your magazine cover, you truly deserve it !! I love all of your mini's and want to live in that mini little world : )
I would LOVE to win your fabulous bakers rack, but I know who ever wins it will be sooooo in love with it too!!
You're such a sweet friend to have this giveaway !

kandeland said...

I just ADORE your miniature creations! I just swoon every time I come to your blog! SO I am thrilled to get a chance to put my name in the "hat" for a chance to win! It would make my whole month! So I am going to go blog about it now and then come back and let you know....
xo natalea

Doortje said...

Gefeliciteerd dat je voorop komt staan,geweldig en je giveaway is prachtig ik wil graag meedoen.

Dawn Gahan said...

Am about to enter into the world of miniatures and can't think of a better piece to inspire me! Yes, please enter me!

Dawn Gahan said...

And I've also blogged about your giveaway here:


kandeland said...

Ok, I just blogged it! And I must tell you that this was the first time i ever blogged a giveaway to get a second chance..cause I just want to win this and stare happily at these little tiny treats all day!
blogged at
thank you! xo natalea

HI! I'm Tabitha said...

oh what a lovely giveaway. blog hopped over from Kandeland.. your newest follower

Blessings from Cindy said...

I would LOVE to win your gorgeous giveaway! Your miniatures are tiny works of art & I love miniatures! I don't have a doll house, but it would have a special place in my curio cabinet. Congrats on the magazine cover & article; you deserve it!!!

marble rose said...

CONGRATULATIONS on getting this Cynthia - you really deserve it - you keep my and my daughters so entertained and in awe - we love your posts!!!! I can;t imagine having something so precious in my kitchen for the children to look at - and I don't know if you could post to the Uk - but you never know!!!!

Thank you so much for you lovely blog. If you ever visit appletree cottage, you will see that I try my hardest to make my kitchen like your miniatures!!!

Fleur x

Vicki said...

Please, please I hope that I win this beautiful bakers stand. To own some-thing that you have made would be fantastic!!
sandie xx

Estefanía said...

Cynthia, enhorabuena!! me alegro mucho por esa publicación, pero no es de extrañar, ya que tus trabajos son increibles, dulces y delicados. De corazón, felicidades!!. Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo, sería un gran privilegio ganar uno de tus trabajos. Un beso.

Benita said...

I sent out a comment on facebook to let everyone know about your wonderful give away Cyn ~ I don't know why I did it though, just more competition for me !! LOL

Estefanía said...

Acabo de poner en mi blog, en el lateral, un enlace a tu sorteo. Un beso!

cunha said...

Hello Cynthia, great work you do, I love your cakes all of them, the way you put the things together is fantastic it looks like with life.

rosanna said...

OMG, THANK YOU !!! it's absolutely adorable and I know that each one of us would love winning it.
Congrats for the cover, it's a well deserved honour and I am glad you made it.
I'll keep fingers crossed.Have a nice day/night, Rosanna

prairiebirder said...

Thats a beautiful Bakers Rack. I would be thrilled to have this in my dollhouse.

Kim ( potstickers and pancakes ) said...

Beautiful, please count me in! Congratulations on your magazine cover.....awesome!!! Blessings, Kim

Claudia said...

Congratulations! You must be thrilled. I would love to be entered in this giveaway - I'm 'renovating' a used dollhouse as i write this.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Cynthia,
I have been coming in lurking at your minis *a lot* lately because they bring me a bit of happiness during what is a difficult time in my life.
They are reminiscent of a time when life was sweeter and simpler. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us following your journey.
I get AM each month and look forward to seeing your article.

Margaret said...

What an amazing giveaway, please count me in. And congratulations on having your work published, how exciting,you deserve it.

Unknown said...

:shock: Quiero ser la ganadora, pues me encanta su trabajo.


Unknown said...

Tambien he puesto un enlace en mi blog, en la barra lateral. Cruzare los dedos ;)


Anonymous said...

FYI - I just shared your link on my FB wall and I ordered myself a NOV '11 copy of American Miniaturist. Can't wait for it to arrive... and also check out your deep dish apple pie tutorial. Thanks for the fun, Cyn! Love always, Sara (Spencer & Megan's Mom) ;)

Rosamargarita said...

