Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Baking and Creating ...

Hello Friends! As usual, it was a busy "baking and creating" couple of weeks. We have a dusting to an inch or so of snow covering the ground and for the most part the weather has been pretty nice here in NY. But this is the time of year where I get antsy for Spring! I do enjoy the cozy feelings of winter though and the time it allows to stay inside and give myself permission to not run around or feel bad about being inside all day too though! After all, that's where the minis are :) So I spent time working on new miniatures for a friend and also designing and working on the farmhouse/romantic prairie kitchen. I have lots left to do on the kitchen, but of course I'm going to upload a few more sneak peeks :) Lets see how this works as I still have not completely figured out the new blogger format. I sure wish it was easier to design like the old blogger! So here we go....

I've been working on a new cupcake recipe and I'm so happy with how they turned out! It's actually not the cupcake itself , but the liners. As an artist, I think we are always looking for ways to improve on things we love, so for a couple days I considered myself a "mad scientist" until my experimenting paid off finally at the end of a long day. I love that feeling! And for me, it's such a fun process playing with clay and trying new things!
Aren't they cute?

I also spent some time creating new pie dishes too, I have always been such a fan of Jadeite in my own kitchen, so I couldn't wait to make some pie dishes that I had seen in Home Goods into miniature ones! One of my favorite ways to get inspired (besides blogs, pinterest etc.) is going into beautiful shops locally or places like Home Goods and seeing the neat kitchen-ware and then coming home and trying it myself :)

I love making pies, so the pie dishes were just another fun element to the day!
I think pie is my favorite dessert!

And last but not least here are a few more sneak peeks of the new kitchen I'm working on:

I just LOVE farmhouse and romantic prairie style! It's "country style" with new words basically, but it's always warm and inviting and filled with elements that speak of a well loved and lived in home.  
This is a peek at some elements I'll be using and I'm so thankful to Lidi Stroud for her beautiful work on this basket! Her talents are amazing and my sweet little basket is right at home here!  

I hope you enjoyed a few new photos and designs today! I actually think I might have figured out this blogger thing today! Yeah! I wasn't sure how this would turn out , but as you know I've been frustrated with each previous post before this and even though these 6 pictures took me an hour to get here lol, and I spent a lot of time reading "how to's" as I went along, I think it worked!? (Or, as my mother would say:) "By George, I think I've got it" :)

I wish you all a blessed week ahead and much love! Thank you always for leaving comments and being so sweet and so supportive! I read each one and I'm so thankful and appreciative too! 

Hugs and love, Cynthia 


Fabiola said...

Your cakes are delicious.
The basket is beutiful.
I like your scenes in the pictures.
Bye Faby

Candy said...

I love your cupcakes!! the pies are also so nice:)
Hugs, Candy:)

sera xi's said...

I love it. The flowers, the cup cakes.....all so sweet. Congratulations. Hugs.


Claudia said...

If you ever want to take orders for some jadeite pie plates and/or dishes, let me know! I would love some for my dollhouse.

Donna said...

Cynthia! favorite Kitchen Witch <3 Your creations are beyond belief! Perfection! Your blog was a lovely way to end my day :) xoxo Donna

Susan said...

Great job on blogger, Cynthia. It's always challenging to try something new.

Try making some of the photos bigger, too. I love to see your work in detail and up close! You are a fabulous miniature artist.

Love, love, love reading about what you are doing. Susan

Virginia isabel said...

Como siempre, un trabajo maravilloso.

Jenny said...

I love it all! The basket on the table with the linens and flowers. The bowl of brown eggs. The perfectly realistic cupcake liners. It's those perfect, little details that make it hard to tell if it's "real" size or mini size.

Mini Hugs,

Anne said...

Oh my those mini treats look good enough to eat!

miniacollection said...

Your work and photos always brighten my day.

Pearl said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! This is the best thing, Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.
More info

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! This is the best thing, Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.
More info