FELICITACIONES Por la publicación de tus trabajos en portada! Lo merecen son fantásticos.
Eres muy generosa en ofrecer esa pequeña obra de arte, es preciosa.
Me encantará participar.
Ah Felicitaciones por tu próximo cumpleaños
Un abrazo

Rosamargarita said...

Lo he anunciado en mi blog
Un abrazo

Gina said...

Congratulations! This is a sweet giveaway. It may be just what I need to pull my dollhouse out of the basement & begin working on it again.

Sonya Badgley said...

Hi Cynthia,
Congratulations on the magazine article and cover! Wow! What an honor but I'm not surprised...your work is exquisite! I would love the chance to win one of your beautiful creations, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia ,I love all your sweet minatures ... you do such a great job .. congrats on being recognized by the magizine .... fantastic !!!!

Jen said...

Oh Cyn, I am so happy for you! I would love to win this bakers rack to start my daughter a sweet mini cottage. <3

Kate said...

Congratulations, cover girl! Aren't you sweet to be sharing your good fortune by having this marvelous're going to make one miniaturist very happy!

prairiebirder said...

I wrote a post on my blog about your adorable rack and I added a link from my blog to this post.

Julie said...

What an amazing giveaway! Please include me!

rose cat cottage said...

Bravo Cynthia for the cover you deserve it! And please count on me for your give away I will add the picture on my blog, not today but during the week-end sure. You are so enthusiastic and to have one of you precious minis it is to be on the moon.... Godd luck to anyone! Enjoy your day Cynthia and mini hugsa, doei, claude

Mondodifavola said...

Oh what a beautiful bakery rack!

I'm happy to participate to your giveaway: I really admire what you do!



Maru said...

Felicidades por la publicación, te lo mereces por tus maravillosas obras. Y gracias por pensar en nosotras con este giveaway. Me encantará participar.
Un beso.

Maru said...

Acabo de poner el link en mi blog.
Un beso.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy of course you truly deserve your minis ....please count me in for the more than generous giveaway :D Linda x

Anonymous said...

Added to my blog...woohoooo 2 chances!!!! :D Linda x

Titta said...

HI!!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Your blog is so wonderful!!! I copy photos to my blog :)


Manderley de GuindillayCanela said...

The giveaway is absolutely wonderful! I love it. Congratulations for you work.


Manderley de GuindillayCanela said...

Hello again!
I just put the picture on my blog, wish me luck!


Diane Mars said...

OMG I would love to win, please do add me to your drawing and best of luck to another wonderful Year! Hugs, Diane

Marta said...

Ooohhhhh!!! congratulatios!!! I understand you are on the moon. And if i win the giveaway i'll be on the moon with you!!! It's so wonderful, and it could be a perfect birthday's present for me..... Your link is in my blog, and i go now to facebook. Thak you and congratulatios again. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Barbara not anonymous...I just moved house and uncovered my miniature collection from the 70's About time to dust it off,display it and add to it. This would be a great start. Thank you for some fantastic inspiration.

clare said...

Congratulations!! Your miniatures are beautiful and I would love to take part in your very generous give away. xx

miniacollection said...

What a wonderful and gorgeous giveaway! Your work is always so beautiful. Please count me in.
Congratulations on your work being the cover of the American Miniaturist! You deserve it.

miniacollection said...

I very gladly put the phot of your giveaway on my blog.

Rosella said...

Fantastic giveaway! I love this!your minis are very beautiful!
Congratulations on your 50th Birthday and on the magazine article!
Please count me in your giveaway.
Thanks and kisses from Italy

Rosella said...

hello! I come back! I put your link on my blog.
Thank you very very much

klara said...

The giveaway is absolutely wonderful! I love it.
I am looking forward to the magazine as I am a subscribed already

dreamkeeperfae said...

Wonderful news! Your work deserves it. And what a wonderful give a way that is, love it!

A happy follower of your blog, ;), love, Andrea

Karin said...

Congratulations,I know that feeling, I was also at the cover of our Dutch dollhouse magazine!

I love your giveaway, please count me in?

Greetings, Karin.

Karin said...

ps. one week ago I turned also 50!

Greetings, Karin.

Ana said...

Hello! I am left speechless at seeing so wonderful together. I icondicional fan of his work, and I love to participate. I hope to get lucky. The announcement on my blog at the sidebar. Thank you so much for this wonderful drawing.

Ana said...

Congratulations for the publication and cover their work. You really deserve it!

Daisy said...

Congrats on your 50th Birthday and on the magazine article!
Please count me in.
Your work is always so beautiful. Please count me in.

Daisy said...

I put in facebook:!/daisycarpi

Unknown said...

Felicidades por la publicación en la revista, tu trabajo lo merece!
Soy seguidora y admiradora de tu blog, siempre encuentro trabajos muy bonitos en él.
No puedo resistirme a participar de tu giveaway!
Gracias por compartir tus obras.

Congratulations on the publication in the journal, your work deserves it!
I am a follower and admirer of your blog, I always find it works very nice.
I can not resist to share in your giveaway!
Thanks for sharing your work.

Flora said...

I see that I am the last (for now) of a long list ... But I am happy to congratulate you on this well-deserved goal, since I am the lucky owner of one of your sweet creations, and I know how they are perfect and worthy :-)
Not that I hope to win but ... you never know ;-)
Meanwhile, many mini sweet hugs :-)

NarinaNäpertää said...

OMG! Your giveaway is SO beautiful!!

I'd LOVE to take part in it, so will you please count me in.

Congratulations your coming 50th Birthday and on the magazine article! Your works really deserves it =0}

MiniHugs, Irina

NarinaNäpertää said...

I've put a link to your giveaway on my blog's sidebar

MiniHugs, Irina

malu2 said...

Felicidades Cynthia,por la publicacion en la revista, la verdad que no me extraña, tus trabajos son espectaculares, me gustaría participar en tu sorteo.
Besos desde España de las Malu´s.

malu2 said...

Cynthia, hora mismo lo publico en el lateral de mi blog, que todo el mundo se entere.
Besos desde España de las Malu´s.

Fabiola said...

Congratulation for the cover of American Miniaturist!
The giveaway is superb! Thanks.
Bye Faby

Unknown said...

Congrats Cynthia for your cover! You really deserve it! I'd love to win that price, everything you do is so charming!
Count me in the giveaway!
Hugs! :)

Fabiola said...

I put the link of this giveaway on my blog.
Bye Faby

Angela Alpaugh said...

New follower who is blown away by your talent! Congratulations on your magazine feature! I would love to win this giveaway!


kimsminiatures said...

Nothing better than a give~away and yours is lovely Cynthia. Congratulations on your cover. Hugs~ Kim

Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia

Your miniatures are really sweet.
I would like to participate in the give away
Thank you


patrisan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
patrisan said...

I would like to partecipate at your beautiful giveaway!!
I love your works!

rosanna said...

Done !! your giveaway is on my blog ((^_^)) I couldn't leave behind a second chance ;o)
Thank you again, Rosanna

Lena said...

Hello Cynthia!
Please let me particiapate this beutiful give away!


Lena said...

I have also link to this post on my blog.
Congratulations on your magazine cover! I love all your sweet things!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Cynthia.... On the Cover and your birthday!!! This would look awesome in my Tea room that I am working on... Would love to win. Your work is amazing!!!

Soffy said...

Congratulation for on your magazine cover. this giveaway is so beautiful.I cross my finger.hug from Paris

Arantxa Fariña said...

Hi Cynthia!!!

Congratulations for you Birthday and for your work published in American Miniaturists

I would like to partecipate at your beautiful giveaway!!
And your giveaway is on my blog!!

Sewn With Grace said...

Congratulations! You did it!! I have been a fan of yours for quite some time and I'm thrilled that you are acknowledged this way!

Anonymous said...

Hola Cynthia, lo primero muchas felicidades por tu publicacion, aunque no me extraña haces maravillas y ahi esta reflejado, perfecto, mi enhorabuena, el regalo es una preciosidad, cruzare los dedos haber si hay suerte, besos.

Anonymous said...

Hola, pongo tu sorteo el mi sidebar de mi blog, de nuevo felicidades, besos.

Erin said...

Congratulations. I love minis.


becky said...

tienes un blog magnifico,me encanta lo que haces¡¡¡apuntame a tu sorteo por favor¡¡¡

Minteriors said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an honor. You do beautiful work, so it seems befitting for you to be acknowledged. The little baker's rack is wonderful. Whoever wins this lovely little work of art will truly be blessed. My fingers are crossed. : )

Little Things By Anna... said...

Congratulations on the magazine! That is so exciting! Your mini baker's rack is adorable! How sweet of you to do such a great giveaway!

Becky said...

Congratulations! What a lovely cover.

And thank you so much for the opportunity for the giveaway.

{oc cottage} said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh do I want this!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!
{and HUGE congrats to you!!! HOW EXCITING!;}

m ^..^

Caroline said...

Cynthia, I am going to say a prayer that I win this!!!!! I know it would look beautiful in my own dollhouse....well the dollhouse that is still in the box, in my spare room and is going to be shabby chic just like my real home!!!! Congrats on making the cover, you definitely deserve it. Your work is amazing.

mintwonderland said...

hey!! your blog are amazing!! love all your work! following you now :p

karen said...

I would LOVE to win! My daughter and I have just started working on a dollhouse together and it's been so much fun searching for tiny treasures! We would both LOVE this!

Unknown said...

Ohhh que regalo mas bonito. Merece que se le haga una escena solo para lucirlo¡¡¡¡ Encantada de participar Es alucinante¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Y por supuesto aprovecho las dos ocasiones de poder participar en la blogosfera y en facebook.
Besitos¡¡¡¡ Carmen

Unknown said...

parabéns pela publicação na revista
os seus trabalhos soa realmente fascinantes, adorei tudo e tornei-me sua seguidora
estarei atenta ao que for fazendo.
obrigada pela oportunidade de poder receber esse lindo prémio.´

by Sonya said...

Hi Cynthia,
Congratulation for your great goal on American miniaturist!
I'm very happy for you!
Please count me in your wounderful give away....I'm crossing on my body to have luck!
I put the link on my blog!
A lot of kisses

Lainie said...

Congratulations! I know you're so excited and should be! I love your little baker's rack. It's just adorable!

Jackie said...

Congrats on your achievement! I do love all of your creations and want each and every one of them. I have been working on a dollhouse for many years, and would love the bakers rack! Thanks for the give away!

SaMiRa73 said...

Hi Cynthia! First of all: Congrats to your birthday and the cover! I hope that I can get that issue. And....!
Greetings from Germany, Sandra

Piikko said...

I knew it!! I knew it!
Everybody wants to win this draw!
Well, me too!!!
I put your link on my blog.

Hugs, piikko

LeJenMiniature said...


Congratulations ! I just love your beautiful creations. Really hope to be the proud owner of your great creation.

Thank you


Kathy H said...

That bakers rack is just so sweet. I have a miniature bear that a friend taught me how to make and he would love to have that rack and the little goodies on it. COngratulations on being in the magazine. That must be so exciting. ANd happy birthday too.

Susan Freeman said...

Congrats on being featured in Miniaturist! A well deserved honor. Of course I would absolutely love to win your adorable baker's rack. You know how much I love minis!! Thanks for the opportunity and I will post about this on facebook too. Once again, I am so happy for you ~ you deserve the recognition!!

Susan and Bentley

Kaisa said...

OMG, I love your little wonders. It is so beautiful. Wish me luck!

Patty said...

Cynthia, CONGRATULATIONS on your article and making the cover!!! How exciting for you and all of the readers of A.M. They are in for a treat to be able to see your wonderful creations! I would LOVE to have a chance of winning this darling baker's rack!!! Please sign me up!!

Patty said...

I have posted a link on my blog too!!! My fingers are crossed!!!! :)

dalesdreams said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity, this is a fabulous give away and I'd love to win this! :)
dale :)

dalesdreams said...

I shared about your giveaway on my fan page on facebook. :)

cockerina said...

I followed like a shadow on your Etsy, admiring all that you do, open mouth, and with a little envy, for your extraordinary talent ... Now, I finally found your blog, and nothing and no one will prevent me from participating!
ha ha!
I'm going to put your link on my blog .. I'll be back :))


cockerina said...

That's it, I put the link on my blog!
come and see?

good luck to all participants, but I hope to win, of course!
thank you for this second chance, and many kisses from Italy!


Doortje said...

Een heel sweet giveaway schrijf me in aub .Heel fijn dat je voor op het tijdschrift komt, ik kijk er naar uit.

Margriet said...

Congratulations with your publication on the cover of American Miniaturist!!!

I love the bakers is sooo beauriful!
So please count me in for the give away :-)

Margriet said...

I've posted about your give away on facebook and I linked to it on my Blog :-)

Gweaneth said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your article and making the cover!

Gweaneth said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this fabulous give away.
I've posted on my faceboook.

Thank you again :-)

Terefer said...

Que maravilla de miniaturas, que maravilla de blog; me encantaria participar en tu sorteo. Pongo el link en mi blog. Un abrazo y gracias.

PAKY said...

Hello Cynthia! You will not believe it, but I just met your blog through Patty's blog. Seeing your work, I haven't hesitated to be a follower of your blog, because your work is very elegant and well made. I see quite logical that they have published your work and wish you many congratulations on that. Will understand that being new, not just tell your former supporters, however, if you have it, I would love to participate. I will put your giveaway on my blog sidebar, And I invite to you on my blog, where I celebrate another giveaway... Thank you for such generosity! A hug, Paqui

Mondodifavola said...

Here I am again...I have put the link to this post on my blog...and I have also bought the magazine!!!

Little Kisses,


Kikka N said...

Hi Cynthia! Just found Your Lovely blog, you do very Beautiful and Charming work! Joined to be your follower.

I Love your Giveaway also...
Please count me in.

Kikka N said...

Hi Cynthia...
I forgot to Congratulate you so...
CONGRATULATIONS for the American Miniaturist.. and The coming Anniversary... and also for the huge amount of followers! :)

I have also put a link into my blog about your Giveaway.

Quynh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quynh said...

Congratulation Cynthia, your work is fantastic. They are so amazing. Please count me in the give away. I wish that I could win this draw. It's so beautifullllll ^-^

Mincka said...

Hi Cynthia
what a big surprise for you! A well deserved cover picture! Love your work.

and i m really the only one here who really really REALLY like to win your give away LOL

warm greetings, Mincka

Mincka said...

did share your news on Facebook:


ciria said...

me gustaría mucho participar en el sorteo, son unas minis divinas,he puesto un enlace en la barra lateral de mi blog un saludo :)

Unknown said...

Olá querida, quero participar desse seu lindo sorteio e desde já estarei torcendo por mim mesma, pois amei sua idéia de dividir conosco alguns de seus trabalhos...Beijokinhas...

Unknown said...

Olá , olha eu de volta só para avisar que já estou fazendo propaganda do seu sorteio no meu blog, acabei de postar a foto e o link para quem quiser participar também...Beijosssssss

Chris P's Minis and More said...

Congratulations Cynthia how exciting for you!! So happy and lOVE your darling give away!! Count me iN!!!

b_e_i_s_ said...

i would like to participate, please count me in!!! Your work it's amazing!!!!
Thanks a lot!!!

Rietje said...

Congratulations with your cover. I'm looking forward to read the article.
Count me in for the giveaway please!!

Flor said...

Pero que regalo más hermoso!!! Por favor cuenta conmigo Ü ¡Que afortunado quien gane semejante maravilla!!!!
Ahora voy a ponerlo a mi blog ( ;
Un abrazo

Sandra said...

congratulations - well deserved too! Your work is always an inspiration to me and you deserve to have the recognition so that many others can appreciate it too. Please count me in for the giveaway and thank you for the opportunity - it would be a real thrill to actually win this lovely item. Sandra (Snippets from my Studio)

Woolytales Miniatures said...

well deserved! our minis are just amazing!!!
please please count me in!!!!*grin*

Unknown said...

Thank you for all of your inspiration. I would also love to
join in on your great give away. Thank you

FabShabbyRoses said...

Oh My this bakers rack is absolutely gorgeous! Love your work. Please sign me up for your giveaway! Someone is going to be very lucky!

Anonymous said...

Cynthia Congrats to making it on the cover! Your items are so nice! They look like you can just start to eat them. I just love looking at your items, so very pretty.

Sylvia said...

I love your blog! I found it by accident when looking for pictures of romantic interiors on Google. It took me a few minutes to realize that I was looking at a miniature room! LOL Please enter me in your giveaway.

MelyGiunta said...

Complimenti per le tue mini, sono davvero bellissime!Si vede che sono fatte con amore, sono stupende!!
Partecipo molto volentieri al tuo giveaway e ti ringrazio per la splendida opportunità
Un bacio

Maribel said...

Me gustaría participar en tu sorteo para tener la oportunidad de conseguir esas miniaturas tan bonitas. Lo pondré en mi blog. Besos

sylvia said...

Congratulations, I know the feeling when you are on the front page is, it has happened three times now myself, twice in the Netherlands and one in Spain and I went to hop like a little girl.
I would like to join your giveaway, it looks great!

Un Taller de Miniaturas said...

Congrats on the well deserved cover!! Your work is so sweet... I love it :))
I'd like to participate in your fantastic giveaway. Please count me in!!

Un Taller de Miniaturas said...

I put the link on my blog, and I keep my fingers crossed :))

Kelli said...

This is a lovely blog, I not only love miniatures but love baking in real life too. Your bakers rack is magnificent in the details, and I would very much like to be in your giveaway as well! A big congratulations, and an early Happy Birthday to you!!! =)

Cynthia Taylor said...

Congratulations on the magazine - what a thrill! And who wouldn't love to win this beautiful baker's rack?! Happy Birthday wishes and many blessings to you!

Cynthia Taylor said...

I shared the fun on Facebook - good luck everyone!! p.s. Love the songs on your blog :)

Unknown said...

Today I found your blog first time. I don't no why? You are wonderful. I'm your follower. And please include me to your wonderful giveaway.
Hugs from Craftland

Unknown said...

Hello Cynthia,
I put a link to your wonderful giveaway to my blog.
Hugs from Craftland

LindaSonia said...

What a remarkable artist you are... Congrats on your cover girl status!!

Susan said...

Oh how beautiful is this! I would love to win!

Jarmiina said...

Congrats! I'm in.

linda said...

Oh Cynthia count me in!! I'm going to post it on my facebook! I've collected your items as you know but I just LOVE this , it's so me! Don't-cha think?! :-)

Your bakery items are the BEST and to have more would be the icing on the cake! Couldn't resist tee-hee :-)

XO Linda

linda said...

Here's second comment to add to my chances! It's on my facebook :-)


Linda said...

Heartiest congratulations on your achievement, Cynthia. I cannot even beging to imagine the talent you must have - and dare I say patience?! How beautiful your work is, and I can almost taste the frosting on that wickedly good-looking cake! Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful works of heart in celebration! You are very kind AND sweet!

Linda at Beautiful Ideas

ShabbyESP said...

Hello Cynthia,
Please enter me in your sweet giveaway!!!
Please let me win :-)

Thanks so much!
Suzann ~xoxo~

Gail said...

Goodness gracious, you're one talented lady. I used to do miniatures and know from experience making small things well is very, very HARD. I'm thinking about re-entering miniature hobby again after viewing your blog and flipping over to the magazine on which you are featured.

Katherines Corner said...

Cynthia congratulations how wonderful. What a generous giveaway too. Thank you s much for opportunity to win one of your beautiful miniatures. Big Hugs!

Myric said...

Oh wow! I jumped right in your blog as soon as I read this from OC cottage. I feel like a little girl all over again!!!
Oh I would love to have this. I could die of it's cutenes!!!


riekie said...

I am a big fan of your blog! Your minis are great!
What a generous giveaway too. Thank you s much for opportunity to win one of your beautiful miniatures.

CrisColás said...

This is a wonderful giveaway!!! I want to participate, please count on me. CONGRATULATIONS for the article in the magacine. Your miniatures are marvellous.

Titti said...

Oh, this would be such a great (and wonderful!) thing to have in my bakery that I'm currently working on! Count me in! :-)

Terri Gordon said...

Hello Cynthia, CONGRATULATIONS, your work is soooooo beautiful! What a wonderful giveaway, I would treasure your beautiful work, I just found you and am a follower now. Happy Birthday early, 50 is great. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri

Anonymous said...

Cynthia!!! I'm NOT surprised that you finally made it to the COVER of AM!!!!! WHAT an accomplishment!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! God Bless You in all your future endeavors!!!! Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

I'm in AND I posted it to my Wall on FB!!!!!

Kristen said...

Your attention to detail is amazing! Lovely work.

Jollie said...

Dear Cynthia,

Congratulations with your cover and article on the American Minaturist!!!
You deserve it because you are so talented :-)
I love the give away that you made to celebrate this with us. Would you be so kind to count me in too please?

Hugs Jollie

p.s. thanks for the country fair cupcake it was delicious!
And oh yes... you are right... miniatures do make us feel younger... they bring out our inner child ;-)

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Oh my! Oh my! How I would love to win this precious miniature work of art! I do have a dollhouse and I could certainly find a place in it for this treasure!

Deborah in NC

Basketcase Miniatures said...

Congratulations on being "published" - and I'm sure everyone would love to win this give-away! Cheers -

Debra said...

Hi Cynthia! I adore your creations! Your blog is such a treat to visit (pun intended)! Thank you for the chance to win the bakers rack.

Lora said...

I love your miniatures! I just started following your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi, Just gotta say, you definately deserve to be on that cover. Your miniatures amaze me! I can't even imagine how long they take. You add such darling detail to every single little (and I mean little thing). I would be in 7th heaven if I was lucky enough to win this! Thanks so much for giving us this opportunity and a BIG congrats to you! All the readers are going to love it!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Cynthia,
I posted about your give away on my side bar. So, so Cute! I thought I was already following you, but couldn't see me, so now following you.

janice15 said...

It's no do such a fabulous job...they are everything wonderful...CONGRATULATIONS CYN...LOVE JANICE

Anonymous said...

Cynthia- didn't realize we are the same age. You look great- I think it's playing with little toys that does it!!

Congratulations on making the front cover!! Your creations are so very deserving. I don't know how you have the patience for such intricate tiny creating!

bee blessed

Charlene said...


I am so thrilled for you. I am not surprised you made the cover...the detail on your pieces is amazing. You can see the love you put into them. Warmly,


pinkkandy said...

Happy Pink Saturday...I am running late this week-end..but am trying to stop by as many pink friends as I can..I always get inspired by each blog....
God Bless You................

tinydreams said...

Hallo Cynthia,
was für ein toller Erfolg - die eigene wunderschöne Miniatur auf einem Titelblatt!
Gratulation - und noch viele schöne Ideen für weitere grandiose Miniaturen.
Würde mich sehr freuen, Dein tolles Geschenk zu gewinnen.
Herzliche Minigrüße

Anonymous said...

What a great honor, and what a wonderful world too!!!shay

NanaDiana said...

Well, I just KNEW that you would be truly "discovered" someday because I have never seen ANYONE ANYWHERE that can duplicated real life the way you do in miniature. You are the best!

I hardly ever sign up for giveaways but I will ask you to sign me up for this one. I just dragged the doll house out that my bil built for my kids. It is an exact replica of his grandmother's house. I am determined to fix it up and make it beautiful again. The exterior is wonderful but interior needs re-doing. Do you know she had a baker's rack in her kitchen? So...I got my fingers crossed on this one!

Enjoy your moment of fame because you SOOO deserve it...and I think you are going to get bigger (NOT your butt!;>) and you will become famous in your own right. That was a good decision you made a year ago to change your direction! Kudos! xo Diana

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